From the Imperial Period to the Feudal Period Early Japan Hundreds of Clans controlled territories The people worshipped their own Gods and Goddesses (Shinto) Yamato ...
By: Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY Caernorfon Castle, Wales Warwick Castle, England R O E N S The Age of the Warring States: (1467 - 1568) Castles ...
... and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and ... Nobility European knight Samurai Warrior vs. Medieval Warriors Knight s Armor Samurai ...
Tokugawa Shogunate Period Japan closed off to all trade [except to the Dutch and Chinese]. The Dutch were restricted to a small island in Nagasaki harbor. Japanese ...
Descent From hunting and herding peoples of Siberia and Manchuria .not Mongolia Chinese introduction 109 BCE Earliest Korean kingdom conquered by the Emperor Wudi ...
structure on how officials should ... BUT, not the Chinese civil. service system! Heian Court Dress. The Pillow Book ... Modern-Day 'Samurai Warriors' Feudalism ...
Japanese Feudal System Shoguns, Daimyo and Samurai What is a feudal system? Feudalism = A system of obligations that bound lords and their subjects to a king or leader.
FEUDAL ORDER King The King nominally owned all the land in the kingdom; BUT only controlled his own estates. Powerful lords/Vassals to the King Few in number ...
Bushido Code (Way of the Warrior) There are seven virtues associated with the samurai bushido code: Gi - Rectitude Yu - Courage Jin - Benevolence Rei ...
Kabuki, in contrast to the older surviving Japanese art forms such as No, was the popular culture of the townspeople and not of the higher social classes.
Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture: Confucianism. Language (kanji characters). Buddhist sects. Chinese art & architecture. Government structure. ...
Structure of Feudal Japan EMPEROR Emperor Emperor and imperial family highest on social ladder Religious leader Direct descendant of Amaturasu Omikami Figurehead ...
Structure of Feudal Japan EMPEROR Emperor Emperor and imperial family highest on social ladder Religious leader Direct descendant of Amaturasu Omikami Figurehead ...
The Feudal System ... The RESULT- The Feudal System. From the Top Down. Kings -Kings Gave Lords or ... be traded between other Peasants. The Feudal Pyramid ...
Feudal Japan: The Tokugawa & Samurai Global History I: Spiconardi The Samurai Bushido The way of the warrior Code of conduct for the samurai Any samurai who violated ...
... of European Feudal System Central economic feature of Medieval Europe: strong agricultural base for a warrior society Charles Martel (Carolingian Dynasty) ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: avroome Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Trading towns started grammar schools and in 1500's most large towns had them. ... Women would also become nuns, writers, poets, composers, and artists. ...
Feudal Social Hierarchy. Powell County Middle School. Ancient Civilization. Jeremy Hall ... What is Feudalism? Under feudalism, landowning nobles governed and ...
When you meet a knight you ... This was a long wooden pole used by knights? This was a long wooden pole ... Palisade. This cool game was very popular during ...
Cities abandoned as economic and political centers ... Chi-rho-iota page, folio 34 recto of the Book of Kells, 8th or 9th century. NOT THE DARK AGES! ...
Title: La Guerra dei 100 anni 1 Author: Un utente soddisfatto di Microsoft Office Last modified by: sergio giorato Created Date: 12/11/2003 10:23:31 AM
4 12.4 Feudal Powers in Japan Japanese civilization is shaped by cultural borrowing from China and the rise of feudalism and military rulers. The Growth of Japanese ...
Charles Martel started giving soldiers fiefs (land) as ... Those deemed worthy were 'dubbed' knights. 9. What about the females? Noblewomen called Ladies. ...
The ingredients that they used most in medicines were herbs ... Sometimes they would use skunk oil if it was available. Apply leaches to the top of the body. ...
Title: Life in the Middle Ages Author: GCPS Last modified by: BooBoo01 Created Date: 11/6/2002 8:22:32 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Social Ladder of Feudal Japan EMPEROR The official ruler who had very little real power. Played a ceremonial role in religious rituals. SHOGUN The real ruler.
The Franks: least Romanized and most orthodox of the Germanic tribes ... The struggles and ineffectiveness of the Merovingian kings. The 'Mayor of the Palace' ...
As Europe, rulers had a tough time defending their loyal subjects with centralized governments. ... Many kings were little more than figurehead rulers. Feudal Ties ...
Sesshu, a Zen monk, is one of Japan's greatest painters. ... (1643-1694) With the evening breeze, The water laps against. The heron's legs. American Zen ...
... of power. The King. Barons and Bishops. Knights and Lords ... Promise to fight for the King when asked. Promise to provide an army of Knights and soldiers ...
Forbade the use of the crossbow. CHARLES THE GREAT: CHARLEMAGNE ... Make it less worth for them. Pick your battles. Defense and fortifications. Feudalism 800-1200 ...
The Emergence of Japan and the Feudal Age Joey Parks, Sean Pengelly, Ian Ghilardi, Danica Carroll Important Vocabulary!!! Archipelago: a chain of islands Shinto: the ...
imposed on feudal structure: Privileged tax-exempt nobles. Feudal dues burden peasants ... Feudal dues burden peasants. Heredit. kings are often incompetent ...
feudalismo el feudalismo significado antecedentes del feudalismo las relaciones feudales textos de ceremonias la pir mide feudal estructura de un feudo significado ...
In their feudal monarchy, they began bureaucratic administration and ... The growth of feudal monarchies independently duplicated measures followed in ...
You may want to use other books, ... Homework: 'Compare the feudal system in England...' Then the exam might contain questions about the English feudal system. ...
Kenrokuen Garden is a beautiful Japanese garden with an area of 11.4 hectares located on the heights of the central part of Kanazawa and next to Kanazawa Castle. The Maeda family, who ruled the Kaga Clan (the present Ishikawa and Toyama areas) in feudal times, maintained the garden from generation to generation.
Raided Rome, France, Byzantine Trade Routes. Feudal System Social system, exchange of service for land. ... Agreement that ended rebellion made: PARLIAMENT: ...
Vassalage: an interpersonal system of exchange Lords and Vassals The Feudal Contract The oath of fealty Fiefs and benefices Scutage Honor Subinfeudation
IN CIO DO FEUDALISMO Descentraliza o Economia Agr cola Sociedade Estamental Cultura influenciada pela Igreja Religi o Crist Nobreza Feudal Subsist ncia Poder ...