At the point when William Gilbert Lightner saw three Labrador puppies, which were examining for sustenance near the garbage; he took them to his shield asylum and supported them. William is a man who constantly keeps 4 bottles with him in the auto for his puppies and this has helped him to support the puppies when he found them in the city. For more about info visit
The best thing about William Gilbert Lightner is that he always keeps 3 bottles with him, so that he could help any animal on the road with water. Saddest thing is people in the city don’t care about these puppies. They let them roam on the street.
William Gilbert Lightner is a kind of nearby superhuman. In this blog you will basically get complete information about an inspiring soul who lives in Marietta, we are talking about William Gilbert Lightner. For more about info visit
Why William Gilbert Lightner has giving his whole life saving domestic animals? Once he was going by the road and he saw three Labrador puppies that were searching for food near the trash. This seen made him disappointing and heart broken. So in order to protect these domestic animals, William opened an animal shelter ‘Lightner’s rescue shelter’.
William Gilbert Lightner proved this wrong by saving domestic animals; these animals were in danger and the William when saw them, helped them to his best. A resident of Marietta, Georgia, the main objective of William was to save three Labrador puppies, which were searching food in the trash.
William Gilbert Lightner believes that because of hot climate in the city most of the dogs, cats, and other animals are facing the same problem and find it hard to live on because they have no one who cares for them or looks after them.
William Gilbert Lightner lives in Marietta, Georgia and has been saving domestic animals from years. He even has a beautiful daughter, whom he loves a lot and they often go out to dine. William’s girlfriend even looks after his shelter home and they both spend their time indulging in their hobbies.
Well if you want to know about William Gilbert Lightner, the man from Marietta, Georgia, who devotes his time to protecting the needy animals. He is passionate about saving domestic animals that come about to be in the hazard. “Because of the high-temperature climate in Georgia, most of the type of cats, dogs, and other creatures find it tough to accommodate when no one takes care of them," said William Gilbert Lightner.
After wandering around, the main concern of William Gilbert Lightner was to help the needy animals. Let me tell you about the incident that makes him so much passionate towards this work. Well, one day he saw 3 Labrador puppies were searching for nourishment near the garbage.
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