Title: LEO Program Presentation
1LEO Program Presentation
Multiple 5M Workshop
Presented By PDG Rick Plaisier
5M Leo Chair July, 2006
2History of Leo Clubs
1957 Founded in Abington, PA 1967 Became
official project of LCI 2005 140,000 Leos
5,600 Leo Clubs 138 Countries
3Whats happening in 5M LEO Clubs
District Lion Clubs Lioness Clubs LEO Clubs
1 51 4 2
2 63 2 4
3 53 1 0
4 53 4 1
5 42 6 3
6 39 5 4
7 53 15 3
8 73 2 2
9 69 3 1
10 51 2 4
11 66 6 2
13 73 6 3
45M Summation of Club Variety!
- Total number of Clubs 771
686 Lion Clubs 56 Lioness Clubs 29 LEO Clubs
89 7.3 3.7
5Volunteerism Around the Globe
- Canada Youth aged 15-19 had the highest
volunteer rate of all other age groups 37.
Many Youth just want an opportunity to help
others! Many provinces now have an option of
community involvement for high school credit.
Pretty Good- EH! - Korea 40 volunteer hours are required per year
from every student in middle school. - Source Keeping Up With a Changing World, Sarah
Beck, MS, www.nursingsociety.org
6Volunteerism Around the Globe
- Hong Kong The Agency for Volunteer Service
reported 246,452 hours of volunteer service in
2001-2002. - Taiwan 80 of youth indicated they are
interested in volunteering. - Australia The strongest growth in volunteerism
is among people under 25 and also among 55-64
year olds.
7Volunteerism Around the Globe
- Japan More and more young Japanese are turning
to part-time jobs with a volunteer flavor,
looking for new, more meaningful experiences or
the chance to contribute to society. - Source Doing Good Work New Breed of
volunteer Worker On the Rise, - Japan Information Network, www.web-japan.org/trend
8Volunteerism Around the Globe
- United States Volunteerism at an all-time high
among Generation Y (born 1980 - 1994). Also
known as the Millennial Generation. - 60 million members
- Most globally aware and racially diverse
generation in USA history - Actively volunteering due to service learning
requirements in school systems - Source Generation Y The New Global Citizens,
9Volunteerism Around the Globe
- United States
- Adults who began volunteering as youth are twice
as likely to volunteer as those who did not
volunteer when they were younger. - High school volunteering recently reached the
highest levels in the past 50 years. - More involved youth become more involved adults.
- Source Engaging Youth In Lifelong Service
Independent Sector, 2002, - Washington, DC
10Young Adult Volunteers
- Characteristics
- Want exciting, challenging experiences
- Want opportunities to be innovative and creative
- Enjoy collaboration and teamwork
- Want to be respected as an equal
- Are skilled time managers and multitaskers
- Are independent thinkers
- Are creating new levels of technology
- Just want a chance to prove to others and
themselves - Adjust to change easily
- Source www.merrillassociates.net
In all of our efforts for Leo Membership growth,
Extension of new LEO clubs, Retention of LEO
members, and LEO Leadership development never
lose sight that our goal is not just numbers and
providing opportunities for our youth, but
increased humanitarian service to those in need
as well.
12Rationale for Leo Clubs
Objective To provide the youth of the world
with an opportunity for development and
contribution individually and collectively, as
responsible members of the local, national and
international community.
13LEO Motto
- Leadership opportunity to lead, experience
time management, organize events and value of
team work. - Experience experience helping others, doing
community projects on their own or with the
Lions. - Opportunity for personal growth, seeing others
point of view, being recognized for what they do
for others as a valued community member. - Why A Leo Club?
- To give the youth in your community the
opportunity to develop skills and at the same
time be recognized as contributing members of
their community.
