Classification of Birds and Mammals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classification of Birds and Mammals


Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Chordata Class : Mammalia Order : Artiodactyla Family : Bovidae Genus : Ovis Species : O. orientalis vignei ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Classification of Birds and Mammals

Classification of Birds and Mammals
Museum of
Biological Sciences
University of Sargodha
Scientific Classification of
Kingdom Animalia Phylum
Chordata Class Aves Order
Passeriformes Family Hirlindinidae Genus
Hirlindo Species H.
concolor SCIENTIFIC NAME Hirlindo concolor
Fact Sheet
  • Ababeel are usually found over grassland where
    they hawk insects
  • They typically hunt insects in flight
  • Sometimes they take advantage of grass fires and
    grazing cattle that flush insects into the air

Blue Jay Or Indian Ruler
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Coraciiformes Famil
y Coraciidae Genus
Coracias Species C. bengalensis SCIENTIFIC
NAME Coracias bengalensis
Fact Sheet
  • Blue jay have crest on head, that is fully
    raised when it became aggressive or excited
  • Its plumage is blue to mid- blue in the crest,
    winges and tail
  • Mostly male and females are identical
  • Just male are larger than females
  • It is slow flier
  • These are more intelligent birds
  • They wait and watch for a person to put food
    down as soon as the person walk they swoop down
    and steal it

Bagla / Pond Herron
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Ciconiiformes Famil
y Ardeidae Genus Ardeola Species
A. grayii SCIENTIFIC NAME Ardeola grayii
Fact Sheet
  • The body color of Pond herron is olive brown
  • They remain silent but give harsh croak when
    reach near to nests
  • These are most common in India
  • They mostly lives on marshy wetland
  • They feed on floating vegetation, crustaceans,
    aquatic insect, fishes, tadpoles, sometimes on

Black Duck
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Anseriformes Family
Anatidae Genus Anus Species
A. supercilisa SCIENTIFIC NAME Anus
Fact Sheet
  • Black duck found in a variety of wetland
  • Males are larger than females
  • In flight it shows a pale underwing
  • Their size range is 54- 61 cm
  • These ducks are not residential, but they show

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Gruiformes Family
Rallidae Genus Fulica Species F.
atra SCIENTIFIC NAME Fulica atra
Fact Sheet
  • Coot present in Europe, Asia, Africa and
  • It is noisy bird with a great cracking,
    explosive, trumpeting calls often given at night
  • It is aggressive specie, strongly territorial
    during breeding season
  • Both parents are involved in defense of child
  • These are omnivores feed on algae, vegetation,
    seed and fruits

Copper smith Barbet
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Piciformes Family
Megalaimidae Genus Megalaima Species
M. haemacephala SCIENTIFIC NAME Megalaima
Fact Sheet
  • It produce metronomic call that has been likened
    to a coppersmith striking metal with a hammer
  • It is found in South Asia
  • They are mainly fruit eater
  • Their call is loud tuktuk( or tunk)
  • They are silent and do not call in winter
  • Courtship involves singing, puffing of the
    throat, bobbing of the head and flicking of the

Common Babbler
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Passeriformes Family
Timaliidae Genus Turdoides Species
T. caudata SCIENTIFIC NAME Turdoides
Fact Sheet
  • The Common Babbler is an old world babbler
  • They are mostly found in dry open shrub
    countries like in
  • South Asia and
  • Iran

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Passeriformes Family
Corvidae Genus Corvus Species
C. splendens SCIENTIFIC NAME Corvus splendens
Fact Sheet
  • House crow distributed in Nepal, India and
  • They feed on small reptiles, small invertebrate
    eggs, nestling, grain and fruits
  • Mostly roost near human habitations and over
    busy streets
  • Their voice is a harsh Kaaa- kaaa
  • Female lays 3- 6 eggs in a typical stick nest

Common Myna
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Passeriformes Famil
y Sturnidae Genus
Acridotheres Species A. tristis SCIENTIFIC
NAME Acridotheres tristis
Fact Sheet
  • Typically Myna found in open woodlands,
    cultivation and around habitation
  • It is distributed in Asia, Iran, Pakistan and
  • These are gregarious
  • These are omnivorous in nature mostly feed on
    insects and fruits
  • They breed through much of the year
  • Their normal clutch has 4- 6 eggs

Domestic Fowl
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Galiformes Family
Phasianidae Genus Gallus Species
G. domesticus SCIENTIFIC NAME Gallus
Fact Sheet
  • These are more in the world than any other bird,
    with a population of more than 24 billion in
  • These are mostly domesticated in India
  • They live for 5 to 11 years, depending on the
  • These are gregarious live together as a flock
  • These are omnivorous eat seed, insect and even
    large animals such as lizard and mice
  • The worlds oldest chicken, according to Guinness
    Book of World Records, died of heart failure when
    she was 16 years old

Golgen Backed Wood pecker
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Piciformes Family
Picidae Genus Dinopium Species
D. bengalensis SCIENTIFIC NAME Dinopium
Fact Sheet
  • They live in plains upto an elevation of about
    1200m in Pakistan, India and Srilanka
  • They feed on insects mainly beetle larvae from
    under the bark and sometimes feed on nectar
  • Their beak is stout and tongue is long used for
    removing insects from under- side the bark

