Title: MODIS Bridging from AVHRR to VIIRS
1MODIS Bridging from AVHRR to VIIRS
- Chris Justice
- Dept. of Geography
2MODIS Land Remote Sensing
- Heritage of MODIS for Land monitoring was the
AVHRR (spatial/temporal) and Landsat TM
(spectral) with improvements in spatial and
spectral resolution, calibration - 500m Land Bands, Two 250m channels (included
based on the popcorn cloud argument as ASTER
would give the high resolution!) - Additional Bands suited to Atmospheric Correction
and Cloud Detection - Mid IR Fire Band, Additional Thermal capability
- Good band to band registration
- On-board calibration
- MODIS Facility Instrument to provide the
systematic measurements in support of NASAs
Earth Science Strategy - Instrument compromises to accommodate land,
ocean, atmosphere - MODIS has provided a new era in Land Remote
4Initial MODIS Products
(MOD for Terra/MYD for Aqua)
MOD01 Level-1A Radiance Counts
MOD02 Level-1B Calibrated Relocated Radiances
MOD03 Geolocation Data Set MOD04 Aerosol
Product MOD05 Total Precipitable Water
MOD06 Cloud Product MOD07 Atmospheric
Profiles MOD08 Gridded Atmospheric Product
(Leve MOD09 Atmospherically-corrected Surface
Reflectance MOD10 Snow
Cover MOD11 Land Surface Temperature
Emissivity MOD12 Land Cover/Land Cover
Change MOD13 Vegetation Indices
MOD14 Thermal Anomalies, Fires Biomass
Burning MOD15 Leaf Area Index
FPAR MOD16 Surface Resistance
Evapotranspiration MOD17 Vegetation
Production, Net Primary
Productivity MOD18 Normalized Water-leaving
Radiance MOD19 Pigment Concentration
MOD20 Chlorophyll Fluorescence
MOD21 Chlorophyll_a Pigment Concentration
MOD22 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
MOD23 Suspended-Solids Conc, Ocean
Water MOD24 Organic Matter Concentration
MOD25 Coccolith Concentration MOD26 Ocean
Water Attenuation Coefficient
MOD27 Ocean Primary Productivity MOD28 Sea
Surface Temperature MOD29 Sea Ice Cover
MOD30 Temperature and Moisture Profiles
MOD31 Phycoerythrin Concentration MOD33
Gridded Snow Cover MOD34 Gridded Vegetation
Indices MOD35 Cloud Mask MOD36 Total
Absorption Coefficient MOD37 Ocean Aerosol
Properties MOD39 Clear Water Epsilon
MOD43 Albedo 16-day L3 MOD44 Vegetation Cover
Note All products except MOD/MYD 43,44, are
Standard Products
5US Land Heritage Products for MODIS
- AVHRR Vegetation Index
- NASA/NOAA Pathfinder Vegetation Index GSFC DAAC
production 8km - NOAA Global Vegetation Index 16km
- Vegetation Condition Index
- Vegetation Fraction
- Albedo Climatology
- GSFC PI VI product 81- Present (GIMMS) gt
Pathfinder 2 Reprocessing 8km - AVHRR 1km US Vegetation Index USGS EDC
- AVHRR Snow Product - 25km NOAA NESDIS
- Multi sensor approach under development at NOAA
- Active Fire
- GOES W. Hemisphere - NOAA NESDIS
- GOES Albedo W. Hemisphere, LST NOAA NESDIS
- Additional PI based AVHRR Land Products
- AVHRR 8km Land Cover and Continuous Fields - UMD
- AVHRR Global 1km IGBP Discover (92-93) Land Cover
stitched 1km global data sets (92 97)
discontinued USGS EDC - AVHRR LAI 8km - BU
Blue Operational Products
6MODIS Land Remote Sensing
- MODIS science team selected to oversee instrument
development and develop the science products - building on at launch heritage algorithms
(primarily AVHRR) - post launch improvements using MODIS instrument
characteristics - instruments became the focus for NASAs Remote
Sensing R and D - Heritage AVHRR gt MODIS Products (Time Series
Approach) - V.I. gt (Tucker/GIMMS, Huete/SAVI, etc) gt Huete
inc. EVI - Phenology gt Land Cover Classification
(Townshend/Justice, Malingreau et al) gt
Strahler/Friedl et al - Grassland Productivity (Tucker et al.), NPP/GPP
(Prince, Goward et al.) gt Running and Nemani - Land Surface Temperature (Becker et al ??) gt Wan
et al. - BRDF (Kimes, Strahler et al) gt Strahler/Schaaf
- LAI (Myneni) gt Myneni
- Fire (Matson, Justice/Giglio) gt Justice/Giglio
- Vegetation Continuous Fields (Townshend/Hansen)
gt Townshend et al
7MODIS Land Team2001
Science Team Members / Science Data Support Team
/ DAAC Reps
8MODIS Land Products
- Energy Balance Product Suite
- Surface Reflectance
- Land Surface Temperature, Emmisivity
- BRDF/Albedo, NBAR
- Snow/Sea-ice Cover
- Vegetation Parameters Suite
- Land Cover/Land Use Suite
- Land Cover/Vegetation Dynamics
- Vegetation Continuous Fields
- Vegetation Cover Change
- Active Fire and Burned Area
9Improved Global Land Data Sets
- International Coordination of Global Land Data
Products - ISLSCP (Sellers, Bolle, Rasool) gt FASIR (GCM
oriented products) - IGBP-DIS (Townshend/ Justice/ Malingreau)
- AVHRR Global Land Cover 1km international
coordination - AVHRR Global Fire (JRC)
- GOFC/GOLD gt IGOL (Townshend / Belward et al.)
