Title: Religion in the revolutionary era
1Religion in the revolutionary era
2Religion and the Revolution
- Except for the great awakening, no forces of
consequence had acted prior to the Revolution to
break down the social, economic, and religions
walls which divided the American colonies. - Indeed, there seemed to be a horror of
consolidation, tending to tear down any proposals
for unification. - So regnant was this feeling that the colonists,
many of them loyal members of the Church of
England, labored to prevent the introduction of
the Anglican episcopate into America lest it
begin a process of setting up a complete
autocratic hierarchy with centralized authority. - Because the Church of England had such a
traditionally centralized organization, it never
became a popular church in colonial America even
where it was established by law.
3Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- Nevertheless, certain intellectual factors as
well as economic and political, helped to prepare
the way for revolution and to bind the people,
out of necessity, into a confederation. - Among these were--
- the idea of fundamental law and the natural
rights of the individual as guaranteed by that
law - the social contract idea that government is
created by consent of the people - and the ideataught by Calvinthat when there is
oppression, the representatives of the people
have the right to resist.
4Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- Three religious factors, in particular, had an
important and direct bearing on the Revolution. - The first was the Great Awakening.
- In this great revival, the American colonists
discovered for the first time a common emotional
and intellectual challenge. - Intercolonial leaders such as Edwards,
Whitefield, and Tennent did much to foster
cooperation and union among various religious
groups and to lessen racial and denominational
tensions. - This emphasis, together with an increasing shift
of population throughout the colonies, helped to
create a sense of rapport. - By drawing many nominal adherents of the Anglican
Church into the fellowship of the evangelical
denominations the revival weakened the chain
which bound the colonies to England. - Since the Anglican Church was one of the
principal links between England and her
possessions, any noticeable decline in its
strength was bound to have an effect on relations
with the mother country.
5Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- 2. A second contributing factor was fear of
Anglican ecclesiasticism by evangelicals. - Since colonial Anglicanism was hindered by its
inability to administer confirmation and
ordination in America, it was natural that from
time to time some of its leaders would agitate
for the establishment of an episcopate which
would make these functions possible. - The sending of a bishop to America might actually
have been a step toward independence, for it
would have whetted the American appetite for
6Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- 2. A second contributing factor was fear of
Anglican ecclesiasticism by evangelicals. - But evangelical leaders, principally
Congregationalists and Presbyterians, strongly
objected to this attempt on the ground that it
was another excuse for interference from the
British government. - Between the years 1766 and 1775 these two
denominations held joint conferences to combat
ecclesiasticism the principal effect of their
meetings was to promote a more favorable attitude
toward intercolonial cooperation. - While nothing came of the effort to establish an
American episcopate, the discussion stirred up
more discontent with England and its national
church and thus indirectly contributed to the
revolutionary cause.
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8Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- 3. A third factor was concern over the Quebec Act
of 1774. - In 1763 England had received the French dominion
in Canada as part of the settlement of the Treaty
of Paris which terminated the Seven Years War. - In return she had agreed to extend toleration to
Roman Catholics. - But eleven years later, when she included the
Northwest Territory, a triangular area between
the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers within the
boundaries of the Province of Quebec, a storm of
protest was raised. - It seemed to many Protestants that Roman Catholic
influence would be coming too close to New
England and the Middle Colonies for comfort. - The result was mounting tension culminating in
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10Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- During the pre-revolutionary era the pulpit was
the most important single force in the colonies
for the shaping and controlling of public
opinion. - The minister was usually the best-educated person
in the community and his words were regarded as
having considerable authority behind them, even
when they dealt with political philosophy. - When fired with zeal to preach independence and
resistance to royal authority, he could exercise
a tremendous influence over his congregation. - In light of the fact that Congregationalist,
Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, and Baptist
ministers were almost overwhelmingly on the side
of the Revolution and that they were supported to
a large extent by the Lutherans and German
Reformed, one can understand the importance of
the role played by the clergy in this tumultuous
11Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- The attitude of the ministry is well represented
in the sermons of the period. - The philosophy of John Locke is curiously blended
with illustrations from the OT. - George III is reminded of the fate of Rehoboam,
and communities which do not furnish their quotas
of men and money to the patriot cause are
reminded that the people of Meroz were cursed for
similar faults. - Compelled submission to the arbitrary acts of
legislators who do not represent the people is
contrary to the will of God and must be resisted. - So the clergy stirred the minds of their people
and fanned the flames of rebellion.
