Title: DCPS Teaching and Learning Framework
1DCPS Teaching and Learning Framework
2Essential Questions
- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and
- What is the Teaching and Learning Framework
and what does
it mean for me? - How can I deliver a relevant, engaging, and
rigorous curriculum focused on the DC
Content Standards? - How do we create and maintain an
and productive learning environment?
District of Columbia Public Schools
3Todays Outcomes
- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms
- Today participants will
- Explore the DCPS Teaching Learning Framework.
- Examine instructional strategies that support
student investment in standards-based learning. - Prioritize and cluster standards into
instructional units. - Create essential questions that hook students
into the content of their instructional units.
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms
- To accomplish the goals for this session, please
adhere to these courtesy practices - Participate actively
- Honor time limits
- Be open to new ideas
- Use vibrate mode on mobile phone
- Trust the process
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms
- Please place comments and questions in the
Parking Lot. - We will not take a formal break.
- Locate the restrooms and use them at your
District of Columbia Public Schools
8- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms
Equity sticks will be used to call on
participants throughout the training.
Equity Sticks
For Understanding
District of Columbia Public Schools
9- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms
3 Truths
- Open to the Day 1 tab and locate page 2.
- List three statements about yourself that are
true. - List one statement that is a lie.
- Your tablemates will try to guess which statement
is a lie. Make the list challenging. You want
to stump them!
And a Lie
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
11Meet Ms. Mercer
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework
- In the Day 1 section, locate page 3.
- Step 1 Read and highlight Meet Ms. Mercer.
- Step 2 While reading, copy three (3) important
points onto note cards or post its. - (Use phrases, symbols, graphs or pictures.)
- Step 3 Find a partner. Discuss and combine key
points. - Step 4 Share out with your table group.
District of Columbia Public Schools
12Meet Ms. Mercer Debrief
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework
- Teachers Matter Most
- Teacher effectiveness is the single greatest
factor influencing gains in student achievement. - Standards-based Instruction not Activity-based
Instruction - In a standards-based classroom, the content
standards drive a teachers selection of
instructional activities. - Plan with the End in Mind
- In a standards-based classroom, mastery of the
content standards is the goal. After first
determining how students will demonstrate
mastery, teachers then design lessons that help
students reach the goal.
District of Columbia Public Schools
13DCPS Effective Schools Framework
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
- The Effective Schools Framework is aligned to the
Master Education Plan. - The six elements of the DCPS Effective Schools
Framework are the foundational elements of
district reform efforts at the school level. - School leaders were engaged in professional
development addressing these elements during the
2008-09 school year. - Teaching and Learning is at the heart of the
Effective Schools Framework.
District of Columbia Public Schools
14- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
The Framework defines the actions that effective
teachers take to deliver high-quality
instruction within a safe, engaging, and
productive classroom.
- Recognizing the significance of teachers in
increasing student achievement, the Framework - empowers teachers to drive instructional design
and delivery, - provides a common language to discuss
instructional practices, and - drives coherent, robust professional development
opportunities and systems of support. - The Framework provides a process for approaching
instructional design and delivery it is not a
packaged product or program.
District of Columbia Public Schools August 5,
15- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
District of Columbia Public Schools
16- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
District of Columbia Public Schools
17- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
District of Columbia Public Schools
18- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
- Develop annual student achievement goals
- Create standards-based unit plans and assessments
- Create objective-driven daily lessons
- Adopt a classroom behavior management system
- Develop classroom procedures and routines
- Organize classroom space and materials
District of Columbia Public Schools August 5,
19- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
- Focus students on lesson objectives
- Deliver content clearly
- Engage all students in learning
- Target multiple learning styles
- Check and respond to student understanding
- Maximize instructional time
- Invest students in their learning
- Interact positively and respectfully with
students - Reinforce positive behavior, redirect off-task
behavior, and de-escalate challenging behavior
District of Columbia Public Schools August 5,
20- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework Overview
- Assess student progress
- Track student progress data
- Improve practice and re-teach in response to data
District of Columbia Public Schools August 5,
21How the Frameworks Work Together
- Goals
- Consistency
- Clarity
- Common vision
- Alignment
- Focused resources
- Results
District of Columbia Public Schools
22Teaching and Learning Framework
District of Columbia Public Schools
23Teaching and Learning Framework3 - 2 - 1
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework
- Pull out page 6 from the Day 1 section.
- Review the Framework Graphic
- and the first 3 tabs of your binder (Plan,
Teach, Increase Effectiveness). - Record 3 points, 2 stretches, and 1 question.
- Share your thoughts with a colleague.
District of Columbia Public Schools
24Binder Overview
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework
- Resources Section
- Turn to the Resources tab.
- Overview and Frequently Asked Questions
- Tools and Templates aligned to the Framework
Elements - (See the header for alignment PLAN 1,
TEACH 6, etc.) - Instructional Strategies Chart
- In Day 1, locate page 17.
