Angiosperms are the most diverse and geographically most widespread plants Have flowers and fruits with seeds Two classes: 1. Monocotyledones (monocots)
Angiosperms Pistil and Stamen male female Pistil and Stamen male female End of the Semester! Kobe Kuiz What is the reproductive structure of angiosperms called?
... Stamens, composed of anther organ that ... for the embryo to grow Mature ovule becomes the seed coat and/or fruit Monocot vs. Dicot Angiosperms are ...
Angiosperms Earth s dominant plants Angiosperm Characteristics Vascular Flowering plants Double fertilization Seeds are covered in a fruit Dominant sporophyte ...
... * Pollen Grains Taxonomically useful Most families Many genera Some species Widely represented in fossil record Palynology Undergo mitosis within pollen ...
Angiosperms probably originated in the tropics. West Gondwana, equivalent to modern South ... 6. Generally hermaphrodite flowers and cross pollinating (70 ...
The flower produces microspores within anthers and megaspores within ovules by meiosis. ... The portion of the flower that consists of a filament and an anther ...
Angiosperms Phylum Anthophyta Largest group of plants Angiosperms are flowering plants. They have true roots, stems, leaves and flowers... Angiosperms are more highly ...
Complete: all 4 floral organs (floral organs: sepals, petals, stamens ... Incomplete: lacking 1 or more floral. Perfect: both stamens and carpels on 1 flower ...
Mainly herbaceous. Parallel veins in leaves. Flower parts multiples of 3 ... Herbaceous or woody. Branched veins. Flowers multiples of 4 or 5. Seed 2 cotyledons ...
Classification of Angiosperms The Flowering Plants Two Major Groups Monocots Single cotyledon Parallel veins Flowers in multiples of 3 s Dicots Two cotyledons ...
Bulb: short stem enclosed in fleshy leaf bases. Corm: short, thickened underground stem not enclosed in ... Cambium: tissue to make more xylem and phloem cells ...
They reproduce sexually - producing flowers, fruits, and seeds ... The flower attracts insects and other types of pollinators insuring cross-pollination ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: OIT Last modified by: OIT Created Date: 3/16/2006 3:25:06 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company
Animals- ex: insects. Attracted to brightly colored and sweet smelling flower. ... ex: water lilies. Animals- feed on fruit/berries. Stick to body-sticky, spiny seeds ...
ANGIOSPERMS (largest phylum in the plant kingdom) Flowers allow for efficient pollination. wind animals feed on pollen or nectar pollen is spread from plant to plant ...
seeds are enclosed in fruits (mature ovaries) ... by comparing the genes that give rise to ... can have up to 4 rings of modified leaves called floral organs: ...
Angiosperms. Flowering plants. Parts of the flower. Lilium Anther right half of the structure ... Pollen Grain (n) (immature male gametophyte) Pollen sac ...
Introduction to the Angiosperms Chapter 19 Angiosperms- Anthophyta Autotrophic, but parasitic and saprophytic representatives. Enclosure of ovules within carpels.
For many decades one of the big questions was whether the original angiosperms ... Evolution from Glossopterid-line of gymnosperms (Glossopteris or Gigantopteris) ...
... gametophytic apomixis (diplospory or apospory) adventitious embryony Apomixis in Citrus cell in the nucellus develops into an embryo, outside the embryo sac ...
Parts of the flower. We covered 23.2 in lab you are responsible for this ... Nectar guides. Bee pollination. Bat pollination. Night blooming. Fragrant. Very ...
The life cycles of angiosperms and other ... Unisexual flower: dioecious. A dioecious plant has staminate flowers and carpellate flowers on separate plants. ...
Sexxxxuality in Angiosperms. Extreme reduction of the gametophyte ... Figure 38.1 Simplified overview of angiosperm life cycle. Figure 38.3d1 Pollination modes ...
Monocots & Dicots Types of Angiosperms Botany Angiosperms Angiosperms are flowering plants. Angiosperms belong to the division Magnoliophyta. Angiosperms can be ...
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Gymnosperm Intro and evolution Life cycle and reproduction Uses and significance Angiosperms: Flowering plants Intro and evolution
12: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Gymnosperm Intro and evolution Life cycle and reproduction Uses and significance Angiosperms: Flowering plants Intro and evolution
Introduction to Plants (cont) Angiosperms are the most dominant phylum . Angiosperms, or flowering plants, produce seeds enclosed inside fruits. Angiosperm comes from ...
Angiosperme L'enorme successo delle angiosperme dipende dal fiore, organo che assicura loro la riproduzione sessuata. All'interno del fiore si sviluppano gli stami e ...
6 Kingdoms of Life * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Flowering plants Angiosperms Animalia All animals are multicellular and made of the more ...
... (Gymnosperms) (Angiosperms) Bryophytes: Defining characteristics: ... and the areas near the poles can be small herbs ... PowerPoint Presentation Author:
... and the vascular seed plants (5 phyla) Describe the basic plant life cycle and details of the ... Gymnosperms & Angiosperms Gymnosperm Life Cycle ...
... flowers reproductive organ seeds form in ovary fruit plants seedless seeds algae, moss liverworts ferns gymnosperms angiosperms seeds not covered ginkgoes ...
Gymnosperms- Chapter 18 Naked versus Enclosed Seed Plants Gymnosperms Gymno- gr. naked. Sperma- gr. seed. Angiosperms Angeion- gr. vessel. Sperma- gr. seed. Extant ...
Seed Plants BSC 2011L Seed Vascular Plants Among plants, these include the gymnosperms and angiosperms Reproductive differences in seedless vs. seed plants Sporangia ...
Title: Diversification of dioecios angiosperms Author: Jana Vamosi Last modified by: Jana Created Date: 7/10/2001 3:23:30 PM Document presentation format
Gymnosperms & Angiosperms G: seed plant that produces naked seed No fruit Cones Pine trees Oldest type of seed plant Reproduction in Gymnosperms Pollen released ...
LEC 01 Plant Evolution & Diversity Overview LOCAL FLORA Lecture 01 Dr. Donald P. Althoff SEEDS & FRUITS (not _____) ANGIOSPERMS Algae-to-Plants: Land Conquered ...
Seed Plants BSC 2011L Seed Vascular Plants Among plants, these include the gymnosperms and angiosperms Reproductive differences in seedless vs. seed plants Sporangia ...
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms iv. Angiosperms - characteristics Flower: leaf-like whorls fulfill different functions.
Angiosperms. Adaptations to Land. Apical Meristems. Reproduction (Alternation of Generations) ... Plant. The Flower. Angiosperm Life Cycle. Pollination. Fruit ...
Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology Chapter 38 Angiosperms Anthophyta More specialized xylem evolved. Tracheids seen in gymnosperms gave rise to vessel elements ...