Title: Trend in Charm Spectroscopy
1Trend in Charm Spectroscopy
byUsha Mallik (The University of Iowa)
- A Recap of particles
- An Intro
- DsJ Spectroscopy
- X,Y,Z states
- Charmed baryons
- Measurement of Spins
- D0-D0 Mixing
- Summary and Conclusion
23 generations of quarks, leptons
Quarks, leptons ? spin 1/2
ee- qq , ll-
These quarks immediately Dress-up as Hadrons by
strong interactions (QCD)
3Continuum and Resonance Production
? ? bb
4What happens at BABAR
e- beam energy 9.1 GeV, e beam energy 3 GeV,
E(cm) 10.58 GeV
5OZI Suppression in Decays
?(1S) (9460) MeV
Since ?(1S) is below B meson pair production
threshold, the original b quarks can not be
present in the final state causing the decay
rate slower, ie, the lifetime of ?(1S) longer,
and the resonance narrow.
6The Periodic Table of Hadrons
Gell-Manns Eight-fold Way
Originally in the 1960s with only u, d, s
quarks meson ? qq q ? u, d, s q ? u, d, s
3 ? 3 1 ? 8
J ½ ½ 0
J ½ ½ 1
JP 0- , Pseudoscalar nonet with ?'
JP 1- , Vector nonet
7With u, d, s, c quarks, the picture gets richer
JP 0- , Pseudoscalar nonet and ?c
JP 1- , Vector nonet and J/?
8The BABAR Detector at PEP-II and the Dataset
Ecm 10.58 GeV
And Much More
Peak luminosity gt 1.2 x 1034 cm-2 s-1 Delivered
luminosity gt 425 fb-1
9Charm-strange mesons (cs) Ds, DsJ
With 400 fb-1 data, over 1 billion charmed
hadrons produced
10Expected spectroscopy
11Observed States
DSJ(2317) and DSJ(2460) observed in
Spin-Parity Established
12(fits better with a Gaussian, rather than BW)
13 Yield 182 ? 30 Mass ( MeV/c2) 2715
11-14 Width (MeV/c2) 115?2036-32
14Preliminary (New)
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16NEXT The New Charmonia ! The Alphabet Soup !
17The Charmonium(-like) States
Below DD threshold states well understood. The
X,Y,Z states are all above the threshold
18Confirmed by BABAR, CDF, D0
19Properties of X(3872)
20Preliminary (New)
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22While searching for
BABAR finds new state Y(4260)
Not seen in DD
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24NEXT The Status of Charmed Baryons
3?3?3 1?8?8?10
baryon ? qqq, anti-baryon ? qqq
26Baryons with 4 flavors (u,d,s,c)
4?4?4 4 ?20?20?20
Ground states
u,d,s, octet
Ground state
u,d,s, decuplet
All 9 ground states with JP ½ observed
5 ground states with JP 3/2 observed only ?c
was missing
27About charmed baryons
Anti-symm under the interchange of the two light
quarks (u,d,s)
symm. under the interchange of the two light
quarks (u,d,s)
Example Decays
? ?
28Charm Baryon production
Charm baryon or anti charm baryon X
Charm baryon lifetimes are small, even though
weak decays
b ? c, and c ? s are weak decays, 10-13 s
Weak Decays of ?-, ?- and ?0 take 1,000 times
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30Observation of ?c(2880) and ?c(2940) decaying
to D0p
BaBar PRL 98012001(2007)
New Decay mode ?c(2880) ? D0p First observation
of charm baryon ? charm meson
Belle confirms in ?c ? (?c??)
Belle Hep-ex/0608043
Wrong sign D0P
D0p invariant mass GeV/c2
D0 mass sidebands
M(?C ? ?-) GeV/c2
Excellent agreement in mass and width
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32?c0 Production and Decay
?c0 Decay
PDG values
33?c0 Production in B decays
hep-ex/0703030, submitted to PRL
From B decays
Continnum production
p distribution, momentum in the ee- rest frame
Off-peak data Below B-pair thres-hold, no peak
34BaBar PRL 231 fb-1 97232001(2006)
Discovery of the ?C
Data from all four ?c0 decay modes are combined
and fit yields 105 ? 21 ? 6 5.2?
signal significance
No signal found in the ?c0 mass Sidebands
(hatched area)
?m ( m?c - m?c0) (70.8 ? 1.0 ? 1.1) MeV/c2
Theory range ?m 50 94 MeV/c2
1.01? 0.23? 0.11
For XP gt 0.5, most/all the ?c0 may results from
?c production, but uncertainty is large.
