Title: Introduction to FHWA
1Introduction to FHWA the Federal-Aid Program
- FHWA - Operation Engineers
- Gene Kaufman, P.E. (Glendive District)
- Bob Seliskar, (Great Falls District)
- Jeff Patten, (Butte District)
- Overview of Federal-Aid Program
- FHWA Roles and Responsibilities
- Project Management
3Overview of Federal-Aid Program
- Introduction
- The FHWA organization
- The Federal-Aid Program
4DOT Agencies
5FHWA Offices
Montana DivisionHelena, MT
Resource Center, Olympia Fields, IL
Western Federal Lands Vancouver, WA
Resource Center, Baltimore, MD
Resource Center, SanFrancisco, CA
Eastern Federal Lands Sterling, VA
Central Federal Lands Denver, CO
HQ, Washington, DC
Resource Center, Atlanta, GA
Federal-aid Offices 52 Division Offices 3 Federal
Lands Division Offices 1 Resource Center in 4
locations 1 Headquarters Office
Total FHWA Employees lt 2500
Total MDT Employees 2250
6Montana Division
Kevin McLaury (P.E.), Division Administrator
Laura Whitten, Staff Assistant
Mike Duman (P.E.), Assistant Division
Program Development
Admin Finance
Ted Burch (P.E.) Team Leader Bridge
Engineer Carl James (P.E.) ROW, Environment Mark
Zitzka Pavement, Materials, Maintenance Bob
Burkhardt Planning Research Lloyd Rue (P.E.)
Safety, Design, Traffic Crystal Adams PDP
Mike Kulbacki (P.E.) Team Leader Craig
Genzlinger (P.E.) D1-Missoula Jeff Patten
D2-Butte Bob Seliskar D3-Great Falls Gene
Kaufman (P.E.) D4-Glendive Alan Woodmansey
(P.E.) D5-Billings Jason Senn Co-op Student
Scott Swarens Team Leader Grace Speicher
Financial Specialist Ben Franks-Ongoy
Administrative Assistant Andy Wyciskalla
Computer Specialist (Consultant)
20 People
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8Overview of Federal-Aid Program
- Introduction
- The Federal-Aid Program
- Financing and funding
9Eligible Federally Funded Highways
- 23 CFR 470.103
- means highways on the Federal-aid highway system
and all other public roads not classified as
local roads or rural minor collectors. - Designated as major collector and above
- Some Bridge and Safety projects off system
10LAW Title 23 USC
FHWA Policy and Directives
11Past Highway Bills
- ISTEA (91-97) 155 B
- TEA-21 (97-03) 218 B (gt40)
- SAFETEA-LU (03-09) 244 B (gt12)
- Future Hwy Bill (09-15) ??? B (gt??)
- Authorization thru FFY 2009
- Appropriated on a yearly basis
- 244 billion total authorized nationally
- MDT appropriated avg. 355 Mil/year
13Federal - Aid Financing
- Federal Highway Trust Fund Income Sources
- Motor Fuel 18.4 /gal
- Diesel Fuel 24.4 /gal
- Other User Fees (Truck Related Taxes)
- Montana State Gas
- Motor Fuel 27.8 /gal (Sixth highest nationally)
- Diesel Fuel 28.5 /gal (Fifth highest
14Federal-aid Financing
- Money Goes Back To Individual States
- Donor v. Donee
- Montana receives back more than 2.20 for every
dollar of Federal Fuel tax collected in the state - Requirements (23 CFR)
- Matching requirements
- IM FHWA 91.24 MDT 8.76
- NHS FHWA 86.58 MDT 13.42
- Program Requirements (IM, NHS, STP)
15SAFETEA-LU Authorizations Highway and Highway
Safety Programs for Montana
16Reimbursable Program(Not a grant program)
Authorized to proceed
Contractor Does Work
State Pays Contractor
State Submits Voucher to FHWA
FHWA Sends Voucher to US Treasury
Treasury Pays State
17The Federal role in the Federal-aid highway
- Set minimum national standards
- Ensure system compatibility
- Provide capital assistance
- Program oversight (Report to Congress)
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19FHWA Roles and Responsibilities
- MDT/FHWA Partnership
- Federal-Aid Participation
- Federally
- Funded
- Funding
- Guidance
- Technical Assistance
- Oversight
- State Administered
- Plan
- Design
- Construct
- Operate Maintain
21MDT FHWA MTC Partnership Agreement
- Revised and Signed 2004
- Currently being revised.