- This chart summarizes the instructional
strategies used during this three-day training. - The strategies can be adapted for use with your
District of Columbia Public Schools
25Instructional Strategy Review
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework
Digging Deeper
Meet Ms. Mercer Read, summarize key points,
discuss in pairs, refine key points, share out
- What instructional purpose does this strategy
serve? - What learning styles are addressed?
- How could it be modified for other purposes?
District of Columbia Public Schools
26Instructional Strategy Review
- Teaching and Learning Framework Framework
3-2-1 Summarizer
Provide structure to help students write
summaries that generate deeper reflective thinking
- What instructional purpose does this strategy
serve? - What learning styles are addressed?
- How could it be modified for other purposes?
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
28Standards-Based Instruction
Teaching and Learning Framework
Standards-Based Instruction
- In the Day 1 section, locate page 7.
- Make your way toward the schoolhouse.
- Identify the consecutive steps of Standards-based
Instruction. - Place the appropriate letters in the pathway as
you go. - You may work with your colleagues.
District of Columbia Public Schools
29 Standards-Based Instruction
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Standards-Based Instruction
A. Develop Instructional Activities
G. Engage Students in Instructional Activities
C. Score Analyze Student Work
D. Prioritize and Cluster Standards
E. Determine Implications for Future Teaching
B. Determine Scoring Criteria for Mastery (e.g.,
Rubric, Scoring Guide, Exemplar)
F. Choose or Design Assessment
District of Columbia Public Schools
30- Teaching and Learning Framework
Standards-Based Instruction
Activity-Based Instruction
Standards-Based Instruction
Select Topics
Select Standards
Plan Activities
Align Assessments
Give Assessments
Design Instruction
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
32- Teaching and Learning Framework Unit Planning
- Create standards-based unit plans and assessments
District of Columbia Public Schools
33- Teaching and Learning Framework Unit Planning
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT By planning with the end
in mind, effective teachers logically group
content standards into units of study, identify
essential questions to guide student learning,
and design summative assessments for those units.
Long-term planning also ensures sufficient
allocation of instructional time to various
skills and concepts throughout the year.
District of Columbia Public Schools
34- Teaching and Learning Framework Unit Planning
Essential Questions
Planning Ahead
Variety of activities
Unit Plans
Specific Concepts
Long Range
Learning Links To Living
Major Topics
35Concept Map
- Teaching and Learning Framework Unit
- In the Day 1 section, locate page 8.
- In your table group, complete the Concept Map
about Unit Plans.
District of Columbia Public Schools
36Unit Planning
Teaching and Learning Framework Unit
- Unit plans are carefully crafted long-term plans
designed to promote connections between learning
and living, framed by a cluster of standards. - Unit plans identify targeted instructional
activities that promote learning and deepen
student understanding of the skills and concepts
outlined in the standards.
District of Columbia Public Schools
37Unit Planning
Teaching and Learning Framework Unit
- Unit plans require teachers to plan with the end
in mind and to ensure sufficient allocation of
instructional time to various skills and concepts
throughout the year. - Unit plans allow students to see the connections
between concepts and the real world.
District of Columbia Public Schools
38Unit Planning
Teaching and Learning Framework Unit
- Unit plans reflect background knowledge that
students bring to the classroom. - Unit plans often incorporate student interests
and current events. - Unit plans can integrate disciplines and subject
District of Columbia Public Schools
39Unit Planning
Teaching and Learning Framework Unit
What It Is Not
- Unit plans are not simply collections of favorite
activities. - Unit plans do not have a fixed timeline and fixed
District of Columbia Public Schools
40 Standards-Based Unit Plan Capture
- Teaching and Learning Framework Unit Planning
- In the Day 1 section, locate page 9.
- This is the Standards-Based Unit Plan Capture
Sheet we will use to build our unit plans.
District of Columbia Public Schools
41Instructional Strategy Review
- Teaching and Learning Framework Unit Planning
Concept Map
Record learning and observations of new material
- What instructional purpose does this strategy
serve? - What learning styles are addressed?
- How could it be modified for other purposes?
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
43- Teaching and Learning Framework
Standards - Planning
- Step 1
- Unwrap, prioritize, and group DCPS content
standards that students will master in each unit.
District of Columbia Public Schools
44Common Language for Talking about the DC Content
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
DOMAIN Subject and grade Visual Arts Grade 7
STRAND The topic within that subject Perceive and
understand the area components of visual
language, the elements of art, and the
principles of design
SUB- STRAND The content within that topic Develop
perceptual skills, analyze elements of art and
principles of design
STANDARD What students should know Analyze
various shading or be able to do techniques
used by artists (hatching, cross-hatching,
blending and stippling) in drawing
District of Columbia Public Schools
District of Columbia Public Schools
District of Columbia Public Schools
47Math Domain
District of Columbia Public Schools
48Insert arts standards
District of Columbia Public Schools
49Insert health standards
District of Columbia Public Schools
ELA Domain
District of Columbia Public Schools
51Prioritizing Standards
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- Why do we prioritize?
