Lecture 10 Stratigraphy and Geologic Time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 10 Stratigraphy and Geologic Time


Lecture 10 Stratigraphy and Geologic Time Stratigraphy Basic principles of relative age dating Unconformities: Markers of missing time Correlation of rock units ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 10 Stratigraphy and Geologic Time

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Lecture 10 Stratigraphy and Geologic Time
  • Stratigraphy
  • Basic principles of relative age dating
  • Unconformities Markers of missing time
  • Correlation of rock units
  • Absolute dating
  • Geologic Time
  • How old is the Earth? When did various geologic
    events occur? Interpreting Earth history is a
    prime goal of geology. Some knowledge of Earth
    history and geologic time is also required for
    engineers in order to understand relationships
    between geologic units and their impact on
    engineering construction.

  • Stratigraphy
  • Stratigraphy is the study of rock layers (strata)
    and their relationship with each other.
  • Stratigraphy provides simple principles used to
    interpret geologic events.

Two rock units at a cliff in Missouri. (US
Geological Survey)
  • Basic principles of relative age dating
  • Relative dating means that rocks are placed
    in their proper sequence of formation. A
    formation is a basic unit of rocks. Below are
    some basic principles for establishing relative
    age between formations.
  • Principle of original horizontality
  • Principle of superposition
  • Principle of faunal succession
  • Principle of cross-cutting relationships

  • Principle of original horizontality
  • Layers of sediment are generally deposited in
    a horizontal position.
  • Thus if we observed rock layers that are
    folded or inclined, they must, with exceptions,
    have been moved into that position by crustal
    disturbances sometime after their deposition.

  • Most layers of sediment are deposited in a nearly
    horizontal position. Thus, when we see inclined
    rock layers as shown, we can assume that they
    must have been moved into that position after
    deposition. Hartland Quay, Devon, England by Tom
    Bean/DRK Photo.

  • Principle of superposition
  • In an undeformed sequence of sedimentary
    rocks, each bed is older than the one above and
    younger than the one below.
  • The rule also applies to other
    surface-deposited materials such as lava flows
    and volcanic ashes.

Principle of superposition. (W.W. Norton)
  • Applying the law of superposition to the layers
    at the upper portion of the Grand Canyon, the
    Supai Group is the oldest and the Kaibab
    Limestone is the youngest. (photo by Tarbuck).

  • Principle of cross-cutting relationships
  • When a fault cuts through rocks, or when magma
    intrudes and crystallizes, we can assume that the
    fault or intrusion is younger than the rocks

  • Cross-cutting relationships An intrusive rock
    body is younger than the rocks it intrudes. A
    fault is younger than the rock layers it cuts.
    (Tarbuck and Lutgens)

  • Unconformities Markers of missing time
  • When layers of rock formed without
    interruption, we call them conformable.
  • An unconformity represents a long period
    during which deposition ceased and erosion
    removed previously formed rocks before
    deposition resumed.
  • Angular unconformities
  • Disconformity
  • Nonconformity

  • Angular unconformities
  • An angular unconformity consists of tilted or
    folded sedimentary rocks that are overlain by
    younger, more flat-lying strata.
  • It indicates a long period of rock
    deformation and erosion.

Formation of an angular unconformity. An angular
unconformity represents an extended period during
which deformation and erosion occurred. (Tarbuck
and Lutgents)
Angular unconformity at Siccar Point, southern
Scotland, that was first described by James
Hutton more than 200 years ago. (Hamblin and
Christiansen and W.W. Norton)
  • Disconformity
  • A disconformity is a minor irregular surface
    separating parallel strata on opposite sides of
    the surface.
  • It indicates a history of uplifting above sea
    (water) level, undergoing erosion, and lowering
    below the sea level again.

