The%20Influence%20Model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Influence Model,' IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Dec. 2001 ... Physics - Stochastic Ising Model Glauber 63 - Cellular automata Wolfram 94 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The%20Influence%20Model

The Influence Model
Presenter Michele Garetto
  • C. Asavathiratham, S. Roy, B. Lesieutre, G.
    Verghese. The Influence Model, IEEE Control
    Systems Magazine, Dec. 2001
  • C. Asavathiratham, The influence model a
    tractable representation for the dynamics of
    networked Markov chains, Ph.D. dissertation,
    EECS Dept., MIT, Oct. 2000 http//
  • G. Verghese, General Models of Network
    Dynamics, http//

  • Motivation
  • Related models
  • Interactive Markov Chains
  • Formulation of the Influence Model
  • Application to virus modeling
  • The Influence model in a nutshell
  • Conclusions and discussion

  • How can we study analitically (not just by
    simulation) the dynamic behavior of very complex
    networks, with a large number of components
    interacting together ?
  • Multiple application domains
  • - Communication networks
  • Internet
  • Energy
  • Power grid
  • Transportation
  • Air traffic, road, rail
  • Social networks
  • Interactions between individuals

Dominant Issues
  • Uncertainty
  • dynamic, aggregated behavior
  • Events propagation
  • cascading events
  • transient behavior
  • Resource allocation for failure mitigation
  • Distributed decision and control
  • Reconfiguration and recovery
  • Guaranteed behavior
  • Reliability
  • Predictability

Examples of particular interest
  • Catastrophic outages in major infrastructures
    (such as the Internet, the power grid, the air
    traffic system ...)
  • Traffic congestion (spatial and temporal
    correlations ...)
  • Virus spreading (propagation speed, final size,
    effect of countermeasures, immunization ...)

Related models of interactions on networks
Area Model Key author

Physics - Stochastic Ising Model Glauber 63
- Cellular automata Wolfram 94
- Markov chain Monte Carlo Metropolis 53
Mathematics - Infinite particle system Spitzer 70
- Voter model Holley, Liggett 75
- Contact process Harris 74
Biology - Invasion process Clifford,Sudbury 73
Sociology - Threshold model Granovetter 78
- Interactive Markov Chains Conlisk 76
Economics - Local interaction game Ellison
The Interactive Markov Chain (IMC) Modeling
  • Global network structure ...

but locally a Markov chain
Global Structure (the network)
  • Each node is represented by a Markov chain,
    whose state transitions are influenced by the
    states of its neighbors

Computational complexity problem
  • The solution of the global Markov chain is
    feasible only for small systems (a few tens of
    nodes ?)
  • It is possibile to consider very large systems

The Influence Model (1)
  • The influence model is a discrete-time Markov
  • Lets consider for simplicity the case of an
    ergodic system (irreducible, aperiodic)
  • In a stand-alone Markov Chain the evolution of
    the status probabilities is

The Influence Model (2)
  • In the case of networked Markov Chains, the
    transitions probabilities are constrained to take
    a multilinear form

p1 (k) d1,1 p1 (k-1) P1,1 d1,2 p2 (k-1) P1,2
... d1,N pN (k-1) P1,N
( d1,1 d1,2 d1,N 1 )
  • The coefficients di,j are the weights associated
    with incoming edges
  • We can have self-loops
  • Matrices Pi,j can be nonsquare

The Influence Model (3)
  • If we stack the status vector probabilities of
    all of the nodes into a single vector

P p1 p2 ... pN
we can write more compactly
The Influence Model (4)
  • By Perron-Frobenius theory for irreducible
    nonnegative matrices, H has a dominant real
    eigenvalue of 1 that strictly dominates all other
    eigenvalues, and the corresponding left
    eigenvector is the steady-state status
    probability vector

( M m1 mn)
The Influence Model (5)
  • The analysis of the eigenstructure of H provides
    a powerful way to capture the dynamics of the
    individual sites, but is not sufficient to
    compute the evolution of the joint probabilities
    of groups of nodes