- Roles Responsibilities
- Foster cooperation and strengthen partnership
22Full Oversight
- FHWA Full-Oversight Projects
- NHS projects gt 3mil
- Interstate reconstruction gt1mil
- Emergency Relief or Special Circumstances
23Non Full Oversight
- Non Full-Oversight Projects
- All other Federal-aid projects non NHS
- CTEP, Guardrail, Striping/Pavement Markings,
Traffic Signal projects regardless of total
construction cost or highway system - 100 State Funded Projects
- No FHWA oversight, but may require FHWA action
(for example Interstate, NHS) - Routine maintenance
- FHWA approves/concurs
- Full-Oversight projects
- Financial authorization
- Environmental Document
- Design Reviews and PSE
- Design Exceptions
- Contract award
- Change orders
- Final inspection Final acceptance
- Claim/Legal settlement
- Non Full-Oversight projects
- Environmental Document and Financial
- As needed if there may be a Federal-aid issue
25Non Full Oversight
- Same Federal-aid rules apply for
non-full-oversight projects - MDT duty and responsibility.
- Contact us if you have questions
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27FHWA Roles and Responsibilities
- MDT/FHWA Partnership
- Federal-Aid Participation
28Things We Hear
- Everythings Eligible for Federal-aid
- This isnt a fulloversight project
- How do I know whats eligible?
- It makes sense why cant we pay for it?
29Basic Guidance
- Generally Federal-aid will not participate if
- Does not follow terms of contract
- Pays for same material/work twice
- Items that are not incorporated into the project
- Violates State or Federal law/regulation
30Ineligible Items
- Work outside of the approved project limits
- Work not covered in the environmental document
- Costs incurred prior to FHWA authorization
- Costs not adequately documented
- Costs related to negligent MDT actions
31Ineligible Items
- Items not Incorporated into Project
- Examples
- Restocking fee
- Item transfer
- Materials retained by MDT Maintenance
- Excess aggregate retained by MDT
32Ineligible Items
- Maintenance Performed by Contractor
- Examples
- Cleaning culverts lt 4
- Maintenance stockpiles
33Ineligible Items
- Out of Spec Materials that MDT Accepts
- Examples
- Stockpiled material not meeting spec
- Items not installed according to specifications
- Experimental Proprietary product (without
approved experimental feature program)
34Ineligible Items
- Waiver of Contract Time/LDs without
justification - Examples
- MDT does not charge contract time properly so
waives LDs - Transportation Commission waives LDs without
35Non-par What do we do?
- Decision to proceed with State funds
- CO Discussion
- Decide on budget source
- Coordinate with Const. Admin. Services
- Process CO
- Coordinate with Estimate Section
- Create new split on estimate system
- Code items to only State Funds
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37Project Management
- Project Delivery
- Environmental Documents
- Timelines
- Value Analysis
- Proprietary Items
- Public Interest Findings
- Design Exceptions
- Contract Administration
38Environmental Documents
- Significant Impacts
- FHWA approves all NEPA actions
- NEPA commitment carried throughout duration of
project - 23 CFR 771
- 10 year max from PE authorization to R/W or
Construction - 20 year max from R/W authorization to
Construction - Otherwise state repays all FHWA costs
- MDT may request time extensions from FHWA
- 23 CFR 630.112
40Value Analysis (VA)
- Adding value while minimizing project costs
- FHWA considers
- NHS projects gt 25 million
- Bridge gt 20 million
- MDT considers
- Projects gt 8 million
- Project cost includes Environmental, PE, ROW,
41VA Savings at MDT
- As of January 26, 2007
- 17 studies
- Total cost of projects 330 million
- 73 recommendations
- Total project savings 45 million
- Approved recommendations 7 million in savings
and added value
42Proprietary Items
- Generic specs are preferred for competition
- What is it? How many alts to list?
- Must be approved in writing prior to contract
award with public interest finding (PIF) - MDT Engineer approval for full oversight and
non-oversight projects - FHWA approval for full oversight projects and
statewide exceptions
43Public Interest Findings
- Proprietary Items
- State owned/furnished materials
- Mandatory sources
- State preference vs out-of-state
- What is the process?
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Discussion of product compatibility/synchronizatio
n - Logistical concerns (no equally suitable
44NHS Full Oversight Project Design Exceptions
- Best if discussed prior to submittal with FHWA if
complicated - Submitted by Paul Ferry, Kent Barnes, or Tom
Martin to FHWA. - Signed by FHWA Operations Eng
- Ops Eng may consult with Lloyd Rue Safety/Design
Eng - FHWA responds in writing.
