Title: Wildlife%20Branch%20Mission
1Connecting Soldiers and Families with Nature....
Fort Bragg Wildlife Branch
Enjoy the Woods.
2Purpose of the Briefing
- Short Overview of Bragg Volunteer Partnerships
- Values and Intent
- Build lasting relationships among constituents
- Give users meaningful ways to contribute to
conservation - Accomplish resource management
- Challenges
- Keep them all pointed in the same general
3Volunteer Oversight
- Human Intelligence Levels Vary
- Applies to Government Staff as well???
4Legal Stuff
- Sign Up as Volunteers with Installation Volunteer
program - Simple job description
- Volunteer program instills concept of a job and
dependability - Workmens Comp
- Easier Installation Access
- Create / maintain group affiliations and sign
them up as sanctioned Installation Group - Gives additional insurance liability coverage
- Allows to meet on post
- Makes work direction much easier through group
leader or habitat committee - Gives staff and quick reference for volunteer
queries rather than address each person and keep
them employed - Ex Wounded Warriors
5Fort Bragg WildlifeVolunteer Programs
- QDMA Quality Deer Management Association
- Military Warrior Support Foundation
- Wounded Warrior Hunts
- Youth of Deployed Soldier Hunts
- Mentoring- firearm training- hunting skills
- Disabled Hunter Blinds
- Bass Busters and Wounded Warrior
- Fishing Derbies and Classes
- Ducks Unlimited
- Wetlands Creation
- Wood Duck Boxes
- Beaver Levelors
- Eagle Scout Projects
- You name it!
- Fox Squirrel Houses
- Duck/Owl/Bird houses
- Fish Structure
- Fishing Piers/Signs/Benches
- Fort Bragg Quail Unlimited
6QDMA Quality Deer Management Association
Military Warrior Support Foundation
- Wounded Warrior Hunts
- Youth of Deployed Soldier Hunts
- Mentoring- firearm training- hunting skills
- Disabled Hunter Blinds
- Food Plot Plantings
7Bragg Bass Busters Fishing 101 Wounded Warrior
Fly Fishing Classes
8Partnerships in the MakingFort Bragg and Ducks
UnlimitedWetland habitat evaluation, design, and
9Beaver Pond and Impoundment Management
Fort Bragg Chapter of DUBoy Scouts Troops and
Eagle Scouts
- Water level Manipulation
- Wildlife Food Enhancement
- Road Crossing Co-existence
10Wood Duck Box Program
Fort Bragg Chapter of DUBoy Scouts Troops and
Eagle Scouts
- 160 Wood Duck Boxes installed and maintained on
Fort Bragg. - Many installed and maintained by Boy Scouts
- Currently maintained by Fort Bragg Chapter of
Ducks Unlimited.
11All Sorts of Projects
Boy Scouts Troops and Eagle Scouts
- You name it!
- Fox Squirrel Houses
- Duck/Owl/Bird houses
- Fishing Piers
- Bulletin Boards/Signs
- Benches / Boardwalks
12Boy Scouts Troops and Eagle Scouts
13Bragg Quail Unlimited now Bragg Quail Group /
14Serious Heavy Lifting Tractor Work
Bragg Quail Unlimited now Bragg Quail Group /
15Wildlife Opening and Brush Pile Creation
Bragg Quail Unlimited now Bragg Quail Group /
16Bragg Quail Unlimited now Bragg Quail Group /
Thousands of Hours
17Fort Bragg WildlifeVolunteer Programs
- Lots more photos and stories on the Bragg
Facebook Page
18Connecting Soldiers and Families with Nature....
Enjoy the Woods.