Critical Sexuality Studies and Research Methodologies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Critical Sexuality Studies and Research Methodologies


Critical Sexuality Studies and Research Methodologies From Advancing Sexuality Studies: a short course on sexuality theory and research methodologies – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Critical Sexuality Studies and Research Methodologies

Critical Sexuality Studies and Research
  • From Advancing Sexuality Studies a short course
    on sexuality theory and research methodologies

The International Resource Network
Developed by
  • The Caribbean International Resource Network
  • Presented in collaboration with
  • The Institute for Gender Development Studies at
    the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
    (Trinidad Tobago)
  • With funding from The Ford Foundation the
    International Association for the Study of
    Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS)
  • Available under an Attribution, Non-Commercial,
    Share Alike licence from Creative Commons

Learning activity Time allowed
Introduction aims 5 mins
Session 1. What is research? Key terms and concepts Brainstorm lecture Pre-readings discussion Mini lecture 120 mins 55 mins 60 mins 5 mins
Session 2. Research matters in Critical Sexuality Studies Lecture Ethical issues group discussion small group work 120 mins 30 mins 90 mins
Session 3. Conceptualising and designing CSS research Research design diagram lecture Group work Lecture brainstorm Case Study Lectures Group Discussions 240 mins 20 mins 60 mins 45 mins 115 mins
Conclusion 5 mins
Total 480 mins
Module aims
  • To introduce participants to key terms and
    approaches within research methodologies
  • To consider the intersections between ways of
    understanding the world, methodology and field
    methods, and the implications for Critical
    Sexuality Studies research in general and in the
  • To examine the research design process from a
    Critical Sexuality Studies perspective

Participants will
  • Develop an understanding of issues specific to
    conducting research on sexuality, including the
    ethical, political, cultural and social
    implications of sexuality as a field of inquiry
  • Obtain basic familiarity with how to design a
    research project
  • Be able to apply the principles of Critical
    Sexuality Studies methodologies to the
    development of a research project relevant to the
    Caribbean in co-operation with other members of
    the group

Session 1.What is research?Key terms and
  • What research experiences have you had?
    (10 mins)
  • Report back to whole group
    (10 mins)
  • What might be a working definition of research?
    (10 mins)
  • Research from 16th century French recerche /
  • To go about seeking
  • A search or investigation directed to the
    discovery of some fact by careful consideration
    or study of a subject a course of critical or
    scientific inquiry (http//
    (OED online)
  • research is probably one of the dirtiest
    words in the Indigenous worlds vocabulary.
    (Tuhiwai Smith, 1998 2008 1)

Research methodology
  • The view of what constitutes a methodology in
    the context of social research is a contentious
    1993 1994 32)
  • the logical principles underlying the
    organisation of the conduct of scientific
    enquiry (Macquarie Dictionary, 1981)
  • or
  • The best means of acquiring knowledge about the
  • (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005 183)

A CSS understanding
  • Within Critical Sexuality Studies, methodology is
    understood to include ways of understanding the
  • Inextricably linked to ways of acquiring
    knowledge about the world
  • Methodology also includes the field methods one

The complexity of knowledge
  • Ways of understanding the world often presented
    by simplistic division between
  • Most people hold elements of both, but prefer one
    over the other
  • Knowledge as objective the majority in
    sexuality studies research, but this depends on
    discipline and methodology.

Knowledge as objective Knowledge as subjective
Existing outside of human experience Not context dependent Singular truth for each question fixed Within the realm of human experience Dependent on socio-cultural, historical, political, emotional, experiential context Multiple truths shifting
  • Objective understanding of knowledge tends to
    lead to quantitative research approaches
  • Counting what, who, when, where to try and
    establish causal relationships and patterns of
  • Subjective understanding tends to lead to
    qualitative research approaches
  • Gathering opinions, beliefs, experiences,
    meanings to try and understand the why or how of
    a research topic