- We prioritize to distinguish between the priority
standards that can anchor a unit and those
standards that can be clustered to support the
priority standard.
District of Columbia Public Schools
52Prioritizing Standards
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- How do we prioritize?
- To prioritize standards, we
- Identify the Verbs.
- Apply Blooms Taxonomy.
- Reflect on the Guiding Questions for
District of Columbia Public Schools
53Identify the Verbs
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- In the Day 1 section, locate page 13.
- We will use these 7th grade ELA standards for
whole group practice. - Focus on the Fiction sub-strand, the
first three standards. - Circle the verbs in those three standards.
District of Columbia Public Schools
54Identify the Verbs in the Standards
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- 7.LT-F.5. Analyze plot development (e.g.
conflict, rising action, falling action,
resolution, subplots, flashbacks, parallel
episodes) to determine whether and how conflicts
are resolved. - 7.LT-F.6. Describe a character based on the
thoughts, words, and actions of the character,
the narrators description, and what other
characters say and do. - 7.LT-F.7. Analyze the ways characters change and
interact with others over time and give
supporting evidence from the text.
District of Columbia Public Schools
55Apply Blooms Taxonomy
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- In the Day 1 section, locate pages 11 12.
- Blooms Taxonomy is a powerful tool for
prioritizing standards. - Many versions of Blooms Taxonomy exist. We
chose this version because it features questions
and activities aligned to each cognitive level.
District of Columbia Public Schools
56Blooms Taxonomy
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
Order of Thinking Key Words
6. Evaluation Justify, Assess
5. Synthesis Compile, Formulate
4. Analysis Classify, Distinguish
3. Application Build, Solve
2. Comprehension Classify, Explain
1. Knowledge Identify, Match
Cognitive Level Increases
District of Columbia Public Schools
57Apply Blooms Taxonomy
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- Determine and label the level of Blooms Taxonomy
for the first three standards.
District of Columbia Public Schools
58Apply Blooms Taxonomy
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
Blooms Level
- 7.LT-F.5. Analyze plot development (e.g.
conflict, rising action, falling action,
resolution, subplots, flashbacks, parallel
episodes) to determine whether and how conflicts
are resolved. - 7.LT-F.6. Describe a character based on the
thoughts, words, and actions of the character,
the narrators description, and what other
characters say and do. - 7.LT-F.7. Analyze the ways characters change and
interact with others over time and give
supporting evidence from the text.
4 Analysis
2 Comprehension
4 Analysis
District of Columbia Public Schools
59How do I deal with Vague Verbs?
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- Vague verbs make some standards difficult to
prioritize. Find more concrete verbs that allow
you to apply Blooms Taxonomy. - For example
- 6.NSO-N.3. Know that numbers and their opposites
add to 0 and are on opposite sides and at equal
distance from 0 on a number line know that 0 is
an integer that is neither positive nor negative.
District of Columbia Public Schools
60Reflect on the Guiding Questions for Prioritizing
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- To determine priority standards ask
- Does the standard represent a complex or
comprehensive idea that requires deep
analysis/investigation? Could it anchor an
instructional unit? - To determine related standards ask
- Do the standards represent discrete skills or
pieces of knowledge that contribute to a more
complex or comprehensive idea?
District of Columbia Public Schools
61Practice Prioritizing Your Standards
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Prioritizing Standards
- Review your grade level content standards and
- Identify the Verbs.
- Apply Blooms Taxonomy.
- Reflect on the Guiding Questions for
Prioritizing. - Guiding Questions for Prioritizing
- Priority standards
- Does the standard represent a complex or
comprehensive idea that requires deep
analysis/investigation? Could it anchor an
instructional unit? - Related standards
- Do the standards represent discrete skills or
pieces of knowledge that contribute to a more
complex or comprehensive idea?
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
63- Teaching and Learning Framework Lunch
DCPS Core Beliefs We believe that All
children, regardless of background or
circumstance, can achieve at the highest
levels. Achievement is a function of effort, not
innate ability. We have the power and
responsibility to close the achievement gap. Our
schools must be caring and supportive
environments. It is critical to engage our
students families and communities as valued
partners. Our decisions at all levels must be
guided by robust data.
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
65Clustering Standards
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Clustering Standards
- After we prioritize, we cluster.
- Why cluster?
- Create coherent, rich units of instruction
- Connect discrete skills or pieces of knowledge to
a larger concept - Ensure inclusion of all standards
District of Columbia Public Schools
66Clustering Process
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Clustering Standards
- Step 1 Identify and underline the concept(s) in
the priority standards. - Step 2 Group related standards that support the
concept(s) in the priority standard.
