Title: GreenSyngas
Workshop GREENSYNGAS Güssing February 23, 2011
General Presentation of GREENSYNGASAdvanced
Cleaning Devices for Production of Green Syngas
- Mehri Sanati
- Lund University
- Faculty of Engineering
- Mehri.Sanati_at_design.lth.se
2Partners and Budget and Duration
Role of each contractor in the project 1-ULUND
Coordinator Management research of downstream
processing, particle phase characterisation for
performance measurement of cleaning, catalytic
system, demonstration 2-TUM Development of
sophisticated techniques (Laser diagnostics,
Optical) for characterisation of tar alkali in
gasifier 3-TUD On-line tar measurements and
gasification with different biomass supply by
Lantmännen, the gasifier was also used for field
test of reforming catalyst (gas supply to the
reactor system), and calibrating of the developed
methodology for high temperature fine particle in
produced gas (gas supply) 4-PA Filter system
that responds to the requirement of clean gas for
downstream processing in GREENSYNGAS,
multi-cyclone and sintered metal
5-FZJ Chemical hot gas cleaning and
thermodynamic modelling, small gasification
system, Biomass characterisation supply by
Lantmännen 6-UNIBO Downstream catalytic system
steam reforming, WGS reaction, catalytic tar
cracking 7-JM Scientific aspect of the catalytic
system, catalysts supply, process flow-sheeting
8-NTNU Downstream catalytic system steam
reforming, WGS reaction9-BKG Gasification, demo
of cleaning device, experimental concerning
catalyst exposure, supply of product gas from the
gasifier to the partners laboratory 10-LANTM
biomass quality, accessibility and supply to
different laboratories 11. Science in Society
Bil Sweden, Karin Kvist
4Total budget and duration
Total EC support, in
Total Contract cost, in
38 months project Contract start
date2008-01-01 Contract end date 2011-02-28
5WPs name and WPs leader and involved partners
WPN Title of WP WP Leader Short name
1 Coordination and Management ULUND
2 Development of characterisation techniques for emissions measurement from Biomass Gasification TUM
3 Gas purification of particulates PA
4 Tar, alkali, HCl, NH3 and sulphur removal including water treatment at high- low temperature TUD
5 Non catalytic and Catalytic steam reforming, catalytic poisoning and process flow sheeting tasks ULUND
6 Water Gas Shift reaction and scale-up NTNU
7 Large scale-Plant testing BKG
8 Dissemination and Exploitation UNIBO
WP Participant Short name Type of WP Start Date End Date
All partners Management 1 38
ULUND, TUM. LANTM Research 1 38
ULUND, PA Research and demo 12 38
ULUND, TUD, FZJ, UNIBO, JM Research and demo 2 38
ULUND, UNIBO, JM, NTNU Research and demo 4 38
ULUND, UNIBO, JM, NTNU Research and demo 10 38
All partners Dissemination 1 38
6Optimisation of units in Biofuel production route?
Harvesting Transport Palletizing
Heat losses reforming and shift
Heat losses
Heat losses
Upgrading step to added value products
Thermo- Chemical Conversion
Gas cleaning
Schematic energy conversion in a biomass to added
value products (Thermochemical Conversion)
Product gas from gasification process consists of
CO, CO2, H2, H2O, unburned hydrocarbons, tar,
sot, char, inorganic, and generally org The aim
will be increasing utilization of LHV of
feedstock to added value products
7collaboration between applied oriented
technical discipline and basic research
concentrated on new field of scientific
Technological research targets
Thermo-chemical conversion synthesis of product
gas to heat power, chemical and vehicle fuels
Catalytic and nion-catalytic reaction system
Multiphase reaction system
Improved particle removal system
High temperature Aerosol Physics
Fluid Dynamics
Transport Phenomena
Basic Research and Applied Investigation towards
an innovative improved particle cleanup system
and preventing catalytic deactivation
8Technical and Environmental Implication
In biomass thermo-chemical conversion
- Ash agglomeration
- Environmental hazards
- CO
- NOx and ammonia and sulfur
- Unburned hydrocarbon, tar, PAH, soot and
chlorinated hydrocarbon as coarse fraction - Sub-micrometer (fine) particle emission as
aerosol particle from inorganic and organic
9Baserad på gas produktsammansättning olika down
stream process kan vara aktuella.
10Three configurations
Partners contribution in relation to this Figure
11High temperature Cleaning device, in market High
temperature Gas phase characterization High
temperature particle characterization Ammonia
removal Tar cracking Capture of sulfur and
alkali Flow sheeting
12Reforming Step
A) Steam reforming
B)Auto-thermal reforming
steam carbon ratio about 2-4
13Upgrading Steps-production routes of Syngas
Steam reforming
14Regenerative System for endothermic process, no
heat waste (Energy Saving)
15High temperature sampling probe for particulate
- High temperature Particle emission from wood
Gasification - To develop and evaluate methods for
characterization of particles - - Physically Size, Mass, Number concentration
- Chemical composition
- Deposition on heat surface (corrosion issue)
16(No Transcript)
17ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work was supported by
European Commission (EC) 7th Framework Programme
(GREENSYNGAS Project Contract number 213628) and
the Swedish Energy Agency
18Thanks for your attentionmehri.sanati_at_design.lt