Title: Sponges - Porifera
1Sponges - Porifera
2Phylum Porifera - sponges --- pore
bearing Kingdom Animalia -Metazoans Branch
Parazoa - near life symmetry - radial or
none no real tissues, organs or organ
systems they lack--- digestive, excretory,
respiratory circulatory, nervous (?),
muscular systems, and no appendages respirat
ion by diffusion ---gt surface to volume ratio
S.A. (2 x 2) x 6 24 sq in (4 x 4) x 6 96
sq in V 2 x 2 x 2 8 cu in 4 x 4 x 4 64 cu
in SV 24 / 8 3 96 / 64 1.5
4Anatomy of an Asconid Sponge
Respiration Digestion Excretion
5Other types of sponges have a more complex body
walls, with foldings and convolutions
6Syconid sponges have simple folding of the
body-wall these folds form the walls of the
incurrent canals choanocytes are only in the
radial canals (the internal folds) and do not
line the spongocoel Leuconoid sponges have the
most complex body type many chambers with
choanocytes lining a flagellated chamber
7Structural support Spicules calcareous
CaCO2 siliceous SiO2
Secreted by sclerocytes
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9Spongin - a soft, proteinaceous, fibrous material
for support
10Reproduction - asexual regeneration re-aggregat
ion and de-differentation budding
11Reproduction- sexual Dioecious - separate
sexes Monoecious - an individual has both
male and female reproductive components
12Choanocyte epidermis
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