Title: Valence%20Bond%20Description%20of%20Bonding
1Valence Bond Descriptionof Bonding
2Atomic Orbitals and Bonding
Pauling Atomic Orbitals lack the symmetry
necessary for good overlap in bonding
3Orbital Hybridization
f1 f2 f3 f4
Orbitals are mathematical descriptions
(equations) of an electron in terms of quantum
numbers (n, m, l, and s). As equations, orbitals
can be added or subtracted. Linear Combination
of Orbitals
(atomic orbitals)
F1 F2 F3 F4
(hybrid orbitals)
4Hybrid Orbitalssp3
sp3 hybridization
5sp3 hybrid orbitals
6sp2 hybrid orbitals
sp2 hybridization
7sp2 hybrid orbitals
Side View
Top View
8Bonding Orbitals of sp2 Hybridized Atoms
Side View
9sp hybrid orbitals
sp hybridization
10sp hybrid orbitals
11Bonding Orbitals of sp Hybridized Atoms
Side View
Top View
12VSEPR Theory Hybridization
Groups BP LP Geometry Hybridization
2 2 BP Linear, 180º sp
3 3 BP Trigonal, 120º sp2
3 2 BP 1 LP Bent, 120º sp2
4 4 BP Tetrahedral, 109.5º sp3
4 3 BP 1 LP Trigonal Pyramidal, 109.5º sp3
4 2 BP 2 LP Bent, 109.5º sp3
13Bonding in Methane
14Bonding in Ethane
15Bonding in Ethene (Ethylene)
Side View
16Bonding in Ethyne (Acetylene)
Side View
17Bonding in Propyne