Jesus of Nazareth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jesus of Nazareth


Jesus of Nazareth – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus Passport
  • Name Yehoshua
  • Place of birth
  • Bethlehem
  • Date of birth
  • 6BC (approximately)
  • Religion Jew
  • Place of work Nazareth
  • Mother Mary of Nazareth
  • Appearance
  • Dark complexion
  • (brown eyes, black hair)

Jesus a summary
  • Jesus was a Jewish peasant, which tells us about
    his social class.
  • Jesus was a wisdom teacher. His use of language
    was remarkable and poetic, filled with images and
  • Jesus was a social prophet like Gandhi or
    Martin Luther King. He challenged the dominant
    system of his day.

Jesus a summary (cont.)
  • Jesus was a healer
  • He was a Jewish mystic. He had a spiritual
    presence around him, like that reported of St.
    Francis or the Dalai Lama.

Jesus a summary (cont.)
  • Some people would say that he was insane, as his
    family did, or that he was simply eccentric, or
    that he was a dangerous threat, or you could
    conclude that he was filled with the
  • Spirit of God

The Emperor Augustus passed a law that a count be
made of every person in the empire, so everyone
returned to their hometown. Joseph went with
Mary, who was soon to give birth, to Bethlehem,
in Judea. When at last they arrived, they found
the city full of people and every inn and lodging
were full.
Eventually they found some shelter and here,
during the night, Marys son was born.
News of Jesus birth spread far and wide. A group
of wise men travelled from the east to Jerusalem.
When they arrived they asked everyone, Where is
the one who has been born King of the Jews? We
have seen his star and have come to worship him.
After the wise men had left, an angel of the Lord
appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, Get up.
Take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt.
Stay there until I tell you, for Herod will look
for the child in order to kill him
When Herod found out that he had been tricked by
the wise men, he was furious. He gave orders to
kill all boys in Bethlehem and the surrounding
district, who were two years old or under.
Jesus lived a hidden life in Nazareth for 30 years
Jesus, aged 12, went missing in Jerusalem after
the festival of Passover. Mary and Joseph are
desperate with worry.They finally found him
sitting in the middle of a group of wise men and
teachers talking. c. 9 A.D.
  • Son why did you do this to us?
  • Are you not aware that your father and I have
    been searching for you in sorrow ?

Jesus the Man
The years passed, John, Elizabeths Son and
Jesus, Marys son grew up. John warned people
that God would punish them if they did not repent
and change their ways. He also brought good news.
He told the people that he was preparing the way
for a very important person. He said, I am only
baptising you with water He will bring you all
Gods blessings and power. He will be Gods
awaited King.
One day, Jesus came to see John. He asked John to
baptise him. John said, It is not right that I
should do this. Jesus replied, Let us do what
God asks of us, and he walked down the banks of
the river and into the water.
The time had come for Jesus to begin to tell
everyone of Gods Kingdom had arrived on earth.
Jesus knew that he would need people to help him
and he asked God to show him who he should call
to help him in this work.
He chose twelve men altogether to be his close
disciples. There were a mixed bunch, among them
fishermen, freedom fighters and tax collectors.
Although there were many other men and women who
became Jesus disciples, as time went by, these
twelve were special. Jesus called them apostles
or messengers because he sent them out to tell
others the good news about the kingdom of God.
Jesus travelled the countryside and towns
preaching, teaching, healing and performing
miracles. The numbers who came to hear him were
very great and he was building up a reputation as
a great rabbi, a teacher of the Scriptures.
News of his teaching spread and he was always
followed by a large crowd wherever he went. He
often put over a point by telling a parable a
story with a particular point to it such as this
A man asked Jesus,"Who should I love?" Jesus told
this story.
The Good Samaritan
Once a man walked down a lonely road.
Robbers came and beat him up and stole his
things. They left him for dead.
A priest came by. He didn't stop. He passed by on
the other side.He only cared about himself.
Next came a Levite, a man who assisted in the
temple, he too gave a quick look and then passed
by on the far side of the road.
But then a Samaritan came along. He felt sorry
for the man and stopped to help.
The Samaritan put the man on his donkey. He took
him to an inn, and arranged for him to be cared
Who loved the man? The one who stopped to help!
Jesus said we should do the same. We should love
Jesus healed the sick, lepers and the blind.
He forgave people their sins. He even brought
people who had died back to life and he performed
many other miracles
One day he fed a crowd of over 5,000 who had come
to hear him. He fed them all with just five
loaves and two fish.
All this made him very unpopular with the Jewish
leaders, they saw him as a threat to political
stability. They wanted to get rid of him.
Jesus journeyed with his followers down to
Jerusalem for the greatest of Jewish feasts, the
Passover. The city was seething with people
arriving for the festival.
As soon as news arrived that Jesus was on his
way, an excited crowd set out to meet him. They
all cried out, Hosanna and sang and shouted his
praises. Blessed is he who is coming in the name
of the Lord!
When they got into the city, Jesus knew that his
enemies would be looking for him. It was
important that he have a safe, private place
where he could enjoy his last supper with his
While at dinner Jesus was sad because he knew
that Judas, one of the apostles, had betrayed
him to the Jewish authorities for a bag of silver
They all sat together and Jesus blessed the
bread, broke it and shared it among them. He
said, Take this and eat for this is my body.
Then he blessed the wine and passed the cup
around and said, Drink this, for this is my
blood. Do this in memory of me.
After the meal they walked into a nearby garden
where Jesus could pray. Judas arrived with an
armed guard who arrested Jesus and took him away.
The high priests interrogated him all night and
sentenced him to death.
Next morning they bound him and led him away and
delivered him to Pilate, the governor. Pilate
cross examined Jesus.
The crowds by now were calling for Jesus to be
"Crucify, crucify him!"They shouted.
Pilate didnt himself believe that Jesus should
die but gave in to the wishes of the mob. He
ordered his soldiers to whip Jesus before taking
him to be crucified.
Jesus had to carry his cross up to the hill of
Golgotha past all the mocking, jeering crowds.
The soldiers also mocked and jeered him as they
nailed him to a cross between two thieves.
For three hours Jesus suffered, then he cried out
to his Father in heaven and died.
Jesus was given a proper burial. Two men washed
and wrapped his body and laid it in an unused
grave, in a tomb cut out of rock.
The morning after the Sabbath, Mary and some
others went to visit the grave. As they came
close to the tomb , they saw , with horror, that
the stone closing the entrance to the tomb had
been rolled away.
Two angels were sitting where the body of Jesus
had lain. Why are you looking in the place of
the dead for someone who is alive? Jesus isnt
here! He has been raised from the death, remember
he told you in Galilee that this would be so.
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