Title: Youth Association for Habitat
1- Youth Association for Habitat
- Fulya Mah. Mevlüt Pehlivan Sok. Ali Sami Yen Apt.
8A/2 Mecidiyeköy Istanbul - www.youthforhab.org.tr
- info_at_youthforhab.org.tr
- 0 212 275 74 98 / 0 212 275 74 36
2Youth Association for Habitat Mission
- Increasing youth awareness for sustainable
development - Youth participation in decision making
- Developing partnerships among youth
- Enabling youth to establish partnerships with
government, local authorities and the private
sector - Following up and increase youth participation in
the international youth related events - Improving networking among youth groups
- Developing training programs
- Facilitating the establishment of legitimate
platforms such as student unions in high schools
and universities, youth councils at the local
level - Facilitating access to information
3Youth Association for Habitat Methodology
- Information dissemination from international to
local level - Analyzing good practices in the world and their
implementation at all levels - Following up the global youth agenda and agenda
setting - Sharing good practices in Turkey at international
platforms - Speeding up democratization by raising awareness
on civil society - Improving social responsibility with a youth
perspective - Creating common platforms bringing together
different views in solving social problems - Fund raising for youth to overcome their local
4Youth Association for Habitat Memberships
- UN World Youth Forum International Planning
Committee - UN World Summit on Sustainable Development Youth
Caucus - UN World Summit on Information Society Youth
Caucus - Council of Europe Advisory Council on Youth
- - Bureau
- European Youth Card Association
- European Youth Centers Network
- Turkey Local Agenda 21 Steering Committee
- T. C. Ministry State Planning Organization
National Agency Advisory Council of the EU Youth
and Education Programmes - T. C. Ministry STO Thematic Specialization
Commission - TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Council
5Agenda 21
6Habitat II Summit 1996, ISTANBULYouth
Association for Habitat Local Agenda 21 in Turkey
- A democratization program
- Based on Chapter 28 of Agenda 21
- Based upon participation and local partnerships
- Pursues a local action planning process towards
sustainable development - Seeks improvement of life quality
7LA-21 Steering Committee
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Environment and Forestry
- T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization
- General Secretariat for the EU Affairs
- UNDP-Turkey
- IULA-EMME (National Coordinator)
- Youth Association for Habitat (Youth Component
Facilitator )
8PHASE 1 Promotion and Development of Local
Agenda 21s in TurkeyImplementation Period 1997
- 1999
PHASE 2 Implementing Local Agenda 21s in Turkey
Implementation Period 2000 - 2003
PHASE 3 Localizing the Millennium Development
Goals and WSSD Plan of Implementation through the
Turkey Local Agenda 21 Governance Network
Implementation Period 2004 - 2006
9YOUTH Turkey Local Agenda 21 Program
Local Youth Councils and Centers
10YOUTH in LA 21 Program
- To enable youth to participate in decision making
processes at the local level - To institutionalize local youth platforms in
order to achieve the sustainability of youth
activities - To provide the bases of a future national youth
11Local Youth Centers
- Promote peer education,
- Create opportunities for realising social,
educational and sports activities, developing
relationships with other cities. - Develop the capacity of young people and create a
unique platform which belongs to the local youth. - Enable young people from diverse backgrounds to
produce together - Provide urban facilities from which youth cannot
12Local Youth Councils
- Developing partnerships of youth with private
sector, NGOs, local authorities and government - Ensuring the participation of youth not only in
the implementation, but also in the planning
phase. - Bringing together young people from different
platforms on the basis of common problems. - Development of an urban identity and creating a
sense of ownership - Representation of local youth at national and
international levels - Capacity building of youth
13Youth NGOs in the city
University Student Clubs
High School Student Unions
LA-21Local Youth Council
Working Group Representatives (City Council)
University Student Councils
Neighbourhood Youth Representatives
Youth Representatives of Chambers and Unions
14LA 21 National ProgramNational Coordination
- Participation of Youth Leaders from Local Agenda
21 Platforms, - Strengthening and maintaining the national
network between Local Youth Platforms - Sharing experiences and socialization
- Capacity building and training programs given by
professionals and experts - Lead to the establishment of National Youth
- YG-21 National Youth Parliament,
- Ankara, May 2003
- Input of Youth in Draft Bill of Public
Administration, - Antalya, August 2003,
- LA-21 National Youth Parliament Summer School
Kusadasi, September 2003 - LA-21 National Youth Parliament Strategy
Development Meeting Eskisehir, December 2003 - LA-21 National Youth Parliament Meets with Public
Agencies and International Organisations for an
Integrated Youth Policy - Izmir, February 2004
- 19 May National Meeting
- Tarsus, April 2004
- LA-21 National Youth Parliament Establishment
Summit - Ankara, 19-21 May 2004
- LA-21 National Youth Parliament National
Coordination - Malatya, 23-25 July 2004
- Local Authorities and Youth in EU Process
- Trabzon, 06-12 September 2004
- LA-21 National Youth Parliament National
Coordination - Elazig, 1213 February 2005
- LA-21 National Youth Parliament National
16- LA 21 National Youth Parliament,
- is a democratic platform
- that is active on the development and
implementation of youth policies and youth
programs at a national level, and - that basis its strength on local youth platforms
and youth participation in decision-making
17LA21 National Youth Parliament Establishment
Summit 18-21 May 2004, Ankara
- With the participation of
- 297 youth delegates from 77 provinces and
observes and - 28 MPs , 2 MP advisors,
- 1 Mayor, 1 Deputy Mayor.
