Title: Rocks, fossils, and time
1Rocks, fossils, and time
2Last class
- Stratigraphy
- Unconformities
- Where sed rocks form
- Transgression/regression
3Which rock is oldest. How do you know?
- Demonstrating equivalency between rock units
5How to correlate rocks
- Rock type
- Lithostratigraphic units
6How to correlate rocks
- Age
- Time units
- Eon, era, period
7Rock units dont pay attention to boundaries of
- Devonian and Mississippian Chattanooga Shale
- Not all same rock unit deposited at the same time
8How to correlate rocks
- Fossils
- Biostratigraphic (fossil) correlation
9Body fossils
10Body fossils
11Trace fossils
12Trace fossils
13Trace fossils Coprolites
14Trace fossils Coprolites
15Fossil preservation
- Easiest for critter with hard parts (shells,
bones, teeth) - Occasional soft bodied animal preserved
(jellyfish, plant, worm) - Fossil record biased
16Fossils and relative dating
- Use principle of superposition with fossils
- Fossil succession
- Fossils lowest in rocks are oldest
- Sequence of fossils is consistent and predictable
- Relative ages of rocks can be correlated using
fossils - Lots of sandstones
- Not all with T-Rex fossils
17Fossil correlation
- Relative ages of rocks can be correlated using
18Fossil succession
- Fossil assemblages succeed one another through
time in a regular and determinable order - Fossil succession determined geologic column
19Type localities defining the Geologic column
- Fossil assemblages succeed one another through
time in a regular and determinable order - Fossil succession determined geologic column
20How to categorize rocks
- Formation is basic unit
- Lump formations to get group
- Lump groups to get supergroups
21Three formations in the Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Formation is basic unit
- Lump formations for a group
- Lump groups for a supergroup
22Formations subdivided into members
23Formations combined for Groups
- Age
- Lithostratigraphic
- easiest
- Biostratigraphic
- More global
25Easy lithostratigraphic correlation in SW U.S.
26Lithostratigraphic correlation
27Using a marker bed
28Use of igneous rocks for correlation
29Ashfall from volcanic eruptions
30Ash layer in shale
31Fossil correlation
32Fossil correlation
33Fossil existence in rock record
- Each method has time and place
- May want to see rocks of Cambrian age
- Where is sealevel, what depth?
- May want to follow one sandstone unit
- Track sealevel changes through time
- May want to see rocks with certain fossil
35- What can you say about sedimentation rates in the
two columns during the time between the
correlation lines?
36Absolute and relative time scales
37Absolute and relative time scales
38Absolute and relative time scales
39Establishing ages by bracketed intrusions
- Seds deposited
- Intrusion by igneous rock (datable)
- Erosion
- Deposition of sediment, lava (datable),