Jesus of Nazareth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jesus of Nazareth


Jesus of Nazareth The Center and Focus of Christianity Jesus Center and Focus Jesus not only Founder, but Center and Focus of Christianity. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth
  • The Center and Focus of
  • Christianity

Jesus Center and Focus
  • Jesus not only Founder, but Center and Focus of
    Christianity. He is the One Who makes God known.
    He is God Incarnate in human flesh.
  • A. Jesus reveals God the will face of God.
  • Col 115 Jesus image of God (eikon) icon
  • Heb13 exact representation (charakter)
  • image likeness on a coin
  • John 149 Jesus seen Me, seen God

Jesus (continued)
  • Jesus Ground of salvation, makes a new
    relationship w/ God possible. Savior
  • Mt.121 Lk 211 Acts 412, Heb. 210
  • ICHTHUS Meaning
  • Jesus Christ, Gods Son, Savior
  • Jesus God saves (Yeshua)
  • Christ title Messian

Jesus Center Focus
  • C. Model of the redeemed life lives out a
    God-focused life which Xns are to model.
  • Life- Teachings, Miracles, Healings, Death and

Jesus and the Gospels
  • Gospels euangelion good news message
  • Written in common Greek (koine) language
  • Matthew (Jewish) kingdom of heaven 75-90 AD
  • Luke (Gentile) kingdom of God 80- 95 AD
  • Mark (first written gospel) 64 70 AD
  • John (more reflective) 90 AD

Jesus and Israel
  • Continuity between OT/NT Xnity seen as a
    fulfillment of Judaism.
  • Matthew 12 Scriptures fulfillment of OT
    prophecy in the life of Christ (122 215.23
    315, 414 517 817 1217 1314, 335 214
  • Other OT passages fulfilled in the life of Jesus
  • Ps 22 Isaiah 5213 5312 Crucifixion of Christ

Jesus and Jewish Groups
  • Samaritans, Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots
  • Samaritans
  • Beginnings Assyrian overthrow the Northern
    Kingdom in 722 B.C. Assyrians and the Jews
    living there began to marry one another, have
    families (half Jew, half Gentile)
  • resulting in the Samaritan race, intertwined
    religious and cultural practices, etc.
  • Hated by the Jews of the Southern Kingdom
    (Israel) regarded as outsiders, even though they
    shared some common religious beliefs.
  • Scandalous story Jesus Parable of the Good
    Samaritan (Luke 10)
  • Jesus meeting with the Samaritan woman at the
    well (John 4)

Jesus and Jewish Groups
  • Sadducees
  • Began after the Maccabean revolt in 167 BC
  • Antiochus Epiphanes slaughtered a pig in the
  • Judas Maccabee (Hammer) led revolt. Temple
  • Hanukkah (lights) began.
  • Sadducees conservative party Pentateuch only
    authoritative. Aristocratic in league with
    Roman officials.
  • allowed some semblance of religious

Jesus and Jewish Groups
  • Pharisees (Separated Ones) physically
  • Law (Torah, Pentateuch,etc.) is
    evolving,rather than static,
  • adapting the Law to new situations faced by
  • Accepted doctrines not explicitly stated in the
    Law, such as the resurrection from the dead.
  • Torah (Law) and tradition fidelity to the Law
    as interpreted by the scribes, official teachers
    of the Law.
  • 6000 Pharisees at the time of Jesus, influence
    far greater than their number.

Jesus and Jewish Groups
  • Essenes
  • Religious purity, formed communities out in the
  • Dead Sea scrolls detailed the belief and practice
    of the Essenes.
  • Zealots
  • political radicals terrorists who mainly
    sought a violent overthrow of the Roman
  • 66 70 AD. Uprising squashed by Rome in 70 AD.

Life of Jesus His Birth
  • His Birth recorded in Matthew and Luke.
  • Matthew standpoint of Joseph Luke - Mary
  • Date of Birth 8 4 BC. (Dec 25th probably not
    birthday. Chosen to replace a Roman holiday.
  • Matthew Bethlehem birthplace, fulfillment of
    OT prophecy, Wise Men gifts, importance of Mary
  • Luke humility lowliness of circumstances of
    Jesus birth. Manger, Shepherds 1st visitors,
  • Joseph at no point called the father of Jesus,
    though Mary is called the mother of Jesus.
    Virgin birth (conception).

Public Ministry of Jesus
  • Beginnings
  • John the Baptist forerunner (Mk. 1) baptized
  • Jesus in the wilderness 40 days nights
    temptation by Satan.
  • Jesus inaugural sermon (Luke 418-19)
  • Disciples/followers 12

Jesus and Women
  • Affirmed by Jesus. Women witnesses to His
    crucifixion and resurrection.
  • Jesus welcomed women in his inner circle.
  • Jesus meeting with the woman at the well (John
  • In contrast to a Jewish male prayer,thanking God
    he was not born a woman. Women considered as
    second class citizens, property.

Teachings of JesusParables of the Kingdom of God
  • Kingdom of God Gods rule and reign in the
    lives of humanity. Kingdom emphasis is on
  • In the kingdom, physical wholeness no disease
  • In the kingdom, relational wholeness
    community, church, Israel
  • In the kingdom, spiritual wholeness
    forgiveness of sins.
  • Kingdom of God is both present and future.

Teachings of Jesus
  • Mk. 115 Kingdom of God has drawn near. Time is
  • Sermon On The Mount (Matthew 5 7) a Christian
    lifestyle based upon ones repentance from sin
    and trust in Jesus as Lord.
  • Mt 53-12 Beatitudes, Matt.69 13 Lords
  • Matt. 619-34 Seeking Gods rule first in your
  • High demands made possible by Gods grace
  • One must repent and receive.

Teachings of Jesus
  • Two Greatest Commandments
  • Love God w/ all your heart, soul, mind strength
  • Love your neighbor as yourself.
  • Jesus preaching about the kingdom of God is
    understood in terms of inauguration. Something
    has happened which sets in motion a series of
    events which has yet to reach its fulfillment.
    From the smallest to the greatest.

Teachings of Jesus
  • Jesus Parables
  • Illustrate a spiritual truth to be learned and
  • A mystery, a riddle
  • Parable of the Mustard Seed Matt. 1331-32
  • Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 1511 32
  • The father sees the returning son long before the
    son notices the father and the father rushes out
    to meet his prodigal son. (Unheard of in Jesus
    day). Truth is an example of Gods mercy.
  • Christianity is not just what Jesus taught, but
    who He is. And why He is so important. Now,
    look at his meaningful moments in life,
    crucifixion and resurrection and ascension.
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