35Also observed the charged partner ?c
36Study of b ? ccs decay
BABAR, PRL. 95 142003, 2005
Inconsistency in the MC and data p distribution
MC only has b ? cud
Search B decays into charm-baryon-anti-charm-baryo
n pair
B ? ?c?c and B ? ?c ?c K
37B decays to ?c?c and ?c ?cK
An example
?E energy difference between reconstructed B
and Ecm mES beam momentum substituted
reconstructed B mass ee- BB
38B decays to ?c?c
PRD 74 (2006) 111105
39B decays to ?c ?cK
PRL 97 (2006) 202003
40NEXT Spin Measurements
41- Examine implications of W- spin hypotheses
- for angular distribution of L from W- decay
?(L) 1/2
quantization axis
?(K) 0
J 1/2 m 1/2 m - 1/2
?(K) 0
l(W) 1/2 l(W) - 1/2
W- inherits the spin projections of the Xc0
since, no orbital angular momentum projection
w.r.t. quantization axis in ?c0 decay
? diagonal density matrix element for W- spin
projection li l(W) is rl
- Initial helicity, ?i ? (W) 1/2
- Final state helicity, ?f ? (L) -
?(pseudoscalar) 1/2 - Decay amplitude for O- ? ? K-
Transition matrix element does not depend on
li Wigner-Eckart theorem
?Total Intensity
density matrix element for W- spin projection
li density matrix element for charm
baryon parent
42Spin measurement of W- from Xc0 ? W- K, W- ?
L K- decays
Data 116 fb-1
Background-Subtracted Efficiency-Corrected
PRL 97 (2006) 112001
Similar conclusion from Wc0 ? W-p, W- ? LK-
ConclusionJ(W-) 3/2 assumingJ(Xc0) 1/2
JW 1/2
? Fit Prob 10 -17
JW 3/2
? Fit Prob 0.64
? Fit Prob 10 -7
JW 5/2
JW 7/2 also excluded angular distribution
increases more steeply near cosq 1
and has (2 JW
-2) turning points.
43NEXT D0 D0 Mixing
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45Example Mixing
One of the main HEP discoveries in 2006 Bs
x24.8 y0.1?
Bs0 oscillate very rapidly
Rate first measured in 2006 by CDF and D0
Toy MC
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47Time-Evolution of D0 ? K p-
D0 can reach the K ?- final state in two
ways 1) Doubly-Cabibbo-Suppressed decay 2)
Mixing to D0bar, followed by Cabibbo-Favoured
decay ... and interference between them.
Q How can we distinguish these? A By the time
48Fit Results
Evidence for D0-D0 mixing!
49Many validation tests done
Most powerful is performing a time-independent
fit of the Wrong-Sign and Right-Sign yields in
slices of proper lifetime
Consistent with prediction from full likelihood
fit ?21.5
(stat. only)
Inconsistent with no-mixing hypothesis ?224
Ratio of WS/RS events clearly increase with time.
Mixing signal!
- A new landscape in many areas including
spectroscopy has opened up with high luminosity
and precision - New DsJ Spectroscopy
- X, Y, Z States
- Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy
- Spin Measurements (necessary to identify levels,
complex analysis for multi-body states ?c
(1530), ?c (1690), in Charmed Baryon decays ) - D0-D0 Mixing Observed
Expecting three/four times more data than shown
in analyses A race to find Beyond Standard Model
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54Legendre Polynomial Moments in Spin Determination
For W- spin J, the previous angular distributions
can be written
55 Illustration of the Use of Legendre Polynomial
Moments in Spin Determination
(will prove
useful later)
wj v10 P2(cosq) from Xc0 signal region
W- ? signal
? efficiency-corrected , mass-sideband-subtract
ed unweighted m(L K-) distribution in data
efficiency-corrected v10 P2 (cosq) weighted
efficiency-corrected (7/ v2) P4 (cosq) weighted
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59Observation of b ? ccs
? cw- (W- ? cs)
Charm baryon pair production in B Decays
60List of Decay Modes (pair production)
Reconstruct the B meson Use energy momentum
conservation between ee- cm and BB in cm
Look for signal events in the mes, ?E 2D
61Fit to Signal
B- ? ?c ?c K-
Analysis ongoing
62Study of ?c0 (css)
- Production Process and Ratio of Branching
Fractions of ?C0 (css) - cc or B ? ?C0 X
?C0 ? ?- ? -
? ?- ? ?- ? -
??-K- ? ?
