Title: Event%20Model
1Event Model
- Language Independent representation, common
structures and approaches
Program of Work Meeting, June 28-19, 2000 P.
Mato, CERN
2Event Model What is it?
- For us LHCb the Event Model is the structure of
the transient event data and their relationships
that is made available to the Algorithms. - It is intentional to limit the behavior of the
data objects to the bear minimum (separation
between data and algorithms) - The organization of the transient data store
follows a tree of data objects (file system like) - Identification (name and type)
- Navigability
- Focus from now on the specific structure of the
3Event Model Definition Past practices
- ALEPH Data Definition Language, DDL
files(ADAMO) - LHCb SICb DDF files
- Code generation
- Fortran statement functions
- Documentation generation
A.Tsaregorodtsev VERSION 0 PARTITIONS 10 !
each partition corresponds to a pile-up member
NOBJECTS 500 ! initial number of
objects PARAMETERS 14 ! number of parameters
per object without ID and refs ( Type may be
F - float, I-integer, B-bit pattern, H-Hollerith
) Name Type Min Max Accuracy XV F
-500. 500. 0.01 ! X vertex position YV
F -500. 500. 0.01 ! Y vertex position ZV
F -100. 2000. 0.01 ! Z vertex position PX
F -5000. 5000. 0.01 ! X component of the
momentum PY F -5000. 5000. 0.01 ! Y
component of the momentum PZ F -5000.
5000. 0.01 ! Z component of the momentum E
F 0. 5000. 0.01 ! Energy NT I
0. 1000. 1.0 ! MC track number NV I
0. 1000. 1.0 ! MC vertex number IPRT I
0. 200. 1.0 ! particle ID NPTR I 0.
1000. 1.0 ! MC track number for the parent
track IBOS I 0. 1. 1.0 !
Oscillation flag for the B-particle IFLH B
0. 0. 1.0 ! Flavor history code HEL
F -1. 1. 0.0001 ! Helicity REFERENCE
13 Reference banks xxHT AVMC VRPR WDRW .
SUBSCHEMA X1glb 'Trigger Level1 Global
Section' AUTHOR 'B.Rensch' REVIEWER 'U.N.
Known' VERSION '1.0' DATE 'January on
the 13th year of KohlEra' DEFINE ATTRIBUTE
Date INTE 0,99999999 Time INTE
0,99999999 Nam8 CHA8 END
'Available TrigTypes ID0 if NOT
defined/available' SIZE 20,20
(TrigType CHA8 'Name of TrigType',
Title CH32 'Short
Explanation/Usage', LstMod
CH32 'Date of last Modification') Info
'Some general information for Trigger_Setup'
SIZE 1,1 (FillStatus INTE
'.gt.0Ok X1TT,X1TH,X1CA filled',
DaqStatus INTE 'To avoid
calamities--gtX1mist', TrigType
CHA8 'Current TrigType', Activity
CHA8 'Current Activity', FillNr
INTE 'Current FillNumber',
RunNr INTE 'Current RunNumber',
GBXperSEC INTE 'GBX per second',
SDnam(12) CHA8 'SDnames known by
Trigger', TrigMnem(32) CHA8
'Mnemonic of TriggerBits', BitDetU(32)
BITP 'Bit i on if SDnam(i) used',
X1wtchNode CH32 'AMSaddr of X1wtch',
AutoDisab INTE 'AutoDisable by
X1_DAQcntrl', HowSetup INTE
'Fork SetupTasks 0VAX/1FIC',
Reserve(30) INTE 'One never
knows..........') END ESET END SUBSCHEMA
4Event Model Definition Current practices
- LHCb
- Using handcrafted C class definitions following
some rules (inheritance from some base class,
factory declaration, relationships with
smartpointers, ) - Independent of the storage/interactivity/networkin
g technology - CMS
- Using Objectivity DDL language (very close to
C). Special Objectivity data definition
constructs (VArray, ooRef,) - ATLAS
- For the time being as LHCb
- Entirely base on ROOT and CINT. They claim not to
distinguish data from algorithms.
5Current Problems
- Handcrafting C class definitions with some
rules is error prone - Header files are very long and difficult to
understand - For example MCVertex.h has 200 lines for only 4
data members - By hand Converters are a maintenance problem
- Persistency
- Language conversions
- No interactive manipulation of Event objects
6Is a DDL a solution?
- We could describe the Event Model with a language
independent DDL - From a single source we could generated
- C header files,
- Other language header files
- Data dictionaries (RTTI)
- What about the object methods?
Cnv .cpp
Data Dictionary
7Data Definition Languages
- IDL (Interface Definition Language) (OSF, OMG)
- Used to define interfaces (CORBA, DCOM) in
distributed applications. - ODL (Object Definition Language) (ODMG)
- Language for describing database schemas.
- The Objectivity DDL (Data Definition Language) is
a variation based on C syntax - Both IDL ODL are C-like languages with emphasis
on interface(functionality) or database(storage
and relations) - None of them are directly usable
8Defining the Data Model with C Classes
- The C header files are pre-processed by CINT
- Streamers methods generated (persistency)
- Runtime Type Information (RTTI) generated
(interactivity) - Limitations with the C features (references,
templates,) - Using Debug Information (by Expresso)
- Typically, compiles are able to generate debug
information that can be used to provide RTTI
functionality - No limitation with the C features
- Strong dependency with compilers and platforms
9For what do we want a DDL?
- Object Persistency automation
- Code generation streamers (ROOT), converters
(GAUDI) - Data Dictionary or RTTI generic converters,
simple schema evolution. - Interactivity
- Interfacing scripting or GUI with Data Model
- Data browsing capabilities
- Distributed Computing
- Support for distributed applications
- Exchanging serialized Event Data objects with the
network - Language Mixing
- Object interaction across language boundaries
- Conversion of objects from one language to
another language (code generation)
10Do we need to impose any limitations?
- Not every data model can be expressed by all
languages - If we what to keep the door open to language
interoperability or language replacement we need
to put some restrictions. - Is it a good idea to have many ways to implement
relationships, links to Monte Calo data, etc.? - Simplifications and uniformity are always welcome
- These limitations have been introduced in the
past (Fortran era) and experiments have
succeeded to produce good physics ! - Should not be a problem
- Start a serious investigating the possibilities
that exist as data definition languages - IDL like
- C (using a C parser)
- Build a prototype with current event model to
generate code in various languages, and
converters (to java?)