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Title: No Slide Title Subject: Atorvastatin Author: Sarah Sampson Last modified by: Hewlett-Packard Created Date: 3/20/2000 10:28:09 AM Document presentation format
Orphan disease is defined as rare a disease that affects small proportion of population and developing products to treat this kind of disease is known as Orphan drugs. The birth of Orphan Drug Act of 1983 in the United States enabled the research and development of orphan drugs for treating rare medical condition and offers great incentives for the development of drugs to the sponsor. A few decades back, it was always disinterested topic for any pharmaceutical companies.
The increasing launch of effective drugs is a key factor driving the “U.S. secondary hyperparathyroidism treatment market”, says Fortune Business Insights in a report
* * 64 yrs male - hyper parathyroid storm with a serum calcium level of 16.4 mg% Serum calcium level 12 mg % at any time Episodes of hyper parathyroid crisis ...
Cardiovascular disease and vascular calcification in CKD Professor Philip A Kalra Consultant and Honorary Professor of Nephrology Salford Royal Hospital and ...
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm (pNEN) case. Endocrinology Unit. Pathophysiology Department. Laikon General Hospital. Case Presentation: Dr. Chatzellis Eleftherios ...
These statements are based on management's current expectations ... Pfizer, Schering-Plough, Novartis. CMO. Alan Harris, M.D., Ph.D. Chugai, Amersham, Pharmacia ...
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism. Chou Chien Wen M.D. Endocrine and ... Impaired mineralization of osteoid. Abnormalities in formation and maturation of collagen ...
Title: MECHANISMS OF ACTION OF FLUOROQUINOLONES Author: BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS Last modified by: ERTOPD Created Date: 1/26/1999 11:34:48 PM Document presentation format
Sumit Kumar, MD, MPH Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, TX The Story of Mr. George Lopez 45 yr HM with Diabetes for 10 yrs, reasonably well controlled PMH ...
Vitamin D. Deficiency. Nutritional deficiency and lack of skin ... Hereditary vitamin D deficiency due to lack of 1-alpha hydroxylase. Renal insufficiency ...
Classifications of bone disease. Diagnosis of bone disease. Treatment of bone disease in CKD ... Passes into glomerular filtrate and 90% reabsorbed ...
Chronic Kidney Disease Sandeep Vetteth Chronic Kidney Disease A 54 year old woman is evaluated for a Cr of 1.3; 18 months ago it was 0.9. She has a 5 year history of ...
Medication-Related Problems in Patients on Hemodialysis Katie E. Cardone, PharmD, BCACP Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice Albany College of Pharmacy and ...
Blood loss, folate or vitamin B12 deficiency, aluminum toxicity, low bone turnover states ... Vitamin C (250 mg per iron pill) should be co-administered with iron in ...
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