Title: Lectures%20on%20B-physics%2019-20%20April%202011%20Vrije%20Universiteit%20Brussel
1Lectures on B-physics 19-20 April 2011Vrije
Universiteit Brussel
Time Topic
Lecture 1 1400-1500 C, P, CP and the Standard Model
1530-1630 CKM matrix
Lecture 2 1000-1045 Flavour mixing in B-decays
1100-1145 CP Violation in B-decays
1200 -1245 CP Violation in B/K-decays
Lecture 3 1400-1445 Unitarity Triangle
1500-1545 New Physics?
3Grand picture.
4Introduction its all about the charged current
- CP violation is about the weak interactions,
- In particular, the charged current interactions
- The interesting stuff happens in the interaction
with quarks - Therefore, people also refer to this field as
flavour physics
5Motivation 1 Understanding the Standard Model
- CP violation is about the weak interactions,
- In particular, the charged current interactions
- Quarks can only change flavour through charged
current interactions
6Introduction its all about the charged current
- CP violation is about the weak interactions,
- In particular, the charged current interactions
- In 1st hour
- P-parity, C-parity, CP-parity
- ? the neutrino shows that P-parity is maximally
7Introduction its all about the charged current
- CP violation is about the weak interactions,
- In particular, the charged current interactions
- In 1st hour
- P-parity, C-parity, CP-parity
- ? Symmetry related to particle anti-particle
8Motivation 2 Understanding the universe
- Its about differences in matter and anti-matter
- Why would they be different in the first place?
- We see they are different our universe is matter
9Where and how do we generate the Baryon asymmetry?
- No definitive answer to this question yet!
- In 1967 A. Sacharov formulated a set of general
conditions that any such mechanism has to meet - You need a process that violates the baryon
number B(Baryon number of matter1, of
anti-matter -1) - Both C and CP symmetries should be violated
- Conditions 1) and 2) should occur during a phase
in which there is no thermal equilibrium
- In these lectures we will focus on 2) CP
violation - Apart from cosmological considerations, I will
convince you that there are more interesting
aspects in CP violation
10Introduction its all about the charged current
- CP violation is about the weak interactions,
- In particular, the charged current interactions
- Same initial and final state
- Look at interference between B0 ? fCP and B0 ? B0
? fCP
11Motivation 3 Sensitive to find new physics
- CP violation is about the weak interactions,
- In particular, the charged current interactions
- Are heavy particles running around in loops?
- CP-violation (or flavour physics) is about
charged current interactions
- Interesting because
- Standard Model in the heart
of quark interactions - Cosmology related to matter
anti-matter asymetry - Beyond Standard Model measurements are sensitive
to new particles
13Personal impression
- People think it is a complicated part of the
Standard Model (me too-). Why? - Non-intuitive concepts?
- Imaginary phase in transition amplitude, T eif
- Different bases to express quark states, d0.97
d 0.22 s 0.003 b - Oscillations (mixing) of mesons K0gt
? ?K0gt - Complicated calculations?
- Many decay modes? Beetopaipaigamma
- PDG reports 347 decay modes of the B0-meson
- G1 l ?l anything ( 10.33 0.28 ) 10-2
- G347 ? ? ? lt4.7 10-5 CL90
- And for one decay there are often more than one
decay amplitudes
14Start slowly P and C violation
15Continuous vs discrete symmetries
- Space, time translation orientation symmetries
are all continuous symmetries - Each symmetry operation associated with one ore
more continuous parameter - There are also discrete symmetries
- Charge sign flip (Q ? -Q) C parity
- Spatial sign flip ( x,y,z ? -x,-y,-z) P parity
- Time sign flip (t ? -t) T parity
- Are these discrete symmetries exact symmetries
that are observed by all physics in nature? - Key issue of this course
16Three Discrete Symmetries
- Parity, P
- Parity reflects a system through the origin.
