La Bourgogne - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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La Bourgogne


... 1986 meta kien l-awtur tal- kanzunetti kif ukoll il-kantant tal-grupp Les Charts. ... zewg albus sakemm fl- 1997 hareg l-ewwel album solista tieghu Les Tentations. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: La Bourgogne

La Bourgogne
  • French lesson 10

Virtual discovery of a region
  • Is-sit li se nzuru llum huwa http//www.bourgogne- Malli nidhlu il-homepage, jilqghuna
    xenarji sbieh ta dan ir-regjun bil- kliem
    Bienvenu merhba fbosta lingwi. Taht dawn
    ir-ritratti nsibu idea zghira ta dak li ghandha
    xtoffri Bourgogne jigifieri mbejjed
    prestiggjuzi, ikel tajjeb, siti storici li
    jaghmlu parti mill-patimonju mondjali tal-Unesco,
    firxa ta xmajjar li twassal sa 1200 kilometru u
    siti naturali ppreservati sew.
  • wkoll ghall- produzzjoni tal- imbid .Nsibu bosta
    bliet Bourgogne huwa regjun storiku li jinsab
    kwazi fic-centru ta Franza. Naraw li l-Medju Evu
    kien zmien meta bdew jinbnew hafna mill-ibliet u
    rhula li nsibu fBourgogne .Nsibu l-kapitali
    Dijon u l-belt taBeaune li hija belt tal-arti
    ddedikata wkoll ghall- produzzjoni tal- imbid .
  • Dijon hija l-belt kapitali tadan ir-regjun- belt
    li hija wkoll centru gastronomiku. Hija wkoll
    il-kapitali tad-dipartiment ta Cote dOr. Dijon
    tinsab fart agrikola sinjura hafna mhux ta
    bxejn li  l-inbejjed taBourgogne huma maghrufa
    ferm specjalement dawk li jsiru fCote dOr.
    Minbarra l-produzzjoni tal-imbid insibu dik
    maghrufa mad-dinja kollha-il-produzzjoni
    tal-mustarda kif ukoll tal-liqueur maghruf bhala
    Cassis. Din il-belt ghandha wkoll industriji
    importanti bhal tal-ipprintjar, l-apparat
    elettriku u ottiku.u l-farmacewtika. Fost
    it-tezori tal-post insibu le Musee des Beaux-Arts
    jew il-muzew tal-arti. Insibu wkoll djar bqafas
    tal-injam li jmorru lura ghas-seklu hmistax kif
    ukoll knejjes tas-seklu tlettax. Il-knisjal ta
    Notre dame hija ezempju ta arkitettura Gotika
    bfaccata elaborata u mirquma.
  • Activites et loisirs le tourisme fluvial / le
    parc naturel
  • Madanakollu,il-qalba ta dan ir-regjun huma
    l-widien tax-xmajjar Rhone u Saone li jwasslu
    sal-Mediterran. Fil- fatt, fBourgogne insibu
    mal-1200 kilometru ta xmajjar. U nsibu anke min
    jipprattika t-turizmu permezz ta dawn
    ix-xmajjar. Mhux ta bxejn li nsibu bosta
    foresti u wesghat kbar ta kampnaja fdan
    ir-regjun. Park importanti huwa dak maghruf bhala
    Le parc Naturel regional le Morvan li igbor fih
    pajzaggi tal- genn li uma kemm protetti kif ukoll
    importanti ghal dan ir-regjun. Huwa regjun ta
    lagi fejn jigu pprattikati bosta tipi tasports.