Quantitative approach
  • In general, a quantitative approach
  • Looks for causal or law-like explanations and
    descriptions of patterns or association
  • Focuses on data in numerical form, in non-natural
  • Deductive works downwards and inwards from a
  • Requires larger samples
  • Look for generalisation through obtaining large
    sample size and predicting majority trends (and
  • Main research method is survey/questionnaire
  • Other methods include social network analysis
  • Uses mainly statistical analysis to evaluate

Qualitative approach
  • In general, a qualitative approach will
  • Seek in-depth and subjective understandings
  • Focus on rich or thick description
  • Smaller samples, in naturalistic settings
  • Inductive works upwards and outwards from
    specific observations to broader generalisations
    and theories
  • Looks for applicability of findings at
    socio-cultural process level
  • Expectation that the researcher will
  • Many field methods, often in combination
  • e.g. in-depth interviews, focus groups
    discussions, textual analysis, participant
    observation, participatory action research

Comparison of quantitative and qualitative methods Comparison of quantitative and qualitative methods Comparison of quantitative and qualitative methods
Quantitative Qualitative
Philosophical foundation Deductive, reductionist Inductive, holistic
Aim To test pre-set hypothesis To explore complex human issues
Study plan Step-wise, predetermined Iterative, flexible
Position of researcher Aims to be detached and objective Integral part of research process
Assessing quality of outcomes Direct tests of validity reliability using statistics Indirect quality assurance methods of trustworthiness
Measures of utility of results Generalisability Transferability
Marshall (1996 524)
CSS research
  • Sexuality is an intersubjectively negotiated,
    social and historical product
  • Qualitative methods seen to offer the best
    framework for interpreting sexual meanings,
    identities and categories (Gamson, 2000)
  • Approach and field methods chosen in any
    particular research project will be influenced by
    the overarching methodology

Pre-readings discussion
  • Focus questions
  • Kempadoo (2003) and (2009)
  • List the main disciplines and methodologies
    reviewed in her essays.
  • Why does Kempadoo insist upon a focus on sexual
    praxis? How does this impact research methods in
    Caribbean Sexuality Studies?
  • What are the main research methods? What
    similarities or differences do we see in the
    research methods mentioned in Kempadoos and
    Sharpe and Pintos essays?
  • Sharpe and Pinto (2006)
  • List the main disciplines and methodologies
    reviewed in their essay.
  • How have transnational approaches to Caribbean
    Sexuality Studies affected research
  • What is needed in the 21st century?

Research design principles
  • Well-designed research will
  • Show a clear link between the overall
    methodology, the research approach and the field
  • Be well thought through and have a precise focus
  • What are the issues? Are the research questions
    well crafted?
  • What do you want the project to accomplish? How
    might this be achieved?
  • What dissemination plans or training might be
  • Meet with funding/grant application requirements
  • Leave a paper trail, documenting all steps
  • Be ethical
  • What about anonymity, security, safety? For
    researchers and researched?

Session 2. The importance (and difficulty) of
CSS research
CSS research an overview
  • CSS work is multifaceted and multidisciplinary,
  • Always requires a focus on the shifting
    relationships of power, knowledge, context, and
  • CSS research tends towards qualitative inquiry
  • Needs to be theory-driven, usually empirically
  • Many field methods, constantly evolving
  • Capable of generalisation processes, practices,
    social dynamics (rarely population predictive)

CSS research challenges
  • Difficult field to research
  • Site of secrecy, shame, stigma and discrimination
  • Strong historical, political, legal and
    socio-cultural influences
  • Complex relationship to other social phenomena,
    e.g. gender, social class/SES, ethnicity/race,
    postcoloniality/orientalism, age/generation
  • Non-normativebehaviours or identities often
    heavily policed by religious and legal guardians
  • Mandatory reporting requirements (e.g. knowledge
    of illegal acts)
  • Ethical issues
  • Human subjects research ethics
  • Ethics and human rights
  • Intrusiveness public health imperatives vs.
    sexual rights/privacy

