Title: Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracting
1Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
- Overview to Multiple Award Contracting
2Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Procurement Planning/Acquisition Strategy
- Follow agency guidelines
- Type of contract planned (IDIQ)
- Acquisition plan will state if multiple or single
award is planned - Publicizing contract action
- See FAR part 5
- Competition requirements
- See FAR part 6
- Full and open competition
- Small business Set-aside
- Small Business Administration 8(a) Set-aside
- Consider grouping multiple award to maximize
SB/SDB participation - Streamlined Techniques for Award of contracts.
- NASA Midrange
- Others forms that may be available
3Indefinite Delivery Contracts
- Three Type of Indefinite Delivery contracts
- definite Quantity
- requirements contracts
- indefinite-quantity contracts
- Definite-Quantity
- exact quantity of specific supplies or services
for fixed period with deliveries to be scheduled. - Requirements Contracts
- Fill all actual purchase requirements of the
government activity for the supplies or services
during the contract period. - Indefinite-Quantity
- unspecified quantity, within stated limits, of
supplies or services to be furnished during a
fixed period.
4Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Focus on Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite quantity
(IDIQ) - Known as Delivery order or Task order contracts
- Single award IDIQ contracts
- Pre FASA agencies used large single award IDIQ
contracts - avoid delays with re-competition award
individual contacts for the same service or items - avoid legal challenges of multi-award IDIQ
- Multiple-Award IDIQ contracts(two or more
sources) - FASA(1994) established a preference for
multiple-award IDIQ - Eliminated legal challenges to multi-award IDIQ
- Continuous benefits of competition after award
- FASA makes preference to multiple award, not a
requirement. Use of single award IDIQ contract
should be considered if in the best interest of
the Government. - FAR gives guidance (FAR 16.5)
5Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Multiple-Award IDIQ for Architect-Engineering
Services - Multi-award preference does not apply to A-E
services subject to FAR part 36.6 - Multi-award is not precluded on A-E services
provided selection and placement of orders is
consistent with FAR 36.6 - Multiple-award IDIQ for Advisory and Assistance
services - No preference to multiple award under 3 years and
10M - Mandatory for contracts exceeding 10M and 3
years in duration
6Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Procurement Planning/Acquisition Strategy
- Market research/commercial practice
- Synopsis of planned acquisition
- Type of contract
- fixed price
- cost reimbursable
- Hybrid
- Draft solicitations
- Set-aside considerations
- Use of several functional areas or groups of
7 Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
- Statement of Work must reasonably describe the
general scope of supplies or services - avoid being so vague that SOW fails to describe
the general purpose. - SOW too vague may result in a challenge too any
delivery orders as being outside the scope of the
contract - Protest may be filed at contract level for
delivery order on the basis of increase of scope
of contract
8Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Number of contracts to award
- Make a reasonable number of awards
- Too ensure competition
- Avoid to many that is burdensome in the ordering
process - Too many leads to over expectation on the part of
contractors - dilutes overall value to the contractors
- reduces willingness to compete
- Too few may limit competition in highly technical
areas - Could have the effect of sole source orders
9Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Ordering Process on resultant contracts
- Delivery orders are exempt from FAR part 6
- CICA met with original competition
- task orders exempt from synopsize requirements
- FAR part 16.5 requires each awardee SHALL be
provided a fair opportunity to be considered
for each order gt2,500 - Delivery orders are exempt from protesting award
decisions - Ombudsman hears issues on delivery orders
10Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Fair Opportunity for award of orders
- GAO and DODIG continue to investigate concern of
fair opportunity - Practice of designating a preferred source for
specific supplies is not consistent with
exceptions of FAR 16.505(b)(2) - Selection criteria must be stated in the
solicitation and contract - Ensure the order selection criteria is clearly
defined - FAR 16.505 provides some general guidelines
- Technical merit, follow-on to other task/delivery
orders, etc
11Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Task order/Delivery order Content
- Orders should clearly define the service/supply
- Performance based work statement
- completion form work statement
- Avoid large undefined work statements that result
in sole source to a selected awardee by sole
source in later tasks or modifications - Cannot not use Level-of-Effort statement of works
- Mandatory vs Non-Mandatory order submission
- assures competition
- flexibility of offeror to determine task to quote
12Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Selection criteria/ task/delivery order
- Streamlined selections
- Oral proposals
- Written proposal
- Discussion
- Formal evaluations plans or scorings not required
- must have appropriate documentation
- all selection documentation must be documented
and in sufficient detail to be convincing - sole source follow-on work should have provided
fair opportunity under the original order - Price must be considered along with other factors
and stated in documentation
13Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts
- Post award conferences Task/Delivery Order
- Make this decision up front and be consistent
- Enhance competition/quality of services
- Administration
- Task order evaluations
- Task/Delivery Order Administration
- Performance evaluation of task/delivery order
- Objective subjective evaluation
- Past performance impact on selection of future