Formation of disconformity. (W.W. Norton)
  • Disconformities do not show angular discordance,
    but an erosion surface separates the two rock
    bodies. The channel in the central part of this
    outcrop reveals that the lower shale units were
    deposited and then eroded before the upper units
    were deposited. (Hamblin and Christiansen)

  • A nonconformity is a break surface that developed
    when igneous or metamorphic rocks were exposed to
    erosion, and younger sedimentary rocks were
    subsequently deposited above the erosion
    surface. (Tarbuck and Lutgens)

  • A nonconformity at the Grand Canyon. The
    metamorphic rocks and the igneous dikes of the
    inner gorge were formed at great depths and
    subsequently uplifted and eroded. Younger
    sedimentary layers were then deposited on the
    eroded surface of the igneous and metamorphic
    terrain. (Hamblin and Christiansen)

Types of Unconformity
  • This animation shows the stages in the
    development of three main types of unconformity
    in cross-section, and explains how an incomplete
    succession of strata provides a record of Earth
    history. View 1 shows a disconformity, View 2
    shows a nonconformity and View 3 shows an angular
    unconformity. by Stephen Marshak
  • Play Animation Windows version gtgt
  • Play Animation Macintosh version gtgt

  • Distinguishing nonconformity and intrusive
  • Nonconformity
  • The sedimentary rock is younger. The erosion
    surface is generally smooth. Dikes may cut
    through the igneous body but stop at the
  • Intrusive contact
  • Intrusion is younger than the surrounding
    sedimentary rocks. The contact surface may be
    quite irregular. A zone of contact metamorphism
    may form surrounding the igneous body.
    Cross-cutting dikes may penetrate both the
    igneous body and the sedimentary rocks.

  • Contrasting field conditions for (a) a
    nonconformity and (b) an igneous intrusion.
    (West, Fig 9.4)

  • The three basic types of unconformities
    illustrated by this cross-section of the Grand
    Canyon. (Tarbuck and Lutgents)

Geologic History
  • A cross-section through the earth reveals the
    variety of geologic features. View 1 of this
    animation identifies a variety of geologic
    features View 2 animates the sequence of events
    that produced these features, and demonstrates
    how geologists apply established principles to
    deduce geologic history. by Stephen Marshak
  • Play Animation Windows version gtgt
  • Play Animation Macintosh version gtgt

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  • Principle of faunal succession
  • Groups of fossil animals and plants occur the
    geologic history in a definite and determinable
    order and a period of geologic time can be
    recognized by its characteristic fossils.

  • Fossils are the remains of ancient organisms.
    There are many types of fossilization. (Top)
    natural casts of shelled invertebrates. (Middle)
    Fish impressions. (Bottom) Dinosaur footprint in
    fine-grained limestone near Tuba, Az.

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The principle of fossil succession. Note that
each species has only a limited range in a
succession of strata. (W.W. Norton)
  • Correlation of rock units
  • The method of relating rock units from one
    locality to another is called correlation.
  • One way of correlation is to recognize the rock
    type or rock sequence at two locations.
  • Another way of correlation is to use fossils. A
    basic understanding of fossils is that fossil
    organisms succeeded one another in a definite
    and determinable order, and therefore a time
    period can be recognized by its fossil content.

The principle of correlation of rock units. The
rock columns can be correlated by matching rock
types. (W.W. Norton)
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  • William Smith, a civil engineer and surveyor,
    could piece together the sequence of layers of
    different ages containing different fossils by
    correlating outcrops found in southern England
    about 200 years ago. In this example, Formation
    II was exposed at both outcrops A and B, thus
    Formation I and II were younger than Formation
    III. (Press and Siever).

  • Correlation of strata at three locations on the
    Colorado Plateau reveals the total extent of
    sedimentary rocks in the region.

The geologic column was constructed by
determining the relative ages of rock units from
around the world. (Next) By correlation, these
columns were stacked one on top of the other to
give relative ages of rock units (W.W. Norton)
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  • Absolute dating
  • The geologic time based on stratigraphy and
    fossils is a relative one we can only say
    whether one formation is older than the other
  • Absolute dating was made possible only after the
    discovery of radioactivity.