CSS research challenges (cont.)
  • Enormous breadth of possible research topics,
    often occurring on a huge scale
  • e.g. informal polygamy, teenage pregnancy, HIV,
    and sex work
  • Rapidly changing field, e.g. globalisation,
  • Cross-cultural challenges
  • Dominance of public health approach
  • Quantitative research with large sample sizes
    often considered more legitimate than
    qualitative, small sample size research
  • Continually perceived incommensurability between
    qualitative and quantitative approaches and
  • Reliability (replicability of findings) vs.
    validity (the strength of conclusions, inferences
    or propositions)

CSS research challenges (cont.)
  • Many different disciplines involved in sexuality
  • Particular disciplines or intellectual approaches
    favour particular field methods and methodologies
  • Social sciences and humanities
  • Media and cultural studies
  • Legal studies
  • Womens and gender studies
  • Educational research
  • and others
  • Government, community organizations, NGOs, etc.

Does CSS research matter?
  • Research can affect social changeknowledge is
  • It can be influential in encouraging and teaching
    the next generation of sexuality researchers
  • Effective, recognised research can lead to
    funding, career development, publishing,
    teaching, tenure, etc.
  • Institutional and professional roles are changed
    by research
  • It contributes to the expansion of established
    knowledge regarding an issue or topic
  • It requires consideration of relationships and
    responsibilities shared between researchers and
    the researched

Ethical issues
  • Knowledge is power, but
  • Who owns it? Who gets to use it? Who holds the
  • What is our relationship with, responsibility
    towards, and negotiated understanding with, those
    we are researching?
  • Requires reflexivity
  • Research Scenario (15 min)
  • You are collecting data about sex work and
    transactional sex in the Caribbean interviewing
    people who are sex workers and those seeking sex.
    What is your responsibility to your own work as a
    researcher and to the person you are
    interviewing? How does the power shift between
    you and your interviewees a sex worker vs.
    person seeking sex?
  • Report Back (15 mins)

  • Group DiscussionWe have read two to three
    review essays about the field of Caribbean
    Sexuality Studies. Create a timeline from each
    essay with a list of the major challenges,
    scholars, works, and successes in three groups
    each group assigned one of the essays.
  • Writing Time and ReflectionWhat do you think
    may be most difficult when doing research on
    Sexuality and Sexualities in the place you are
    doing work? What have you learned through the
    review essays so far that eases any concerns you
    may have about engaging in Sexuality Studies?

Session 3.Conceptualising and designing CSS
Main steps in research design
Map the larger context identify the key social
issue or concern to be researched
  • Research is an iterative, not linear, process
  • The broad segments of a research project

Define the specific research project
Develop research outputs, disseminate findings
Starting a research project
  • Identify the key social issue or concern to be
    researched (what to research) by drawing on
  • The larger context
  • Broad research purposes
  • What do we want to achieve? Why should we do this
  • Crucial audiences
  • Whom do we need to reach, target and inform in
    order to meet our research purposes?
  • Possible research outputs
  • What might we produce, to reach our audiences and
    meet our purposes?
  • Literature review
  • What knowledge already exists? Where are the gaps?

Starting a research project cont.
  • Define the specific research project
  • Give it a title
  • Make a statement about what you are trying to do
  • Bring the research focus to the fore, through the
  • Dont be obscure or too clever. Remember keyword
  • Define research objectives
  • Define your research questions

The larger context
  • Research occurs within a web of interlinking
  • Political and social
  • Are conditions favourable? What types of funding
    opportunities are available, and what types of
    research are likely to get funded?
  • Professional/academic
  • Your work needs to fit the current agendas of
    industry, academia, and/or politics in general,
    and your discipline in particular
  • It should build upon and/or develop your own
    knowledge and expertise, foster your interest and
    passion, develop your professional field or

Broad research purposes
  • Consider
  • What is the larger social problem or issue to
    which your new research project will make a
  • e.g. gender-based violence, young people and
    sexuality, the media and sexuality etc.
  • What overarching impact do you hope this research
    will have
  • Bearing in mind the interlinking fields in which
    the research will occur?
  • Research purposes (or aims) should be big
  • Preferably just 1-2 purposes
  • e.g. This research aims to broaden knowledge and
    understanding of and therefore contribute to

Crucial audiences
  • Is it important that the research be done?
  • To whom? For whom?
  • Do you want to create change? If so, where and
    with whom?
  • Academe, colleagues in field, theorists?
  • Government, policy?
  • Action, programs, practices?
  • Direct stakeholders, funders, agencies?
  • Respondents, communities?

