Electronic Portfolio - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electronic Portfolio


Electronic Portfolio Designed by Robert O. Case II – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electronic Portfolio

Electronic Portfolio
  • Designed by Robert O. Case II

Table of Contents
  • Introduction and Resume
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Role of the Media Specialist
  • Projects and Standards
  • Portfolio Matrix
  • In Conclusion

Robert O. Case II
  • This portfolio was designed as my culminating
    project for my Masters of Education and
    Certification program in School Library Media at
    The University of West Georgia.
  • All projects that are linked within this
    portfolio are tied to curriculum standards
    designed by the American Association of School
    Librarians (AASL) and the College of Education at
    The University of West Georgia (CoE).
  • To view my qualifications and contact
    information, please click on the link below to
    view my current resume
  • Robert O. Case II Resume

Statement of Purpose
  • The purpose of this electronic portfolio is to
    compile and display the work I have completed in
    my Masters of Education program in Media at The
    University of West Georgia. The projects located
    within the electronic portfolio represent all
    facets of the program including my own personal
    vision of school library media center programs
    and activities.

The Role of the Library Media Specialist
  • This narrated presentation was created in my MEDT
    6487 class in an effort to illustrate my own
    personal vision of the collaborative role of the
    school library media specialist of today.
  • Click here to view the presentation
  • The Role of the Library Media Specialist

Projects and Standards
The following projects are included within my
portfolio. Click on the project title in order
to read my reflection as well as the relationship
between the standards and the project. You will
also be able to link to the project for review.
  • Media Center Orientation
  • Student Instruction Project
  • In-Service Module
  • Current Topic Paper
  • Policies Procedure Handbook
  • Principals PowerPoint
  • Dewey Decimal PowerPoint
  • School Wide Program
  • Two Year Plan
  • Volcanoes Pathfinder
  • Technology Tip

Principals PowerPoint
  • This PowerPoint was created in MEDT 6466 - Media
    Program as a means of informing the Principal and
    other stakeholders of the positive effects of a
    strong media program on student academic
    achievement as well as illustrating the media
    specialists role as a school leader.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 3.1 and 3.3 Translate the ways in which
    the library program can enhance school
    improvement efforts.
  • CoE 2 and 5 Demonstrate leadership skills and
    work effectively with various stakeholders
    involved in the educational process.
  • This PowerPoint presentation was created during
    my second semester of my masters program. When
    I look at this presentation now, I can
    immediately see how far I have come. Although I
    did a good job presenting the research
    information, I dont really hear my voice due
    to lack of experience working in a media center.
    Now I feel like I can add Ive seen to my
  • View my Principals PowerPoint

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Back to Projects and Standards
Dewey Decimal PowerPoint
  • This PowerPoint was created in MEDT 6463 -
    Cataloging as a means of introducing students to
    Melville Dewey as well as providing an
    instructional tool that teachers and the media
    specialist can use to train students on how to
    use the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The
    presentation is reinforced further through a
    series of internet related review activities and
    games included on a concluding slide.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 4.1 Illustrate that the library media
    facility is organized utilizing the Dewey Decimal
    Classification System.
  • CoE 4 Demonstrate flexible and strategic
  • Although this PowerPoint was created only a week
    after the Principals PowerPoint, I feel like I
    have begun to show growth. I am more comfortable
    with the subject matter being delivered and I was
    able to evaluate and contribute review activities
    that I found helpful to the presentation.
  • View my Dewey Decimal PowerPoint

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Back to Projects and Standards
School Wide Program
  • This word document was created in MEDT 6466 -
    Media Program as a means of developing a media
    program activity that incorporates the entire
    school. The goal of the school wide media
    program is to address all levels, subject areas,
    and special populations of the school community.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 2.1 and 2.2 Work with classroom teachers
    to co-plan, co-teach, and co-assess instruction
    and support the learning of all students,
  • CoE 6 and 7 Develop understanding of individual
    and group differences as well as sensitivity for
    individual, family, and institutional needs.
  • Hitting my stride! Although completed as a
    group, I really felt like I was grasping the
    material and making viable contributions to this
    project. I entered the masters in media program
    to be exposed to a larger demographic of student.
    This project had me engaging the whole school!
  • View my School Wide Program

