UNIT 4 Writing A Constitution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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UNIT 4 Writing A Constitution


UNIT 4 Writing A Constitution The Philadelphia Convention of 1787 is considered part of the Constitutional Era * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: UNIT 4 Writing A Constitution

UNIT 4Writing A Constitution
  • The Philadelphia Convention of 1787 is considered
    part of the Constitutional Era

Key Terms
  • Constitution, a document that sets out the laws,
    principles, organization, and processes of a
  • Bill of Rights, a list of freedoms that the
    government promises to protect
  • Execute, to carry out the laws
  • Ceded, to give up lands
  • Articles of Confederation, a very loose alliance
    of 13 individual states

Key Terms
  • Currency, money
  • Land Ordinance of 1785, a system for settling the
    Northwest territory
  • Northwest Ordinance, a government for the
    territory that guaranteed basic rights to
    settlers and outlawed slavery
  • Depression, a period when business activity
    slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment
  • Shays Rebellion, a 1786 revolt in Massachusetts
    led by farmers in reaction to high taxes

Sequence of Events
  1. Second Continental Congress meets
  2. British forces are defeated and Revolutionary War
  3. Philadelphia Convention commences
  4. Election of the first President of the United

The States Write Constitutions
  • Two Reasons
  • 1- spell out rights of citizens
  • 2- limit power of government
  • Virginia adds a Bill of Rights
  • 1- trial by jury
  • 2- freedom of religion
  • 3- freedom of speech
  • Other states followed Virginias lead

Objectives of States and Colonies
  • Divide power
  • 1- executive, all but Pennsylvania had Governors
  • 2- Legislature, elected by the people
  • More people had right to vote
  • 1- white males over 21
  • 2- own certain amount of property
  • Or
  • pay certain amount of taxes
  • 3- for a time, New Jersey allowed some women to
  • 4- a few states allowed property owning African
    Americans to vote

Articles of Confederation Problems
  • Continental Congress was drafting a plan for the
  • Felt it was needed to unite the nation in order
    to win independence
  • Problems
  • 1- hard to write and get all states to approve
  • 2- States did not want to give up power to
    Central Government
  • 3- did not view themselves as citizens of one

The Articles of Confederation
  • First American Constitution- created a loose
    alliance between the states
  • 1- declare war
  • 2- appoint military officers
  • 3- coin money, make
  • 4- take care of foreign affairs

The Articles of Confederation
  • 1- nine states had to approve a law in order for
    it to take effect
  • 2- could not regulate trade
  • 3- had no power to tax, had to ask states
  • for money
  • 4- states could not be forced to contribute
  • 5- no president to carry out the laws
  • 6- no federal courts to settle conflict
  • between states
  • A- states retained sovereignty
  • B- No President or Chief executive
  • C- only one representative per state
  • D- Considered as the League of Friendship

Dispute Over Western Lands
  • Maryland refused to ratify Articles unless states
    ceded land claims west of the Appalachian
  • Feared landed states would become too powerful
  • One by one states agreed to cede their lands
  • Virginia was last as Jefferson persuaded
    lawmakers to give up their claims
  • Articles of Confederation was ratified by
    Maryland in 1781 and the New America could at
    last go into effect

Weaknesses of the Confederation
  • 1-By 1783, the United States had won its
  • 2-The Revolution did not solve the
    Confederations problems
  • Conflicts Between States
  • 1- disputes continued to develop
  • 2- Central Government had no power to settle
    state to state problems

Weaknesses of the Confederation
  • 1- United States had won its independence but at
    a cost of millions in debt to individuals and
    foreign governments
  • 2- there was no way to repay loans
  • 3- states often refused to give to the government
  • 4- Continental dollars had little or no value
  • 5- money was not backed by gold or silver
  • 6- States printed their own money which caused
    confusion in other states as to the value

Weaknesses of the Confederation
  • 1- Britain did not follow the terms of the Treaty
    of Paris
  • 2- Refused to withdraw troops from Ohio Valley
  • 3- Spain closed Port of New Orleans to American
  • 4- Port closures were a major set back for
    western farmers
  • A- Lack of an executive
  • B- Lack of Judiciary
  • C- Unable to collect taxes

Admitting New States
  • Congress passed laws on how to govern Northwest
  • Lands north of the Ohio River and east of the
  • Defined how they could become states

Land Ordinance of 1785
  • Territory to be surveyed and divided into
  • Townships divided into 36 sections of one square
    mile each
  • Sections would be sold for 640.00 each
  • One section of each township was set aside to
    support public education

Land Ordinance of 1785
Chapter 7, Section 1
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
  • Provide way to admit new states
  • After 60,000 free settlers were in a territory
    they could request Congress to become a state
  • All states had equal footing with original states
  • In time, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and
    Wisconsin were admitted as states from the
    Northwest Territory

