Youth Ministry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Youth Ministry


develop physical, mental, spiritual fitness ... Scout Sundays, Mass when camping, mealtime prayers, prayers at meetings. prayer and worship ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Venturing
  • St. Patrick Church School
  • Chesterton, IN
  • 9/1/04

Purpose of the BSA
  • As incorporated on February 8, 1910, and
    chartered by Congress in 1916 is to provide an
    educational program for boys and young adults to
  • build character
  • teach participating citizenship
  • develop physical, mental, spiritual fitness

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to
prepare young people to make ethical and moral
choices over their lifetimes by instilling in
them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Scout Law
  • A Scout is
  • Trustworthy
  • Loyal
  • Helpful
  • Friendly
  • Courteous
  • Kind
  • Obedient
  • Cheerful
  • Thrifty
  • Brave
  • Clean and
  • Reverent
  • Scout Oath
  • On my honor I will do my best
  • To do my duty to God and my country
  • and to obey the Scout Law
  • To help other people at all times
  • To keep myself physically strong,
  • mentally awake, and morally straight.
  • Motto Be Prepared
  • Slogan Do a good turn daily

How Scouting Works
  • Community-based organizations that have
    compatible goals with the BSA are granted
    national charters to use the Scouting program as
    a part of their own youth work.
  • Scouting units are chartered not as separate
    organizations, but as programs of the chartered
  • Charter Organizations select and approve leaders,
    provide a meeting place, and conduct the program
    in accordance with their own policies and those
    of the BSA.

Religious Charter Organizations
  • Nationally, more than 125 different religious
    organizations own and use the Scouting program.
  • The Catholic Church is one of the largest charter
    organizations and has over 355,000 registered
  • LaSalle Council serves 16,000 youth in 8 counties
    in northwest Indiana and lower Michigan. Dunes
    Moraine District (Porter County excluding Portage
    Township) serves more than1800 youth and 700
    adult volunteers.
  • In Porter County 27 of 39 (more than two-thirds)
    packs, troops and crews are chartered to 17
    different religious organizations.

Areas of Ministrywhere BSA has resources to offer
The Family of Scouting Programs
Goals of Catholic Scouting Ministry
  • In 1997, the National Conference of Catholic
    Bishops (NCCB) unanimously approved the landmark
    document Renewing the Vision - A Framework for
    Catholic Youth Ministry, which provides the
    direction and content for Catholic youth ministry
    in the United States. The document describes the
    three key goals of youth ministry
  • Goal 1. Empowerment and Discipleship
  • To empower young people to live as disciples of
    Jesus Christ in our world today.
  • Goal 2. Full Participation in the Faith
  • To draw young people to responsible
    participation in the life, mission and work of
    the faith community.
  • Goal 3. Personal and Spiritual Growth
  • To foster the total personal and spiritual
    growth of each young person.

Renewing the Vision
Renewing the Vision
Renewing the Vision
Scoutings methods and the 8 components of youth
Scoutings methods and the 8 components of youth
  • role models and witnesses to the faith in their
    daily interactions with Scouts
  • apostles to youths
  • receive extensive Boy Scouts of America training
    in leadership
  • receive training in youth protection norms
  • NCCS Scouter Development program trains adults
    for the lay apostolate of Scouting

  • the unit committee supervises the program
  • a Scouting coordinator acts as liaison between a
    parishs Scout programs and the pastor and parish
  • adults serve as religious emblems counselors or
    moderators. They are trained for this service
  • Scouters stay connected with their parishes that
    charter the Scouting units and are active in the
  • youth ministry

What is Venturing?(established in 1998)
  • Venturing is a youth development program for
    young men and women who are 14 (and have
    completed the eighth grade) through 20 years of
  • The purpose is to provide positive experiences to
    help young people mature and to prepare them to
    become responsible and caring adults.
  • The Venturing program has been tailored to help
    religious youth groups achieve their aims and
    purposes by providing leadership training,
    outdoor and high-adventure activities and
    resources, program ideas and materials,
    recognition and awards for the youth and adults,
    audiovisuals, literature, and low cost insurance.
  • A Venturing program is owned by the religious
    organization. The organization selects and
    approves adult leaders. The religious
    organization uses elements of the Venturing
    program to achieve its specific aims and purposes
    related to young adults.

How does Venturing Work?
  • Goals - Young adults involved in Venturing
  • Learn to make ethical choices over their
    lifetimes by instilling the values in the
    Venturing Oath and Code and Ethics in Action.
  • Experience a program that is fun and full of
    challenge and adventure.
  • Become a skilled training and program resource
    for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and other groups.
  • Acquire skills in the areas of high adventure,
    sports, arts and hobbies, youth ministries, or
    Sea Scouting.
  • Experience positive leadership from adult and
    youth leaders and be given opportunities to take
    on leadership roles.
  • Have a chance to learn and grow in a supportive,
    caring, and fun environment.

