Time and Geology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Time and Geology


Chapter 3 Time and Geology Geochronology The science that deals with determining the ages of rocks is called geochronology. Methods of Dating Rocks Relative dating ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Time and Geology

Chapter 3
  • Time and Geology

  • The science that deals with determining the ages
    of rocks is called geochronology.

Methods of Dating Rocks
  • Relative dating - Using fundamental principles of
    geology (Steno's Laws, Fossil Succession, etc.)
    to determine the relative ages of rocks (which
    rocks are older and which are younger).
  • Absolute dating - Quantifying the date of the
    rock in years. This is done primarily by
    radiometric dating (or analysis of the breakdown
    of radioactive elements in the rocks over time).

Geologic Time Scale
  • The geologic time scale has been determined
    bit-by-bit over the years through relative
    dating, correlation, examination of fossils, and
    radiometric dating.
  • Boundaries on the time scale are drawn where
    important changes occur in the fossil record,
    such as extinction events.

Geochronologic Units
  • The geologic time scale is divided into a number
    of types of units of differing size. From the
    largest units to the smaller units, they are
  • Eons
  • Eras
  • Periods
  • Epochs
  • These units are geochronologic units.
  • Geochronologic units are time units.

(No Transcript)
  • Eons are the largest division of geologic time.
    In order from oldest to youngest, the three eons
  • Archean Eon - "ancient or archaic" - oldest rocks
    on Earth
  • Proterozoic Eon - "beginning life" (2.5 billion
    to 542 million years ago)
  • Phanerozoic Eon - "visible life" (542 million
    years ago to present)

The Precambrian
  • The Archean and Proterozoic are together referred
    to as the Precambrian, meaning before the
    Cambrian Period.
  • The Precambrian covers 87 of geologic history.

  • There are three eras in the Phanerozoic Eon. Eras
    are divided into geologic periods. In order from
    oldest to youngest, the three eras are
  • Paleozoic Era - "ancient life" (such as
  • Mesozoic Era - "middle life" (such as dinosaurs)
  • Cenozoic Era - "recent life" (such as mammals)

  • Eras are divided into periods.

Paleozoic Era
  • Permian Period
  • Carboniferous Period (Mississippian and
    Pennsylvanian Periods in North America)
  • Devonian Period
  • Silurian Period
  • Ordovician Period
  • Cambrian Period (oldest)

Mesozoic Era
  • Cretaceous Period
  • Jurassic Period
  • Triassic Period (oldest)

Cenozoic Era
  • Neogene Period (youngest today)
  • Paleogene Period (oldest)
  • On maps and in publications prior to 2003, you
    will see the two periods of the Cenozoic Era
    listed as
  • Quaternary Period
  • Tertiary Period (oldest)
  • These are not the same as the current two periods.

  • Periods can be subdivided into epochs
  • Epochs can be subdivided into ages

Epochs of the Cenozoic Era
  • Neogene Period
  • Holocene Epoch (youngest - today)
  • Pleistocene Epoch
  • Pliocene Epoch
  • Miocene Epoch
  • Paleogene Period
  • Oligocene Epoch
  • Eocene Epoch
  • Paleocene Epoch (oldest)

Chronostratigraphic units
  • Chronostratigraphic units are the actual rocks
    formed or deposited during a specific time
  • (They are sometimes called time-rock units.)

Chronostratigraphic units
  • Chronostratigraphic units include
  • Eonothem (all rocks corresponding to a given eon)
  • Erathem (all rocks corresponding to a given era)
  • System (all rocks corresponding to a given
  • Series (all rocks corresponding to an epoch)
  • Stage (all rocks corresponding to a particular

Periods and Systems
  • Geochronologic units (time units) have the same
    names as the chronostratigraphic units (time rock
    units) that they represent.For example, the
    Cambrian System is a rock unit, and the Cambrian
    Period is a time unit. The rocks of the Cambrian
    System were deposited during the Cambrian Period.

Principles of Radiometric Dating
Review of Atoms
  • Atom smallest particle of matter that can exist
    as a chemical element.
  • The structure of the atom consists of
  • Nucleus composed of protons (positive charge) and
    neutrons (neutral)
  • Electrons (negative charge) orbit the nucleus
  • Various subatomic particles

Two models of atoms
  • Most atoms are neutral overall, with the number
    of protons equaling the number of electrons.
  • If there is an unequal number of protons and
    electrons, the atom has a charge (positive or
    negative), and it is called an ion.

Atomic Number
  • Atomic number of an atom number of protons in
    the nucleus of that atom.
  • Example The atomic number of uranium is 92. It
    has 92 protons.

Mass number
  • Mass number is the sum of the number of protons
    plus neutrons.Example Uranium-235 has 92
    protons and 143 neutrons.
  • The mass number may vary for an element, because
    of a differing number of neutrons.