Convertsright-handed coordinate systems to
left-handed ones. - Vectors change sign but axial vectors remain
unchanged - x ? -x , p ? -p, but L x ? p ? L
- Charge Conjugation, C
- Charge conjugation turns a particle into its
anti-particle - e ? e- , K - ? K
- Time Reversal, T
- Changes, for example, the direction of motion of
particles - t ? -t
17Example People believe in symmetry
- Instruction for Abel Tasman, explorer of
Australia (1642) - Since many rich mines and other treasures have
been found in countries north of the equator
between 15o and 40o latitude, there is no doubt
that countries alike exist south of the equator.
- The provinces in Peru and Chili rich of gold and
silver, all positioned south of the equator, are
revealing proofs hereof.
18A realistic experiment the Wu experiment (1956)
- Observe radioactive decay of Cobalt-60 nuclei
- The process involved 6027Co ? 6028Ni e- ne
- 6027Co is spin-5 and 6028Ni is spin-4, both e-
and ne are spin-½ - If you start with fully polarized Co (SZ5) the
experiment is essentially the same (i.e. there is
only one spin solution for the decay) 5,5gt ?
4,4gt ½ ,½gt ½,½gt
19Intermezzo Spin and Parity and Helicity
- We introduce a new quantity Helicity the
projection of the spin on the direction of flight
of a particle
H1 (right-handed)
H-1 (left-handed)
20The Wu experiment 1956
- Experimental challenge how do you obtain a
sample of Co(60) where the spins are aligned in
one direction - Wus solution adiabatic demagnetization of
Co(60) in magnetic fields at very low
temperatures (1/100 K!). Extremely challenging
in 1956.
21The Wu experiment 1956
- The surprising result the counting rate is
different - Electrons are preferentially emitted in direction
opposite of 60Co spin! - Careful analysis of results shows that
experimental data is consistent with emission of
left-handed (H-1) electrons only at any angle!!
Backward Counting ratew.r.t unpolarized rate
60Co polarization decreasesas function of time
Forward Counting ratew.r.t unpolarized rate
22The Wu experiment 1956
- Physics conclusion
- Angular distribution of electrons shows that only
pairs of left-handed electrons / right-handed
anti-neutrinos are emitted regardless of the
emission angle - Since right-handed electrons are known to exist
(for electrons H is not Lorentz-invariant
anyway), this means no left-handed
anti-neutrinos are produced in weak decay - Parity is violated in weak processes
- Not just a little bit but 100
- How can you see that 60Co violates parity
symmetry? - If there is parity symmetry there should exist no
measurement that can distinguish our universe
from a parity-flipped universe, but we can!
23So P is violated, whats next?
- Wus experiment was shortly followed by another
clever experiment by L. Lederman Look at decay
p ? m nm - Pion has spin 0, m,nm both have spin ½ ? spin of
decay products must be oppositely aligned ?
Helicity of muon is same as that of neutrino. - Nice feature can also measure polarization of
both neutrino (p decay) and anti-neutrino (p-
decay) - Ledermans result All neutrinos are left-handed
and all anti-neutrinos are right-handed
24Charge conjugation symmetry
- Introducing C-symmetry
- The C(harge) conjugation is the operation which
exchanges particles and anti-particles (not just
electric charge) - It is a discrete symmetry, just like P, i.e. C2
1 - C symmetry is broken by the weak interaction,
- just like P
25The Weak force and C,P parity violation
- What about CP ? CP symmetry?
- CP symmetry is parity conjugation (x,y,z ?
-x,-y,z) - followed by charge conjugation (X ? X)
CP appears to be preservedin weakinteraction!
26What do we know now?
- C.S. Wu discovered from 60Co decays that the weak
interaction is 100 asymmetric in P-conjugation - We can distinguish our universe from a parity
flipped universe by examining 60Co decays - L. Lederman et al. discovered from p decays that
the weak interaction is 100 asymmetric in
C-conjugation as well, but that CP-symmetry
appears to be preserved - First important ingredient towards understanding
matter/anti-matter asymmetry of the universe
weak force violates matter/anti-matter(C)
symmetry! - C violation is a required ingredient, but not
enough as we will learn later
27Conserved properties associated with C and P
- C and P are still good symmetries in any reaction
not involving the weak interaction - Can associate a conserved value with them
(Noether Theorem) - Each hadron has a conserved P and C quantum
number - What are the values of the quantum numbers
- Evaluate the eigenvalue of the P and C operators
on each hadronPygt pygt - What values of C and P are possible for hadrons?