- New Products Developed with MODIS improved
radiometry/geometry - Surface Reflectance gt Vermote and Saleous
- Albedo/NBAR gt Schaaf et al
- Vegetation Change gt Townshend et al
- Burned Area gt Roy et al
- Two MODIS Instruments offer improved surface
characterization (10.30am, 2.30pm ) - BRDF
- Fire Diurnal Cycle
- Similar Products from European Instruments
- ATSR, MERIS, Vegetation
10MODIS Instruments
Aqua Launch May 04, 2002 First Image June 26,
Terra Launch Dec. 18, 1999 First Image Feb. 24,
- BRDF and Atmospheric effects (water vapor,
aerosols) investigated Holben (1986) - Discussions with Bob Frazier, Yoram Kaufman,
Didier Tanre (LOA) - Justice and Tanre Sahel Water Vapor and Dust
effects - Holben Hand held Sun photometers gt AERONET
- Vermote and Saleous Stratospheric Aerosol
Correction - Mt. Pinatubo and El Cheech and Chong
gt AVHRR Pathfinder 2 - MODIS Surface Reflectance (Vermote and Saleous )
- Aerosol retrieval Radiative Transfer AERONET
- Emphasis on Physical Quantities less concern
with image cosmetics - Evolved with ancillary inputs
- AERONET (Holben et al) Internationally
Federated Network - Needs to be maintianed
- A critical terrestrial in-situ network for the
land community - Science Oversight of Level 1b Data Quality
(Vermote /Xiong) - Dominated by the oceans community
12AERONET-An Internationally Federated Network
Research Enabling Project Program of long term
measurements Homepage access http//aeronet.gsfc.n
asa.gov/ Mission Objectives Validation of
Satellite Aerosol Retrievals Characterization of
aerosol optical properties Synergism with
Satellite obs., Climate Models
13A Paradigm Shift EOS MODIS QA and Validation
- Explicit and Systematic QA (Production QA,
Science QA ) (Roy) - QA Metadata
- Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (Roy,
Devadiga et al) - EOS Explicit Validation Program for Systematic
Products - Need for products of known accuracy for science
and applications - Developing validation concepts independent
accuracy assessment - Scaling issues BIGFOOT et al.
- Hierarchical Approach GHOST (GTOS/Running)
- Stages 1, 2, 3 developed
- Stage 3 Global Statistically Robust Validation
- IGBP DISCOVER Belward / Loveland
- Requires international collaboration
- CEOS Cal-Val Working Group (Belward gt Ungar)
- Traditionally All Cal and No Val
- Recognized need to only distribute Validated
Products - CEOS Land Product Validation (LPV) Working group
(Privette /Morisette) - Goal to have validation included (budgeted) in
the satellite missions - Develop Community Accepted Validation Protocols
- Promote validated products
14AVHRRgtMODIS Data Processing
- GIMMS PI Processing (Very Low Budget Data System)
- Scientists generating and using the data
- Limited dissemination with growing demand
flatline budgets - Data set improvements and reprocessing
- Community consensus algorithms
- DAAC data generation and distribution - lacked
close Long Term science oversight - NOAA maintained own processing system
- GIMMS Continued Processing (Pathfinder 2 Vermote/
Saleous) - MODIS Data Processing
- EOSDIS (Large Budget System with Distributed
Functions) - Evolved to Science led processing (MODAPS)
Masuoka/Wolfe et al - Science oversight of production system w. P.I.s
using the products - Managed testing and reporcessing
- Distribution stayed with EOSDIS
- Current phase of EOS Evolution
- Reducing the cost of production and distribution
- Competition for data system functions needed to
allow for community innovation
15MODIS Land Products
- All standard products have been Peer reviewed
Algorithm Technical Background Documents
available - All standard products have routine Quality
Assessment - All standard products are / will be Validated
(accuracy assessment) - Old versions of products are replaced following
reprocessing the latest product version will be
distributed - Code freely available for MODLAND Products user
beware, software tools available to facilitate
use - Direct Broadcast Code also available for select
products - All products are available free of charge User
Guides available - In depth documentation and information available
on the Web - Plans are underway for Long Term Archiving of
final version of land products by USGS
16Shifting MODLand Science Team Emphases
Algorithm Development and Testing, Initial Coding
Instrument Performance Evaluation
algorithm revision/recoding Product Testing