Methods of Venturing
The aims of the Boy Scouts of America are to
build character, develop citizenship and foster
personal fitness.
  • The Ideals
  • Adult Association
  • Group Activities
  • Leadership
  • Teaching Others
  • High Adventure
  • Recognition

Ethics in ActionVenturing uses "ethical
controversies" to help young adults develop the
ability to make responsible choices that reflect
their concern for what is at risk and how it will
affect others involved.
  • A sampling of the requirements for the
  • Religious Life Bronze Award
  • Earn your denominations Venture-age religious
  • Plan and lead a service project such as helping
    to build a Habitat for Humanity house,
    participating in a community cleanup project, of
    taking on a fix-up project for a nursing home or
  • Serve as a volunteer in your religious
    organization or another nonprofit organization
    for at least three months.
  • Go on a religious retreat or religious trek
    lasting at least two days.
  • Produce or be a cast member in some type of
    entertainment production with a religious or
    ethical theme, such as a play, puppet show, or
    concert for a group such as a childrens group,
    retirement home, homeless shelter, etc.

A Scout is reverent. He is reverent toward God.
He is faithful in his religious duties and
respects the convictions of others in matters of
custom and religion.
To encourage Scouts and Scouters to grow stronger
in their faith, religious groups have developed
the religious emblems programs. The Boy Scouts
of America has approved of these programs. The
emblems may be worn on the official uniform.
The various religious groups administer the
programs. Curriculum booklets can be obtained
through the local council service center or
directly from the religious organization.
Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing Catholic
Religious Emblems
Benefits for Religious Youth Groups
  • Venturing can be incorporated into your existing
    youth program using your existing leadership. It
    can be coed (or not...)!
  • Venturing is a tremendous resource for relational
  • It can be that extra something that attracts
    young people, gets them involved, and keeps them
  • It offers training for youth leaders to help make
    them feel comfortable and training for adults, to
    give them the skills they need for developing
    meaningful, trusting relationships with youth.
  • Venturing has resources that support your efforts
    in building the community and in serving others
    (programs, training, literature, high adventure
    bases, camps, liability insurance, optional
    accident insurance).

Everyone Wins with VenturingThe Religious
Organization Wins
  • Venturing will work with any existing youth
    program structure. It does not require another
  • Venturing will help keep your youth closer to
    your organizations beliefs and expectations and
    connected to the right people.
  • Venturing provides a package (wholesome, fun,
    and recognition) that you can use to hold your
    existing youth and to attract new youth into your
    religious organization.
  • Venturing in your youth group will help display
    your faith's role in the welfare of the
  • The religious awards program will help create an
    arena in which young adults can interact with
    religious leaders.

Everyone Wins with VenturingThe Adult Volunteers
  • Volunteers receive specific program suggestions
    that can be tailored to the needs of the youth
  • Opportunities for greater community involvement
    and outreach.
  • Communication, planning, and program development
    skills are enhanced through training.
  • Youth protection training and the Guide to Safe
    Scouting provide a structure for the safe conduct
    of youth group activities
  • A greater commitment to service results.

Everyone Wins with VenturingThe Youth Win
  • Venturing stimulates youth interest in wholesome,
    fun activities sponsored by the religious
  • In Venturing, youth are taught hands-on
    leadership skills like planning, listening,
    teamwork, communications, and delegation.
  • Venturing's awards and achievements help youth
    feel recognized, give them a sense of belonging,
    and build self-esteem.

Organizing a Unitin Your Church
  • Church membership officially adopts Scouting
  • An organizing committee of local parents and
    interested church members is appointed
  • Organizing committee selects leaders and
    committee members
  • Leaders are trained and the first six months
    programs are planned
  • Local youth are recruited and unit meetings
  • Unit charter is presented at a formal ceremony in
    your church

Ten Steps To Organizing a Venture Crew in your
  • Parish priest is informed about Scouting
  • Parish council adopts Scouting and parish priest
    appoints a chartered organization representative
  • Chartered organization representative appoints
    organizing committee of parents and interested
    church members
  • Hold orientation session with the members of the
    parish and parents of youth
  • Organizing committee selects unit leaders and
    committee members
  • Train leaders in program planning (Fast Start)
  • Plan program for at least first six months.
  • Recruit youth.
  • Start unit meetings
  • Install unit and present charter at a formal
    service in the parish

Next Steps
  • Appoint a Charter Organization Representative
  • Appoint an Organizing Committee
  • Minimum Membership Requirements
  • Annual Charter Agreement
  • New Unit Application 20.00
  • Adult Leaders (3 min) 10.00 each
  • (IH, CR, CC, MC, EA)
  • Youth (5 min) 10.00 each

For Further Information
  • National Council Website
  • http//
  • LaSalle Council Website
  • http//
  • Ted Gowin Dunes Moraine District Executive
  • 219 873-9453
  • Tom Kennedy Council Venturing Chair
  • 219 464-4555
  • Susan Barriball Council Relationships Chair
  • 219 926-3028
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