Theories%20of%20Anaesthesia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Theories of Anaesthesia Dr. Pratheeba Durairaj,MMC 14.11.08 Introduction The mechanisms of anesthesia are surprisingly little understood Anesthetics are unique drugs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Theories%20of%20Anaesthesia

Theories of Anaesthesia
  • Dr. Pratheeba Durairaj,MMC
  • 14.11.08

  • The mechanisms of anesthesia are surprisingly
    little understood
  • Anesthetics are unique drugs in pharmacology.
    They affect all macromolecules.
  • The diversity of the structures of these
    molecules indicates that there are no common
  • The action of anesthetics is nonspecific and

Why should we search for mechanisms of
anaesthesia ?
  • The safety of anaesthetics has improved over the
    years even though we still are to find exactly
    how they act.
  • Search of molecular mechanisms may lead to
    development of safer drugs with less adverse

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Cell fat dissolution theory
  • Von Bibra and Harless, in 1847, were the first to
    suggest that general anaesthetics may act by
    dissolving in the fatty fraction of brain cells.
  • They proposed that anaesthetics dissolve and
    remove fatty constituents from brain cells,
    changing their activity and inducing anaesthesia.

Colloid theory
  • Studied anaesthetic induced inhibition of
    protoplasmic streaming in slime moulds
  • Proposed that a reversible coagulation of cell
    colloids accompanied anaesthesia

Meyer and Overton hypothesis
  • 1899 /1901 - Lipid solubility theory - H. H.
    Meyer / Overton.
  • The most striking correlation observed 100 yrs
    ago between the physical properties of general
    anaesthetic molecules and their potency.
  • States that narcosis occurs when critical drug
    concentration is achieved in crucial lipid of CNS
  • Suggests that when an anaesthetic dissolves in a
    liphophilic portion of membrane, blockade of
    essential pore ? Sodium channel occurs preventing

  • Meyer
  • compared the potency of many agents, defined as
    the reciprocal of the molar concentration
    required to induce anaesthesia in tadpoles, with
    their olive oil/water partition coefficient.
  • Nearly linear relationship between potency and
    the partition coefficient for many types of
    anaesthetic molecules.
  • The anaesthetic concentration required to induce
    anaesthesia in 50 of a population of animals
    (the EC50) was independent of the means by which
    the anaesthetic was delivered, i.e., the gas or
    aqueous phase.
  • These results on lipid-free proteins show that
    the correlation between lipid solubility and
    potency of general anaesthetics is a necessary
    but not sufficient

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  • Only applies to gases and volatile liquids oil
    gas partition coefficient cant be determined for
    liquid anaesthetics
  • Olive oil is a poorly characterized mixture of

  • From the Meyer-Overton correlation, alcohols
    should become increasingly potent as the carbon
    chain length increases because the alcohols grow
    more hydrophobic.
  • Instead of becoming increasingly potent without
    limit however, at certain chain lengths the
    addition of just one methylene group causes the
    molecule to lose its ability to anaesthetise.
  • Decrease in anaesthetic potency in higher members
    of homologous series is CUTOFF .
    n-pentane causes anaesthesia but not n- decane
  • Enflurane and Isoflurane, are isomers with
    identical chemical properties oil gas partition
    coeffecient, but can differ greatly in
    anaesthetic potencies. suggest that potency
    depends on factors other than lipid solubility
  • Some lipid soluble compounds are convulsants and
    not anaesthetics

Altered Cell Membrane Permeability
  • 1907/1909 HOBER AND LILLIE
  • Suggested absorbed anaesthetics decrease cell
  • Cell was rendered less capable to undergo
    depolarization and thus inhibited
  • Turned out to be precedent of a modern theory of
    protein receptor

Membrane volume expansion
  • 1954 MULLINS
  • Proposed that potency correlated better with
    volume rather than number of anaesthetic
    molecules dissolved in oil phase of membrane
  • Speculated that they fill voids in membrane
    rather than adding to membranes volume