  • After the revolution the nation was in an
    economic depression
  • Farmers were hit hard, the war created a demand
    for their products and now there was none
  • Farmers had over borrowed and now they could not
    repay their loans
  • In Massachusetts, taxes were raised and courts
    seized farms for back taxes
  • Daniel Shays, a Revolution veteran organized a
    revolt in 1786
  • They attacked courthouses and prevented the state
    from seizing farms
  • Troops was sent in to drive them off

A Convention is Called
  • Shays rebellion was a sign that the Articles of
    Federation did not work
  • Leaders called for a convention to discuss
  • They met in Philadelphia in May 1787
  • The convention would create an entirely new
    framework of government

The Constitutional Convention
  • Philadelphia
  • May 25, 1787
  • Main Purpose- revise the Articles of
  • The Constitutional Era

Ideas Behind the Constitution
  • What did American leaders learn from studying
    ancient Rome?
  • What traditions of freedom did Americans inherit
    from Great Britain and from their own colonial
  • How did Enlightenment ideas shape the development
    of the Constitution?

the Founding Fathers Learned From Ancient Rome
  • Founding Fathers the patriots who laid the
    groundwork for the United States, such as Madison
    and Jefferson.
  • They admired the Roman Republic. They created a
    republic, a government in which citizens rule
    themselves through elected representatives.
  • They admired Roman citizens who served the
    republic out of a sense of public service.
  • They saw the collapse of Romes republic as a
    warning. They wanted to avoid a dictatorship, a
    government in which one person or small group

Traditions of Freedom
  • Magna Carta
  • English monarchs themselves had to obey the law.
    For example, the king could not raise taxes
    without consulting the Great Council.
  • English noblesand later, other peoplehad
    rights, including rights to property and the
    right to trial by jury
  • English Bill of Rights
  • It stated that parliamentary elections should be
    held regularly.
  • It upheld the right to trial by jury.
  • It allowed citizens to bear arms.
  • It affirmed the right of habeas corpus, the idea
    that no person could be held without being
    charged with a specific crime.

The American Experience
  • Constitutional Tradition
  • Mayflower Compact, the first document of
    self-government in North America
  • written colonial charters
  • Revolutionary Era
  • memory of grievances against the English king,
    expressed in the Declaration of Independence
  • experience of the Second Continental Congress
  • experience with the Articles of Confederation
  • experience with state governments and state

Teachings of the Enlightenment
  • John Locke
  • Two Treatises of Government
  • All people have natural rights to life, liberty,
    and property.
  • Government is an agreement between ruler and
    ruled. The ruler must enforce the laws and
    protect the people.
  • If a ruler violates the peoples natural rights,
    the people have a right to rebel.

  • Baron de Montesquieu
  • The Spirit of the Laws
  • The powers of government should be clearly
  • There should be a separation of powers, that is,
    the powers of government should be divided up
    among branches of government so no person or
    group gains too much power.
  • A government should have three separate
    brancheslegislative, executive, and judicial.

Leading Delegates to the Convention
  • When the Constitutional Convention met on May 25,
    1787, to consider a new system of government,
    every state except Rhode Island sent
  • The Constitution was written

Revolutionary Leaders Present
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • 1- oldest delegate, age 81
  • 2- signed the Declaration of Independence
  • George Washington
  • 1- president of the convention
  • 2- lead colonial forces during Revolution

New Generation of Leaders
  • Nearly half of the 55 delegates were in their
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • 1- Had served as Washingtons private
  • secretary
  • 2- he despised the Articles of
  • Confederation
  • 3- he wrote The Nation is sick and wants
  • powerful remedies
  • 4- he wanted a strong central government

New Generation of Leaders
  • James Madison
  • 1- probably the best prepared delegate
  • 2- he worked for months learning about
  • history, politics, and commerce
  • 3- he was a quiet and shy young man but
  • very intelligent
  • 4- he influenced others delegates on the
  • structure of a democratic government
  • 5- Today he is often called the Father
  • of the Constitution

Secret Debates of the Constitutional Convention
  • Delegates wanted to keep debates secret from the
    general population
  • Wanted to be able to speak their minds freely
  • Explore issues without outside influences and
  • To keep the talks secret, the windows remained
    shut which made room conditions extremely hot
  • An obvious precaution against danger would be to
    divide the trust between different bodies

Two Rival Plans
  • Virginia Plan
  • Proposed by Edmund Randolph and James Madison of
  • ___________________
  • Supported by the large states
  • New Jersey Plan
  • Proposed by William Paterson of New Jersey
  • ___________________
  • Supported by the small states

Two Rival Plans
  • Strong national government with three branches
  • 1- legislative- passes laws
  • 2- executive- carries out laws
  • 3- judicial- courts decide if law are carried
    out fairly
  • Supported by small states