- With the support of
- 18 MPs and 1 Metropolitan Municipality.
SUMMIT19-21 May 2004
- Call for the establishment ofa Regional
Facilitation Group - Working Priorities and organisational structure
of the National Youth Parliament - Statute of the Local Youth Councils
19Facilitation Group
- LA 21 National Youth Parliament Facilitation
Group is based on representation of 8 regions in
Turkey. (7 geographical regions Istanbul) - 8 regional representatives of the LA 21 NYP are
elected annually in general assemblies within the
constituencies in their region. - Facilitation Group is established to strengthen
local youth councils and to enhance the execution
of phase III activities of LA21 Program - Works for initiating youth activities in
non-partner cities and supporting the work in
partner cities
Localizing the Millennium Development Goals and
WSSD Plan of Implementation through the Turkey
Local Agenda 21 Governance Network
The Project aims to localize Implementation Plan
of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
and Millennium Development Goals for the
institutionalization of LA 21 Processes and
mechanisms through local and international
campaigns and capacity building initiatives, and
LA Small Grants Programme.
Published in Official Gazette, 12 November 2003.
- Approval of the Statute and Working Principles of
LA 21 Youth Councils by the newly established
City Councils - Update of the Statute and Working Principles of
the LA Youth Councils - Institutionalization of the LA 21 Youth Councils
- Support for the establishment of a National Youth
Council based on LA 21 Youth Councils
22Other Program and Projects
- South East Anatolia Social Development Programme
for Youth (2001-2006) - Life Plus Youth Fund (2005-2009)
- Bilenler Bilmeyenlere Bilgisayar Ögretiyor
Projesi Empowerment of Youth for
e-Transformation of Turkey (2005-2008) - Paylasalim Bilisimle Bulusalim Refurbisment and
Distribution of Used PCs For Youth (2006 - ) - Peer Education on Sexual Health Project
(2004-2006) - TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Council (2006 - )
- Eurolt26 Youth Card (2006 - )
- Aegean Youth Interaction Project (2006)
- Earthquake Rehabilitation Projects Youth
Centers in the Earthquake Region (2000-2002) - Protective Families Campaign (1999-2000)
- Youth Contribution to the Implementation of
Habitat Agenda in Turkey (1997) - Renewable Energy Education Project (1998)
23Within the framework of the Earthquake
Rehabilitation Project, 3 Youth Houses were
established in Yeniköy, Sakarya, Izmit
24South East Anatolia Socio-economic Development
Program for Youth 2001 - 2006
- Partners of the Project
- The UNDP project is executed by GAP-RDA, and
implemented by Youth Association for Habitat with
the contributions of the Government of
Switzerland. - Governorships, local authorities,
non-governmental organizations working at
national and local levels and private sector are
partners of the project. - The project aims at
- Organization of young people
- Creation of social and cultural interaction
platforms - Enabling young people to take part in decision
making mechanisms at the local level through
establishment of youth centers in region.
- The Project aims at personal development of
young people in the region for them to
participate in decision-making mechanisms by
establishing local youth and culture houses - Youth and Culture Houses are established in
Diyarbakir, Mardin, Adiyaman, Sanliurfa, Batman,
Sirnak, Kilis, Gaziantep and Siirt (all 9
provinces) - Youth Executive Committees and Local
Advisory Boards are responsible for the
management of the youth houses and the youth
activities - 55.460 young people have been reached so far
within the framework of the activities - Young people participated in a series of exchange
programmes in order to improve their
communication and cooperation with their
counterparts at the international level and
national level -
27Training programs
- Initiatives concerning employment of youth
- Handcrafts Workshop for the Disabled Youth
- Serigraphy Workshop
- Souvenir Workshop
- Cisco Local Networking Academy
- Cafeteria
- Reproductive Health
- Project Development Techniques
- Project Management
- Reporting Techniques
- Entrepreneurship
- EU White Paper Process
- Leadership
- Media and Public Relations
282nd Phase of the Project Achievements
- Youth and Culture Houses implemented 11 projects
that are financed by the EU Youth Programs. With
these projects, 114,740 EURO has been added to
the budget of the youth work in the region. - A program called e-coach has been initiated 30
young people have benefited from this program. - Within the framework of internship program, 10
young people worked as interns and 8 of them were
employed after completing their internship. - Within the framework of a protocol that is signed
between GAP-RDA, Governorship, UNDP and Youth
Association for Habitat, 600 young people receive
vocational training to be employed by Sancar
Denim A.S. in Siirt. Similar partnerships will be
multiplied in the region.