- Symmetry operation squared gives unity so
eigenvalue squared must be 1 - Possible C and P values are 1 and -1.
- Meaning of P quantum number
- If P1 then Pygt 1ygt (wave function
symmetric in space)if P-1 then Pygt -1 ygt
(wave function anti-symmetric in space)
28Figuring out P eigenvalues for hadrons
- QFT rules for particle vs. anti-particles
- Parity of particle and anti-particle must be
opposite for fermions (spin-N1/2) - Parity of bosons (spin N) is same for particle
and anti-particle - Definition of convention (i.e. arbitrary choice
in def. of q vs q) - Quarks have positive parity ? Anti-quarks have
negative parity - e- has positive parity as well.
- (Can define other way around Notation different,
physics same) - Parity is a multiplicative quantum number for
composites - For composite AB the parity is P(A)P(B), Thus
- Baryons have P1111, anti-baryons have
P-1-1-1-1 - (Anti-)mesons have P1-1 -1
- Excited states (with orbital angular momentum)
- Get an extra factor (-1) l where l is the
orbital L quantum number - Note that parity formalism is parallel to total
angular momentum JLS formalism, it has an
intrinsic component and an orbital component - NB Photon is spin-1 particle has intrinsic P of
29Parity eigenvalues for selected hadrons
- The p meson
- Quark and anti-quark composite intrinsic P
(1)(-1) -1 - Orbital ground state ? no extra term
- P(p)-1
- The neutron
- Three quark composite intrinsic P (1)(1)(1)
1 - Orbital ground state ? no extra term
- P(n) 1
- The K1(1270)
- Quark anti-quark composite intrinsic P
(1)(-1) -1 - Orbital excitation with L1 ? extra term (-1)1
- P(K1) 1
- Experimental proof J.Steinberger (1954)
- pd?nn
- n are fermions, so (nn) anti-symmetric
- Sd1, Sp0 ? Lnn1
- Pnngt (-1)Lnngt -1 nngt
- Pdgt P pngt (1)2pngt 1 dgt
- ?To conserve parity Ppgt -1 pgt
Meaning Ppgt -1pgt
30Figuring out C eigenvalues for hadrons
- Only particles that are their own anti-particles
are C eigenstates because Cxgt ? xgt cxgt - E.g. p0,h,h,r0,f,w,y and photon
- C eigenvalues of quark-anti-quark pairs is
determined by L and S angular momenta C
(-1)LS - Rule applies to all above mesons
- C eigenvalue of photon is -1
- Since photon is carrier of EM force, which
obviously changes sign under C conjugation - Example of C conservation
- Process p0 ? g g C1(p0 has spin 0) ?
(-1)(-1) - Process p0 ? g g g does not occur (and would
violate C conservation)
Experimental proof of C-invariance BR(p0????)lt3.1
31- This was an introduction to P and C
- Lets change gear
32CP violation in the SM Lagrangian
- Focus on charged current interaction (W) lets
trace it
33The Standard Model Lagrangian
- LKinetic Introduce the massless fermion
fields - Require local gauge
invariance ? gives rise to existence of gauge
- LHiggs Introduce Higgs potential with ltfgt ?
0 - Spontaneous symmetry
The W, W-,Z0 bosons acquire a mass
- LYukawa Ad hoc interactions between Higgs
field fermions
Niels Tuning (33)
34Fields Notation
Y Q - T3
with y QL, uR, dR, LL, lR, nR
Under SU2 Left handed doublets Right hander
Scalar field
Note Interaction representation standard model
interaction is independent of generation number
Niels Tuning (34)
35Fields Notation
Q T3 Y
Y Q - T3
- The left handed quark doublet
- Similarly for the quark singlets
- And similarly the (charged) singlets
Niels Tuning (35)
36 The
Kinetic Part
Fermions gauge bosons interactions
Procedure Introduce the Fermion fields and
demand that the theory is local gauge invariant
under SU(3)CxSU(2)LxU(1)Y transformations.
