Title: Teaching Styles
1Teaching Styles
- Michele B. Lundy M.D.
- University of Arizona
- Faculty Development
- March 5, 2009
2Teaching Styles/Goal
- The goal of the teaching styles seminar is to
help clinical teachers become more discriminating
observers of their own teacher-learner interaction
3Teaching Styles/Learning Objectives
- Define the four teaching styles assertive,
suggestive, collaborative and facilitative - Identify the teaching style(s) appropriate to a
given learning situation/context - Articulate strengths and weaknesses of the four
teaching styles in different learning situations
4Educational Theory
- The educational context/process
- Pedagogy vs. Andragogy
5- Pedagogue
- a slave who took children to and from
school - Andragogy
- man-leading
6Pedagogy/AndragogyConcept of the Learner
7Pedagogy/AndragogyFocus of Learning
8Pedagogy/AndragogyLearning Orientation
9Pedagogy/AndragogyRole of the Teacher
10(No Transcript)
11Learner Perspective
- What factors motivate?
- Relationship between motivation and learning?
12Factors that Motivate the Adult Learner
- Responsibility
- Collaboration
- Risk of failure
- Respect for the teacher
- S/He afforded me the opportunity for hands-on
experiences - S/He went out of the way to let me practice areas
of the physical exam where I felt weak - I felt challenged by the direct experience with
- I learned most by thinking through clinical
situations with my preceptor - S/He appreciated my thoughts and input
15Risk of Failure
- S/He encouraged me to ask questions
- Criticisms were constructive rather than
16Respect for the teacher
- Nonjudgmental
- Competency
- Enthusiasm
17Relationship Between Motivation and Learning in
- Unmotivated
- Passive
- Imitate
- Undirected
- Withdraw
- Minimal requirements
- Motivated
- Active
- Create
- Self directed
- Participate
- Perform optimally
18Role of the Teacher
19Principles of Teaching Adults(help the learner)
- Discover new possibilities
- Clarify own needs and aspirations
- Diagnose the gap between aspirations and the
present level of performance - Find the necessary resources to learn
- Determine if the goals are achieved
20Effective Teachers
- Organize an educational experience
- Interact purposefully with learners
- Motive learners
21Teaching Styles
22Teaching Styles
- Assertive
- Suggestive
- Collaborative
- Facilitative
23Characteristics of Teaching Styles
- Teacher Centered Learner Centered
24Assertive Style
- Emphasis on the preceptors knowledge
- Preceptor defines direction and provides the
25Assertive Style
- Gives directions
- Asks direct questions
- Gives information
- Asks self-answering questions
26Assertive Style
- Provide a drug dosage
- Direct learner to hold the scope correctly
27Suggestive Style
- Information changes to opinion
- Alternatives are presented
28Suggestive Style
- Offers opinion
- Suggests alternatives (with questions)
- Relates personal experiences (as a model for
student) - Summarizes
29Suggestive Style
- Offer alternatives for disease management
- Suggest the learner read about treatment
30Collaborative Style
- Socratic
- Mirrors problem-solving
31Collaborative Style
- Elicits/accepts student ideas
- Explores student ideas
- Relates personal experience (as a means of
empathizing with the student)
32Collaborative Style
- Invite the learner to share case
- Explore how the diagnosis was made
33Facilitative Style
- Content shift to the affective domain
- Promote self-understanding and discovery
34Facilitative Style
- Elicits/accepts student feelings
- Offers feelings
- Encourages
- Uses silence
35Facilitative Style
- Elicit feelings about sensitive issues
- Elicit concern about others
36Assumptions about Teaching Styles
- Value free
- No one uses one style all the time
- Each of us has a preferred/dominant style need
to be more flexible - Learning situation influences use of teaching
style - time/learning style/objectives
37Self Assessment Tool
38Teaching Methods and Learning Styles
39Teaching Methods and Learning Styles
- Divergers Facilitator/Motivator
- Discussion methods
- Journal keeping
- Brainstorming
- Group activities
- Role plays
- Debates
- Reflective papers
40Teaching Methods and Learning Styles
- Assimilators Theoretical/Basic Scientist
- Lecture methods
- Abstract Problem-solving
- Theoretical analysis
- Analysis of content
- Conceptual papers
41Teaching Methods and Learning Styles
- Convergers Applied Scientist
- Laboratory methods
- Practical problems to solve in class
- Demonstrations
- Practical exercises
42Teaching Methods and Learning Styles
- Accommodators Practitioner
- Self discovery methods
- Practicum
- Independent study
- Clinical experience
- Interviewing
43Teaching Styles
- Help clinical teachers become more discriminating
observers of their own teacher-learner
44Teaching StylesWhat to remember
- Less assertive/more facilitative
- Conscious of my teaching style in a learning
situation - Use alternative teaching styles
- Decrease lecturing
- You dont have to be assertive to be in control
of a teaching situation
45Teaching and Learning
- Im not a teacher only a fellow traveler of
whom you asked the way. - I pointed ahead----ahead of myself as well as
you. -
- George Bernard