Alteration of lipid layer fluidity
  • 1968 Metcalf et al
  • Demonstrated that Benzyl Alcohol increased
    mobility of membrane components of erythrocytes
  • Suggested that anaesthetics act by increasing
    membrane lipid fluidity which in turn perturbs
    membrane protein function

Pressure Reversal of Anaesthesia
  • The observed pressure reversal of anaesthesia
    and narcosis is one of the most intriguing
    features of the anaesthetic state. DOCUMENTED
    OVER 50 YRS
  • Two theoretical explanation for this effect.
  • Anaesthetics and pressure act
    on different molecular targets
  • The pressure reversal is a mere
    consequence of a general stimulation brought on
    by pressure overcoming the general depression of
    physiological and mental activity caused by the
  • Anaesthetic potencies of
    various substances are similar among a wide range
    of organisms, the values of the pressures
    required to reverse anaesthesia vary considerably
    between organisms, and in some cases the pressure
    reversal is not observed at all.

  • An alternative point of view assumes that
    pressure and anaesthesia act antagonistically at
    the same molecular sites,
  • The pressure reversal effect is
    intimately related to a general mechanism of
    anaesthetic action.
  • Most obvious effects of the increase of pressure
    at constant temperature is a volume reduction
  • some authors have argued that
    anaesthetics act by increasing the local volume
    contribution of some crucial target in the
    nervous system. That is the basis of the critical
    volume hypothesis .

  • In view of the lipid theories, the pressure
    reversal effect is a consequence of the
    observation that higher pressures reverse many
    anaesthetic-induced perturbations of lipid
  • Protein theories, that assume direct binding of
    anaesthetics to protein sites within ion channels
    or at receptor sites, account for pressure
    reversal through dislocation/dissociation of the
    anaesthetic molecules from their usual targets,
    or modification of the target action

Critical volume hypothesis
  • 1973 MILLER
  • Based on theories of lipid solubility pressure
    reversal of anaesthesia ,he postulated that
    anaesthesia occurs when they expand membrane
    volume beyond a critical amount by 1.1
  • Changes in membrane volume compresses ion channel
    and alters function
  • Increases in membrane thickness alters neuronal
    excitability by changing potential gradient
    across the membrane

Phase Transition Theory
  • 1977 TRUDELL
  • Speculated that during membrane excitation ionic
    channel protein under go conformational changes
    increases lateral dimensions of protein and
    opens ionic channel
  • Normally, membrane lipid near ionic channel
    exists in fluid state Compact
    Gel state during depolarization
  • Small increases in membrane fluidity large
    decrease in lateral compressibility of bilayer
    prevent conformational changes in ionic channel
    inhibits membrane excitation
  • Anaesthetics enhance membrane disorder by
    increasing fluid to gel ratio interfering with
    ability to open/close channels

Lipid theories
  • The MeyerOverton observations - earliest and
    still the best correlation
  • Those findings led to a general theory that
    anaesthetics dissolve in the lipid fraction of
    the cell membrane, thus altering the
    physiological properties.
  • Modern variants of the lipid theory developed
    related membrane properties that could be
    relevant to anaesthesia, including volume
    expansion and lateral surface pressure, membrane
    fluidity and thickness, and surface tension

  • Such an altered state of the membrane lipids
    might then change the activity and function of
    integral membrane proteins, including
    ion-channels, thereby inducing anaesthesia.
  • Modern lipid theories often postulate such an
    indirect mechanism for the occurrence of
  • The main drawback of these models lies in the
    observation that the anaesthetic concentrations
    needed to produce relevant changes in membrane
    lipid properties would be highly toxic to the

Macromoleculewater interface theories
  • Many of the gas phase species that exhibit
    anaesthetic properties also form crystalline
  • PAULING proposed that hydrated anaesthetic gas
    molecule clathrate can stabilize a membrane /
    occlude essential pores- interferes with
  • MILLER postulated that interaction between water
    and anaesthetic molecule results in an iceberg
    which stiffens up membrane prevents neuronal
  • Anaesthetic gas molecules might then occupy
    structure-determining cavity sites within dynamic
    ice-like liquid water clusters.

