Title: FHWA Design Guide Implementation Team DGIT Update
1FHWA Design Guide Implementation Team (DGIT)
AASHTO Joint Technical Committee on Pavements
December 7, 2006
- Team within FHWA created to support educate
State highway agencies, Division Offices, and
industry in development implementation of
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
Facilitating Implementation of
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
3Design Guide Implementation Team DGIT
- Office of Pavement Technology
- Gary Crawford Concrete Team Group Leader
- Vacant Asphalt Team
- Resource Center
- Chris Wagner TST Team
- Angel Correa TST Team
- Division Office
- John Sullivan Division Administrator NC
- Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
- Jim Sherwood Advanced Models Team
- Eric Weaver LTPP Team
4Implementation Strategies
5FHWA Workshops
6FHWA DGIT Workshops
- Future
- Local Calibration
- Weighing Impacts of MEPD for Next
- Generation Traffic Data
- Upcoming
- Traffic 3
- PMS Database Inputs - 1
- Past Workshops
- Introduction to the DG 8
- Traffic 2
- Materials 11
- Climatic Inputs 12
Webcast available
7DGIT Activities
- 30 states
- 2,000 participants
- 500 web participants
- China
- Mexico
- Canada
- Europe
- India
- South and Central America
8Workshop Webcast Descriptionswww.fhwa.dot.gov/pav
9FHWA Workshops
Advanced Technology for Workshops DGIT webcast
from Connecticut DOT URL server
1-day Intro workshop
2-day Materials Inputs workshop
Executive Overview of MEPDG for Managers
n_dangelo.sminameJohn20D'Angelo20 FHWA
10FHWA Workshops
Advanced Technology for Workshops DGIT webcast
from Connecticut DOT URL server
1-day Climatic Considerations workshop
1-day Traffic Data workshop
1-day Use of PMS to Calibrate MEPDG Workshop
11NHI Courses
- NHI 131064 Introduction to Mechanistic Design
(Available) - NHI 131109 - Using Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design Guide Software (In
Development) - NHI 132040 Geotechnical Aspects of Pavements
(Available) - NHI 151018 Application of Traffic Monitoring
Guide (Available)
12Future FHWA Workshops
National Highway Institute NHI Course
131109 Pilot April 2007 Analysis of New and
Rehabilitated Pavement Performance with
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Software
- Hands-on format with computers loaded with
software - Focus on user, not theory
- Objective is for audience to be capable of
performing - flexible, rigid, rehab designs
13Future FHWA Workshops
- Local Calibration for M-E PDG models
- Awaiting deliverables from NCHRP 1-40 B
- Pilot planned for Fall 2007
- Purpose discuss Sensitivity of inputs
calibration, - educate Pavement Designers Pavement Managers
14Future FHWA Workshops
- Weighing Impacts of MEPD for Next Generation
Traffic Data - Develop in cooperation with FHWA Highway Policy
Information office - Pilot planned for Spring 2007
- Purpose To educate the participants on the
impact of traffic loading on pavement design and
infrastructure service life - Audience Pavement designers, traffic
engineers, weight enforcement officials
15DGIT Enhancement Activities
- Evaluation of the Rigid Pavement Design Procedure
- NCAT Structural Section Studies
- Working with NCHRP
- CTE Ruggedness Study - TFHRC
- Asphalt and Concrete Trailers
16FHWA Other Activities
- DGIT Travel Monitoring Surveys Division of
- Office of Highway Policy Information
- Developed an Update to HPMS Web Based
- Seminar for capturing data inputs used in M-E
- Pavement Design
- Held web based seminar July 6, 2006
- Additional traffic data-related web seminars
- anticipated over next year
17FHWA Other Activities
- DGIT Office of Freight Management / Operations
- Contract with Auburn University
- Models in M-E PD that deal with truck size
weight - Assessing impacts of raising weight limits
- FHWA cross-disciplinary cooperation team
- Identify methods to assign cost to
infrastructure damaged by increased highway load
limits - Strive for official FHWA position on this topic
18FHWA Other Activities
- DGIT Office of Infrastructure RD
- Contract w/ Univ. Pittsburgh (Julie
Vandenbossche) - Evaluation of the M-E PDG PCC Models and
detailed - sensitivity
- Work with a State to use the new procedure
- Contract with the University of Illinois (Imad
Al-Qadi) - Stress pulse computed by a viscoelastic model
- FHWA in-house staff study (DGIT)
- Use of dynamic load response data for stress
pulses - in instrumented flexible pavements from VA
Smart - Road and LTPP SPS sections in OH NC
19FHWA Other Activities
DGIT Office of Infrastructure RD (continued)
New contract (proposed) for award this FY
Analysis of FWD for M-E PDG
rehabilitation design
Graduate Research Fellow from Iowa State
University Micromechanical model for EICM
thermal properties
Graduate Research Fellow (currently
advertised) Enhanced M-E PDG method to apply
input variability
- Lead States Group
- Linda Pierce, WashDOT
- Laura Fenley, WisDOT
- Expert Task Group
- Information Clearing- house
- Tech Bulletins
- Track Activities
21Support Lead States Group
Small business set-aside through FHWA Office of
Pavement Technology
Pavement Design Status Survey status of design
in every state in US for 2006-7 (to update 2003
division office survey)
Collect Summarize DOT Implementation Plans
few plans already received posted on LSG
website, but not concise Distribute Technical
22Provide forum for discussion on M-E Pavement
- FHWA Community of Practice website
- Established MEPDG User Comments Database
- Maintained by DGIT
- Questions, technical issues raised forwarded to
NCHRP - Success Stories also need positive feedback
23DGIT Contact Info
- Design Guide Implementation Team
- dgit_at_dot.gov
- http//www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/dgit/index.cfm
24Any Questions??