Possible research outputs
  • What would the research need to deliver, in order
    to reach the crucial audiences and achieve the
    research purposes?
  • Will you deliver a report, training materials,
  • Might different types of audiences require
    different types of outputs?
  • Producing different kinds of outputs affects what
    kind of data or information your research needs
    to find
  • Take note this may change over the life of the
    project, particularly if you undertake action

The literature review
  • Why?
  • An expected part of grant applications
  • Sets the stage, through assessing knowledge to
  • Knowledge of the social problem or issue, and of
    the larger context
  • Knowledge of the methodological habits or
    theories surrounding that problem or issue, as
    well as of the larger context
  • Knowledge of gaps in existing literature
  • Enables identification of major players,
    theories, possible publication sites, audiences

The literature review cont.
  • How?
  • Searching around a topic, not just within it
  • Think laterally
  • Develop an up-to-date reference list, with
    academic quality citations (EndNote? Zotero?)
  • Annotate readings for key themes emerging as you
  • Online searching of databases, manual library
  • Allow the literature review to evolve with the
    research project
  • The literature review is the base on which
    academic research is built

Specific project design
  • Defining the specific project
  • What is its title?
  • Important to be clear, succinct and precise
  • One project cannot research everything what part
    of the larger social problem or issue are you
    going to research?
  • e.g. in the larger social problem of issue of
    young people and sexuality, your new project will
    investigate the importance of sex education or
    first sexual activity, or experiences of
    sexual coercion, or beliefs about love and
    romance etc.
  • What are its specific objectives (sometimes
    called goals)?
  • What is it that you want to do e.g. develop a
    better understanding of sex education curricula
    , or uncover new knowledge about first sexual

Research questions
  • Research questions
  • Connection to theory
  • Provide the focus for your research
  • What do you seek answers to?
  • Be succinct, capture the theory in the question,
    and limit yourself to 2-4 core questions
  • Relationship between questions needs to be clear
  • Either sequential, additional or hierarchical
  • Bear in mind the larger context and the projects
  • Research questions formulated before you consider
    the field methods
  • Can be refined as methodology continues to

Types of research questions
  • Either
  • Questions to be answered
  • or
  • Springboard to development or reconstruction of
  • Open-ended questions
  • Not causal or directional, use exploratory terms
    (explore, discover, investigate)
  • Closed questions
  • Seek to show causal link, look for definite
    answers (yes/no, points on a scale etc.)
  • Core question/s ? subsidiary questions

Group work
  • Teenage pregnancy contraception case study
    (Handout A)
  • Read handout
    (5 mins)
  • Define
  • The overall research purpose
  • The crucial audiences
  • A specific research issue or problem
  • The possible outputs you might you aim for (based
    on the audiences)
  • The broad scope (and sites) for an initial
    literature search
  • The research project title
  • Your project objectives
  • Your project-specific research questions
    (20 mins)
  • Feedback
    (10 mins)

Next steps
  • Project design methodology, approach, field
  • No one Critical Sexuality Studies methodology,
    but all CSS research is
  • Critical of objective claims to knowledge
  • Attentive to the ways sexuality is invested with
    social and cultural meaning in specific contexts
  • Reviewing methodology and connections between
    research design is part of the reflexive process
  • Aiming for a methodologically coherent design

The practical aspects
  • Based on your research questions
  • Where are you most likely to find the information
    (data) that will give you answers?
  • People tend to be central to finding answers in
    sexuality research
  • As individuals per se, as types of individuals,
    and/or as specifically nominated individuals
  • Sometimes clusters of people are more important
    for example
  • Communities (e.g. a sexual minority community)
  • Sub-cultures (e.g. artists)
  • Locales (e.g. a neighborhood)
  • Cohorts (e.g. 15-year-old girls)
  • People with distinguishing characteristics (e.g.
    people with disabilities) or
  • Patterns of association (e.g. military
  • Defining your research object(s) and object
    boundaries is crucial to the research process
  • The space(s) in which you will be asking
    questions and collecting information or data
  • Different types of research object
  • Experiences

