Seminar 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Seminar 2


The are released into the atmosphere and can dissolve in seawater. ... RV Tyro section from 1983 between Iceland and the Shetland Islands ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Seminar 2

Seminar 2
Halocarbons, anthropogenic tracers Generally
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) CFC-11, CFC-12 and
CFC-113 and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) or common
coolants in refrigerators and transformators,
propellants for spray cans and dry cleaning
fluid. The are released into the atmosphere and
can dissolve in seawater. Due to industrial
developments their atmospheric concentrations
increased and mutual ratio changed.
Halocarbons can be used as tracer for recently
(100 year) ventilated water. Also as clock
tracer, because of changing mutual atmospheric
mixing ratios MRa, but Montreal Protocol, 1987
MR reconstructed atmospheric mixing
ratioCi seawater concentration of component i
Fi solubility function of component ICompare MR
with the known MRa and the ägeof the seawater is
Equatorial upper NADW core. Formation in 1965,
based on CFC-11/CFC-12 mixing ratio, but CFC-11
is factor 10 below saturation level.
Zonal distributions at A03, 36.5N
Zonal distribution at A10, 30S
(7) Water mass analysis of the Southern Ocean
10 meridional WOCE sections across the
wind-drivenAntarctic Circumpolar Current
NADW enters the Southern and Indian Oceans along
the South-African continental margin
Salinity in the Southern Ocean
North Atlantic Deep Water
Lower Circumpolar Deep Water
Potential Temperature in the Southern Ocean
NADW, 2.3C
LCDW, 1-2C, warm part of NADW is missing
AOU in the Southern Ocean
NADW, high oxygen core
LCDW below low oxygen core of Upper Circumpolar
Deep Water

CFC-11 (pmol/kg) in the Southern Ocean
NADW is very low in CFCs (older than 100 year!)
Less CFCs in the LCDW from the Weddell Sea to
Drake Passage
NADW/LCDW is modified flowing from the southern
sector of the Atlantic in the ACC around
(8) The Indian Ocean
  • Meridional Indian Ocean section I08
  • high salinity core (LCDW) and cold AABW enter
    the Indian Ocean from the ACC
  • salinitifcation due to Red Sea Water (RSW)
  • ageing (high AOU) in ill flushed northern Indian
    Ocean. This NIDW leaves the Indian Ocean at a
    shallower level (gt UCDW)
  • deep central Indian Basin ill flushed (low
    d14C). LCDW is relatively young (high d14C)

  • Zonal South Indian Ocean section I05P
  • NADW/LCDW with S maximum at 2500 to 3500 m
  • Fresher and older AABW below this level
  • AAIW with S minimum at 1000 to 1500 m
  • inflow of young low AOU NADW/LCDW and AABW in
    western side of basins
  • outflow of aged high AOU NIDW along eastern side
    of Indian Ocean basins

  • 2-dimensional frequency distribution in q-S space
  • maximum in transition between the IDW/LCDW and
    the AABW cores
  • secondary maximum AABW in the Australian-Antarcti
    c Basin
  • ridges toward warm and saline RSW and low S AAIW

(9) The Pacific Ocean
  • Meridional Pacific Ocean section P15
  • inflow of high salinity LCDW (1 to 1.5C
  • inflow of colder low salinity AABW (lt1C)
  • strong mixing of AABW, LCDW and overlying water
    causes near homogenous deep stratification north
    of the equator (Pacific Deep Water, PDW)
  • low S AAIW and Pacific Arctic Intermediate water
  • very low salinity surface water

ageing along P15 from biogeochemical tracers
  • Ageing in the north Pacific from the clock tracer
    d14C ()
  • bottom water is about 950 years older than AABW
    in Southern Ocean, or 650 years relative to LCDW
  • water at 2000 m is about 300 years older than
    near the bottom (gt slow upwelling!)