and Beta Generation gt Provisional Distribution
Product QA and Validation / Code Revision
First Major Reprocessing gt Stage 1
Validated Product Distribution gt Feedback
Increased Outreach Science/Application
Refining Products to meet User
Needs Completion of Stage 2
Validation Collection 5
Reprocessing Instrument
Current Emphasis 2003, 2006 Science Team
recompeted. Data processing continuing
17Increasing Number of MODIS Direct Broadcast Sites
(P. Coronado/GSFC)
(Freely Available Code for Fire Detection)
- 82 Ingest sites around the world for Terra/Aqua
DB downlink - List is located on the Direct Readout Portal
- Web based MODIS fire servers in Australia,
Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Europe, Russia - Opportunity for code sharing Land DB workshop
18MODISgtVIIRS Land Remote Sensing
- MODIS products now being explored and adopted by
applications users - Enhancements needed in both products and delivery
systems for applications users e.g. MODIS Rapid
Response, SCF Distributed Products, Web Fire
Mapper - Validation necessary for operational products
- Product continuity needed with VIIRS
- MODIS is a test bed for development of the next
generation operational products and data systems - MODIS lessons learned need to be considered for
the next generation moderate resolution system
NPP VIIRs gt NPOESS - Transition from Research to Operations is
19GLobal Agricultural Monitoring (GLAM)
- USDA / NASA Cooperation
- Upgrade from AVHRR 8km to MODIS
- Establish Data Continuity
- NRT MODIS Rapid Response Data
- Customized products
- MODIS Crop Mask / Type Mapping
- MODIS/AVHRR Time-series Data Base
- Improved GUI for Information Extraction
- Develop an Operational FAS Prototype based at
GSFC - Prepare for use of NPP VIIRS
Project website http//tripwire.geog.umd.edu/usda
20FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management
Supporting Protected Area Management
Terra and Aqua
Strategic Fire Management to control or
suppress fires
Interactive Web GIS Maps
Establish fire record to help formulate fire
Email Alerts
Early Warning Disaster Management
Ecological Monitoring
Validating fire risk maps
MODIS Rapid Response
Prioritization of resources Analyze fire
responses staffing levels
Cell phone Text messages
Modeling fire emissions
Identify poaching activity
Primary Partners UNEP, UN FAO
Active Fire Locations Burned Area Product
MODIS subset color composite images
21MODIS gt VIIRS Land Remote Sensing
- VIIRS designed for Operational Users
- Weather Service and DOD Primary Users -
- Several MODIS Products have been adopted for
VIIRS as operational Environmental Data Records - MODIS Code used as point of departure for most
land EDRs - Climate Scientists are a junior class of VIIRS
Data Users - Science Quality Products need to be defined and
owned by science users (Climate or Earth
Science Data Records) - Need for Earth Science Data Records for the
Science Community in addition to the VIIRS
Operational Products (EDRs) - NASAs role TBD
- Data System needs to be overseen by scientists
(as with MODIS) to ensure needs are met - Science Data System will be needed (MODAPSgt Land
PEATE) - Non EDRs e.g. LAI, VCF, Burned Area,
- Composited Products
- Reprocessing will be needed VIIRS Products will
need Science QA and Validation
22Land EDRs Use Most Bands
Large Degree of Product Heritage in MODIS Land
A suite of land products based largely on the
MODIS algorithms using equivalent bands NASA NPP
Science Team currently evaluating the EDRs
VIIRS validation program currently being
23Current Trends in Moderate Resolution Land Remote
- Collection 5/6 the end of planned reprocessing of
MODIS Land Products user feed back - Collection 5 workshop planned Jan 07 UMD
- Exploring improved distribution systems LAADS
- AVHRR provides the start of the Moderate
Resolution Long Term Data Record (LTDR) continued
by MODIS and VIIRS - Pathfinding study underway for LT Data Records
(Vermote et al). - NASA focus on moving from Missions to
Measurements - evolving Measurement Teams to strengthen linkages
between instruments, data systems and science - Encouraging data stewardship
- Encouraging data fusion from multiple instruments
- Need for increased international discussion on
- use of international assets for developing the
long term data records (ATSR, Vegetation, METOP?)
- Stage 3 Validation of the Global Products and
LTDRs - Increased role for GOFC/GOLD, IGOL and CEOS LPV