Title: Qualitative Methodologies Workshop
1Qualitative Methodologies Workshop
- Some general principles
- An example
- Introducing some methods and techniques
- Developing a plan
Jo Tacchi j.tacchi_at_qut.edu.au
2Some resources in the library
- Questioning Qualitative Inquiry Critical Essays.
Martyn Hammersley. London. Sage. 2008. - Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Norman K.
Denzin Yvonna S. Lincoln. Los Angeles. Sage.
2008. - Introducing Qualitative Research A Students
Guide for the Craft of Doing Qualitative
Research. Rosaline S. Barbour. Thousand Oaks CA.
Sage. 2008. - http//carbon.cudenver.edu/mryder/itc/pract_res.h
3Quantitative or Qualitative? general principles
- Large numbers
- Thin description
- Counts how many
- Closed, with predetermined parameters
- Mode of analysis predetermined
- Easy to control for good (generating accurate
information on large numbers of people) and ill
(may miss important unexpected aspects) - Representative random sampling
- Requires a set of variables
- Produces statistics
- Small numbers
- Thick description
- Explores meanings
- Open, with clear focus but flexibility
- Allows for reflexive interpretation
- Difficult to control for good (allows
interesting and unexpected issues to emerge) and
ill (hard to generate numbers and include large
numbers of people) - Generalisable purposeful sampling
- Requires reflexivity
- Produces accounts/ narratives/stories
Training workshop, Lapulu
4Planning qualitative research
- Each piece of research needs a detailed research
plan - What are your research questions and what
approach is best suited to answering them? - Develop a clear methodology
- Use a range of appropriate methods
- Workshop outputs
- A clearer idea of the potential relevance to your
research - An idea of a few qualitative methods
- A draft research plan
5Finding a Voice
- Aim to explore how technological change might be
socially effective and culturally empowering - Funded by Australian Research Council Linkage
grant and UNESCO and UNDP - Sites India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Indonesia
- Established a network of 15 (pre-existing) ICT
centres - telecentres
- community radio / video
- community libraries
- Community multimedia centres
image courtesy Buddhanagar CMC
6Finding a Voice 2 main activities and outcomes
- Participatory local content creation a variety
of content creation activities and a transferable
set of principles and processes
- Ethnographic Action Research (EAR) a research
and development methodology for improving the
effectiveness of community-based media and ICT
image courtesy Buddhanagar CMC
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8Background the research need
- Much of the research work in development
communication is about trying to establish impact - Much of it follows the hypodermic needle
approach, and is embedded in modernisation
paradigm - This is despite rhetoric to the contrary we
talk about participation - Nevertheless, target audiences of development
communication are often considered to be
information poor in need of an injection of
information - Participation in development often fails to live
up to its promise top-down participation - How can we make development more participatory?
- Dialogue and debate and multiple knowledges
- Dealing with complexity
9EAR Ethnographic Action Research
- Developed specifically for ICT/community media
initiatives - Combines three research approaches
- ETHNOGRAPHY traditionally used to understand
different cultures in detail. It is long term and
requires researcher to be embedded in local
cultures. - PARTICIPATORY TECHNIQUES help both researchers
and participants understand complex issues in a
rapid and inclusive manner. - ACTION RESEARCH used to bring about new
activities through new understandings of
10EAR Ethnographic Action Researchkey features
- Embedded
- Ongoing
- Social mobilisation
- Research culture
- Participatory
- Action research cycle
11EAR Ethnographic Action Research
- A few of the key methods
- Participant observation field notes
- An EAR researcher is both a participant and an
observer. - Field notes record as much as possible of what
EAR researchers see and hear and also record
their own reactions and ideas as they happen. - This helps the researcher to think through
difficult issues, reflect upon and share emerging
research themes . - Continuous activity.
- Can also be undertaken by others involved in the
project simply by reflecting on what they observe
and recording this in the form of field notes
(like a journal/diary).
12EAR Ethnographic Action Research
- A few of the key methods
- Interviews In-depth and group
- In-depth interviews are detailed conversations
with a purpose. - Interviews are guided by an interview schedule
- a list of a few issues to be covered in each
interview - while leaving lots of room to respond
to what is interesting in the conversation. - Group interviews are discussions in which
researchers set a topic and guide discussion but
allow the participants to talk to each other and
develop a conversation. - A good group size is between 6 and 10 people.
13EAR Ethnographic Action Research
- A few of the key methods
- Participatory techniques
- Good for getting researchers started in
collecting data and quickly gaining an
understanding of the local area, local people and
local issues. - Can involve local people participating in
defining their own issues. - A useful way of starting EAR work, and can be
drawn upon at any time to explore issues in
different ways, and to test findings or ideas
generated using other methods. - Generally undertaken with small groups.
- Includes mapping, grouping, ranking, comparing
and sequencing.
14Communicative ecologies
- Reflects ethnographic goal of holism,
importance of context - Tool for mapping participation in communication
ground it in the everyday - Assumes ICT joins pre-existing communication
systems beyond mass / community media - Transport infrastructure
- roads, buses, trains
- Social communication practices
- public and private gossip
- Local people often do not use or think about an
individual medium in isolation from other media - Communication takes place within an existing
communicative ecology specific to each
community/group/place culture
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Subject Firali 33yo female householder Location
Jhuwani, Nepal Date 24 March 2007
Communicative Ecologymapping
19Important Skills
- Listening
- Interpreting/describing
- Checking/sharing
- Reflecting/questioning
- Some roles of a group facilitator
- To focus a group on its purpose and act as
guardian of the group culture - To help a group increase its effectiveness by
intervening on group process and structure - To help group members learn and critically
reflect - 4 facilitators
20Exercising some methods Speed dating
- Participatory techniques
- Trees
- Community mapping
- Gender roles charts
- Road blocks and barriers
- Ranking lines
- Spider diagrams
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22Research planning
- Clear research question
- Methods that will be used
- The Time Frame for implementing each research
activity - Documentation managing and organising data
- Coding and analysis
- Production and feedback of results/outputs