  • q-S frequency distribution
  • primary peak, PDW in North Pacific
  • secondary peak AABW in South Pacific
  • ridge to AAIW and PAIW

  • Zonal section P06 at 35S
  • sloping isotherms (isopycnals) suggest deep
    northward inflow through South Pacific Basin
  • northward flow of AABW, and LCDW and UCDP
  • outflow of aged PDW along South America at
    shallower levels
  • freshest AAIW near South America

  • Zonal section P03 at 25N
  • difference between distributions of Silicate and
    AOU (and PO4 and NO3) because of different
    biogeochemical cycles.
  • Silicate dissolves from biogenic silicium
    (diatom shells), mainly near/at the bottom
  • AOU, PO4, and NO3 are influenced by (microbial)
    re-mineralization of soft organic matter (POM and
    DOM) mainly in the water column
  • both the AOU maximum and the Si maximum are
    found near the eastern boundary of the North
    Pacific, at shallower levels than bottom layer

  • Data from the Indian and Pacific Oceans suggest
  • Deep inflow from the Southern Ocean of AABW and
  • Transformation of the deep water mass in the
    ocean basins through mixing, biogeochemical and
    physical ageing
  • The oldest water is not found at the bottom, but
    at levels shallower than the inflow
  • The oldest water is found along the eastern
    boundary of the ocean basins
  • The old water returning to the Southern Ocean on
    the eastern side of the ocean basins has
    properties similar to UCDW
  • UCDW in the Southern Ocean contains
    re-circulated deep and bottom water
  • Apparently the inflowing water loses density and
    rise to shallower levels in the basins (deep
    upwelling) and then leave for the southern ocean
    after hundreds of years
  • The deep water only can lose density if
    turbulent mixing with the overlying less dense
    water takes place! This mixing may be the key
    process, which maintains the THC.

(10) The return flow
  • After the deep upwelling the North Atlantic
    components of the cold abyssal branch have to
    return the their formation regions in the
    northern North Atlantic Ocean. This may occur via
    different routes proposed by Gordon
  • From the North Pacific via Bering Strait and the
    Polar Ocean to the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Warm Pacific mode waters through the Indonesian
    seas, the Indian Ocean, around South Africa into
    the Atlantic Ocean (the warm water route)
  • Colder AAIW (and UCDW) from the southern ocean
    to the Atlantic Ocean (the cold water route)

Through the shallow Bering Strait (45 m) about
0.8 Sv flows to the Chukchi Sea. This is mainly a
wind-driven transport. During the Ice ages this
route was blocked because of the lower sea level.
There existst hydrographic evidence for this
The warm Water Route Scheme of the Indonesian
Trough Flow (ITF) route if the water does not
re-circulate around Australia.
The meridional distribution of salinity along
WOCE section P08 in the western Pacific Ocean.
The gray band shows the depth of the potential
density anomaly interval coinciding with the core
of the ITFW in the Makassar Strait (gq 25.35 to
25.85 kg/m3). The main source for the ITF is in
the North Pacific.
Meridional section I10, south of Java. The ITF
water is relatively fresh and old.
In the Indian Ocean the low salinity ITF water in
the South Equatorial current is salinified on its
way westwards
The development of the salinity minimum in the
isopycnal of the ITF core density layer from the
western tropical Pacific to an Agulhas Ring in
the Atlantic Ocean near South Africa
ITF water that does not re-circulate in the
Indian subtropical gyre ends in large eddies
(Agulhas rings), which are shed of the Agulhas
Current near South Africa and drift into the
Atlantic Ocean (Agulhas leakage)
S at 150 dbar
The cold water route There are two cold water
types in the southern Atlantic, which can flow
S minimum from 50S
Si maximum from 50S
A16 section
  • AAIW is formed in the south-eastern Pacific as
    Sub-Antarctic mode water (SAAMW) and enters the
    Atlantic sector via Drake Passage
  • UCDW (aged AABW and LCDW) from the Indian and
    Pacific Oceans enters the Atlantic sector also
    via Drake Passage

AAIW subducts into the subtropical thermocline,
seen on the A12 section near Greenwich meridian
Salinity minimum between g 27.1 to 27.3 kg/m3
potential isopycnals
Hydrographic properties in S minimum (light blue)
and Si maximum (purple) along A16 section There
is hardly any difference between AAIW and UCDW
north of the equator
Two cores off French Guyana in the North Brazil
Under Current (52W) on the A20 section
Hydrographic properties from the Caribbean Slope
Current (green) and Gulf Stream (red) show the
combined AAIW/UCDW core on the A22 section
RV Tyro section from 1983 between Iceland and the
Shetland Islands
RV Tyro section from 1983 between Iceland and the
Shetland Islands
Warm Atlantic waters enters the Norwegian Sea
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