29SEDFY Project 2006in figures
30Add a to life
31Life Plus Youth Fund
- The biggest youth fund established with the
partnership of an international organization, an
NGO, and a representative of the private sector - UNDP, Youth for Habitat and Coca-Cola Turkey
- 1,5 million dollars for supporting 100 youth
project within a period of 5 years - Purpose
- To increase youth capacity on project development
and management - To encourage young people to contribute in
increasing quality of life in their cities via
their own projects (For youth! By youth!) - Project fields
- Education
- Environment
- Culture Arts
- Sport
32- Inclusive, innovative, sustainable projects
- sensitive to the societys needs
- Target young people
- are financially and strategically assisted
- by Life Plus Youth Fund
Project teams of the granted projects are
provided trainings on project development and
33The Graphic of Regional Distribution of the
First Phase Project Applications
34Granted Projects 1st Phase
35The Graphic of Regional Distribution of the
Second Phase Project Applications
36Granted Projects 2nd Phase
37- Empowerment of Youth for E-Transformation of
38Project Goal
- To increase capacity of young people on ICTs.
- Phase I 1600 Phase II 100.000 youth
- Project Model
- Peer education
- Volunteer trainers
39Project Cities
- Marmara Region Southeast Anatolian Region
- Istanbul Adiyaman Siirt
- Çanakkale Batman Sanliurfa
- Black Sea Region Diyarbakir Sirnak
- Trabzon Gaziantep Kilis
- Samsun Mardin
- East Anatolian Region Middle Anatolian
Region - Elazig Tokat Konya
- Mus Çankiri Ankara
- Erzincan AEGEAN REGiON
- Mediterrenean Region Izmir
- Antakya Adana Denizli
- Isparta Antalya Usak
- Tarsus Burdur Mugla (26
- Phase I 1200 young people
- Phase II 1046 young (April-June 2006)
- Average age 19 (for both girls and boys)
- (Targeted group 15-25)
- A good practice - UNDP
- Importance of youth information policy for an
integrated youth policy in Turkey - Support for the recognition of local youth work
42(No Transcript)
43- A Project for Refurbishment and Distribution of
Used PCs for Youth
44- Ministry of National Education
- Turkish State Railways
- Microsoft
- Ayhan Sahenk Foundation
- Youth Association for Habitat
- A campaign has been initiated and at the
first phase of the project, 6000 PCs have been
refurbished, licensed and distributed to the
schools, youth councils and youth NGOs. - Volunteer trainers of Empowerment of Youth
for E-Transformation of Turkey Project provide
trainings on basic computer skills at computer
laboratories that are established by this
In cooperation with the Turkey Family Planning
- Project aims
- To have a peer educator group of 20 young
volunteer in each project city, - To inform 2000 young people on sexual health in
each project city, - To establish a network that shall support the
work on sexual health, - To initiate a campaign on a common problem
specified by young people.
Supported by European Commission
- In each project city youth center for consultancy
is established. - Guidance for young people on sexual health,
- The peer group continues on to train young
people, - 3500 young people have been reached by July 2006.
- Career development of young people,
- To enhance information sharing between young
entrepreneurs, - To establish a Young Entreprenuers Web Portal,
- To organize an annual fair on entrepreneurship,
- To support young people for them to establish
businesses and to succeed, - To create opportunities for young people to be
interns in Turkey and abroad (EU) - To spread e-coach program,
- To establish Young Entrepreneurs Support and
Training Centers in pilot cities, - To organize training and social activities to
establish a socially responsible young
entrepreneurs group in Turkey, - To encourage young entrepreneurs to establish
partnerships with different stakeholders for the
implementation of similar projects. -
49- Youth for Habitat Hellenic Youth Council
- Beyoglu Municipality City of Athens
- Bogaziçi University Pantios Univeristy
- The purpose is to increase knowledge on the EU
processes among young people and to build a
stronger bridge between youth in Greece and
Turkey - Supported by European Commission Small Grants
- 1997, Eskisehir Youth For Habitat International
Network was established at International
Follow-Up Meeting - 1998 Memorandum of Understanding with
UN-HABITAT. Within the framework of this
partnership, the report on Turkey was published
in a book prepared by 7 countries. - 2001, New York Youth parallel event at
Istanbul5 Summit.
52August September 2002, Johannesburg
Youth Implementation Plan Paragraf 153
Promote and support youth participation in
programmes and activities relating to sustainable
development through, for example, supporting
local youth councils or their equivalent, and by
encouraging their establishment where they do not
Our youth delegates Pelin Ayan ve Ali Ercan
- Input on the EU White Book on Youth has been
provided during consultation meetings (2000-2001) - Input on the evaluation of the World Action Plan
for Youth were provided (2005)
- Input for the EU negotiations and screening
process to relavant public agencies provided
(2005-2006) - Input on the Millennium Development Goals
National Report of Turkey were provided (April
- The outcome of the meeting titled Youth Input on
the Public Management Draft Bill provided
recommendations for the development of
Municipality Law (Antalya, August 2003) - Our input for the establishment of youth councils
at the preparatory meetings organized on the
implementation Article 76 on City Councils of the
Municipality Law
56- We are not only leaders of tomorrow but also
partners of today! -