Beyond people
  • Consider looking beyond people as such, and
  • Experiences e.g. particular events, places and
    times, certain issues (health, sexuality)
  • Processes e.g. institutions, relationships,
  • Practices e.g. drug-taking, sexual, social,
    educational, sport
  • Ideas or concepts e.g. authority, hegemony,
    pedagogy, competitiveness, stigma, racism,
    homophobia, sin, pleasure
  • Useful research on all of the above could be
    carried out entirely through secondary sources
    e.g. collecting and analysing documentation

  • Having identified your researchdata
    source(people or things), you need a sampling
  • How big is your data source?
  • If you are looking at 15-year-old schoolgirls,
    the number will be very large
  • If you are looking at an organisations guideline
    documents, the number will be relatively small
  • Is it both feasible and necessary for you to
    involve all of your data source?
  • Does your approach call for a larger,
    statistically representative sample size
    (quantitative) or rich narrative data
  • Do you want to generalise outwards from the data
    source, or do you want to show relevance to a
    broader population?

Dont forget
  • Decisions on who will be involved, and in what
    capacity, should all be based on your research
  • Supported by your literature review, research
    experience, key informant information etc.
  • Other players in the research process. These
  • Those who control access to the research object
  • Broader stakeholders (e.g. should there be an
    advisory group?)

Choosing field methods
  • What is the most suitable method for obtaining
    the data or information you require from your
    research data source?
  • Decision will be based on
  • Experience (yours and others)
  • Feasibility
  • Budget?
  • Staff?
  • Time?
  • Research purposes, objectives and crucial
  • Flexibility and reflexivity in the field
  • Disciplinary specialities

Who uses which field methods?
Examples of research approach, method and disciplinary connection Examples of research approach, method and disciplinary connection Examples of research approach, method and disciplinary connection
Approach Field method Primary related discipline?
Qualitative Participant observation Anthropology
Textual analysis Literature / media studies
Semi-structured, unstructured or structured interview Multi-disciplinary
Life stories / narrative theory / genealogy Sociology / history
Quantitative Structured interview Multi-disciplinary
Survey Epidemiology
Experiment Psychology / sexology
Social network analysis (SNA) Psychology
And then
  • Approach and field methods determine analysis
  • Thematic analysis, or statistical regression?
  • NVivo or SPSS? Printouts and scissors, or a
  • Large range of analytic approaches, again, often
    chosen based on disciplinary preferences
  • Regression analysis, multi-level analysis,
    analysis of variance
  • Critical discourse analysis, thematic analysis,
    content analysis
  • Analysis incorporated as an integral part of the
    research process (action research)?

Ethical issues
  • From the research design phase, begin to
  • What possible physical or emotional risks could
    arise during the research process (including risk
    to the researchers)?
  • What ethics processes will you need to go
  • e.g. university, hospital, government department,
    national guidelines, NGO/INGO
  • What requirements will you face?
  • e.g. data storage, information to be provided to
    participants, nature of informed consent, report
    back to those involved

Ethical issues cont.
  • All processes for ethical approval require you to
    have clear, well thought-out rationale and
    methods for
  • Recruitment
  • Gaining informed consent (written or oral)
  • In addition, researchers need to reflect on their
    moral responsibilities in terms of
  • Participant safety minimisation of intrusion
  • Promising confidentiality and/or anonymity
  • Gaining consent

Beyond ethics approval
  • Other ethical considerations
  • Staff safety (physical and emotional)
  • Staff confidentiality agreements
  • Report-back provisions
  • Ensuring that publication or dissemination of
    research material is ethically acceptable to
    everyone involved
  • Your work will be peer-reviewed. Are there
    conflicts of interest?