  • Les vins et la gastronomie  Les produits de
  • Pero ma nistghux nitkellmu dwar Bourgogne
    minghajr ma nsemmu l-imbid u t-tisjir li dan
    ir-regjun hu tant maghruf ghalihom.L-imbid li
    jsir fdan ir-regjun igib l-istess isem-fil-fatt
    Bourgogne. Il-kelma burgundy il-verzjoni
    ingliza ta Bourgogne tfisser fil-fatt il- kulur
    ahmar izda dan ir-regjun jipproduci kemm imbid
    ahmar kif ukoll abjad. Skond regolamenti
    specifici l-imbid ta Bourgogne irid isir minn
    ghenebChardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir jew
    Gamay biex jigi kkunsidrat bhala veru mbid
    taBourgogne. L-ahjar imbid gej fil-fatt minn
    Cote dOr. il- lokalita, l-art, l-gholi kif ukoll
    l-ammont tahin li dwieli huma esposti ghax-xemx
    huma kollha karatteristici li jghinu lill-
    produttur tal-inbid biex dan ikun jista jikkrea
    tipi differenti ta mbejjed. U interessanti li
    tkunu tafu li dawn l-imbejjed mhux talli huma
    mfittxija izda jqumu hafna flus tant li ssib min
    jixtri dawn l-imbejjed ghax biz-zmien jizdiedu
  • U biex idduq dawn l-imbejjed mhemmx ahjar
    mill-ikel u r-ricetti tal-lokal bhal perezempju
    l- bebbux ta Bourgogne, il-casserole tal- bebbux
    bil-faqqiegh, it- torta tal- mustarda, ic-cheese
    puffs jew ahjar les gougeres it-tigieg ta
    Bresse, il- haruf stil ta Bourgogne, kustiji
    tal- majjal bil- mustarda u ohrajn.

To go further ...
  • Dijon is one of the major cities of Burgundy
    thanks to its historical, gastronomic and
    architectural patrimony, One can find there all
    he needs and many people living in Burgundy go to
    Dijon for administrative needs, for shopping or
    for visiting its historical places. One of the
    main attraction is probably the owl of Notre Dame
    church that is said to give luck. Once arrived in
    Dijon, people can follow the signs on the
    sidewalks that make you cross the city through
    the most important places to finally arrive to
    that owl that you must stroke to have luck. Dijon
    is also known for being the capital of the
    mustard, of the ginger bread and of the Cassis
    cream (mixed with white wine to make a drink
    called le Kir).
  • Located South of Dijon, Beaune is the city of
    wine and of history. It is famous for its wine
    shops but also for its ancient hospital which was
    built in 1443. It is now classified as an
    historical monument and can be visited. He
    hospices de Beaune were built by Duke Philippe
    III of burgundy and his wife who wanted to help
    the poorest. Many beggars, old people, orphans
    will be cured there for free. Sisters called les
    soeurs hospotalières de Beaune will live there a
    monastic life combined with their help for the
    hospital. People can still visit the room where
    the sick people were cured and see the furniture,
    the chapel which was neighbor to the room for
    those who could not get up to assist to the mass,
    other rooms dedicated for the richer people and
    to the sickest ones, the kitchen, the pharmacy
    with the products that were used as medicines. A
    museum also explains the curing of that time and
    the first surgery that was performed there. The
    hospices also grow vineyards and once a year, the
    wine is sold during the bids à la bougie.
    Thousands of people attend these bids every year.
  • The Natural Park of Morvan is located in
    Burgundy. It is a regional park made of hills and
    forests, and many lakes where people love to go
    during the summer. It is mainly an agricultural
    area since 29 of the working population living
    in its area are farmers. A dialect is still
    spoken there by some people le morvandiau which
    is a different evolution of the French language
    due to the isolation of the villages of the park.
  • The vineyard of Burgundy is one of the most known
    with the Bordelais and the Champagne ones.
    Different varieties of gapes are grown to create
    different wines and it is also a main attraction
    for tourists. Many caves can be visited and
    sellers offer wine tasting to the visitors.

Weekly Song Clip
  • Xinhuma l-ingredjenti li jibdlu kanzunetta
    normali fwahda popolari? Dan narawh
    fil-kanzunetta li ser nisimghu llum ghandna lil
    Calogero wiehed mill-aqwa awturi u interpreti ta
    kanzunetti francizi, kif ukoll lil Passi wiehed
    mill-aktar rappers francizi popolari bhalissa.
     Calogero huwa kantant ta sitta u tletin sena.
    Il karriera tieghu bdiet fl-1986 meta kien
    l-awtur tal- kanzunetti kif ukoll il-kantant
    tal-grupp Les Charts. Flimkien ma dan il-grupp
    huwa hareg 5 albums u wara ddecieda li jibda
    karriera takantant solista. Peress li Calogero
    huwa kompozitur, awtur kif ukoll kantant tajjeb,
    huwa rnexxielu jikkollabora mabosta kantanti
    famuzi fix-xena muzikali franciza .  Passi
    twieled fil-Congo izda meta kellu seba snin
    il-familja tieghu marret tghix Parigi. Wara li
    spicca l-iskola huwa holoq il-grupp Ministere
    AMER. Ma dan il- grupp hareg zewg albus sakemm
    fl- 1997 hareg l-ewwel album solista tieghu Les
    Tentations. Passi Hadem ma hafna artisti ohra
    specjalment fuq stil hip hop tant li fl- 1999
    irnexxilu jikkollabora ma bosta artisti ohra u
    flimkien hargu l-album Racines Gheruq.

