SAR Crew Manual Chapter 4
3Radio Watch
- A radio watch must be at all times when an
RCM-SAR vessel is underway. - Each volunteer shall know the duties of keeping a
radio watch.
4Radio Watch Duties 1
- Pre-departure checks of equipment, including set
up of volume and squelch. - Set up Channel 16 and working channels
- Check of EPIRB, DSC and DMB where fitted
- Ensure portable radios and cell phones start
fully charged - Monitoring any change in weather reports
- Listen for and react to the spoken word MAYDAY or
5Radio Watch Duties 2
- React to and log all communications relevant to
the mission. - Relay messages to the coxswain and crew.
- Send a regular Situation Report to Joint Rescue
Coordination Centre
6Log Books
7Log Keeping
- All RCM-SAR vessels are to keep a deck log and
radio log. Erasures are not allowed, but are to
be deleted by lining thorough and initialed. - A running log may be kept in ink whilst out on
the water.
8Log Keeping Entries 1
- Entries and time (where appropriate) are to
include - 1. Names of coxswain and crew, and passengers
when carried. - 2. All times of departure and arrival and other
relevant important events. - 3. Weather, visibility, sea and swell state.
- 4. Times of passing landmarks
- 5. Any incidents to own vessel
9Log Keeping Entries 2
- 6. Any abnormal activities sighted and reported.
- 7. All distress and urgency signals received or
exchanged buy your vessel. - 8. All communications sent or received by your
vessel on what channel. - 9. Any strange signals or communications or
circumstances monitored.
10Logbook Abbreviations 1
- 16/83A Abm A/C Abv.
- Adv Alngsd Ahd
Astn - Blw. CC Ch.16
Coxn - D. Descr. DF
- F/V Ft. GMB
Kts. - L Lat. Lic.
11Logbook Abbreviations 2
- LKP Long. Lt.
m - M/V MOB Msg. Nm
- O/B O/D P/C
Pgd - PIW POB Pos.
Pt. - Rf. Rk. RPM
RTB - Rx S/V Sitrep
Stbd. - Std Dn Super/ Wlhse Tx
12Log Keeping
- A log is kept to record all pertinent events in
the vessels operations, and may be used during
legal action. If it is not recorded, it may be
taken as it did not happen. - Rough logs are also legal documents, as well as
any other notes made at the time.
13Information to be Logged 1
- 1. Time tasked by JRCC
- 2. Details of information supplied by JRCC
- 3. Time away from dock
- 4. Last known position of search object
- 5. Description of search objects
- 6. Time on scene
- 7. Time, position and type of search pattern
- 8. Weather, visibility, sea and swell
14Information to be Logged 2
- 9. Tide and current
- 10.Information on distressed vessel
- 11.Name and address of operator
- 12.Persons on board
- 13.Vessel license or registration number
- 14.Type of assistance supplied
- 15. Distance towed
- 16. Disposal of vessels/ persons recovered
15Information to be Logged 3
- 17.Time of stand down
- 18.Time of return to base.
- 19.Time able to return to standby (if different
to return to base). - 20.JRCC incident number.
16Search and Rescue Communications
17SAR Region Boundaries
- Canadian Joint Rescue Centres
- 1. JRCC Victoria, BC
- 2. JRCC Halifax, NS
- 3. JRCC Trenton, ON
- 4. MRSC Quebec City,QC
- 5. MRSC St. Johns, NL
18SAR Region Boundaries
19VHF Communication System
20VHF Radios
- All volunteers with the CCGA are expected to have
their Radio Operators Certificate.
21VHF Radios
Off/ On/ Volume
Frequency Selector
High/Low Power
22VHF Radios
- Squelch - adjust the receiver sensitivity and
limits unwanted radio noise. Too high a squelch
will result in weaker signals not being heard. - Channel/ Mode - Keep the radio in USA/CDA mode at
all times. - Simplex channels transmit and receive on same
frequency - duplex send and receive on different
23VHF Radios
- Hi/Lo - this control the power with which the VHF
will transmit. High is generally 25W whilst Low
is about 5W. - Handheld VHFs have a high of about 5W and a low
of about 1W.