  • Elements with various numbers of neutrons are
    called isotopes of that element.
  • Example uranium-235 and uranium-238
  • Some isotopes are unstable. They undergo
    radioactive decay, releasing particles and
  • Some elements have both radioactive and
    non-radioactive isotopes.
  • Examples carbon, potassium.

What happens when atoms decay?
  • Radioactive decay occurs by releasing subatomic
    particles and energy.
  • The radioactive parent element is unstable and
    undergoes radioactive decay to form a stable
    daughter element.
  • Example Uranium, the parent element, undergoes
    radioactive decay, releases subatomic particles
    and energy, and ultimately decays to form the
    stable daughter element, lead.

Radioactive Parent Isotopes and Their Stable
Daughter Products
Radioactive Parent Isotope Stable Daughter Isotope
Potassium-40 Argon-40
Rubidium-87 Strontium-87
Thorium-232 Lead-208
Uranium-235 Lead-207
Uranium-238 Lead-206
Carbon-14 Nitrogen-14
Radioactive Decay of Uranium
  • As uranium-238 decays to lead, there are 13
    intermediate radioactive daughter products formed
    (including radon, polonium, and other isotopes of
    uranium), along with and 8 alpha particles and 6
    beta particles released.

Radioactive Decay of Uranium
Subatomic Particles and Radiation Released by
Radioactive Decay
  • Alpha particles - large, easily stopped by
    paper charge 2 mass 4
  • Beta particles - penetrate hundreds of times
    farther than alpha particles, but easily stopped
    compared with neutrons and gamma rays. charge
    -1 mass negligible
  • Neutrons - highly penetrating no charge mass
  • Gamma rays (high energy x-rays) - Highly
    penetrating electromagnetic radiation can
    penetrate concrete. Lead shield can be used.
    Photons (light). No charge or mass.

Radioactive Decay
  • Naturally-occurring radioactive materials break
    down into other materials at known rates. This is
    known as radioactive decay.

Radioactive Decay Rate
  • Many radioactive elements can be used as geologic
    clocks. Each radioactive element decays at its
    own constant rate.
  • Once this rate is measured, geologists can
    estimate the length of time over which decay has
    been occurring by measuring the amount of
    radioactive parent element and the amount of
    stable daughter elements.

Mass Spectrometer
  • The quantities and masses of atoms and isotopes
    are measured using an instrument called a mass
  • The mass spectrometer came into use after WWI
    (1918). This led to the discovery of more than
    200 isotopes.

Measuring Decay Rates
  • The decay rates of the various radioactive
    isotopes are measured directly using a mass
  • Basically, the mass of a quantity of a
    radioactive element is measured. Then after a
    particular period of time, it is analyzed again.
    The change in the number of atoms over time gives
    the decay rate.

Decay Rates are Uniform
  • Radioactive decay occurs at a constant
    exponential or geometric rate.
  • The rate of decay is not affected by changes in
    pressure, temperature, or other chemicals.
  • The rate of decay is proportional to the number
    of parent atoms present.

  • Each radioactive isotope has its own unique
  • A half-life is the time it takes for half of the
    parent radioactive element to decay to a daughter

Half Lives for Radioactive Elements
Radioactive Parent Stable Daughter Half life
Potassium-40 Argon-40 1.25 billion yrs
Rubidium-87 Strontium-87 48.8 billion yrs
Thorium-232 Lead-208 14 billion years
Uranium-235 Lead-207 704 million years
Uranium-238 Lead-206 4.47 billion years
Carbon-14 Nitrogen-14 5730 years
Decay Curve for Uranium-238
Decay Curve for Potassium-40
Rocks That Can Be Dated
  • Igneous rocks are best for age dating.
  • The dates they give tell when the magma cooled.
  • When the magma cools and crystallized, the newly
    formed crystals may contain some radioactive
    elements, such as potassium-40 or uranium that
    can be dated.

Minerals That Can Be Dated
  • Potassium-40 decays and releases argon gas,
    which is trapped in the crystal lattice.
  • Potassium-40 is found in these minerals
  • Potassium feldspar (orthoclase, microcline)
  • Muscovite
  • Amphibole
  • Glauconite (greensand found in some sedimentary

Minerals That Can Be Dated
  • Uranium may be found in
  • Zircon
  • Urananite
  • Monazite
  • Apatite
  • Sphene

Dating Sedimentary Rocks
Dating Sedimentary Rocks
  • Radioactive mineral grains in sedimentary rocks
    are derived from the weathering of igneous rocks.
    Their dates are the time of cooling of the magma
    that formed the igneous rock.
  • The date does not tell anything about when the
    sedimentary rock was deposited.

Dating Sedimentary Rocks
  • If the sedimentary rock has a mineral that
    formed on the seafloor as the rock was cemented,
    then it may be possible to age date it.
  • The greensand mineral, glauconite, contains
    potassium, and can be dated using the
    potassium-argon technique.

