Filter food from water pumped through porous bodies nearly all are ... Any imaginary slice through the central axis would divide the animal into mirror ...
Aumenta la proporci n entre el rea de superficie y el volumen ... se asienta. las c lulas externas pierden su flagelo, migran al interior y forman los coanocitos ...
May have algae or bacteria that give them color. Function much like choanoflagellates ... Undigested food leaves through osculum. Sponge Reproduction: ...
Kingdom Animalia - Diversity Metazoa Parazoa Eumetazoa Radiata Bilateria Where does Tricoplax adhaerens (Phylum Placozoa) belong? Older Phylogenetic Tree ...
Belongs to Parazoa (beside the animals) Evolved from colonial protozoans ... locomote via ventral cilia and gland cells (slime) largest to locomote with cilia ...
Animal Bauplan Symmetry and complexity Chapter 3: Animal Architecture * * * * * * * * * * * * III. Symmetry Radial symmetry: body parts organized about a center axis ...
no real tissues, organs or organ systems. they lack--- digestive, excretory, respiratory ... calcareous CaCO2 ~siliceous SiO2. Secreted by. sclerocytes ...
Animal gametogenesis and embryology (chapters 25, 32, 47) What is an animal? ... nervous and muscle tissues are unique. distinctive stages of development ...
EQUINODERMOS: Evolu o e Diversidade Ecologia Padr o Corporal B sico Protista ancestral flagelado Multicelularidade Porifera Cnidaria Desenvolvimento embrion rio ...
1Animals multicellular, must get food through ingesting other ... Coelomates organisms with true coelom, (fluid-filled body cavity completely lined by mesoderm) ...
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Common Patterns and Development in Animals What Are Animals? Animals are multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrophic by ingestion ...
Biology 320 Invertebrate Zoology Fall 2005 Highlights from Chapter 6 Introduction to Eumetazoa What Defines an Animal? Irritability responds to external stimuli ...
Chapter 32 Introduction to Animal Evolution 26.16 Our changing view of biological diversity 26.1 Some major episodes in the history of life. Note that molecular ...
Animais II Filos vermiformes (Platelmintos, Nematoda) Filo Moluscos Celoma Tubo digestivo Sistema circulat rio Intestino (tubo digestivo) Cerdas Corte transversal de ...
Title: Major Divisions of Life Author: kmcghee Last modified by: schrader Created Date: 8/24/2003 7:39:20 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
... but the two species which infect man are T. saginata and T. solium External Features: Tatnia saginata has four large muscular suckers; no mouth or hooks exist.
... (Radiata): phyla Cnidaria Grade II (Bilateria): all other phyla Division A (Protostomia): Mouth is first opening Subdivision of Protostomes by coelom formation: ...
They have a true coelom, the fluid filled body cavity is completely lined in ... Coelom Formation: In gastrulation, the developing of the digestive tube, there ...
Evolutionary history of Biological diversity 2.7 billion yrs ago = oxygen 2.1 billion years ago = eukaryotes 1.7 billion years ago = multicellular euk. 500 million ...
Biology II Lab Practical Review Part II Last updated 11-29-07 Orders of Placental Mammals Sirenia Rodentia Proboscidea Perissodactyla Perissodactyla Lagomorpha ...
... even though they don t have coeloms Nematoda Note that body cavity is not contained within mesoderm Note body cavity is contained within mesoderm A body ...
To introduce you to several characteristics found in animals and the range of ... Pisces (fishes) Amphibia frogs newts etc (smooth skin) Reptiles lizards ...
Scientific Classification ... Five kingdoms Haeckel (1894) Three kingdoms * * Aristotle- air, water, land Plants and animals- bacteria discovered and put with ...
Traditional reconstructions are based on key aspects of body architecture. ... Scyphozoa - jellyfish. Cubozoa - box jellyfish. Anthozoa - sea anemones and corals ...
Define the major branches of the phylogeny by the evolution of the following traits: ... (class Chondrichthyes): Great white shark (top left), silky shark (top right) ...
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...
Introduction to Kingdom Animalia. Defining Animals. 1. Animals are multicellular, ... 2. Animals generally store their carbohydrate reserves as glycogen ...
Title: 31.1 Animals are multicellular heterotrophs without cell walls. Some General Features of Animals Animals are multicellular heterotrophs that are diverse in ...
Intro to Animals & Development Beth Walker AP Biology Characteristics of Animals Multicellular Heterotrophic Eukaryotic Ingest their food Lack cell walls (cell ...
Are very diverse in form and habitat. Most reproduce sexually. Have a characteristic pattern ... 1. Separation of annelids and arthropods into different clades ...
Licenciatura en Hidrobiolog a Unidad Ense anza Aprendizaje: BIOLOG A DE LOS ORGANISMOS BENTONICOS II (ZOOBENTOS) TEMARIO Biol. Jos Alejandro Gamboa Contreras
A comparative overview of the Animal Kingdom * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * General Features of Animals Animals are the consumers of the ...
Radial symmetry with central digestive (gastrovascular) cavity. ... They are important as reef builders. Phoronids are marine worms. Brachiopods resemble clams. ...
Radiata Phylum Cnidaria Phylum Ctenophora * CERIANT RIOS An monas-tubo Tubo de pticocistos (um tipo de cnidocisto) Tent culos labiais e marginais Coluna bem ...