24VHF Radio Procedures
- Use Channel 16 for calling only, except for
MAYDAY. Monitor at all times. - Name the station being called x 2, followed by
the calling stations name or call sign x2. - Always identify yourself when calling.
- Use standard marine language and vocabulary
25VHF Marine Language
- Over Out Roger
Wilco - Channel Say again I say again Standby
- All after Word after All before Word
before - Affirmative Negative That is correct
- Correction Read back I spell Break
- Seelonce Seelonce finis
26Phonetic Alphabet
Because it is easy to confuse the sounds of some
letters, when spoken over a radio, their phonetic
equivalent is used instead.. Alfa Bravo Charlie
Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India
Juliett Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa
Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiske
y Xray Yankee Zulu
27Search and Rescue Communications
28Pager Codes
- 00000 Stand down
- 11111 Information only - coxswain call JRCC
- 22222 Urgency
- 33333 Distress
- 44444 Contact JRCC - the safety of your vessel
is in doubt
- B Brevity
- A Accuracy
- S Speed
- S Secrecy
31Communications 1
- Think before you speak
- Key the microphone for 1 second before speaking
- Keep messages short and to the point
- Use a working channel - not Channel 16
- Check the channel is clear before speaking
- Keep microphone about 2 inches from the mouth
32Communications 2
- Talk in a calm and clear voice
- Do not use offensive language
- Preface all distress calls with distress signal
- Use proper words and expressions
- Spell names phonetically
- Say numbers individually
- Do not on air for prolonged periods
33Distress Communications
34Distress Communications
- The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
applies to all vessels of 300 gross registered
tons, or carrying passengers on international
35Distress Communications
- Sea Area A1 Within range of shore-based VHF DSC
coast station (40 nautical miles) - Sea Area A2 Within range of shore-based MF DSC
coast station (excluding sea areas A1)(150
nautical miles)
36Distress Communications
- Sea Area A3 Within the coverage of an Inmarsat
geostationary satellite (approximately 70N to
70S) (excluding sea areas A1 A2) - Sea Area A4 The remaining areas outside sea areas
A1, A2 A3 (polar regions)
37Distress Communications
38Distress Communications
39Digital Selective Calling
- Channel 70 on VHF is dedicated to DSC.
- Each DSC has a unique 9 digit number called a
Maritime Mobile Service Identifier. - Canadian vessels start with 316
40EPIRBs, ELTs and SARTs
41EPIRBs, ELTs and SARTs
- All Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons
(Marine), Emergency Location Transmitters
(Aircraft), and Search and Rescue Transmitters
transmit on either 121.5 or 406MHz - EPIRBs all have their own unique identification
- Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons
- Automatic EPIRBs will float free and be activated
by water - Manual activation will require removal from their
brackets and activated.
- Emergency Locator Transmitters are fitted to
aircraft and also transmit on 406 MHz
44Search And Rescue Transponder
45Distress Messages
46Distress Messages
- Procedure for Channel 16
- 1. Transmit an alarm signal.
- 3. This is RCM-SAR 13, RCM-SAR 13, RCM-SAR 13.
- 4. Give vessel position be latitude/ longitude of
bearing and distance from identifiable point. - 5. State the nature of distress and assistance
47Distress Messages
- 6. State number of persons on board, injuries and
other vessels involved. - 7. Describe your vessel.
- 8. Provide any other pertinent information to
assist rescuers. - 9. REPEAT, say Over and listen
48Distress Messages
- Imposition of Silence SEELONCE MAYDAY
- Finish of Mayday MAYDAY FINIS
- Urgency PAN, PAN x3
49Distress Messages
- If you are underway and you hear a distress
message and no-one else answers, answer the
vessel, gather and log all information given, and
pass information to Joint Rescue Coordination
Centre or Marine Communications and Traffic