The three charge 2/3 quarks and three charge -1/3 quarks change identity via ... hadronic current and are parameterized by form factors in massless lepton limit ...
Data Warehousing Luca Cabibbo, Riccardo Torlone, Paolo Atzeni Sommario Introduzione Basi di dati integrate, s , ma OLTP e OLAP Data warehousing Data warehouse e ...
Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint Author: roberto De Virgilio Last modified by: Cabibbo Luca Created Date: 2/6/2003 1:33:33 PM Document presentation format
CKM unitarity problem: results from NA48 experiment Evgueni Goudzovski (JINR) JINR Scientific Council January 20, 2005 The CKM matrix The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa ...
The CKM mixing matrix relates the quarks in the weak interaction basis ... Wolfenstein parametrization: l=sinqC (Cabibbo angle) Independent parameters: l,r,h, A ...
Do-Do Mixing Formalism. Do. Do. K. KK. c. c. u. u. Double Cabibbo suppressed. GIM mechanism cancellation ... Formalism Finale. 11. Expectations for Do-Do Mixing ...
Since the theory of Cabibbo angle in 1964, we know that eigenstates of mass and ... Reductionism (driving force of physics since Kepler and Newton): there are too ...
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (for the CDF Collaboration) SUSY 2004 -- Tsukuba, Japan ... t' Ws, Wd (doubly/triply Cabibbo suppressed) t' l n b' (virtual W) 17 ...
Semileptonic decays provide direct measurements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa ... Silicon ZD. Analysis Technique. Here we are using only one D tag mode ...
The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix. The weak interaction can change ... The two mesons oscillate coherently : at any given time, if one is a B0 the ...
my wife (Anna) and I got our first. baby. Lisa. 17 June. 4:05 AM. 8 lb. ... Anna. Lisa. Thanks are due to many: Faith Kancauski. Lillie Arias. Homer ... Maria ...
Weak interactions, P, C and CP Introduction Need of neutral currents Electroweak and Higgs Parity in weak interactions Helicity of the neutrino, C and CP
MIXING. TRI-MAXIMAL MIXING: ' We are probably far from this.... . but not very far... CLAS-MATRIX: NAT. REP. S3. TRI-BI-MAX. MIXING ( FLAVOUR BASIS ) ...
Over 1 million reconstructed!! Successor to E687. Designed to study charm particles produced by ~200 GeV photons using a fixed target spectrometer with upgraded ...
speziell gegen dem Ende zu. W.A. Kamioka. neutrinos from upper atmosphere. SNO. Sudbury ... Atmospheric angle about 40 degrees. Neutrinoless double beta decay: ...
Weak Coherent Kaon Production L. Alvarez-Ruso1, J. Nieves1, I. Ruiz Simo2, M. Valverde3, M. Vicente Vacas1 IFIC, Universidad de Valencia Universidad de Granada
E6 GUT Models and FCNC Processes Kazuki Sakurai with S-G.Kim, N.Maekawa, A.Matsuzaki, T.Yoshikawa (Nagoya Univ.) Plan I. Introduction II. E6 GUT and Horizontal Symmetry
Distribution of electron energies in beta decay is a. continuum. ... Kurie plot: Current-Current interaction: E&M. two point static. charges. charge. distrb. ...
Bottom Quark. Patricia Thrasher. Quark Basics. Strong force, Electromagnetic, Weak, Gravitational ... Kobayashi and Maskawa postulate a third family ...
Focus on recent results, in particular 'rare' modes, accessible with high ... conjugation. strong. phase. D* D*- is not an eigenstate either: it is a combination of ...
Mats Selen, University of Illinois. 2002 FPCP Meeting, University of Pennsylvania ... Bigi & Yamamoto, Phys. Lett B349 (1995) See Lipkin & Xing, Phys. Lett B450 (1999) ...
but trivial 2 x 2 Max. solution excluded by solar data!! EXTREMISING Tr. Non-Trivial Solution: ... n.b. The inherent cyclic symmetry of the solution means that ...
CP VIOLATION (B-factories) P. Pakhlov (ITEP) Previous lecture The UT constrain Combine all measurements together It is done now at professional level: few competing ...
/ 3 model-independent Dalitz analysis (Dalitz+CP tagged Dalitz plots and / 3 extraction) Alex Bondar, Anton Poluektov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Use Fermi's Golden Rule to get the transition rate ... Ratio ... The observed ratio is consistent with the prediction. SAME WEAK CC COUPLING FOR e, m AND t ...
BEACH Conference 2006. Recent Charm Physics Results. from the Tevatron. Paul Karchin ... on 2nd generation RPV couplings: l22kl21k 0.002. P. Karchin, BEACH ...
Charm's role in testing the Standard Model description of Quark Mixing & CP Violation: ... Work back from measurements of absolute rates for leptonic and semileptonic ...
Multi hierarchy, multi-fact. Algebraic operator core ... (Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse) University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3, FRANCE. ...
'CTEQ' global analysis of the strangeness sector of nucleon structure, using the ... For implication on NuTeV anomaly, the key is the Strangeness Asymmetry. Define: ...
... is expanded in powers of a small parameter equal to sin c=0 ... Each element of the CKM matrix is expanded as a power series in the small parameter l ...
LHCb RESULTS Introduction B hh CP violation asymmetries EW gauge boson production New b,c spectroscopy and exclusive dimuons Some B rare decays and Majorana neutrinos
Informe del Departamento de F sica Te rica F sica Hadr nica, QCD Generaci n din mica de resonancias mes n-bari n. Estudios de posibles estados ex ticos ...
quarks u, d, s, c, b, t feel in addition the strong interaction, ... faisceau cible. s=section efficace. Standard model, the fermions J=1/2. leptons (lepton ...
Strong GIM cancellation, no heavy quark enhancement, ... Besides CKM matrix for left-handed quark, now. we have similar flavor mixing effects for right-handed quark ...
Isobar analysis of D K - p p would require an ad hoc scalar meson: k(900) Without k ... A&S fit does not need a s as measured in the isobar fit. Laura Edera. 33 ...
I: The CESR-c and the CLEO-c Experiment. II: Leptonic D decays. ... Signal: Gaussian bifurcated Gaussian. Background: ARGUS function. 3/11/2005. CLEO / Doris Kim ...
Trend in Charm Spectroscopy by Usha Mallik (The University of Iowa) A Recap of particles An Intro DsJ Spectroscopy X,Y,Z states Charmed baryons Measurement of Spins
Charmed mesons and baryons provide a rich testing ground: 3 mesons (D , D0, Ds) ... Charmed Baryon Lifetimes. Baryon lifetimes not measured as precisely as ...
Title: Measurements of a and future projections Author: Fabrizio Bianchi Last modified by: bianchi Created Date: 8/18/2006 11:56:09 PM Document presentation format
Observation Of CP Violation in B Decays with the BaBar Detector Vivek Sharma University of California, San Diego (On Behalf of the BaBar Collaboration)
Future CDF and D0 B ... DG/G in Bs decays What is missing QCD tests Spectroscopy and lifetimes Rare and radiative decays Everything else B Physics in ...