A striated duct (a segment lined by cuboidal-to-columnar epithelial cells with ... Multispecific organ anionic transporter (MOAT), which exports bilirubin ...
5. acinus. I. Salivary Glands. B. Mucous cells (16.1) 1. ... TEM of mixed seromucous acinus 16-3. I. Salivary Glands. C. Ducts. 1. intercalated ducts (16.1) ...
Department of Biology and Marine Biology. Basic histological plan of ... lobule. lobule. lobule. Pancreas -- acinus. interlobular duct. connective tissue. acini ...
Acinus. Zones between 2 central veins. Zone 1. Closest to portal triad. High oxygen levels ... Oversupply of free fatty acids to liver. Decreased secretion of ...
Day 52- Week 16. Development of remaining conducting airways. Fetal Lung ... Framework of Acinus. Fetal Lung Development. Five stages in human. Saccular Stage ...
2. Panlobular: acini uniformly enlarged from level of RB to alveoli; occurs in ... 3. Paraseptal: distal acinus is affected; especially seen adjacent to pleura, ...
Portal Axis consists of a terminal portal venule, a hepatic arteriole and a bile ... Liver Acinus functional microvascular unit. Zone 1- rich in Oxygen, mitochondria ...
Regio respiratorica: lower and medial concha nasalis covered by ... Acinus pulmonis: smaller unit: one terminal. bronchiole with its branches (200-300 alveoli) ...
(1) Preparation before lab studying these images will help you in the lab ... acinus. Liver 40X. lobule. triad region. central vein * Liver 100X. lobule. triad region ...
Acinus. Duct. Salivary Cell Loss. Acinar cell loss leads to loss of functional salivary gland tissue ... Eliminates need for saliva substitutes and sialogogues ...
Exocrine Pancreas - majority of the organ; acini of 8-15 cuboidal cells in ... a) centroacinar - simple squamous epithelium that extends up into the acinus. ...
Manette bino. trino. Statif. potence. platine. Surplatine X Y. cytoplasme. noyau. Membrane ... Emplacement de la lumi re de l'acinus. Tissu conjonctif contenant des ...
Section of a liver in low magnification Portal triad CV= Central vein CV MZI Khan Section of a liver MZI Khan This section of a liver is showing many hepatic lobules ...
Since lung volume is ... lung 3-Contraction atelectasis occurs when local or generalized fibrotic changes in the lung or pleura prevent full expansion .
Structure of the Liver. Gall Bladder. Connects to small intestine, through duct joined to the pancreas, called the ampulla of Vater. Each lobe, is made of functional ...
Jaundice and liver function tests KVB Normal Liver: The liver is the largest internal organ,measuring on an average 1500 g. The liver has a dual blood supply: 2/3rd ...
Agit sur le foie et le gras pour lib rer le glucose n cessaire. La r serve dans le foie est lib r e plus vite que le gras. Types de diab tes Type 1 : ...
Anatomy & Physiology II Tony Serino, Ph.D. ... deglutition Mucosa: Str. Squamous Muscularis: Skeletal Esophagus Function: Deglutition Two sphincters: ...
Pancreas: Anatomy & Physiology Sanjay Munireddy Sinai Hospital 11/21/2006 Glucagon Secreted by the A cells of the islet Glucagon elevates blood glucose levels through ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Archana Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Anatomy & Physiology Dorothy Sparks, MD Dept. of Surgery Pancreas Continued Location: Retro-peritoneum, 2nd lumbar vertebral level Extends in an oblique ...
4 tissus primaires sont impliqu s dans la formation du corps humains : ... pith lium simple cylindrique avec cellules cili es et cellules s cr trices. ...
teratoma, but embryonal carcinoma and Seminoma were found microscopically. embryonal carcinoma mixed with teratoma. Endodermal sinus tumor (yolk sac tumor) of the ...
PATHOLOGIE RESPIRATOIRE EXMENS COMPLEMENTAIRES EN URGENCE, EN PREMIERE INTENTION Bilan sanguin comprenant: NFS, Biochimie plasmatique comportant l ionogramme, la ...
GI physiology review Autonomous smooth muscle function Intestinal smooth muscle cells: effector organ of GI motility Pacemaker activity: Thin layer of ...
Pancreas - an organ that makes bicarbonate to nutralize gastric ... Obs var; observed variations in human protein sequence deduced from allele polymorphisms. ...
GI physiology review Autonomous smooth muscle function Intestinal smooth muscle cells: effector organ of GI motility Pacemaker activity: Thin layer of ...
Ra and Rb represent the apical and basal membrane resistance, Ca and Cb are the ... Rb. Cb. Ca. Experimental demonstration of the change in morphology ...
2.2.1 Draw a generalized prokaryotic cell as seen in electron micrographs. 2.2.2 The diagram with the functions of each Named Structure 13.3.4 Draw the external and ...
KELOMPOK 8 SISTEM HORMON PADA MANUSIA Apa itu Hormon?? Hormon adalah zat kimia yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar endokrin atau kelenjar buntu. Kelenjar ini merupakan ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Cortney Henderson Last modified by: Dr. Kenneth Lutchen Created Date: 5/9/2001 12:42:21 PM Document presentation format
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: VV Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Other titles: Times New Roman Verdana ...
ANATOMIE PHYSIOLOGIE MODULE GYNECO-OBSTETRIQUE PLAN L appareil g nital f minin Anatomie Physiologie L appareil g nital masculin Anatomie Physiologie Anatomie ...