Horned Owl
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Strigiformes Family
Strigidae Genus Bubo Species
B. dubo SCIENTIFIC NAME Bubo dubo
Fact Sheet
  • Horned owl have large ear tuft
  • Its horns are neither ears nor horns, these are
    simply tufts of feathers
  • Their call is a low- pitched but loud ho- ho- hoo
  • Feed on hares, rabbits, rats, squirrels, mice,
    moles, voles, cat, and weasels
  • Horned owl is the provincial bird of Alberta

Mallard / Wild Duck
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Anseriformes Family
Anatidae Genus Anus Species A.
platyrhychos SCIENTIFIC NAME Anus platyrhynchos
Fact Sheet
  • Males have bright green head, while females are
    light brown color
  • They live in wetlands, including parks, small
    ponds rivers
  • Eat water plants
  • These are gregarious in nature
  • Mallard duck is considered to be the ancestor of
    all domestic duck
  • They have broad beak, short legs and webbed feet
  • They can live on aquatic as well as terrestrial

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Passeriformes Family
Muscicapidae Genus
Tuscinia Species T. megarhynchos SCIENTIFIC
NAME Tuscinia megarhynchos
Fact Sheet
  • Nightingale frequently sing at night as well as
    during the day
  • Nightingale means night songstress
  • It is buff to white below
  • Both sexes are similar
  • It is migratory insectivorous species
  • It breed in forest in Europe and South west Asia

Night Herron
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Ciconiiformes Family
Ardeidae Genus Nycticorax Species
N. nycticorax SCIENTIFIC NAME Nycticorax
Fact Sheet
  • Their features are decorative in appearance
  • Their toes are without web
  • Night herrons stand still at the waters edge,
    and wait to ambush prey, mainly at night
  • They primarily eat small fish, crustaceans,
    frogs, aquatic insects, and small mammals

Rock Pigeon
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Columbiformes Family
Columbidae Genus Columba Species
C. livia SCIENTIFIC NAME Columba livia
Fact Sheet
  • These are harmless and gregarious birds
  • The pigeons do not sing, chirp or screech but
    produce a characteristic sound that is gootur-
    goon, gootur- goon
  • They lead a monogamous life, one male live with
    only one female throughout the life
  • The immature helpless young ones are nourished
    by parents by a fatty, curby secretion, the
    pigeons milk secreted in their crop
  • They are widely distributed in Palaerctic and
    Oriental regions

Rose Ringed Parakeet
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Psittaciformes Family
Psittacidae Genus Psittacula Species
P. krameri SCIENTIFIC NAME Psittacula
Fact Sheet
  • These are gregarious species popular as a pet
  • They are successfully adapted to living in
    disturbed habitats
  • These are sexually dimorphic
  • Adult male sports a black neck- ring and pink
    nape- band
  • They feed on buds, fruits, vegetables, nuts,
    berries and seeds
  • Both male female species had ability to mimic
    human speech

Red Vented Bul bul
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Passeriformes Family
Pycnonotidae Genus Pycnonotus Species
P. cafer SCIENTIFIC NAME Pycnonotus cafer
Fact Sheet
  • It is distributed in Asia, India, Srilanka and
  • The rump of Red vented Bulbul is white while
    its vent is red
  • It has short crest giving a head a squarish
  • Its breeding season start from June to September
  • It is found in dry scrub, open forests, plains,
    and cultivated land
  • It feed mainly on fruits, petals of flowers,
    nectar and insects

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Passeriformes Family
Parulidae Genus Dendroica Species
D. petechia SCIENTIFIC NAME Dendroica petechia
Fact Sheet
  • Warbler are migratory birds
  • They mostly breed in North America
  • Its nest predators are snakes, corvides, and
    even large climbing rodents
  • Mainly they feed on arthropods, in particular
  • Their clutch size is 3- 6 eggs
  • These are not consider as threatened species
    according to IUCN.

White- Breated Kingfisher
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Aves Order Coraciiformes Family
Haloyonidae Genus Halcyon Species
H. smyrnesis SCIENTIFIC NAME Halcyon smyrnensis
Fact Sheet
  • It is a tree king fisher
  • It is widely distributed in Eurasia from
  • Adults has a bright blue back, wings and tail
    while its troat and breast are white
  • Their bill is large and legs are bright red
  • It is particularly noisy in breeding season
  • It mainly hunt on crustacean, insects,
    earthworms, snakes, fishes, frog
  • It is a good diver

Classification of
Caracal Cat
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Carnivora Family
Felidae Genus Caracal Species C.
caracal SCIENTIFIC NAME Caracal caracal
Fact Sheet
  • Caracal is a territorial medium- sized cat
  • Crarcal word come from Turkish word meaning
    black ear
  • It has long legs and small tail
  • It inhibit in woodlands, savannah, and scrub
  • Adult caracal dwell either alone or less
    commonly in pairs
  • Sometimes these are kept as a pet and adopt to
    living with humans

