The first Australopithecus was found in 1974 and was named Lucy. ... of Lucy so important to the scientists? 2. When and where was Lucy's species found? ...
This tribe has been found to eat insects,plants, berries, leaves, fruit, and roots. ... but they may have used were branches, sticks, and stones to kill their prey. ...
jaws arms legs teeth ribs pelvis feet hands vertebrae. 6 ... used fire for cooking and warmth. adapted to colder climates. What kind of culture did they have? ...
Australopithecus afarensis The species A. afarensis is one of the better known australopithecines, merely with regard to the number of samples attributed to the species.
contemporaneous with Australopithecus boisei and A. robustus for at ... Occipital 'bun' (torus) Reduction in relative tooth size. Homo erectus. Homo sapiens ' ...
... Hunting and Foraging. Glossary. manuport. Early Hominids II ... Time 23 July 2001. Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 215 ...
Bones of antelopes, horses, and other animals with cut marks made by ... Signs that hominids scraped & smashed animal bones, like this antelope tibia, 2.5 mya ...
At 29, Professor of Anatomy at Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg ... Shallow trochanteric fossa for obturator externus. Makapansgat: a third site for A.africanus ...
... canine alveolus (3) Reconstructed a rectangular palate with large canines and ... LH4 is intermediate in arcade shape, symphysis form, P3 shape and canine size ...
INIMESE EVOLUTSIOON Koostas: Kristel M ekask Australopiteek ehk l unaahv Australopithecus afarensis Lucy Australopithecus afarensis Australopithecus africanus ...
ORIGEN DE LA VIDA AUSTRALOPITHECUS. DISTRIBUCI N AUSTRALOPITHECUS ANAMENSIS Australopithecus ( mono del sur) anam( lago). Entre 4,5 m.a. y 3,9 m.a. Alcanza el ...
Chapter 11 Hominid Origins in Africa Chapter Outline The Bipedal Adaptation Early Hominids from Africa (Pre-Australopithecus Finds) Australopithecus/Paranthropus from ...
Early Homo Homo habilis 2.5-1.8 mya contemporaneous with Australopithecus boisei and Australopithecus robustus for at least 500,000 years. Then no fossils of either ...
Primate Fossils. Australopithecus Homo erectus Homo sapien. Primate Brain Capacity. Primate Bone structure. Human Relatives. Australopithecus. afarensis ...
EARLY HUMANS The Discovery of LUCY Australopithecus afarensis, the earliest ancestors of human beings They walked upright but were quite short Lived 2.9 to 3.5 ...
Integrantes : Yo Curso 3 m B Electivo Evolucion Reino: Animalia Filo: Chordata Clase: Mammalia Orden: Primates Familia: Hominidae G nero: Australopithecus Especie ...
Fossils of the family Hominidae Australopithecus afarensis 3.9-3my 375-550 cc Chimp-like skull with human-like teeth post cranial skeletal structure more human-like ...
Early Hominids Earliest Humans in East Africa Australopithecus- southern ape 4.4 million years ... of early humans on display in the Hall of Human Origins.
Hominin Evolution * * * Pre-dating Australopithecus Hominins discovered in north-central and eastern Africa Bipedal debatable in some species We will focus on the ...
6.0 mya Tugen Hills Orrorin tugenensis. 3.9 - 3.0 mya Australopithecus afarensis ... Canine fossa. Definite chin. Out of Africa hypothesis. Origin in Africa ...
Each subdivision is associated with a particular group of hominids. Late Australopithecus and early Homo lived during Lower. Homo Erectus spanned most of Middle, ...
Australopithecus genus name meaning southern ape. 1. A. aferensis ... Homo genus name meaning man. 4. Homo habilis (handy man) First in the human species (Homo) ...
C4 $100 What is Australopithecus? C4 $200 This characteristic allows primates to pick up things easily. C4 $200 What are opposable thumbs? C4 $300 This trait allows ...
... as the path for messages traveling between the upper brain and spinal cord. ... Australopithecus afarensis - retained apelike face with a sloping forehead, a ...
the large brains of apes and humans are also more developed than those of other animals ... Gracile Australopithecus / Homo Lineage Brain. The brains . . . cerebrum ...
Australopithecus relied on a vegetarian diet while developing a massive ... have to eat as often as vegetarians, leaving time to explore and experiment with ...
East African fossil remains assigned to the genus Australopithecus (or in some ... of large animals, such as antelope, were discovered near the fossils displaying ...
Old Stone Age. 2 million years ago. Time between Australopithecus and Homo Erectus ... New Stone Age, beginning 9,000 BCE. Tools. Men herd animals rather than hunt ...
The National Museum of Ethiopia (NME), also referred to as the Ethiopian National Museum, is the primary museum in Ethiopia. It is located in the nation's capital, Addis Ababa, near the graduate school of Addis Ababa University. The NME at present has four main exhibition sections. The museum houses the nation's artistic treasures as well as many of the most precious archaeological finds such as the fossilized remains of early hominids, the most famous of which is "Lucy," the partial skeleton of a specimen of Australopithecus afarensis. Recently added to the basement gallery is a display on Selam, found between 2000 and 2004. Estimated to be 3.3 million years old, this A. afarensis specimen is considered to be the earliest child. The NME at present has four main exhibition sections. The basement is dedicated to archaeological and paleoanthropological sections. This area shows the previously mentioned hominids.
5 million years ago: Australopithecus. 800000 years ago: Homo Erectus ... The Bow-Wow theory. The Ding-Dong theory. The yo-he-ho theory. The `mjam-mjam-theorie' ...
Lecci n 15. LA EMERGENCIA DEL GENERO HOMO - Homo habilis / Homo rudolfensis - Homo ergaster / Homo erectus Homo habilis Homo habilis OH-7 Homo habilis OH-8 Homo ...
18 Outtakes. Johanson and Edey, Lucy (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1981) Johanson and Edey, Lucy (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1981) Early Hominids II. Orrorin. Ardipithecus ...
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