Preliminary results shown at 2005 summer
conferences Improved analysis using likelihood
selection in progress
63Inclusive ?c0 Studies
Branching Fractions and Production Mechanism from
p Spectrum
Decay Modes of ?C0 Studied ? ?-?, ?-??-
?, and ?-K- ? ?
225 fb -1
?C0??-? P gt 2.8 GeV/c
SLAC-PUB-11323, hep-ex/0507011
64Helicity Formalism, Spin Determination
- Suited to two-body (successive) decays
- Can be extended to intermediate resonances
- (ie, quasi-twobody decays using Dalitz plots)
65Helicity angle of ? Angle made by p(?) in ?-
rest frame with p(?-) in ?c0 rest frame
Xc0 ? K W- ? L0 K-
?K 0
J 1/2 m 1/2 m - 1/2
?f 1/2
?K 0
?i 1/2 ?i - 1/2
- J(?c0) 1/2 ? in ?c0 rest-frame m 1/2
along z (quantization) axis - no angular momentum projection w.r.t.
quantization axis ? O- helicity, ?i 1/2 - final state helicity ?f ?f (?0) - ?f
(pseudoscalar) 1/2 - Decay amplitude for O- ? ?0 K-
- ?Total Intensity
Does not depend on li Wigner-Eckart theorem
66Spin measurement of W-
Background-Subtracted Efficiency-Corrected
? Fit Prob 10 -17
JW 1/2
JW 3/2
? Fit Prob 0.64
? Fit Prob 10 -7
JW 5/2
67Spin measurement of W- from Xc0 ? W- K, W- ?
L0 K- decays
Angular Distribution Parametrizations for JO3/2
Background-Subtracted Efficiency-Corrected
Negligible Decay Asymmetry Parameter
b 0.04 0.06
No Asymmetry
b 0
Fit for b ? b 0.04 0.06
68Spin measurement of Wc0 from Wc0 ? W- p, W- ?
L0 K- decays
Fit parametrization a(1 3 cos2?) for JO 3/2
hypothesis ? Fit Prob 0.69 J(W-) 3/2,
consistent with
results from Xc0 ? W- p
PRL version ready for review comm
Conclusion J(W-) 3/2 Assuming J(Xc0) ,
J(Wc0) lt5/2
69Extending the Spin Formalism to 3-body Decays
Study of X (1530)0 and X (1690)0
- The X (1530)0 Spin from Lc ? (X- p) K
? also mass, width info. ?
amplitude analysis (in progress)? The X (1690)0
Spin from Lc ? (L0KS0) K
? also mass, width info. ? amplitude analysis
(to be done) ? (X-p)/(LK0) Branching Ratio
Limit (to be done)
nothing of significance on X resonances has
been added since our 1988 edition. PDG(2004),
p 967
70Reconstructed Lc ? X- p K, X- ? L0 p-
m(X- p) ? Lc mass-signal region ? m(X-
p) ? Lc mass-sideband region .
. m(X- p) ? (Lc)
Data 230 fb-1
? Lc ? X- p K
? X(1530)0 ? X- p
PDG mass
71Resonant Structures in Lc ? X- p K, X- ? L0
p- Events
Only obvious structure X (1530)0 ? X- p
Lc signal region
72Spin measurement of X0(1530) from Lc ?
