Title: CKM unitarity problem: results from NA48 experiment
1CKM unitarity problemresults from NA48
- Evgueni Goudzovski (JINR)
- JINR Scientific Council
- January 20, 2005
2The CKM matrix
- The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix connects the
eigenstates d,s,b of weak interaction with the
quark flavour eigenstates d,s,b
Vud Vus Vub
Vcd Vcs Vcb
Vtd Vts Vtb
- Conservation of probability
- CKM matrix has to be unitary VCKMVCKMI
- If unitary not fulfilled
- New Physics (e.g. 4th quark generation)
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
3CKM unitarity problem
- CKM unitarity requires for the 1st row
- Vud2 Vus2 Vub2 1
- Particle Data Group (PDG) 2004 review
- Vub(3.67 0.47)10-3 negligible
contribution into unitarity relation, 10-5 - Vud0.9738 0.0005 well measured, e.g.
neutron lifetime - Vus 0.2200 0.0026 (sin?Cabibbo) old
measurements semileptonic kaon decays - Vud2Vus2Vub2 1?(4.31.9)10-3
- (2.2? deviation from unitarity)
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
4CKM unitarity Vus measurement
- Best way to determine Vus semileptonic
(neutral and charged) kaon decays K??e? (Ke3) - A few recent measurements of BR(Ke3) lead to
Vus values significantly above PDG 2004 values - New measurements of Vus are desirable.
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
5Determination of Vus from BR(Ke3)
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
6NA48 experiment at CERN SPS
- Main detector components
- Magnetic spectrometer (4 DCHs)
- redundancy ? high efficiency
- ?p/p 0.5 0.009p GeV/c.
- Liquid Krypton EM calorimeter (LKr)
- High granularity, quasi-homogenious
- ?E/E 3.2/vE 9/E 0.42
- electron/pion discrimination
- ? registration.
- Hodoscope
- high granularity multiplicity trigger
- precise time measurement (150ps).
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
7Vus measurements by NA48
- NA48/2 Semileptonic K decays K??0e? (Ke3)
- Data 90k events in 8 hours of low intensity run
2003 - Loose hodoscope trigger (1 charged track)
- NA48 Semileptonic KL decays KL???e? (Ke3)
- Data 6.8 mln events in 2 days of special run
1999 - Trigger on 2 charged particles in DCH or
- NA48/1 Semileptonic ?0 decays ?0??e?
- Data whole high intensity run 2002 (6.2k
events) - Approach different to the one for kaon decays
- These preliminary results are not discussed in
this talk.
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
8Br(K???0e?) measurement
- Measurement method normalize Ke3 events to
K?????0 events (Br0.2113?0.0014) - Signal practically background free
- Statistics selected from the minimum bias run
Decay Statistics
K??e? 59103
K????e? 33103
K???0 468103
K?????0 260103
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
9K???0e? Data/MC comparison
With radiative corrections
Without radiative corrections
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
10Br(K???0e?) result
confirms the deviation from PDG observed by BNL
E865! the most precise measurement of Br(Ke3)!
Detector acceptance 0.038
Trigger efficiency 0.004
BR (K?????0) 0.034
Radiative events 0.006
MC statistics 0.022
Total systematics 0.056
Statistic uncertainty 0.017
Branching ratio
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
11Br(KL???e?) measurement
Phys.Lett. B602 (2004) 41
- Measurement method
- Use minimum bias trigger to collect KL?2-track
events - Normalization to Br(2-track) 1.0048 ? Br(3?0)
- Best input precision ?Br(2-track)/Br(2-track)lt0.9
- Exactly the same selection for signal (Ke3) and
normalization events, but electron identified by
energy deposit in the LKr calorimeter - Measured quantity
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
12Data sample and selection
- Data sample
- 80 million 2-track triggers taken during 2 days
of minimum bias run with pure KL beam - Selection criteria
- Conditions on track geometry and kinematics
- Leave a sample of 12.6 million 2-track events
- Additional criterion for Ke3
- Electron ID E(LKr)/Pgt0.93for 1 track
- 6.8 mln candidates selected.
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
13Electron/pion separation
- Background to Ke3 sample
- K?3/K3? with ? misidentified as e
- Estimated from Ke3 data with identified e
(E/pgt1) - Prob(??e)5.810-3
- Inefficiency of electron ID
- Estimated from data with identified ?
(0.3ltE/plt0.7) - Prob(e??)4.910-3
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
14Monte Carlo simulation
- To determine acceptances, Monte Carlo simulation
of 5 significant 2-track modes involved
(radiative corr. included)
Decay channel BR (PDG04) Acceptance
KL??e? 38.8 0.2599
KL???? 27.2 0.2849
KL???-?0 12.6 0.0975
KL???- 2.110-3 0.5229
KL??0?0?0D 7.610-3 0.0001
- For average 2-track acceptance use ratios of BR
averages from PDG KTeV (B?3/Be3, B3?/Be3, ) - Absolute BRs are not used!
- Acceptance(2-track events) 0.2412 ? 0.0004
- Small normalization uncertainty ?A/A0.16
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
15Errors on R?(Ke3)/?(2-track)
- Statistical errors are negligible
- Dominating systematic uncertainty due to inexact
knowledge of beam energy spectrum - Summary of systematic errors
Energy spectrum 0.67
Normalization (input BR) 0.16
E/P cut (electron ID) 0.05
Trigger efficiency 0.05
DCH overflows 0.05
Magnet polarity 0.07
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
16Data/Monte Carlo comparison
Kaon energy spectrum major uncertainty
Profiles at drift chamber
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
17Br(KL???e?) result
Phys.Lett. B602 (2004) 41
- To compute Br(KL???e?) we use Br(KL?3?0)
PDG 04 0.2105?0.0023
KTeV 04 prel. 0.1945?0.0018
(inconsistent data scale factor applied to
- Result on Ke3 branching ratio
- Br(KL???e?) 0.4010 ? 0.0028(exp) ? 0.0035(norm)
- 0.4010 ? 0.0045
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
18From BRs to unitarity test
- Br(K?) (5.14 ? 0.06)
- Br(KL) 0.4010 ? 0.0045
- K? f(0)Vus 0.2245 ? 0.0013
- KL f(0)Vus 0.2146 ? 0.0016
- K? Vus 0.2241 ? 0.0026
- KL Vus 0.2187 ? 0.0028
- (PDG 0.2200 ? 0.0026)
accuracy 1.1 1.1 0.6 0.7 1.3 1.2
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
19Results on Vusf(0)
PL B602 (2004) 41
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005
- Values of Vus obtained by experiments before
2003 are in poor agreement with CKM unitarity - Recent NA48 measurements of Vus
- From K?
- In agreement with new BNL result and CKM
unitarity - In disagreement with the old measurements
- From KL
- In agreement with new KTeV and KLOE measurements
- In better agreement with CKM unitarity than the
old measurements. - More precise calculations of f(0) are desirable.
E. Goudzovski ? JINR SC ? January 20, 2005