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammals Order Carnivora Family
Canidae Genus Vulpes Species V.
vulpes SCIENTIFIC NAME Vulpes vulpes
Fact Sheet
  • Fox is a cunning animal
  • Foxes are hunted for fur coats
  • Foxes, like dogs can catch rabies
  • Normally, foxes are very shy
  • Red foxes live in US, Canada except Texas and

Flying Bat / House Bat
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order
Chiroptera Family Vespertilionidae Genus
Pipistrellus Species P.
abramus SCIENTIFIC NAME Pipistrellus abramus
Fact Sheet
  • It prefer to roosts under the ceiling or inside
    the roof of old buildings
  • It is mainly found across the East Asia, from
    China and Taiwan
  • Bats are insectivores, frugivores (fruit eaters)
  • Mostly these are nocturnal in habit

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order
Artiodactyla Family Bovidae Genus
Gazella Species G. gazelle SCIENTIFIC
NAME Gazella gazelle
Fact Sheet
  • These are swift animals maintain speed as high
    as 50 miles per hour
  • Mostly found in Central Asia and Indian
  • Eat easily digestible plants and leaves
  • Currently there are 13 species considered, out
    of which 4 species are extinct these are Red
    gazelle, Arabian gazelle, Queen of Shebas
    gazella, Saudi gazelle

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Carnivora Family
Herpestidae Genus Helogale Species
H. parvula SCIENTIFIC NAME Helogale parvula
Fact Sheet
  • It lives in Asia, Africa and Europe
  • It ranges from squirrel size to cat size
  • They have long faces and bodies, small ears,
    short legs
  • They have acetylcholine receptors, so it
    impossible for snake neurotoxin venom to attach
    to them
  • They are similar appearance like weasels
  • They feed on insects, crab, earthworms, lizard,
    snakes, chicken and rodents
  • Indian mangoose fight and also kill venomous
    snakes like Cobra

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Rodentia Family
Sciuridae Genus Marmota Species
M. caudata SCIENTIFIC NAME Marmota caudata
Fact Sheet
  • Marmoots have been eaten for centuries in
    Mongolia where they are called tarvaga
  • Hunting of marmoots for food is typically done
    in seasons and time periods when they are
  • Alaska celebrates every February 2 as Marmoot
    Day, to observe the prevalence of marmoots in
    the state

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Rodentia Family
Muridae Genus Mus Species M.
musculus SCIENTIFIC NAME Mus musculus
Fact Sheet
  • Mouse are eaten by large birds such as hawks
    and eagles
  • They have white short fur, pinkish tail feet
  • They pass through estrous cycle
  • They show biparental care
  • They eat bread delightfully
  • Knockout mouse is a genetically engineered mouse

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Rodentia Family
Hystricidae Genus Hystrix Species
H. indica SCIENTIFIC NAME Hystrix indica
Fact Sheet
  • Live in Asia, Africa and North South America
  • Their canine teeth are absent, there is a long
    diastema, behind the incisor
  • Limbs usually with five toes and claws
  • Rodents are the most numerous mammals on earth
  • Inhabit in forests, deserts and rocky hillsides
  • Feed on leaves, twigs and green plants

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order
Lagomorpha Family Leporidae Genus
Oryctolagus Species O. cuniculus SCIENTIFIC
NAME Oryctolagus cuniculus
Fact Sheet
  • Usually found in fields, grass lands and open
    wood- lands
  • It lives in burrows which it digs into the
    ground with help of its fore- limbs
  • Rabbits are nocturnal
  • These are herbivores feed on green vegetation
  • Tese are gregarious
  • These are fast runners and cover nearly 32- 40
    Kms in an hour
  • Female shows Parental care

Scaly ant eater
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Pholidota Family
Manidae Genus Manis Species M.
crassicaudata SCIENTIFIC NAME Manis crassicaudata
Fact Sheet
  • Their food consist of termites, which it obtain
    by opening nests with it powerfull sharp claw
  • It has long, flexible, rapidly moving tongue
    covered with sticky saliva
  • A full grown ant eater eats about 30,000 ants
    and termites a day
  • It is distributed in South and Central America,
    along the banks of river , depth of humid forests

Rhesus monkey
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order Primates Family
Cercopitecidae Genus Macaca Species
M. mulatta SCIENTIFIC NAME Macaca mulatta
Fact Sheet
  • It keep in captivity used extensively in
    medical and biological research
  • Its name stand for symbol Rh , designated to
    blood groups
  • Their nostrils open downward and lie close
    together, as in man
  • They have a prehensile tail, which supplements
    the hands for grasping during arboreal locomotion

Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class
Mammalia Order
Artiodactyla Family Bovidae Genus
Ovis Species O. orientalis
vignei SCIENTIFIC NAME Ovis orientalis vignei
Fact Sheet
  • They have reddish- brown fur that fades during
  • It is distributed in Central Asia
  • Urial males have large horns, curling outwards
    from the top of the head
  • Its conservation status is Threatened
    according to IUCN
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