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46Project Management
- Project Delivery
- Contract Administration
- Buy America
- Change Orders
- Legal Fees / Claims
- Design Errors
47Buy America
- All manufacturing must be done in USA
- Applies to all permanent steel iron
- lt 2,500 or lt 0.1
- Waivers do in design not construction
- Foreign steel/iron cannot be donated
- 23 CFR 635.410
- Different from Buy American
48Change Orders
- Contract changes
- Alter termini
- Alter character
- Alter scope of work
- All COs must be formally agreed to in advance by
FHWA for full oversight projects. - FHWA office policy is to agree in writing/email
49Legal Fees/Claims
- FHWA funds will participate to the extent that
the claim can be supported by the facts and has a
basis in the contract on a case-by-case basis - MDTs legal defense costs are eligible
- Contractor legal costs not eligible
- Contractor anticipated profit not eligible
50Design Errors
- Consultant Errors covered by E O Insurance
- Examples
- Gross Negligence in design
- MDT reimbursed under EO insurance
51Final Thoughts
- Protect integrity of the bidding process
- Did all bidders have a level playing field?
- If the contractor awarded the job is given
special treatment, why wasnt that stated in the
special provisions? - FHWA decisions are independent from MDTs
Montana Transportation Commission - MDT and FHWA have the same goal improving
52Whos Responsible?
- District Personnel
- MDT Headquarters Personnel
- Internal Audit
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55Other Resources
- Contract Administration Core Curriculum Manual
(Being offered in MT end of April in Helena) - http//www.fhwa.dot.gov/programadmin/contracts/cor
etoc.htm - 23 Code of Federal Regulations http//www.fhwa.dot
56 The End
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58Project Agreements
- Tribal
- Local government
- Construction engineering consultants
- MDT still ultimately responsible for
- Unless money transferred to another Fed Agency
such as BIA
59MDT/FHWA pavement projects Example - Guardrail
- Guideline involves FHWA only on NHS routes,
should document reasons why not followed for any
road - Pavement preservation - Deficiencies requiring
upgrading - Blunt ends
- 12 post spacing
- Unconnected or no bridge approach rail
- Other deficiencies not mandatory to fix
60MDT/FHWA Pavement Projects Guardrail
- Minor rehab milling is lt60mm, no new ROW, 10
year design life - Consider upgrading bridge approach sections,
bridge rail, post spacing, rail height, and
optional terminal end sections to current
standards. - (I would interpret this as documenting your
reasons why you do or dont upgrade)
61MDT/FHWA Pavement Projects Guardrail
- Major rehab milling gt60mm, 20 year design life
- Must meet width standard
- Upgrade all guardrail to MDT current standards.
- may not approve the use of land from a
significant publicly owned public park,
recreation area, or wildlife and waterfowl
refuge, or any significant historic site unless - There is no feasible and prudent alternative to
the use of land from the property, includes all
possible planning to minimize harm - De Minimus criteria gives new flexibility
- FHWA decides, 23 CFR 771.135
- Land Water Conservation Funds used to buy
public recreation land - Requires US Secretary of Interior to approve a
change of land use
- SI units optional in all documents prepared by
states - Metric states as of 2005 New York, New Hampshire
- Dual New Jersey, Vermont
- Most Federal agencies (including FHWA) still must
use metric.
65Congestion Reduction A FHWA Priority
Future Highway Funding (2009) Not How to Fund
but What to Fund
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- Are you getting enough satisfaction from FHWA?
- What do you need from us?
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69Design Standards
- NHS FHWA involved
- Non-NHS are a state issue (laws, standards, etc)
- 2000 MDT/FHWA Guideline for nomination
development of pavement projects - 23 CFR 625
- Goals and priorities established
- Projects nominated by state metropolitan
planning organizations - Balanced state transportation improvement program
developed (STIP) - Result Restraint needed, not enough money to
fix everything
71Risk Assessments
- Program Level Assessments
- All Program Areas
- Done Jointly with MDT
- Process Improvement Reviews
- Top 10 list created
72Federal-Aid Program
- Purpose
- Provide aid to the states
- Pay as you go concept
- Gas tax collections deposited in highway trust
fund - No money upfront - reimbursed
- Legislation (highway reauthorization)
establishes level of funding every 6 years
73Montana Funding Picture
- State gas tax 27/gallon
- Montana receives back more than 2.20 for every
dollar of Federal fuel tax collected in the state
74Partnership the Federal-aid Highway Program
Have a bias for yes -Mary Peters US DOT
Federally Funded, State Administered
- Federal - Funding, Oversight, Guidance
Technical Assistance - State - Plan, Design, Construct, Operate
76Interstate Interchange Design
- 1998 FHWA policy
- Applies to both new and revised access
- AASHTO A Policy on Design Standards Interstate
System January 2005 - Must address 8 FHWA requirements
- Examples
- Must not degrade safety or operations
- Compatible with local land use planning
77Contract Time Determination
- MDT policy Dec 2005
- MDT procedures requires a written determination
on all projects - Work with Construction EPMs
- 23 CFR 635.121
78NCHRP 350
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Report 350 - Establishes the standard for crash testing sign
supports and roadside hardware - FHWA requires compliant (crash tested) products
on NHS - 3 loop vs 2 loop concrete barrier
- Crash worthiness of work zone traffic control