Start with the Dirac Lagrangian
Gam 8 gluons Wbm weak bosons W1, W2, W3 Bm
hypercharge boson
La Gell-Mann matrices ½ la (3x3)
SU(3)C Tb Pauli Matrices ½
tb (2x2) SU(2)L Y Hypercharge
For the remainder we only consider Electroweak
SU(2)L x U(1)Y
Niels Tuning (36)
37 The
Kinetic Part
For example, the term with QLiI becomes
Writing out only the weak part for the quarks
W (1/v2) (W1 i W2) W- (1/v 2) (W1 i W2)
Niels Tuning (37)
38 The Higgs Potential
And rewrite the Lagrangian (tedious)
(The other 3 Higgs fields are eaten by the W, Z
Niels Tuning (38)
39 The Yukawa Part
Since we have a Higgs field we can (should?) add
(ad-hoc) interactions between f and the fermions
in a gauge invariant way.
The result is
i, j indices for the 3 generations!
(The CP conjugate of f To be manifestly
invariant under SU(2) )
are arbitrary complex matrices which operate in
family space (3x3) ? Flavour physics!
Niels Tuning (39)
40 The Yukawa Part
Writing the first term explicitly
Niels Tuning (40)
41 The Yukawa Part
There are 3 Yukawa matrices (in the case of
massless neutrinos)
- Each matrix is 3x3 complex
- 27 real parameters
- 27 imaginary parameters (phases)
- many of the parameters are equivalent, since the
physics described by one set of
couplings is the same as another - It can be shown (see ref. Nir) that the
independent parameters are - 12 real parameters
- 1 imaginary phase
- This single phase is the source of all CP
violation in the Standard Model
Revisit later
Niels Tuning (41)
42 The Fermion
Start with the Yukawa Lagrangian
After which the following mass term emerges
LMass is CP violating in a similar way as LYuk
Niels Tuning (42)
43 The Fermion
Writing in an explicit form
The matrices M can always be diagonalised by
unitary matrices VLf and VRf such that
Then the real fermion mass eigenstates are given
Niels Tuning (43)
44 The Fermion
In terms of the mass eigenstates
In flavour space one can choose Weak basis The
gauge currents are diagonal in flavour space, but
the flavour mass matrices are
non-diagonal Mass basis The fermion masses are
diagonal, but some gauge currents (charged weak
interactions) are not
diagonal in flavour space
In the weak basis LYukawa
CP violating In the mass basis LYukawa ?
LMass CP conserving
? What happened to the charged current
interactions (in LKinetic) ?
Niels Tuning (44)
45 The Charged
The charged current interaction for quarks in the
interaction basis is
The charged current interaction for quarks in the
mass basis is
The unitary matrix
is the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa mixing matrix
Lepton sector similarly
However, for massless neutrinos VLn
arbitrary. Choose it such that VMNS 1 ? There
is no mixing in the lepton sector
Niels Tuning (45)
46Charged Currents
The charged current term reads
(Together with (x,t) -gt (-x,t))
Under the CP operator this gives
A comparison shows that CP is conserved only if
Vij Vij
In general the charged current term is CP
Niels Tuning (46)
47The Standard Model Lagrangian (recap)
- LKinetic Introduce the massless fermion
fields - Require local gauge
invariance ? gives rise to existence of gauge
? CP Conserving
- LHiggs Introduce Higgs potential with ltfgt ? 0
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking
The W, W-,Z0 bosons acquire a mass
? CP Conserving
- LYukawa Ad hoc interactions between Higgs
field fermions
? CP violating with a single phase
- LYukawa ? Lmass fermion weak eigenstates
- -
mass matrix is (3x3) non-diagonal -
fermion mass eigenstates - -
mass matrix is (3x3) diagonal
? CP-violating
? CP-conserving!