Dating Sedimentary Rocks
  • The ages of sedimentary rocks and fossils are
    determined using both relative and absolute

Dating Fossils
  • The ages of fossils in a sequence of sedimentary
    rocks can be determined using both relative and
    absolute dating.

Dating sedimentary rocks and fossils
  1. Locate a sequence of sedimentary rocks that
    contains some igneous rocks (such as a lava flow,
    volcanic ash bed, intrusion, or underlying
    igneous rock).
  2. Get a radiometric date for the igneous rocks.
  3. Use relative dating to determine the relative
    ages of the sedimentary rocks. Bracket the
    sedimentary rocks between two igneous rocks of
    known age.

Dating sedimentary rocks and fossils contd
  1. Correlate the sedimentary rocks with sedimentary
    rocks in another area which contain the same
    fossils. They are correlated (or "matched up") on
    the basis of the fossils they contain. They must
    contain the same species of fossils.
  2. Using this method, the age of the rocks in other
    areas is determined indirectly, from the ages of
    the fossils they contain.

  • The geologic time scale was established by doing
    this repeatedly for many locations around the
  • The geologic time scale is a composite vertical
    sequence representing all known rock units and
    their fossils, worldwide, in sequential order.
  • Absolute ages of rocks have been determined
    through radiometric dating where possible.
  • The geologic time scale provides a calibrated
    scale for determining the ages of rocks worldwide
    by examining their fossils.

Carbon-14 dating
  1. Cosmic rays from the sun strike nitrogen-14 atoms
    in the atmosphere and cause them to turn into
    radioactive carbon-14, which combines with oxygen
    to form radioactive carbon dioxide.

Carbon-14 dating
  • Living things are in equilibrium with the
    atmosphere, and the radioactive carbon dioxide is
    absorbed and used by plants. The radioactive
    carbon dioxide gets into the food chain and the
    carbon cycle.
  • All living things contain a constant ratio of
    carbon-14 to carbon-12. (1 in a trillion).

Carbon-14 dating
  • At death, carbon-14 exchange ceases and any
    carbon-14 in the tissues of the organism begins
    to decay to nitrogen-14, and is not replenished
    by new C-14.
  • The change in the carbon-14 to carbon-12 ratio
    is the basis for dating.

Carbon-14 dating
  • The half-life is so short (5730 years) that this
    method can only be used on materials less than
    70,000 years old.
  • Assumes that the rate of carbon-14 production
    (and hence the amount of cosmic rays striking the
    Earth) has been constant over the past 70,000

(No Transcript)
Fission Track Dating
  • Charged particles from radioactive decay pass
    through mineral's crystal lattice and leave
    trails of damage called fission tracks.
  • These trails are due to the spontaneous fission
    (or radioactive decay and breakdown) of uranium.

Fission Track Dating
  • Procedure to study
  • Enlarge tracks by etching in acid (to view with
    light microscope)
  • Or view with electron microscope
  • Count the etched tracks (or measure track density
    in an area)
  • The number of tracks per unit area is a function
    of age and uranium concentration.

Fission Track Dating
  • Useful in dating
  • Micas (up to 50,000 tracks per cm2)
  • Tektites (glassy rocks produced when meteorite
    impact melts bedrock forming molten droplets
    which cool quickly as they are thrown into the
  • Natural and synthetic (manmade) glass

The Oldest Rocks
  • The oldest rocks that have been dated are
    meteorites. They date from the time of the origin
    of the solar system and the Earth, about 4.6
    billion years old.

The Oldest Rocks
  • Moon rocks have similar dates, ranging in age
    from 3.3 to about 4.6 billion years.
  • The oldest Moon rocks are from the lunar
    highlands (lighter-colored areas on the Moon),
    and may represent the original lunar crust

The Oldest Rocks
  • The oldest dates of Earth rocks are 4.2
    billion-year-old detrital zircon grains in a
    sandstone in western Australia.
  • These grains probably came from the weathering
    and erosion of 4.2 billion-year-old granite that
    must have been exposed at the time the sand
    grains were deposited.

Other Old Earth Rocks
  • Southwestern Greenland (4.0 b.y. granites)
  • Minnesota (4.0 b.y. metamorphic rocks)
  • Northwest Territories, Canada (3.96 b.y. Acasta
  • Beartooth Mountains, Montana (3.96 b.y. zircons
    in quartzite)
  • China (3.8 b.y.)
  • South Africa (3.7 b.y.)
  • West Africa (3.6 b.y.)
  • Still older rocks may remain to be found and dated

Why are Earth Rocks Younger than Meteorites and
Moon Rocks?
  • The Earth is geologically active. The older rocks
    may have been eroded away.
  • Older rocks may have been deeply buried under
    sedimentary rocks, or beneath thrust sheets.
  • Older rocks may have been heated, metamorphosed,
    or melted, and their dates "reset" to the time of
    heating, metamorphism, or melting.
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