District of Columbia Public Schools
67- Teaching and Learning Framework
Clustering Standards
- In the Day 1 section, locate Page 10.
- List your clustered / related standards here.
- This template will help you plan the daily
lessons that compose your unit plan.
District of Columbia Public Schools
68Clustering Considerations
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Clustering Standards
- We can cluster
- Within the same content area.
- Standards progressively build requisite skills
and knowledge. - Across disciplines (thematically).
- Standards connect around a theme, across strands,
or across content areas.
District of Columbia Public Schools
69Lets Cluster
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Clustering Standards
- 7.LT-F.5. Analyze plot development (e.g.
conflict, rising action, falling action,
resolution, subplots, flashbacks, parallel
episodes) to determine whether and how conflicts
are resolved. - 7.LT-F.6. Describe a character based on the
thoughts, words, and actions of the character,
the narrators description, and what other
characters say and do. - 7.LT-F.7. Analyze the ways characters change and
interact with others over time and give
supporting evidence from the text.
How would you cluster these standards?
District of Columbia Public Schools
70Clustering Your Own Standards into Instructional
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Clustering Standards
- Using your grade level content standards
- Step 1 Identify and underline the concept(s)
in the priority standards. - Step 2 Group related standards that support the
concept in the priority standard.
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
72- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Create standards-based unit plans and assessments
District of Columbia Public Schools
73- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Step 2
- Articulate essential questions
- for each unit.
District of Columbia Public Schools
74Essential Questions
- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Essential questions are thought-provoking
questions that capture the essence of the
concepts in a units priority standard(s) and
hook the students into the content. - Essential questions focus on complex conceptual
and factual understandings to be investigated
within the unit. - Essential questions help students reflect on
their learning before, during, and after
classroom instruction.
District of Columbia Public Schools
75Essential Questions
- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- In the Day 1 section, locate page 14.
- Read the text silently.
- After 2 minutes, find a partner and share your
thoughts about one of the bolded phrases. - What is the significance of the bolded text as it
relates to the development of Essential Questions?
District of Columbia Public Schools
76Essential Questions
- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Essential questions are
- Aligned to priority standards.
- Written in student-friendly language.
- Stated in open-ended formats.
- Designed to focus student learning.
- Used to introduce key vocabulary.
- Answered by the end of the unit.
District of Columbia Public Schools
77Think Aloud
- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Why is it that some characters change over time
and others do not?
- Why do authors use characters to help convey
their messages?
- Why is character analysis an essential part of
literature review?
District of Columbia Public Schools
78Write Essential Questions for One of Your Units
- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Essential questions are
- Aligned to priority standards.
- Written in student-friendly language.
- Stated in open-ended formats.
- Designed to focus student learning.
- Used to introduce key vocabulary.
- Answered by the end of the unit.
District of Columbia Public Schools
79Share Your Essential Questions
- Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
- Find two partners to make a group of three.
- Each person presents once.
- Each person offers a Praise and a Polish
Praise Strong points
Polish Areas of improvement
District of Columbia Public Schools
80Instructional Strategy Review
Teaching and Learning Framework Essential
Think Aloud
Model thought process for new or complicated
- What instructional purpose does this strategy
serve? - What learning styles are addressed?
- How could it be modified for other purposes?
District of Columbia Public Schools
81Instructional Strategy Review
- Teaching and Learning Framework
Essential Questions
Praise Polish
Procedure for peer learning that provides
compliments and constructive criticism on student
- What instructional purpose does this strategy
serve? - What learning styles are addressed?
- How could it be modified for other purposes?
District of Columbia Public Schools
- Teaching and Learning Framework
- Welcome Norms
- DCPS Teaching Learning Framework
- Standards-Based Instructional Design Process
- Planning Instructional Units
- Prioritizing Standards
- Lunch
- Clustering Standards
- Writing Essential Questions
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Planning Instructional Units
- Aligning Assessments
- Lunch
- Planning Daily Lessons
- Writing Lesson Objectives
- Closure Feedback
- Welcome Norms
- Reinforcing Positive Behavior Redirecting
Off-Task Behavior - Student Discipline Code
- Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan
- Reflection Feedback
- Lunch
District of Columbia Public Schools
83Revisit Objectives
Teaching and Learning Framework
- Today participants will
- Explore the DCPS Teaching Learning Framework.
- Examine instructional strategies that support
student investment in standards-based learning. - Prioritize and cluster standards into
instructional units. - Create essential questions that hook students
into the content of their instructional units.
District of Columbia Public Schools
84 Feedback
Teaching and Learning Framework Feedback
Please complete the daily feedback form on page
25 in the Day 1 section. Your comments are
greatly appreciated. Thank you!
District of Columbia Public Schools