12Religion and the Revolution
- Background
- Edmund Burke, who understood the colonies as well
as any English man, reported to Parliament that
the Americans were largely Protestant dissenters
from the C of E. - They had grown accustomed to the freest
discussion of all religious questions, and this
had brought about extreme individualism. - The right of private judgment which they reserved
for themseIves in spiritual matters and the right
to elect and dismiss religious leaders had been
carried over into politics, a fact which
accounted for their pronounced liberalism. - But perhaps the most important factor in American
patriotism was the conviction that from the
outset God him self had guided their adventure in
the new land. - Fortified by a dream and a destiny, they could
not be overwhelmed.
13Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- No religious body surpassed the
Congregationalists in contributions to the
revolutionary effort. - The entire force of NE was thrown into the
struggle, and this force was started and
controlled largely by the clergy. - One Loyalist from New York wrote to a friend in
London that the NE ministers were wicked,
malicious, and inflammatory their pulpits were
converted into Gutters of Sedition and they
substituted politics for the Gospel. - Perhaps the most outspoken of these, ministers
was Jonathan Mayhew of Boston, a vigorous
opponent of the Stamp Act and the establishment
of episcopacy in America.
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17Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- One of his best- known sermons, entitled A Snare
Broken, was preached in Boston on May 23, 1776. - In it he said he had learned from the Bible that
wise, brave and virtuous men were always friends
to liberty that God gave the Israelites a king,
or absolute monarch, in his anger, because they
had not sense and virtue enough to like a free
commonwealth. - The NE clergy had plenty of opportunity to preach
on civil affairs on election days, days for
fasting and humiliation, and Thanksgiving days. - The election sermon was especially important
because it was preached before the governor and
the colony law-making body and then was
18Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- From their studies of Locke and Milton, the
ministers taught that civil government was of
divine origin and that rulers derived theft power
from God. - But rulers are limited by law and must not
transcend their rights. - If they do so then the people have the right to
resist. - The clergy could, of course, find plenty of
reasons why the people should resist the tyranny
of England. -
19Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- When hostilities actually broke out, the NE
clergy exercised great influence in raising
volunteers. - Presidents Samuel Langdon of Harvard and Timothy
Dwight of Yale advocated revolution and then
commended the war effort to their students. - Many ministers joined the army as chaplains or as
regular soldiers. - In fact, it was quite common for a clergyman to
become an officer of troops raised from his own
20Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- The dynamic and forceful John Cleaveland of
Ipswich, MA, is said to have persuaded his entire
parish to enlist and then volunteered himself. - David Avery of Windsor, Vermont, on hearing about
the battle of Lexington, preached a sermon in
which he called his congregation to arms. - He then bade them farewell and marched away at
the head of a score of volunteers, enlisting
others as they went along the way. - At Beverly, Massachusetts, Joseph Willard helped
to raise two companies which he escorted into
21Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- There were undoubtedly many instances in which a
zealous clergyman could win more recruits than a
seasoned veteran of many campaigns. - Those who could not go to war contributed much to
the cause of independence through their writings
and gave as liberally as their stipends would
22Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- Representative of Congregational laymen in the
revolutionary era was Samuel Adams (1722-1803). - Educated at Harvard, where he had been trained in
both theology and law, his thought was shaped
largely by Puritanism and the natural-rights
school of political philosophy. - His democratic psychology was grounded in the NE
town-meeting. - He believed fervently in the sovereignty of the
people and in their right to change their
fundamental law, along with its interpretation
and administration, whenever they desired. - This was because of his liberal faith that the
people were competent to judge their own good and
conduct their own affairs.
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25Churches and the Revolution
- The Congregationalists
- Samuel Adams
- Through his vigorous support of the revolutionary
effort he furthered the democratic ideals of his
compatriots and gave added force to the doctrines
being proclaimed from New England pulpits. -
26Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- As an ecclesiastical organization the Anglican
Church was, of all the denominations, most loyal
to the English king. - Yet out of its ranks came many of the most
outspoken patriots men who would give their very
lives for freedom from the tyranny of that same
ruler. - Among the clergy there was a strong inclination
at the beginning of the Revolution to remain
loyal to the crown. -
27Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- There are very few Loyalist sermons dating from
the war period now in existence. - Because of national sentiment it was extremely
hazardous for a Tory minister to preach his
political convictions. - In fact, Jonathan Boucher deemed it necessary to
preach with loaded pistols lying before him on a
cushion. - During one service he was actually forced out of
his church by a band of armed men.
28Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- In Virginia the majority of the clergy were
Loyalist, though a substantial minority, perhaps
one-third, was hostile to the English crown. - Among the laity of Virginia, overwhelming
support was on the side of independence with only
a portion adopting the opinions of the Loyalist
clergy. - In the northern colonies, especially
Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York, the
clergy were even more inclined toward loyalty to
England than in the South.
29Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- From New York the Reverend John Stuart wrote No
class was so uncompromising in its loyalty as the
clergy of the Church of Eng land in this State
and they in consequence did not fail to
experience the bitter effects of their own unwise
resolution. - The Reverend Charles Inglis of Trinity Church,
New York, in his Letters of Papinian, addressed
to John Jay and the people of North America,
attacked the revolutionary leaders in vehement
tones You will find these pretended enemies of
oppression the most unrelenting oppressors and
their little fingers heavier than the kings
loins. . . .There is more liberty in Turkey than
in the dominions of the Congress.
30Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- In NE, with the exception of Connecticut, most of
the clergy were forced to flee they took refuge
in New York, Canada, or England. - Those that remained followed the dictates of
necessity and were known for their peaceful
submission and quiet deportment. - Considering the fact that NE was the most zealous
of all the regions in waging the war for
independence, mere refusal to take a stand
against the British could be viewed as a form of
high treason.
31Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- No Tory minister in the colonies labored under
greater difficulties than the Reverend Samuel
Seabury (1729-1796) subsequently to become bishop
of Connecticut. - When the Revolution began, he was in charge of
the Westchester parish in New York and was busily
engaged in turning out a series of loyalist
pamphlets under the pseudonym The Westchester
Farmer. - In these pamphlets, which were written in an
unusually witty and engaging manner, he attacked
the Continental Congress and proposed peaceful
submission to Britain.
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33Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- Later, while in Connecticut, Seabury was seized
by a band of armed men and thrown into the New
Haven jail on a charge of authoring the
pamphlets. - After languishing in prison for a month he was
released for lack of evidence. - Upon returning to New York he was severely
persecuted. - Then, after the battle of Long Island in 1776, he
managed to escape to the British lines. - He became a chaplain in the kings army and was
assigned to a regiment of American Loyalists. -
34Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- All New York Anglicans. however, were not
Loyalists. - Dr. Samuel Provoost, later to become first bishop
of New York, fought on the side of the
Revolution. - And it was Alexander Hamilton, a Church of
England layman, who refuted the arguments made by
Seabury as the Westchester Farmer. - Other New York Anglicans of patriotic renown were
John Jay and Robert Morris.
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36Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- Philadelphia Anglicanism was more revolutionary
than that of New York. - Two of its outstanding representatives were
William Smith, Provost of the College of
Philadelphia, and Jacob Duché, rector of Christ
Church. - Duché served as the first chaplain of the
Continental Congress from 1774 to 1776, and
during that time no preacher could have done more
for the cause of freedom. - He is especially noted for his sermon The Duty
of Standing Fast in our Spiritual and Temporal
Liberties, - preached in Christ Church on July 7, 1775.
- Strangely enough, when the British captured
Philadelphia he went over to their side and later
fled to England where he became chaplain of an
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39Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- One of the most faithful leaders on the American
side was the Reverend William White of
Philadelphia. - At the time when the revolutionary cause was
closest to disaster he was offered the chaplaincy
of Congress, which he accepted even though he
knew that it might cost him his life if the
British were victorious. - He remained as chaplain until the close of the
war. - His influence had much to do with the decisions
of many clergymen to serve as army chaplains, and
the fact that the Anglican Church contributed the
third largest number of chaplains to the patriot
side was at least partially due to his efforts.
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41Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- It is significant that a large majority of
Anglican laymen were patriots, while two-thirds
of the signers of the Declaration of Independence
were affiliated with the Anglican Church. - In general, however, Anglican laymen were very
much divided in their allegiance. - In the Southern and Middle Colonies the majority
were patriotic, while in New England they tended
to side with the British. - In the South, most Whigs belonged to the Church
of England in New England no outstanding Whig
was an Anglican. -
42Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- It is significant that a large majority of
Anglican laymen were patriots, while two-thirds
of the signers of the Declaration of Independence
were affiliated with the Anglican Church. - In general, however, Anglican laymen were very
much divided in their allegiance. - In the Southern and Middle Colonies the majority
were patriotic, while in New England they tended
to side with the British. - In the South, most Whigs belonged to the Church
of England in New England no outstanding Whig
was an Anglican. -
43Churches and the Revolution
- The Anglicans
- Yet in all fairness it should be noted that the
Anglican Church had no legislative body in
America through which it could have expressed a
patriotic sentiment. - Its reputation was, of course, ruined by the
large number of pro-British clergymen. - Nevertheless, through many laymen as well as some
clergy, the church made a contribution to
American independence. - One need only look at the names of a few of its
distinguished membersGeorge Washington, James
Madison, Patrick Henry, John Marshall, Robert
Morris, John Jay, and Alexander Hamiltonto be
assured of that fact.
44Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- It has been asserted that the sturdy
Republicanism of the Presbyterians gave them an
influence over the course of the Revolution out
of all proportion to their numbers. - Many writings of Loyalist leaders have indicated
the amount of support given by Presbyterians to
the patriot cause. - Joseph Galloway, a Pennsylvania Tory, said that
the foes of the English government in 1774 were
Congregationalists, Presbyterians and
smugglers. - Concerning the composition of the Continental
army he reported that one-fourth were natives of
America, one-half were Irish, and the other
fourth were English and Scottish.
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46Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- While it is certainly true that the Presbyterian
Church took its stand in favor of independence,
it is worth noting that as late as 1775 the Synod
of New York and Philadelphia opposed a complete
break with the mother country and claimed that
it is well known to you (otherwise it would be
imprudent indeed thus publicly to profess,) that
we have not been instrumental in inflaming the
minds of the people, or urging them to acts of
violence and disorder. - On the other hand, the Synod endorsed the
Continental Congress as a body of representatives
duly elected by the people and commissioned to
secure and defend their natural rights. - Such action was thoroughly in harmony with the
Calvinistic theory of government.
47Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- British officials in the Middle Colonies,
however, seemed to be thoroughly convinced that
the Presbyterians were responsible in large
measure for the political events of the time. - John Hughes, the stamp distributor for
Pennsylvania, reported in 1775 that bigoted
Calvinists were ripe for open Rebellion when
they poisoned the Minds of the people enough. - The following year the Reverend Charles Inglis,
an Anglican Loyalist in New York, accused the
Synod of passing a resolution to support the
Continental Congress in all its measures he was
probably referring to the statement issued in
48Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- More malicious and unfounded was the report of
missionaries of the Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel in Delaware, who claimed at the
outset of the Revolution that the war had been
definitely planned by Presbyterians with the
object of gaining their own religious
establishment. - The first religious body in the colonies to
accept officially the Declaration of Independence
and identify itself with the revolutionary cause
was the Hanover Presbytery in Virginia. - In a statement directed to the Virginia Assembly
on October 24, 1776, it declared that we rely
upon this Declaration, as well as the justice of
our honorable legislature, to secure us the free
exercise of religion according to the dictates of
our consciences.
49Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- In 1778, when the British controlled
Philadelphia, the Synod was held at Bedminster
because Philadelphia was in possession of the
enemy. - It would seem definite that the Synod considered
itself on the side of the Continental army. - Nor could Abigail Adams have been entirely wrong
in her statement to her husband, John, that the
Presbyterian clergy are particularly active in
supporting the measures of Congress from the
rostrum, gaining proselytes, persecuting the
unbelievers, preaching up the righteousness of
their cause, and persuading the unthinking
populace of the infallibility of success.
50Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- A considerable number of Presbyterians were
leaders of the Revolution. - Many were graduates of the College of New Jersey
where they had first been exposed to the
principles of freedom of conscience and
government by the consent of the governed. - Nine of the colleges alumni became members of
the Federal Constitutional Convention in 1787,
and its president, - John Witherspoon (1728-1794), a Scottish
immigrant, was a memorable figure in political
affairs. - So prominent was he in the movement for
independence that he was characterized by John
Adams as an animated Son of Liberty.
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54Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- A great proportion of the Presbyterian clergy in
those days had come under his guidance, a
circumstance which partially accounts for the
fervid patriotism of those leaders. - Elected to represent New Jersey in the
Continental Congress, Witherspoon began to
agitate almost immediately for independence. - In 1776 he signed the Declaration of
Independence, being the only minister who was a
member of the Continental Congress when that
historic measure was enacted. - His service in the Congress continued until 1783.
55Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- In 1778 he signed the Articles of Confederation
on behalf of his state. - He was a member of the committee on foreign
affairs, the board of war, the secret committee,
and also the committees of finance and supplies
for the army. - In November, 1776, when the war was going badly
for the Americans, he and two others went to the
headquarters of General Washington to render
assistance in reenlisting the soldiers whose
terms had expired or were about to expire. - It is not difficult to understand why the
Reverend Jonathan Odell, the Tory satirist, who
quit his parish at Burlington, New Jersey, and
fled to the British lines in 1777, singled him
out for this vitriolic attack in verse.
56Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- George Duffield, chaplain to the Continental
Congress and pastor of the Third Presbyterian
Church, Philadelphia, was another outstanding
leader. - He was particularly noted for his direct and
forceful sermonic presentations, with their pithy
remarks, which prompted John Adams to observe in
a letter to his wife that Duffields principles,
prayer, and sermons more nearly resemble those of
our New England clergy than any I have heard. - The minister became chaplain to the army around
New York during the summer of 1776, and remained
with that body during the whole of that terrible
campaign. -
57Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- Perhaps the most romantic episode concerned James
Caldwell of the Presbyterian church at Elizabeth,
New Jersey. - It is said that when the militia at the battle of
Springfield ran out of wadding for their muskets,
Caldwell hurried to his church and returned with
an armful of Watts Psalm Books, throwing them to
the ground and crying out, Now, boys, give em
Watts! Give em Watts! - Caldwell and his wife were subsequently murdered
by the British.