  • Neither Clathrate nor iceberg can be formed in
    ambient pressure and body temperature
  • Typical gas clathrate hydrates are not stable
    under physiological pressuretemperature
  • Additional factors were considered that could
    increase the clathrate stability in a
    physiological environment

Protein Theories
  • Go back to the late 19th century
  • The remarkable finding in1993 Franks and Lieb
    that the soluble protein of firefly luciferase -
    a good model for anaesthetic action represented a
    key advance in the field.
  • Detailed analysis of anaestheticluciferase
    interactions led to the suggestion that
    anaesthetic molecules compete with substrate
    luciferin molecules for binding to the protein
    hydrophobic pocket.

  • It is now thought that ion channels and
    neurotransmitter receptor sites formed from
    protein complexes embedded within the neuronal
    cell membranes constitute the primary sites of
    anaesthetic action.
  • Discovery of the stereospecificity of certain
    anaesthetics and their optical isomers, which are
    equally soluble in lipids, supports a
    protein-based theory of anaesthetic action.
  • Opiates can be antagonized by naloxone,
    benzodiazepines by flumazenil and
    non-depolarizing muscle relaxants by neostigmine
    or edrophonium.
  • Therefore, in theory it should be possible to
    antagonize i.v. anaesthesia induced by a
    combination of opiate, benzodiazepine and muscle
    relaxant by giving a combination of antagonists
    for each substance.

  • No effective antagonist for inhalation
    anaesthesia has been reported so far. This does
    not mean that anaesthesia cannot be brought about
    by receptor action.
  • Inhalation anaesthetics may simply act at several
    receptors that differ in their pharmacodynamic
    properties and require several different
    antagonists that have still not been found

Neurophysiological Theories
  • Suggest that synapses is a likely site of action
  • Increase in synapses increases anaesthetic
  • Mechanism of action change in calcium
    permeability at susceptible synapses decreased
    release of neuro transmitter
  • Inhalational anaesthetics affect membrane
    structure -decreasing ability of sodium channels
    to open
  • Does not explain how they act
  • Changes in EEG SSEP in man differ widely for
    different anaesthetics suggesting multiple sites
    of action
  • RAS Is not the sole site
  • Only an anatomical description rather than
    molecular expression

Biochemical theories
  • Volatile agents inhibit mitochondrial respiration
    in a reversible and concentration dependent
  • Do produce many biochemical effects
  • -Alteration in flux of calcium across
    mitochondrial and neural membranes
  • -Increase the concentration of GABA in
    synaptic areas by inhibiting degradation-anaesthet
    ic modulation

Molecular and cellular theories
  • Defined as those theories that are based on
    anaesthetic mechanisms at the molecular or
    cellular level that has been proposed to be
    responsible for generating the state of general
  • Enhancement of activity at GABAA receptors is an
    important component, perhaps the only component,
    of the mechanisms that are relevant in

Genetic studies
  • Genetic manipulation of animals increasingly
    used for investigating links between potential
    targets of anaesthesia and their behavioral
  • Screening for mutations in fruit flies
    nematodes identified strain with altered
    sensitivity to anaesthetics but applicability to
    human studies is questionable
  • Introduction of specific mutants into native
    genes knock in enables assessment of
    physiological pharmacological role of specific
  • This method provided evidence for involvement of
    ß2 ß3 sub units of GABA A receptor background
    leak potassium channels in producing immobility
    ,sedation hypnosis
  • Highlighted that GABA A ß subunits are
    partially responsible for volatile anaesthetic
    action but crucial for IV agents like Propofol
  • Genetic studies on Drosophila even point to
    voltage-gated sodium channels as factors that may
    affect anaesthetic sensitivity

Integrated theories
  • Integrated theories of general anaesthesia are
    theories that do not treat the several components
    of general anaesthesia independently but provide
    an integrating basis for their explanation.