X0(1530) K, X0(1530) ? X- p decays
a(1 3 cos2?) for J3/2 hypothesis
Uncorrected cos?X Spectrum
Clear 13cos2? structure
X0(1530) Signal Region Not mass-sideband-subtrat
X0(1530) Mass-Sideband Regions
- Skewed distribution due to
- Efficiency loss at small angles ? Not big
effect - (X- p) system decay asymmetry ? S-P wave
interference (next slides)
73Using the angular structure of X(1530)0 ? X- p
candidates to project
background events
Lc ? X- p K Signal Region Uncorrected
? Legendre polynomials orthogonality condition
? Weight N x P2(cosq)
For pure spin 3/2 dN/dcosq a(1 3 cos2q)
Use of angular structure to project away the
Lc Signal Region
Projects mass distribution having cos2q component
Lc Low Mass-Sideband Region
- No cos2q component
- in sideband distributions
Lc High Mass-Sideband Region
74Evidence of S-P wave interference in the (X- p)
system produced in the
decay Lc ? X- p K
m(X- p) distribution weighted by P1(cosq)
75S-P wave description of the (X-p) system
produced in the decay Lc ? X- p K
Amplitudes describing the (X- p) system
? Total Intensity
76Helicity Formalism (3)
Assume 0 to extract cosq
S-P interference
0 (Assume r1/2 r-1/2)
77towards a measurement of the mass width of
L 2, 1
X0(1530) J3/2
l 1 () parity
Fit with relativistic Breit-Wigner Function with
L2 l 1 incorporating a Blatt-Weisskopf
barrier factor (R 5 (GeV)-1) and resolution
Fit Params M 1531.6 0.1 (stat.) G 11.9
0.2 MeV
PDG M 1531.80 0.32 G 9.1 0.5 MeV
P2(cosq) weighted
(Very preliminary)
In progress
78Reconstructed Lc ? L0 KS0 K Events
? X(1690)0 ? L0 KS0
79towards a measurement of the mass width of X
(1690)0 ? L0 KS0
Only obvious structure X (1690)0 ? L0 KS0
S-Wave Breit-Wigner Function ( Linear
bkgr.) with resolution smearing
Fit Params M 1684.7 - 0.9 (stat.) G 12.0 -
0.2 MeV
Background-subtracted Uncorrected
(Very preliminary)
Stop fit at 1.76
80Spin measurement of X(1690)0 from Lc ? X(1690)0
K, X0(1690) ? L0KS0 decays
Uncorrected Background-Subtracted
cos?L Spectrum
Direct Method - Extract signal cosqL
distribution - Requires large sideband
Flat ? consistent with J1/2 hypothesis
a(1 3 cos2?) for J3/2 hypothesis
prob 0.2
a(1) for J1/2 hypothesis
prob 0.9
Spin 1/2 favored ?
Indirect Method
Lc signal region
m(L KS) distribution weighted by P2(cosq) ?
Lc signal events
? No cos2q component anywhere ? Spin 1/2
? Spin hypothesis Weight signal events by
81towards an U.L. on BR(X (1690)0 ? X- p )/BR(X
(1690)0 ? L0 KS0 )
Uncorrected (L0 KS0) invariant mass Lc ? L0
KS0 K Clear signal for X (1690)0 ? L0 KS0
Lc ? L0 KS0 K
Lc ? X- p K
Uncorrected (X- p) invariant mass Lc ? X- p
K No signal for X (1690)0 ? X- p
82X0 Production in Lc Xc0, Decays
83Investigation of Xc,0 Decaysto 3-body Final
- Xc ? X- p p ? Xc ? L0 KS0 p ? Xc0 ? L0
K- p
84 Reconstructing Xc ? L0 KS0 p Events
Data 200 fb-1
? DS 0
? DS -1
Cabbibo-suppressed Lc ? L0 K0 p
85Lc ? L0 K0 p Dalitz Plot Analysis
Obvious resonant structures
K(892)? KS0p?
Large K(892) contrib.
K(892) Yield/ 10 MeV/c2
? S(1385) ? L0 p
Evidence for the decay Lc ? L0 K(892)
? Previously observed C.S. mode Lc ? S
86Excited Charm Baryons
87Excited Xc States
L0 straightforward
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89X(3872) BELLE Finds Data Disfavors 0 and 2,
Leaving 1
cc ? 1 is ?c1
Solid lines Experiment Left NR model, Barnes,
Godfrey, Swanson Right Relativized model,
Godfrey, Isgur (Spin) Singlets dotted, Triplets
X(3872) is too light
230 fb -1
Detector Tomography with pKS0 vertices
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