58Churches and the Revolution
- The Presbyterians
- When the war finally drew to a close in October,
1781, Presbyterians rejoiced over the victory. - The following year the Synod sent out a Pastoral
Letter which spoke of the general and almost
universal attachment of the Presbyterian body to
the cause of liberty and the rights of mankind. - It then urged that prayers of thanksgiving be
offered for the achievement of independence. -
59Churches and the Revolution
- The Dutch Reformed
- The Dutch Reformed Church was fundamentally on
the side of freedom. - Unfortunately, since its congregations were
situated largely in areas where British might was
most vigorous, the church suffered acutely from
the war many edifices were destroyed and the
ministers were frequently driven from their
homes. - When the British captured New York, a number of
the church buildings were desecrated the Dutch
ministers fled the city and their congregations
were scattered.
60Churches and the Revolution
- The Dutch Reformed
- The denomination set aside days of fasting,
thanksgiving, prayer and humiliation during the
war period. - Thus, in 1775, the General Synod recommended its
churches in New York and New Jersey to set aside
the seventh of May as a day of solemn
humiliation, with fasting and prayer. - At the same time the church did what it could to
further enlistments in the Continental army. - Because of war conditions the synod did not meet
in 1776 and 1777. - After what the synod deemed a just and necessary
war had been terminated, it deposed Domine J. C.
Rubel for immoralities he was alleged to have
committed and for being a Tory.
61Churches and the Revolution
- The German Reformed
- In general the record of the German Reformed
Church was patriotic. - A number of the officers in the Continental army
such as General Nicholas Herkimer, the hero of
Oriskany, and Baron Frederick William Von
Steuben, a ruling elder in the Nassau Street
Church in New York, were from its ranks. - Many of the ministers also seem to have been
staunch supporters of independence. - At the outset of the war the Reverend John H.
Weikel got into difficulty for preaching on the
text, Better is a poor and wise child, than an
old and foolish king, who will no more be
admonished. - Michael Schlatter of Philadelphia was put in
prison by the British for favoring the American
cause, while William Hendel required armed guards
to protect him from pro-British Indians while
preaching in Lykens Valley, Pennsylvania.
62Churches and the Revolution
- The German Reformed
- Conversely, several German Reformed churchmen
favored the British. - The Reverend John Michael Kern of New York became
a Loyalist because he thought that the colonies
were not yet prepared for independence. - He emigrated to Nova Scotia but at the close of
his life returned to Pennsylvania, penniless and
sick at heart. - At the beginning of the struggle Dr. John Joachim
Zubly of Savannah, Georgia, played a prominent
part with the Sons of Liberty, armed citizens who
harassed British officialdom up and down the
country. - He was even sent to the Continental Congress as a
representative from Georgia. - But he did not favor separation from Eng land and
used what influence he had to combat it. - The result was that he soon lost his prestige and
was banished from Savannah in 1777.
63Churches and the Revolution
- The German Reformed
- In 1775 the Pennsylvania Coetus directed that a
day of general fasting, repentance and prayer
shall be held in all our congregations on the
last Wednesday in June. - That same year the Reformed and Lutheran Churches
joined in an appeal to the German citizens of New
York and North Carolina, calling upon them to
support the measures of Congress and the cause of
American freedom. - The Germans also helped to organize militia
companies which were prepared to march wherever
and whenever they were commanded.
64Churches and the Revolution
- The Lutherans
- The German Lutherans were not well organized in
America when the Revolutionary War began, and so
their contributions must be measured in terms of
the actions of various representative leaders. - By all standards, the family of the Muhlenbergs
was the most important of the Lutherans in
America. - Henry Melchior Muhlenberg the father, had
exercised a governing position over all the
Lutheran churches from New York to Georgia. - Though he maintained a standard of neutrality,
his sons were patriots.
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67Churches and the Revolution
- The Lutherans
- The German Lutherans were not well organized in
America when the Revolutionary War began, and so
their contributions must be measured in terms of
the actions of various representative leaders. - By all standards, the family of the Muhlenbergs
was the most important of the Lutherans in
America. - Henry Melchior Muhlenberg the father, had
exercised a governing position over all the
Lutheran churches from New York to Georgia. - Though he maintained a standard of neutrality,
his sons were patriots.