- LKinetic in mass eigenstates CKM matrix
? CP violating with a single phase
Niels Tuning (47)
- Diagonalize Yukawa matrix Yij
- Mass terms
- Quarks rotate
- Off diagonal terms in charged current couplings
Niels Tuning (48)
49Ok. Weve got the CKM matrix, now what?
- Its unitary
- probabilities add up to 1
- d0.97 d 0.22 s 0.003 b (0.9720.2220.0032
1) - How many free parameters?
- How many real/complex?
- How do we normally visualize these parameters?
Niels Tuning (49)
50Personal impression
- People think it is a complicated part of the
Standard Model (me too-). Why? - Non-intuitive concepts?
- Imaginary phase in transition amplitude, T eif
- Different bases to express quark states, d0.97
d 0.22 s 0.003 b - Oscillations (mixing) of mesons K0gt
? ?K0gt - Complicated calculations?
- Many decay modes? Beetopaipaigamma
- PDG reports 347 decay modes of the B0-meson
- G1 l ?l anything ( 10.33 0.28 ) 10-2
- G347 ? ? ? lt4.7 10-5 CL90
- And for one decay there are often more than one
decay amplitudes
Time Topic
Lecture 1 1400-1500 C, P, CP and the Standard Model
1530-1630 CKM matrix
Lecture 2 1000-1045 Flavour mixing in B-decays
1100-1145 CP Violation in B-decays
1200 -1245 CP Violation in B/K-decays
Lecture 3 1400-1445 Unitarity Triangle
1500-1545 New Physics?
52Recap from last hour
- Diagonalize Yukawa matrix Yij
- Mass terms
- Quarks rotate
- Off diagonal terms in charged current couplings
Niels Tuning (52)
53Ok. Weve got the CKM matrix, now what?
- Its unitary
- probabilities add up to 1
- d0.97 d 0.22 s 0.003 b (0.9720.2220.0032
1) - How many free parameters?
- How many real/complex?
- How do we normally visualize these parameters?
54Quark field re-phasing
Under a quark phase transformation
and a simultaneous rephasing of the CKM matrix
In other words
55Quark field re-phasing
Under a quark phase transformation
and a simultaneous rephasing of the CKM matrix
the charged current
is left invariant.
Degrees of freedom in VCKM in 3
N generations Number of real parameters
9 N2 Number of imaginary
parameters 9 N2 Number of
constraints (VV 1) -9 - N2 Number
of relative quark phases -5 - (2N-1)
----------------------- Total degrees of
freedom 4 (N-1)2 Number
of Euler angles 3 N
(N-1) / 2 Number of CP phases
1 (N-1) (N-2) / 2
56Intermezzo Kobayashi Maskawa
- Timeline
- Sep 1972 Kobayashi Maskawa predict 3
generations - Nov 1974 Richter, Ting discover J/? fill 2nd
generation - July 1977 Ledermann discovers ? discovery of
3rd generation
58Quark field re-phasing
Under a quark phase transformation
and a simultaneous rephasing of the CKM matrix
the charged current
is left invariant.
Degrees of freedom in VCKM in 3
N generations Number of real parameters
9 N2 Number of imaginary
parameters 9 N2 Number of
constraints (VV 1) -9 - N2 Number
of relative quark phases -5 - (2N-1)
----------------------- Total degrees of
freedom 4 (N-1)2 Number
of Euler angles 3 N
(N-1) / 2 Number of CP phases
1 (N-1) (N-2) / 2
59Cabibbos theory successfully correlated many
decay rates
- Cabibbos theory successfully correlated many
decay rates by counting the number of cosqc and
sinqc terms in their decay diagram
Niels Tuning (59)
60Cabibbos theory successfully correlated many
decay rates
- There was however one major exception which
Cabibbo could not describe K0 ? m m- - Observed rate much lower than expected from
Cabibbos ratecorrelations (expected rate ?