de tout ton êtreCité à comparaîtrePassiC'es
t l'histoire de cette plume qui s'étouffe dans le
goudron,d'cette matière grise dont le pays n'a
pas fait acquisition,on se relève, on repart à
fond, on vise le Panthéon,j'en place une à ceux
qui en ont, qui rêvent consécration,la dalle la
niak, je l'ai comme mes potes l'onton veut
toucher le ciel étoilé sans baisser le
pantalon.Trop peu bonnes fées et trop de
cendrillons.Calo-Passi actionRefrain
PassiTous deux la même dalleon vise tous
deux au-dessusCalogeroJe prends mon dernier
rêve1er couplet Face à la merOn veut tous
grandirCalo-PassiTrop jeunes pour mourir
La sécheresse sur une terre où on ne cesse de
semerTristesse dans des yeux qui ne peuvent
pleurerJ'ai beaucoup de rêves lointains, je me
suis tant rebellé,J'ai bu beaucoup de baratin et
ça m'a trop saoulé.Dans la vie y a les tapes au
fond et les tapes à côté,Les "t'as pas un euro
?" ou la tape à l'arrachée,Y a l'Etat, les
R.M.istes, les " t'as qu'à taffer"Si t'es en bas
faut cravacher, t'as qu'à pas lâcher.T'as pas
connu ça toi, l'envie d'empocher les
patates,Être à gauche droite face à la mer loin
des galères.T'as pas connu ça, l'envie de t'en
sortir distribuer des patatesDes gauches droites
avec un air patibulaire RefrainCalogeroJe
prends mon dernier rêveFace à la merC'est toi
qui résistesFace contre terreTon nom sur la
PassiOn ne choisit ni son origine, ni sa
couleur de peauComme on rêve d'une vie de
château, quand on vit le ghettoNaître l'étau
autour du cou comme Cosette pour HugoÊtre en
treillis dans le conflit et prier le Très
Haut.Fils du C.O.N.G.O. cette haine j'ai
auM.I.C.R.O. j'ai l' poids des motsSortir d'en
bas, rêver de déchirer ce tableauFait d'armes,
de larmes,Fait de sang et sanglots.Calogero
Face à la merJ'aurais dû grandirFace contre
terreJ'aurais pu mourirJe me relèveJe prends
mon dernier rêvePassiTous deux la même
dalleEt tous deux déçusJe prends mon dernier
Intercultural Differences Hobbies
  • In France sports are very popular football,
    rugby, tennis, swimming, ski, snowboard,
    ice-skating, golf.. There are some champions that
    are well-known such as Amélie Mauresmo (tennis
    player), Laure Manaudou (swimming) who gained
    many competitions.
  • In Malta, the football is the most popular sport
    and also basketball. In summer. Water polo
    remains the main game. There are 8 teams of water
    polo in Malta.
  • Horse racing is very popular in France.
  • Singing, dancing, drama classes became very
    popular thanks to reality TV shows such as Star
    Academy in France. In France, there is a famous
    drama school called Le cours Florent where most
    of the actors of today started their career.
  • In Malta, any people enjoy practicing
    traditional trades such as lace making, filigree
    and ganutell. Other really like doing fireworks
    and petards. Many people spend a lot if time
    preparing the festivities such as the carnival,
    village feasts, helping out organisations.
  • French people enjoy also going to see concerts or
    humorists performing on stage. Maltese people
    rather watch them on TV.
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