68Churches and the Revolution
- The Lutherans
- John Peter Muhlenberg was a pastor at Woodstock,
VA at the beginning of hostilities. - The Sunday after he had heard the news of Bunker
Hill he rose in his pulpit and told his
congregation that in the language of Holy Writ,
there is a time for all things. There is a time
to preach and a time to fight and now is the
time to fight. - At the close of the service he removed his pulpit
vestments and stood before the congregation in
the uniform of a Virginia colonel.
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71Churches and the Revolution
- The Lutherans
- He later became a breveted major-general and took
part in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown,
and Monmouth. - At Yorktown he was in command of the first
brigade. - In 1776 he was a member of the Virginia
Convention, and later represented Pennsylvania in
both the House and Senate of the United States.
72Churches and the Revolution
- The Lutherans
- Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg, his brother, was
pastor of Christ German Lutheran Church in New
York. - When the British approached the city in 1776, he
fled and became an assistant to his father. - From 1779 to 1780 he was a member of the
Continental Congress and was president of the
Pennsylvania Convention which ratified the
Federal Constitution. - During the years 1789 to 1797 he was a member of
the national House of Representatives and served
as its first speaker.
73Churches and the Revolution
- The Lutherans
- While Lutherans were predominantly in favor of
independence, some were loyal to the English
crown. - When the British captured New York the Reverend
Bernard Hausihl remained in the city and proved
himself to be a Tory. - Upon the evacuation of the city by the English
army, he and many of his congregation migrated to
Nova Scotia and settled near Halifax. - He later became a clergyman in the Church of
England. - In Georgia, the Reverend Christopher Triebner, a
German immigrant, went over to the British side
and at the close of the war moved to England.
74Churches and the Revolution
- The Baptists
- Baptist congregations gave intense support to the
movement for independence. - Persecuted as they were under English law, they
could not help but favor a cause which promised
them full liberty of conscience. - They supported the Revolution because they hoped
for fairer treatment under the new government and
because idealogically their democratic polity and
compact theory of government harmonized more
nearly with the principles which ruled the
patriot side. - The Baptists suffered excessively at the hands of
the British.
75Churches and the Revolution
- The Baptists
- When the English army took possession of Newport,
Rhode Island, in 1776, they burned the Baptist
meetinghouse and parsonage and imprisoned the
minister. - From that time Rhode Island Baptists worked
actively for the Revolution, even though it meant
uniting with the Congregationalists, who had once
bitterly persecuted them. - Isaac Backus, the Baptist historian, stated that
in Massachusetts the Baptists were so completely
united in the defense of their country that when
the General Court of Boston passed an act in
October, 1778, listing 811 men who were enemies
of the government and should not be permitted to
return, not a single Baptist was on the list.
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78Churches and the Revolution
- The Baptists
- In 1774, the Warren Association, composed of
Baptist churches in NE, met under the leadership
of Isaac Backus, President Manning of Rhode
Island College, John Gano, and Morgan Edwards. - Backus was sent to Philadelphia to petition the
Continental Congress for full religious liberty. - The attempt met with failure and the Baptists
turned to the provincial congress of
Massachusetts where once again their overtures
were rejected. - The Baptists, nevertheless, did receive some
recognition for their patriotic activities.
79Churches and the Revolution
- The Baptists
- In 1779, Samuel Stillman, pastor of the First
Baptist Church of Boston was commissioned to
preach the annual election sermon. - The principal thesis of his homily was that the
foundation of civil society is the consent of the
governed. - Election should be free and often, and
representation should be as equal as possible.
The sacred rights of conscience are among the
inalienable rights of mankind and can never be
controlled by any human authority.
80Churches and the Revolution
- The Baptists
- Virginia Baptists were particularly militant In
August, 1775, they issued an Address which
stated that because of the oppression in America
it was perfectly lawful to go to war, and that
they ought to resist Britain because of her
unjust invasion, her oppressive tyranny, and her
repeated hostilities. - Numerous Baptists responded by enlisting in the
army. - In Culpepper County, Thomas McClanahan recruited
a company of Baptists and led them into service.
81Churches and the Revolution
- The Methodists
- At the beginning of the Revolution Methodism was
still new to America. - In all the colonies there were only 19 preachers
and 3148 members. - In general this group was regarded as
unpatriotic, thanks largely to the pronouncements
of John Wesley. - Until 1775 Wesley had disapproved of the
repressive measures taken by the British
government. - But then he read Dr. Samuel Johnson Taxation No
Tyranny, and was so convinced that he wrote A
Calm Address to the American Colonies, in which
he condemned the colonists for their actions
against the crown. - This created rabid hostility to the Methodists
which was not relieved when, in 1776, Wesley
called John Hancock a felon and urged the
Americans to lay down their arms.