14Sponsorship and Categories
Sponsored by a Lions Club Community-based School-b
ased Alpha 12 to 17 years of age Omega 18 to
28 years of age
15Structure of a Leo Club
Advisor - who may or may not be a Lion C0-
Advisor(s) - who is a member or non member of
a sponsoring club Officers Elected by Leo
membership President Vice President
(one or more) Secretary (one or more)
Treasurer Board of Directors (2-4) Appointed or
16Qualities of an Advisor
A vailable
D ependable
V irtuous
I maginative
S upportive
O rganized
R esponsible
17Guiding Lion or Advisor
- Important Attributes according to youth-
- Enthusiastic
- Fun Loving
- Dedicated
- Approachable
- Young at Heart
- Willing to let us do what we want without
telling us how to do it - Advise not dictate
What the book says Formal Meeting Agenda Fo
rmal Opening Minutes Reports Projects Fund
raisers Old New Business Adjournment What
is practical What suits your group Informal
Meeting following ( FUN ) Board / Committee
School Intercom Word of Mouth Email Phone / Cell
Phone Newsletters in school or in
community Bulletin Board Through churches or
other community groups
20Projects and/or Fundraisers
Projects Benefits derived Requirements Group
or Individual Life-long Learner Fundraisers Ben
efits derived When appropriate Who has
ownership Life-long learner
21Appropriate Projects
Work with special needs students/Special
Olympics Do an environmental project Provide hot
lunches Work for Habitat for Humanity Libraries
need strong backs/arms (as well as books)
Assist at Senior Citizen Center Volunteer for
Animal Shelter Volunteer Computer Skills Visit
the Nursing Home/Assisted Living
Facility Assisting with even younger groups Sky
is the LIMIT!!!!!
22Tried True Fundraisers
Bake Sale, Car Wash Sell your Services Overprice
d Lollipops (candy) Magazine, apparel, candy,
nuts, book cover etc. sales Pancake
Breakfast Spaghetti Supper Hot food at the school
/ community level Talent Show Calendar Sales You
Name It!!!
23Your Relationship with Lions Club
Leos are NOT Little Lions Work with clubs on
age-appropriate activities Visit clubs at
appropriate meetings / functions Accept rewards
from clubs for your help Participate in District
/ Multiple / International Activities as
appropriate Leos are NOT Little Lions They are
looking to Serve those in need.
24Celebrating Success
- Parties and Outings
- Pizza Party Activity Period
- Donuts in AM before classes
- Leo Convention
- Attending a LION Convention
- Speaking at a convention to display what
Leos are capable of doing - Lions Day at UN
- Activity as a group
- Visiting special areas
- Excursions
- Twinning with other youth / Youth Exchange
- Ask your LEO membership for their ideas
25Celebrating Success
Certificates, Awards Recognition for your Leo
- Computer Generated Certificate
- Public Recognition
- International Awards
- Leo of the Year
- Free Registration to Lions or Leo Convention
- Free registration to Lions International
Convention - LEO members ideas which are great!
26Frequently asked Questions
Must Leos be related to Lions Members? Can more
than one Lions Club sponsor a Leo Club? Can Lions
Clubs use Activities Accounts to pay Leo fees and
levies? May Leo Clubs pay their own fees and
levies? May Leo Clubs order supplies from
Headquarters? Are Leo Club members and their
volunteers covered under the associations
comprehensive general liability insurance
program? How much is the LEO registration
fee? Do you have any at this time????
27The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens borrowed
from Sean Covey
Habit Description Key Words
1 Be proactive Take responsibility for your life. Responsibility
2 Begin with an End in Mind - Define your mission and goals in life. Goals
3 Put First Things First - Prioritize and do the most important things first. Priorities
4 Think Win-Win Have an everyone-can-win attitude. Attitude
5 Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood Listen to people sincerely. Listening / Understanding
6 Synergize Work together to achieve more. Synergy, Teamwork
7 Sharpen the Saw Renew yourself regularly. Self - Renewal
28We Need Many More LEOS in 5M For We Owe this to
the YOUTH in Manitoba, Minnesota and North West
- If we work together, we can make a difference and
are able to better SERVE the needs of youth in
our Multiple! - Thank you for your attention and lets look at
this evenings agenda!!