Niels Tuning (60)
61The Cabibbo-GIM mechanism
- Solution to K0 decay problem in 1970 by Glashow,
Iliopoulos and Maiani ? postulate existence of
4th quark - Two up-type quarks decay into rotated
down-type states - Appealing symmetry between generations
Niels Tuning (61)
62The Cabibbo-GIM mechanism
- How does it solve the K0 ? mm- problem?
- Second decay amplitude added that is almost
identical to original one, but has relative minus
sign ? Almost fully destructive interference - Cancellation not perfect because u, c mass
Niels Tuning (62)
63From 2 to 3 generations
- 2 generations d0.97 d 0.22 s (?c13o)
- 3 generations d0.97 d 0.22 s 0.003 b
- NB probabilities have to add up to 1
0.9720.2220.00321 - ? Unitarity !
Niels Tuning (63)
64From 2 to 3 generations
- 2 generations d0.97 d 0.22 s (?c13o)
- 3 generations d0.97 d 0.22 s 0.003 b
- Parameterization used by Particle Data Group (3
Euler angles, 1 phase)
65Possible forms of 3 generation mixing matrix
- General 4-parameter form (Particle Data Group)
with three rotations q12,q13,q23 and one complex
phase d13 - c12 cos(q12), s12 sin(q12) etc
- Another form (Kobayashi Maskawas original)
- Different but equivalent
- Physics is independent of choice of
parameterization! - But for any choice there will be complex-valued
66Possible forms of 3 generation mixing matrix
? Different parametrizations! Its about phase
Re-phasing V
3 parameters ?, t, s 1 phase f
Niels Tuning (66)
67How do you measure those numbers?
- Magnitudes are typically determined from ratio of
decay rates - Example 1 Measurement of Vud
- Compare decay rates of neutrondecay and muon
decay - Ratio proportional to Vud2
- Vud 0.97418 0.00027
- Vud of order 1
68How do you measure those numbers?
- Example 2 Measurement of Vus
- Compare decay rates of semileptonic K- decay and
muon decay - Ratio proportional to Vus2
- Vus 0.2255 0.0019
- Vus ? sin(qc)
69How do you measure those numbers?
- Example 3 Measurement of Vcb
- Compare decay rates of B0 ? D-ln and muon
decay - Ratio proportional to Vcb2
- Vcb 0.0412 0.0011
- Vcb is of order sin(qc)2 0.0484
70How do you measure those numbers?
- Example 4 Measurement of Vub
- Compare decay rates of B0 ? D-ln and B0 ?
p-ln - Ratio proportional to (Vub/Vcb)2
- Vub/Vcb 0.090 0.025
- Vub is of order sin(qc)3 0.01
71How do you measure those numbers?
- Example 5 Measurement of Vcd
- Measure charm in DIS with neutrinos
- Rate proportional to Vcd2
- Vcd 0.230 0.011
- Vcb is of order sin(qc) 0.23
72How do you measure those numbers?
- Example 6 Measurement of Vtb
- Very recent measurement March 09!
- Single top production at Tevatron
- CDF Vtb 0.91 0.13
- D0 Vtb 1.07 0.12
73How do you measure those numbers?
- Example 7 Measurement of Vtd, Vts
- Cannot be measured from top-decay
- Indirect from loop diagram
- Vts recent measurement March 06
- Vtd 0.0081 0.0006
- Vts 0.0387 0.0023
Ratio of frequencies for B0 and Bs
Vts ?2 Vtd ?3 ? ?ms (1/?2)?md 25 ?md
74What do we know about the CKM matrix?
- Magnitudes of elements have been measured over
time - Result of a large number of measurements and
Magnitude of elements shown only, no information
of phase
75What do we know about the CKM matrix?