Targets of Anaesthetic Action
  • Molecular targets
  • Depending on the physicochemical nature of the
    anaesthetic ,they may prefer
  • Within the bilayer, the interface
    between the lipid and the aqueous phase
  • Between the lipid and the membrane
  • Hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer
  • Protein-binding sites exposed to the
    aqueous phase
  • Inside membrane proteins or in
    the lumen of ion channels
  • Within aqueous domains or water

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  • May bind within the core of the membrane protein
    itself, between hydrophobic -helices and
    hydrophobic or lipophilic pockets
  • May interfere in the interactions between
    subunits of a protein or between different
  • Interest is focused on anaesthetic interaction
    sites that are amphipathic or lipophilic, i.e.
    sites that have some polar components besides a
    hydrophobic component.

  • All members of the main families of ion channels
    and their many subtypes are affected by
  • Sodium channels, Potassium channels,
    Calcium channels (both voltage and
  • Glutamate receptors N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA),
    -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole propionic acid
    (AMPA) and kainate
  • Novel P2X receptors, n AChR
  • 5-HT3 receptor channels, GABA A receptor
    channels and glycine receptor channels.

Voltage gated ion channels
  • Na K channels - Required for action
  • Insensitive to volatile agents required 8 times
    of halo that of producing anaesthesia- HAYDEN
  • Voltage Dependent calcium channel couple
    electrical activity to cellular function
    relatively insensitive -inhibited by volatile
    agents 2-5 times required for anasthesia

  • Ligand Gated Ion Channels
  • Fast excitatory inhibitory neurotransmission
  • Glutamate activated ion channels
  • 3 types- AMPA, KAINATE - insensitive to
    halothane /sensitive to barbiturates
  • NMDA receptors
  • - Ketamine is a potent /selective
  • N2O, XENON inhibit excitatory NMDA Glutamate
  • Glutamate receptors Glu R3 inhibition ,GluR6

GABA Activated Ion Channels
  • Barbiturates, anaesthetic steroids,
    benzodiazepines, propofol , etomidate ,volatile
    agents modulate GABA A receptor
  • Volatile agents alter /potentiate Ligand binding
    in GABA A receptor
  • Volume of anaesthetic binding sites on a sub unit
    of GABA A receptor is between 250 370 cubic
  • Xenon, Nitrous oxide and Cyclopropane, have
    little effect on GABA -A receptors.
  • Genetic studies and evidence from brain imaging
    do not support an exclusive role for GABA - A
    receptors in anaesthesia, although they support
    the hypothesis that the in vivo effects of
    anaesthetics are mediated at least in part
    through GABAergic mechanisms

GABA A receptor
  • Volatile agents stabilize the Ach receptors in a
    - conformational stage inactive state
  • These receptors play a role in behavioral
    physiological effects
  • Have a agent specific effect on 5HT 3 receptors
  • Glycine receptor- chloride sensitive ion channel
    potentiated by ? Propofol, pentobarbitol

Subcellular targets
  • Anaesthetics act on axons and dendrites and
    presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes as well as
    on the somatic membranes of neurones and glia.
  • They act on many intracellular structures, such
    as the neurotransmitter release system, the
    calcium homeostasis and buffering system,
    second-messenger cascades and mitochondria.

  • Cellular targets
  • Glial cells,skeletal and cardiac myocytes,
    endocrine cells and cells of the immune system
    are also targets.
  • Local microcircuitsAnaesthetic acts on
    microcircuits within slices from dorsal root
    ganglion, spinal cord, thalamus,
    hippocampus,cortex and cerebellum as well as in
    neuronal networks grown in culture.

  • Inhalation anaesthetics, to a greater extent than
    i.v. anaesthetics, affect all areas of the CNS.
  • Imaging studies indicate that a number of
    discrete brain structures are related to the
    effects of anaesthetics,
  • spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum,
    midbrain and thalamus, midbrain reticular
    formation, basal ganglia, superior frontal gyrus,
    anterior cingulate gyrus, posterior cingulate,
    basal forebrain, insular cortex, prefrontal
    cortex, parietal and temporal association areas,
    occipitoparietal association cortices and
    occipital cortex..