Example homogeneous influence model
  • Consider an influence model in which each site
    can be in either of two different states, labeled
    Normal or Failed, and all of the sites have the
    same local Markov chains
  • The steady-state vector of A is .833 .167
  • weights di,j are identical k neighbors -gt d
    1/(k1) (including the self-loop)

Dilemma to connect or not to connect...
  • When a node is Failed, neighbors can help.
  • When a node is Normal, neighbors can hurt

Dilemma to connect or not to connect...
  • As far as the steady-state probability of being
    Failed is concerned, it turns out that it makes
    no difference whether or not a site connects to
    the network, regardless of the network structure
    ! (the steady-state probability of being
    Failed is the same)
  • What does change when sites connect together is
    the pattern of failures (joint probabilities of
    groups of nodes)
  • Node failures are correlated !


Dilemma to connect or not to connect...
  • reminder the steady-state vector for each node
    is .833 .167

Failures are more likely to appear in connected
Dilemma to connect or not to connect...
  • We can consider all intermediate cases with a
    tunable network matrix T specified in terms of a
    coefficient c (the self influence probability)
    T(c) c I (1-c) D

Not connected - binomial distribution
Relative Frequency (obtained by simulation)
  • Fully connected -
  • more small failures
  • more large failures

Number of Failed Nodes
Higher order analysis (1)
  • The influence matrix H provides only a partial
    and rather limited view of the behavior of the
    system. A complete description would require to
    consider the transition matrix of the giant
    global markov chain G
  • but it turns out that there is an intimate
    relation between H and G
  • key question what is the connection between the
    eigenvalues of H and those of G ?

Higher order analysis (2)
  • It is possible to extract intermediate
    information between that provided by H and G
    building a hierarchy of matrices H(r) , each one
    intended to study the evolution of joint
    probabilities of groups of lt r gt sites
    (at the cost of an increasing computational

Higher order analysis (3)
  • The eigenstructure of matrices H(r) has rich
    mathematical properties. If G has distinct
    eigenvalues, a telescoping relation exists
    among a subset of their spectrum called relevant
  • Moreover, it is conjectured by the authors on
    the basis of extensive numerical experiments
    (also proved in the case of homogeneous influence
    models) that the subdominant eigenvalue (the
    eigenvalue with the second largest magnitude) of
    H equals that of G

Application to virus modeling
  • The simplest model we can build to describe the
    spreading of a virus is the following
  • nodes stand for Internet hosts, and they can be
    in either of just two states infected or normal.
  • weigths associated with edges stand for
    infection propagation probabilities
  • we start with a network in which every node is
    normal, and we initiate a new infection turning
    the status at some node to infected.
  • What happens ?
  • the system evolves until it settles down to the
    configuration in which all of the nodes are
    infected or all of the nodes are normal, and
    remains that way forever

Application to virus modeling
  • an infected node turns normal again if it is
    influenced by a normal neighbor (this is not
  • If we want a node to be influenced differently
    based on its current status, we need a
    state-dependent influence model, which is
    inherently nonlinear and does not allow a
    recursion for the state probabilities in the form

The Influence Model in a nutshell
  • The Influence Model is a stochastic model that
    provides a particular but tractable
    representation of random, dynamical interactions
    on networks
  • It is based on the Interactive Markov Chain
    framework, that separates out the internal
    behavior of a node from interactions between
  • Interactions are contrained to take a
    multilinear form, that leads to a highly
    tractable model with rich mathematical structure

Strenghts and weaknesses
  • Strenghts

The influence model allows
  • fairly general structure and high flexibility
    (freedom in choosing network matrix and local
  • scalable computation (intermediate order
  • overall tractability and many potential areas of
    further research and applications
  • Weaknesses
  • The influence model is only a special case of
    Interactive Markov Chains. The imposed
    constraints lead to a highly tractable model -
    but correspondingly limit its modeling ability
  • State-dependent influence models (required by
    many possible applications) are nonlinear, thus
    much more complicated to be analyzed

The End
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