82Churches and the Revolution
- The Methodists
- Most Virginia Methodists hurried to the defense
of the Established Church. - A large proportion of their missionaries had only
recently arrived from England and, of course,
remained loyal. - Leaders such as Martin Rodda and Thomas Rankin
became pronounced Loyalists. - Even Francis Asbury refused to take the oath of
allegiance in Maryland and was forced to flee to
Delaware where clergymen were not required to
take the oath. - Some were pacifists, as in the case of Jesse Lee.
83Churches and the Revolution
- The Methodists
- By 1778, every Methodist minister sent out by
Wesley had left America, with the exception of
Asbury, and he was in forced retirement. - Methodists were frequently persecuted.
- During the years 1778 to 1780, few gains were
made outside Maryland and Virginia where the
Anglican Church was strong and not entirely
opposed to the Methodist societies.
84Churches and the Revolution
- The Methodists
- A number of Methodists refused to follow their
English leaders and went over to the patriot
side. - Among the native preachers there were many
patriots such as Freeborn Carrettson, Philip
Gatch, and William Watters. - But their contributions were not sufficient to
relieve Methodism of the contempt which had been
placed upon it. - Despite all disabilities, however, the Methodist
revival was carried forward in the South by 1781
the membership throughout the country had risen
to 10,539.
85Churches and the Revolution
- The Friends
- Contributions of the Friends to the Revolution
were relatively meager. - With the exception of a minority who believed a
defensive war to be justifiable, they opposed war
because they felt it could not he justifiable by
its results. - At a time when feeling ran high and physical
resistance was regarded as the only proof of
loyalty, such a position practically amounted to
treason. - But a close examination of the facts will show
that while the majority of Friends were opposed
to war most of them tended to be anti-British.
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87Churches and the Revolution
- The Friends
- In 1765, fifty of them signed a non-importation
agreement as a means of passive resistance. - What the Loyalists counted on was the
conservatism of the old Quaker families and the
strong resolutions passed by the Quaker meetings
against violent resistance to the civil
authorities. - Actually, about 400 members of the church were
disowned for participating in the war efforts of
the patriots, while only six were similarly
disciplined for aiding the British. - Friends were expelled not only for joining the
army, but also for fitting out an armed vessel,
making weapons of war, and even assuming a
military appearance.
88Churches and the Revolution
- The Friends
- The faction which held that armed resistance is
justifiable broke with the orthodox group and
founded the Free Quakers or Fighting Quakers,
a sect which lasted well into the nineteenth
century. - Among them were Thomas Mifflin, who subsequently
became Quartermaster General and governor of
Pennsylvania, and Nathanael Greene, who succeeded
Muffin as Quartermaster General. - None was more famous than Betsy Ross, who made
the first American Stars and Stripes. - When the British, under General Howe, were in the
vicinity of Philadelphia in 1777, a number of
prominent Friends alleged to be pro were arrested
and removed to Winchester, Virginia, where they
were held in confinement throughout the winter.
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91Churches and the Revolution
- The Friends
- After the Continental army reentered Philadelphia
in the spring of 1778, the Quaker residents
became targets of malicious attacks inspired by
feverish patriots. - Their homes were ransacked, their farms
despoiled, and their property seized when they re
fused to pay war taxes. - School teachers were thrown into prison for
refusing to take an oath of allegiance others
were kept in jail for months without being
brought to trial.
92Churches and the Revolution
- The Friends
- In New England the Friends, were treated with
greater favor. - Early in the war the Rhode Island Legislature
passed an act which granted exemption from
military service to persons who could prove they
held membership in a Quaker meeting. - But the misuse of the provision by unworthy
persons soon led to its repeal. - A new enactment provided that Friends, upon being
drafted, might elect to pay for a substitute if
they refused to do so, their property would be
93Churches and the Revolution
- The Friends
- In view of the terrible hardships experienced by
the revolutionaries in Rhode Island and the
apparent Loyalist leanings of the Friends at
Newport, such legislation seems to have been
mild. - In Massachusetts, where Friends were to be found
in considerable numbers, the government adopted a
policy similar to that of Rhode Island.
94Churches and the Revolution
- The Mennonites and Moravians
- Most of the Mennonites in Pennsylvania, like the
Friends, favored the American side, but refused
to engage in hostilities. - Only a few were Tories, and these emigrated to
Canada at the close of the war. - Their main division came over the question of
whether they should pay the war tax. - A group led by Christian Funk thought they should
pay it the majority, notwithstanding, felt
otherwise, and Funk and his followers were forced
to withdraw in 1776 and form a separate religious
body. - On the whole the Mennonites suffered little
persecution, although they contributed nothing
beyond a few supplies to the patriotic cause.