  • Functional imaging techniques are beginning to
    help identify key brain structures that appear to
    play important roles in the different clinical
    endpoints produced by anaesthetics.
  • The peripheral nervous system also provides
    targets for anaesthetic actions, as does the
    endocrine system and the immune system.

Unitary hypothesis
  • Overton was a proponent of the unitary hypothesis
    when he stated that, it is highly probable that
    the mechanism of ether or chloroform narcosis,
    for example, remains substantially the same in
    the ganglia cells, the ciliary cells, and in the
    plant cells as well.

  • Halsey discussed the unitary hypothesis for
    inhalation anaesthetics (equivalent to Overtons
    non-specific narcotics) three-quarters of a
    century later
  • Stated that a unitary hypothesis of
    anaesthesia did not require a single gross site
    of action, as there was evidence for several
    gross sites.
  • For him, the unitary hypothesis required identity
    of action at the molecular level.
  • Thus, the first possible model was never
    seriously advocated.

  • Another example of a unitary hypothesis is the
    GABA hypothesis, -- states that enhancement of
    activity at GABA A receptors is an important
    component, perhaps the only component, of
    relevant mechanisms in anaesthesia.
  • Results obtained from genetic studies are now
    being used as evidence that the unitary
    hypothesis can be dismissed in the nematode.

Multisite hypotheses
  • Allow that many molecular mechanisms may cause
    one or many neuronal lesions, do not hold that
    all anaesthetics should show the same correlation
    between the anaesthetic endpoint and the
    mechanism-related endpoint.
  • Thus, if certain inhalation anaesthetics do not
    have much effect on GABA A receptors, this does
    not imply that GABA A receptors are not important
    molecular players in the clinical components of
  • Studies of proteins, second-messenger
    signalling, the spinal cord, brain slices,
    genetics and functional imaging all come up with
    data consistent with multisite theories of
    anaesthetic action

High pressure effects in anaesthesia and narcosis
  • X-ray crystallography has been used to
    investigate the incorporation of species like Xe
    in hydrophobic pockets within model ion channels
    that may account for pressure effects on neuronal
  • Magnetic resonance imaging techniques are
    providing tomographic three-dimensional images
    that detail brain structure and function, and
    that can be correlated with behavioural studies
    and psychological test results.
  • Voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging studies on
    brain slices provide time-resolved images of the
    dynamic formation and interconnection of
    inter-neuronal complexes.

xenon anaesthesia
  • Use of Xe results in remarkable cardiovascular
    stability, rapid onset and offset of its action
    resulting from its extremely low bloodgas
    partition coefficient, neuroprotection and
    profound analgesia
  • Kr shows anaesthetic effects at higher pressures
    than Xe
  • Biochemical studies combined with crystallography
    and molecular dynamics simulations indicate that
    Xe, Kr and N2 could occupy hydrophobic sites or
    pockets within ion channels such as those
    associated with the excitatory glutamate (NMDA)
    neurotransmitter receptor complex

  • So far, the search for unitary or simple
    mechanisms of anaesthesia has failed -- not a
    consequence of a lack of attempts, but seems
    rather a reflection of its complexity.
  • Considering the many different anaesthetic
    effects that have been discovered in vitro and in
    vivo, there are two ways of responding.
  • One is that the search for simple mechanisms
    should be continued in order to obtain proof that
    only a few anaesthetic sites and actions are
    really relevant and that the others do not

  • Alternatively, integrated explanations should be
    sought that reconcile many simultaneous
    anaesthetic targets and actions with a still
    functional organism.
  • More attempts have to be made to open the black
  • Until such networks can be identified and in
    vitro mechanisms tested in these networks in
    vivo, it seems futile to speculate on the
    relevance of in vitro mechanisms for general

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