Two Rival Plans
  • Legislative- two houses
  • ___________________
  • Seats awarded on state size
  • __________________
  • Larger states to have more representatives
  • Legislative- one house
  • ___________________
  • Each state gets one vote
  • ___________________
  • Both would be equal representation

The Great Compromise
  • Large states wanted two houses of Congress with a
    states representatives decided based on
  • Small states wanted a one house Congress and two
    senators for each state
  • The Compromise- a two-house legislature
  • Members of the lower house- House of
    Representatives- would be elected by popular vote
  • Seats would be awarded based on the states
  • Members of the upper house- the Senate- would be
    chosen by state legislatures.
  • Each state would have two senators

The Great Compromise
  • Three-Fifths Compromise
  • 1- Southerners wanted to include slaves in the
  • population count to determine seats in the
  • even though they could not vote
  • 2- Northerners objected since slaves could not
    vote they should not be counted
  • 3- The Compromise- three fifths of the slaves in
  • state could be counted to determine
    representation and taxation

The Great Compromise
  • The Slave Trade
  • 1- Northerners wanted to ban slave trade
  • 2- Southerners said a ban on the slaves
  • would ruin the economy
  • 3- The compromise- Congress would not
  • outlaw the slave trade for at least 20
  • years
  • 4- After 20 years, Congress could regulate
  • the slave trade
  • 5- No state could stop a fugitive slave from
  • returned

Signing the Constitution
  • Many difficult questions faced the delegates
  • 1- How many years should the President serve
  • 2- How should the system of federal courts be
  • 3- Should members of Congress be paid

Ratification and the Bill of Rights
  • What were the key issues in the debate between
    the Federalists and the Antifederalists?
  • How was the Constitution finally ratified?
  • How was the Bill of Rights added to the

Key Issues in the Debate Between Federalists and
  • Federalists
  • for a strong federal, or national, government.
  • The Constitution gave the national government
    enough power to function effectively.
  • The Constitution still protected the rights and
    powers of the states.
  • James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
    wrote a series of essaysThe Federalist Papers
    -to explain, defend, and promote the
  • The Constitution already protected the rights of
    citizens well enough.
  • Argued for a strong Central Government
  • Published anonymonsly

  • Anti-federalists
  • against the Constitution.
  • The Constitution made the national government too
  • The Constitution made the states too weak.
  • Insisted upon a Bill of Rights
  • Patrick Henry gave a speech saying that, under
    the Constitution, the President had too much
    power and that someday a President might try to
    become king.
  • The Constitution had no bill of rights to protect
    natural rights, such as freedom of speech and

  • The first election under the Constitution for
    President and members of Congress was held in
    January 1789.
  • The first Congress met in New York City. Congress
    turned its attention to a bill of rights.

A Bill of Rights Was Added
  • To amend, or change, the Constitution, Congress
    followed the process established in the
  • Congress proposed twelve amendments.
  • The amendments went to the states for their

A Bill of Rights Was Added
  • By December 1791, three fourths of the states had
    ratified 10 of the 12 amendments.
  • These 10 amendments became known as the Bill of

First Amendment
  • Safeguards individual rights freedom of
    religion, speech, the press, the right to
    assemble peacefully, the right to petition the
    government to change its policies.

Second Amendment
  • A well-regulated militia being necessary to the
    security of a free state, the right of the people
    to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Third Amendment
  • Congress may not force citizens to put up troops
    in their homes.
  • A grievance listed in the D.O.I. which resulted
    from the Quartering Act

Fourth Amendment
  • Citizens are protected from unlawful searches of
    their homes and property

Fifth Amendment
  • People cannot be forced to incriminate, or give
    evidence against, themselves.

Sixth Amendment
  • People are guaranteed the right to a speedy and
    public trial by a fair jury.
  • The accused have a right to know the charges
    against them and who is making the charges.

Seventh Amendment
  • Provides for juries in civil, or non criminal,
  • 6th and 7th Amendments over rule pretended

Eighth Amendment
  • Forbids excessive bail or fines and cruel and
    unusual punishments.

Ninth Amendment
  • Makes clear that citizens rights are not limited
    to those listed in the Constitution.

Tenth Amendment
  • All powers not given to the national government
    or denied to the states are reserved for the
    states or for the people.

The Writing of the Constitution

  • Articles of Confederation creates weak national
  • Trade and money problems arise between states
  • Foreign nations take advantage of weak government
  • Shays Rebellion breaks out
  • Convention meets to revise Articles of


  • New government includes President and two-house
  • Power is divided between national and state
  • Compromises allow slavery to continue
  • States debate and ratify Constitution
  • Bill of Rights is added


  • United States is worlds oldest continuing
    constitutional democracy
  • Debate about federal versus state power continues
  • Amendments extend rights to more citizens
  • New democracies look to the Constitution as a
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