95Churches and the Revolution
- The Mennonites and Moravians
- The Moravians furthered the revolutionary effort
in various non-military ways, but were badly
treated by both sides. - They offered their buildings at Bethlehem to be
used as hospitals for the Continental army and
furnished the army with much-needed supplies. - Some rendered noncombatant service, as in caring
for wounded Continental soldiers. - Probably their greatest service was rendered
through their missions to the Indians.
96Churches and the Revolution
- The Mennonites and Moravians
- In the opening years of the struggle, David
Zeisberger kept the Delawares from going to war
with the settlersa most important service in
days when every man was needed to fight the
British. - During the course of the war Zeisberger and his
associates were twice summoned to Detroit and
accused of espionage, but they were able to
prove their innocence. - Their Indian converts, inspired by pacifist
principles, did their utmost to dissuade hostile
natives from going on the warpath as well as to
warn settlers of planned attacks.
97Churches and the Revolution
- The Mennonites and Moravians
- Their motives were frequently misjudged by both
sides during the winter of 1781 they suffered
terribly from exposure and lack of food, having
been driven by the British from their homes. - Finally they were granted permission to go back
to their settlements along the Tuscarawas River
in Ohio to gather food. - Here the Christian Indians welcomed a company of
American militia who, they supposed, had come on
a friendly mission. - Instead they were crowded into two buildings and
ruthlessly slaughtered. - Only two boys in the party of 96 escaped alive.
98Churches and the Revolution
- The Roman Catholics
- The year 1776 found Roman Catholicism in America
neither populous nor well organized. - But its adherents supported the Revolution whole
heartedly in the hope that they might gain more
toleration, since only in Maryland and
Pennsylvania did they enjoy anything
approximating religious liberty. - As the war advanced, their influence grew,
especially after the Roman Catholic countries of
Spain and France had recognized the United
99Churches and the Revolution
- The Roman Catholics
- Father John Carroll, later archbishop, worked,
though unsuccessfully, with a committee of
Congress in an effort to win the French Canadians
to the cause of independence. - Among the Roman Catholic signers of the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
were Thomas Fitzsimmons, Daniel Carroll, and
Charles Carroll of Carrollton. - A number of Roman Catholic volunteers enlisted in
the army and navy. - Several Roman Catholic regiments were organized,
including Congress Own, the Catholic Indians
from St. John, Maine, and the Catholic
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101Churches and the Revolution
- The Roman Catholics
- There were also a number of Roman Catholic
officers who came from Ireland, France, and
Poland to give their services to the cause of
liberty. - Only a few Roman Catholics were Tories.
- In Philadelphia, a Roman Catholic regiment was
recruited in 1777-1778, while General Howe and
his troops occupied that city. - It was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Alfred
Clinton, then a member of St. Marys parish.
102Churches and the Revolution
- The Roman Catholics
- On July 4, 1779, the French minister and first
diplomatic representative to the United States,
Conrad Gerard, invited the American officials in
Philadelphia to attend a Te Deum in St. Marys
Church to celebrate the third anniversary of
American independence. - When the news of the surrender at Yorktown
reached Philadelphia, the French minister again
invited the Congress to attend a service of
thanksgiving in the Roman Catholic church. - These actions did much to place Roman Catholics
in a favorable light and to establish their
prestige among the American people.
103Churches and the Revolution
- The Roman Catholics
- It is thus understandable that in response to a
letter of congratulations from the Roman
Catholics, President Washington should have
written of their part in the struggle for
independence I presume your fellow-citizens
will not forget the patriotic part which you took
in the accomplishment of their revolution. - While the American churches can scarcely be held
responsible for the precipitation of the
revolutionary conflict, there were elements
within them which fostered the national desire
for liberty. - There was a religious temper in America which
bred discontent with the former order.
104Churches and the Revolution
- The Roman Catholics
- Not only did the majority of church bodies in the
colonial period have politics which favored
democracy or republicanism, they experienced a
higher degree of religious liberty than was to be
found in any other country of the world. - Where religious liberty is found in part a demand
for political freedom will come in like manner. - The Christian churches supported the cause of
independence, not because they hoped to profit
from it in a materialistic way, but because of
their profound conviction that every man has the
right to live in freedom and worship his Maker
according to the dictates of his own conscience.
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106The Churches in A Period of reorganization
107Churches and Reorganization
- With the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown
in 1781, American independence had at last been
achieved. - An American nation, however, waited to be born
out of the conflict and confusion which
characterized the opening years of autonomous
108Churches and Reorganization
- At the completion of independence, America was
thirteen rather than one the Articles of
Confederation had, to be sure, established a
loosely knit confederacy, but its power was in
name only. - The spirit of localism forgotten for a time in
the flush of revolutiona