  • Radioactivity
  • At the turn of the 20th century, nuclear
    physicists discovered that atoms of uranium,
    radium, and several other elements are unstable.
    The nuclei of these atoms spontaneously break
    apart into other elements and emit radiation in
    the process known as radioactivity.
  • We call the original atom the parent and its
    decay product the daughter. For example, a
    radioactive 92U238 atom decays into a stable
    nonradioactive 82Pb206 atom.

  • example types of radioactive decay
  • Alpha decay an a particle (composed of 2 protons
    and 2 neutrons) is emitted from a nucleus. The
    atomic number of the nucleus decreases by 2 and
    the mass number decreases by 4.
  • Beta decay a b particle (electron) is emitted
    from a nucleus. The atomic number of the nucleus
    increases by 1 but the mass number is unchanged.

  • Illustration of alpha and beta decays. (adapted
    from Tarbuck and Lutgens)

  • The decay of U238. After a series of radioactive
    decays, the stable end product Pb206 is reached.
    (Tarbuck and Lutgents)

  • Decay constant
  • The rate of decay of an unstable parent nuclide
    is proportional to the number of atoms (N)
    remaining at the time t.
  • dN/dt-lN
  • The reason that radioactive decay offers a
    reliable means of keeping time is that the decay
    constant l of a particular element does not vary
    with temperature, pressure, or chemistry of a
    geologic environment.

  • Half-life
  • The half-life of an radioactive element is the
    time required for one-half of the original number
    of radioactive atoms to decay
  • T1/20.693/l.
  • The half-lives of geologically useful radioactive
    elements range from thousands to billions of
    years. The age of the Earth (4.6 billion years)
    was first obtained using U/Th/Pb radiometric
    dating. The half-life of U238 is 4.5 billion

  • The radioactive decay is exponential. Half of the
    radioactive parent remains after one half-life,
    and one-quarter of the parent remains after the
    second half-life. (Tarbuck and Lutgens)

The concept of a half-life. The ratio of
parent-to-daughter changes with the passage of
each successive half-life. (W.W. Norton)
  • Geologic Time
  • The geologic time scale subdivides the
    4.6-billion-year history of the Earth into many
    different units, which are linked with the events
    of the geologic past.
  • The time scale is divided into eons Precambrian
    and Phanerozoic and eras Precambrian, Paleozoic
    ("ancient life"), Mesozoic ("middle life"), and
    Cenozoic ("recent life"). The eras are bounded
    by profound worldwide changes in life-forms.
  • The eras are divided into periods.
  • The periods are divided into epochs.

  • The standard geologic time scale was developed
    using relative dating techniques. Radiometric
    dating later provided absolute times for the
    standard geologic periods. (W.W. Norton)

  • The awesome span of geologic time
  • The geologic time represents events of awesome
    spans of time. If the 4.6-billion-year Earth
    history is represented by a 24-hour day with the
    beginning at 12 midnight, the first indication of
    life would occur at 835am. Dinosaurs would
    appear at 1048pm and become extinct at 1140pm.
    The recorded history of mankind would represent
    only 0.2 sec before midnight.

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  • The KT extinction
  • At the boundary between Cretaceous (the last
    period of Mesozoic) and Tertiary (the first
    period Of Cenozoic) about 66 million years ago,
    known as KT boundary, more than half of all plant
    and animal species died in a mass extinction. The
    boundary marks the end of the era in which
    dinosaurs and other reptiles dominated and the
    beginning of the era when mammals became
  • The widely held view of the extinction is the
    impact hypothesis. A large object collided with
    the Earth, producing a dust cloud that blocked
    the sunlight from much of the Earths surface.
    Without sunlight for photosynthesis, the food
    chains collapsed, which affected large animals
    most severely.
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