Research design a review
  • Iterative process
  • Identify the key social issue or concern to be
  • Pulling together the larger context, broad
    research purposes, crucial audiences, possible
    research outputs, literature review
  • Define the specific research project
  • Give it a title, define your research objectives,
    project-specific research questions
  • Decide your methodology, approach, field methods,
    analysis method
  • Undertake fieldwork
  • Analysis
  • Disseminate the findings (bearing in mind the
    crucial audiences and overall research purpose)

Group work
  • Returning to Handout A, review your research
    questions and design to date. Then identify
  • People who might be involved in a research
    project, and how
  • (Research data source? Gatekeepers? Advisors?)
  • What research approach and field method(s) would
    you use?
  • What particular ethical challenges might arise?
    (30 mins)
  • Feedback
    (30 mins)

Proposals for funding
  • Large variety of funding application formats
  • Considerable variation in meaning of terms used
  • Methodology, method, field method, approach
    participants, subjects, co-researchers aims,
    goals, objectives, purpose
  • Common requirements
  • Research project title
  • Background statement (social issue, brief
    literature review, theory, how you got to this
    starting point for this project)
  • A cohesive, coherent project conceptualisation
    and design
  • Research purpose, objectives, research
    population/people involved, sampling, ethical
    issues (and responses), approach, field methods,
    analysis, research outputs, dissemination plan

Proposals for funding cont.
  • Administrative / organisational details,
  • Host or administering organisation
  • Details of project management and financial
  • Budget and budget justification
  • Rationale for involvement of project staff
    members (based on their track record)
  • Procedures for ensuring ethically acceptable
  • Which ethics committees will you be applying to?
  • What procedures will you put in place to minimise
    the potential of harm and distribute some of your
  • Timeline
  • All of which takes a great deal of time to

  • A research project is not complete until the
    findings have been disseminated effectively
  • Effective dissemination means
  • Achieving the project aim by reaching the crucial
    audiences in appropriate ways
  • As and where appropriate, ensuring research
    participants (and other gatekeepers/key
    informants) are kept up to date
  • Crucial audiences could include
  • Funding bodies
  • Involved professionals
  • Professional associations
  • Think tanks
  • Activist groups
  • Other researchers

Dissemination modes
  • Different audiences, different modes of
  • Report (interim and final)
  • Essential with most funding bodies
  • Executive summary or summary of recommendations
  • Useful with bodies that may fund future research
  • De-briefing meeting(s)
  • With project researchers and advisers
  • Workshops
  • With participants, activists or professionals
  • Newsletters
  • For participants, also for professional

Dissemination modes cont.
  • Other possible modes of dissemination
  • Academic articles, professional journals, books
  • Conferences
  • Government briefings, funder briefings
  • Community events with key speakers
  • Training materials
  • Radio and TV, newspapers and magazines, media
  • ISBN/ISSN nos, electronic storage (e.g. list
    serves, repositories)
  • Legal deposit (e.g. national libraries,
    universities, Parliament)

Group work
  • Returning to the teenage pregnancy and
    contraception research case study, develop a
    draft dissemination plan
  • Again, keep in mind your
  • Overall research purposes
  • Crucial audiences
  • Specific project objectives
  • Project outputs
  • Feedback
    (20 mins)

  • CSS can be an emotionally (and occasionally
    legally) fraught field to research
  • it is also a valuable and highly important one
  • Need for well thought-out, coherent research that
    adds to our understanding of human sexuality
    within a social, cultural, political framework
  • Good research can facilitate social, cultural and
    political change

Module adapted for the Anglophone Caribbean
by Dr. Angelique V. Nixon, The Caribbean
International Resource Network Original module
created by Professor Gary W. Dowsett, Australian
Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society with
input from Dr Sean Slavin, Ms Gillian Fletcher,
Mr Murray Couch, Dr Duane Duncan and Dr Jon
Willis Caribbean short course developed by The
Caribbean International Resource Network with the
Institute for Gender Development Studies, The
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine,
Trinidad Tobago Original short course
developed by The Australian Research Centre in
Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University,
Melbourne, Australia and The International
Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture
and Society (IASSCS) With funding from The Ford
Foundation Available under an Attribution,
Non-Commercial, Share Alike licence from
Creative Commons
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