- Magnitudes of elements have been measured over
time - Result of a large number of measurements and
Magnitude of elements shown only, no information
of phase
Niels Tuning (75)
76Approximately diagonal form
- Values are strongly ranked
- Transition within generation favored
- Transition from 1st to 2nd generation suppressed
by cos(qc) - Transition from 2nd to 3rd generation suppressed
bu cos2(qc) - Transition from 1st to 3rd generation suppressed
by cos3(qc)
CKM magnitudes
Why the ranking?We dont know (yet)! If you
figure this out,you will win the nobelprize
77Intermezzo How about the leptons?
- We now know that neutrinos also have flavour
oscillations - thus there is the equivalent of a CKM matrix for
them - Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix
- a completely different hierarchy!
78Wolfenstein parameterization
3 real parameters A, ?, ? 1 imaginary
parameter ?
79Wolfenstein parameterization
3 real parameters A, ?, ? 1 imaginary
parameter ?
80Exploit apparent ranking for a convenient
- Given current experimental precision on CKM
element values, we usually drop l4 and l5 terms
as well - Effect of order 0.2...
- Deviation of ranking of 1st and 2nd generation (l
vs l2) parameterized in A parameter - Deviation of ranking between 1st and 3rd
generation, parameterized through r-ih - Complex phase parameterized in arg(r-ih)
811995 What do we know about A, ?, ? and ??
- Fit all known Vij values to Wolfenstein
parameterization and extract A, ?, ? and ? - Results for A and l most precise (but dont tell
us much about CPV) - A 0.83, l 0.227
- Results for r,h are usually shown in complex
plane of r-ih for easier interpretation
82Deriving the triangle interpretation
- Starting point the 9 unitarity constraints on
the CKM matrix - Pick (arbitrarily) orthogonality condition with
83Deriving the triangle interpretation
- Starting point the 9 unitarity constraints on
the CKM matrix - 3 orthogonality relations
- Pick (arbitrarily) orthogonality condition with
Niels Tuning (83)
84Deriving the triangle interpretation
- Starting point the 9 unitarity constraints on
the CKM matrix - Pick (arbitrarily) orthogonality condition with
Niels Tuning (84)
85Visualizing the unitarity constraint
- Sum of three complex vectors is zero ? Form
triangle when put head to tail
(Wolfenstein params to order l4)
86Visualizing the unitarity constraint
- Phase of base is zero ? Aligns with real
87Visualizing the unitarity constraint
- Divide all sides by length of base
- Constructed a triangle with apex (r,h)
88Visualizing arg(Vub) and arg(Vtd) in the (r,h)
- We can now put this triangle in the (r,h) plane
89The Unitarity triangle
- We can visualize the CKM-constraints in (r,h)
- We can correlate the angles ß and ? to CKM
91Deriving the triangle interpretation
- Another 3 orthogonality relations
- Pick (arbitrarily) orthogonality condition with
Niels Tuning (91)
92The other Unitarity triangle
- Two of the six unitarity triangles have equal
sides in O(?)
- NB angle ßs introduced. But not phase invariant
93The Bs-triangle ßs
94The phases in the Wolfenstein parameterization
95The CKM matrix
- Couplings of the charged current
- Wolfenstein parametrization
96Back to finding new measurements
- Next order of business Devise an experiment that
measures arg(Vtd)?b and arg(Vub)?g. - What will such a measurement look like in the
(r,h) plane?
Fictitious measurement of b consistent with CKM
CKM phases
97Consistency with other measurements in (r,h) plane
Precise measurement ofsin(2ß) agrees
perfectlywith other measurementsand CKM model
assumptionsThe CKM model of CP violation
experimentallyconfirmed with high precision!
98Whats going on??
- ??? Edward Witten, 17 Feb 2009
- See From F-Theory GUTs to the LHC by Heckman
and Vafa (arXiv0809.3452)
Time Topic
Lecture 1 1400-1500 C, P, CP and the Standard Model
1530-1630 CKM matrix
Lecture 2 1000-1045 Flavour mixing in B-decays
1100-1145 CP Violation in B-decays
1200 -1245 CP Violation in B/K-decays
Lecture 3 1400-1445 Unitarity Triangle
1500-1545 New Physics?