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Two Year Plan
  • This word document was created in MEDT 6466 -
    Media Program as a means of developing a plan
    that a new media specialist would implement
    during their first two years in the media center.
    The goal of the two year plan is to detail the
    timeline in which these eight programs will be
    implemented and the program advertisements
    developed to stir interest in them.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 1.1 and 1.2 Access, communicate and
    interpret intellectual content as well as use a
    variety of strategies to promote leisure reading.
  • CoE 3 and 9 Improve knowledge, disposition, and
    skills as well as advocate for the removal of
    barriers that impede life long learning.
  • The creative juices are flowing! Although
    compiled as a group, I felt like I took charge of
    the sections I was assigned and began to
    incorporate my vision of a quality media
    program. I really enjoyed collaborating with my
    classmates to develop what we envisioned as a
    great starting plan!
  • View my Two Year Plan

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Back to Projects and Standards
Volcanoes Pathfinder
  • This online reference source guide, or
    pathfinder, was developed as an Wiki in MEDT 6464
    Reference Sources and Services. Pathfinders
    help make your collection, both print and
    electronic resources, more valuable to the staff
    and students by assimilating them all in one
    place. Our pathfinder is focused around
    volcanoes for the 6th Grade Earth Science
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 1.1 and 1.3 Identify and address student
  • CoE 1 Demonstrate knowledge and skills when
    making decisions.
  • Its all coming together! This may be my
    favprite project of the entire program. Even in
    retrospect, I feel that this project did a great
    job of assimilating everything we have been
    learning in one Wiki. Information technology,
    content standards, and peer collaboration all
    delivered in a groundbreaking technological
    format! I could not have been prouder
  • View my Volcanoes Pathfinder

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Technology Tip
  • This word document was created in MEDT 6467
    Technology for Media Services as a means of
    exposing the learning community to a new
    technology that would be useful in a media center
    or classroom environment. This technology tip
    introduces the online tutorial program
    SkillsTutor to teachers and students alike by
    indicating where the program can be accessed as
    well as how it can be used to enhance student
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 2.3 Employ strategies to integrate the
    information literacy curriculum with the content
  • CoE 1 and 8 Demonstrate advanced knowledge in
    content areas as well as skills when making
  • This project allowed me to use my role as teacher
    to assist the media specialist. I am a huge fan
    of SkillsTutor, but it was being horribly
    underutilized by the teachers at my school. I
    developed this technology tip for the media
    specialist at my school to assist in bringing up
    its usage.
  • View my Technology Tip

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Back to Projects and Standards
Media Center Orientation
  • This PowerPoint was created in MEDT 6467
    Technology for Media Services to serve as a
    stand alone orientation to the media center by
    providing photos and narrated descriptions of
    different areas, resources, materials, and
    activities that make up the media program.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 1.3 and 1.4 Support open access to the
    media center as well as organize the media center
    according to their use by the community.
  • CoE 1 and 4 Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and
    flexibility when making decisions as well as
    strategically planning.
  • I really enjoyed executing this project and I am
    proud to say that it is still being utilized at
    Wheeler High School to this day. The media
    specialists enjoyed my media center orientation
    so much that it has been placed on the common
    network drive for review by students and teachers
  • View the Media Center Orientation PowerPoint

Back to Projects and Standards
Back to Table of Contents
Student Instruction Project
  • This word document was created in MEDT 7461
    Instructional Design as a means of illustrating
    the planning process from the perspective of the
    media specialist in collaboration with teachers.
    The goal of the student instruction project was
    to take an existing lesson plan and develop the
    roles of the media specialist, technology
    specialist, and teacher using the standards.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 4.3 Collaborate with teachers and
    administrators to develop a media program that
    aligns with the schools goals and objectives.
  • CoE 10 Demonstrate critical thinking skills in
    prescribing change.
  • I enjoyed both the material and the challenge of
    this project. The Giving Tree is one of my
    favorite books of all time. However I was faced
    with the challenge of making it applicable to all
    grade level standards, including high school. I
    have to say that I feel like I accomplished the
    task creatively!
  • View my Student Instruction Project

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In-Service Module
  • This word document was created in MEDT 7461
    Instructional Design in an effort to design a
    professional development in-service that focuses
    on the information literacy, technology and
    content standards. The focus of this
    professional development in-service is to expose
    teachers to Atomic Learning and detail what role
    this technology training website could play in
    the instructional development process.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 3.2 Participate in faculty staff
    development opportunities.
  • CoE 8 Demonstrate specific knowledge in
    professional education.
  • I enjoy working with technology, but I realized
    very quickly how much of a time drain technology
    can present for the media specialist. I
    developed this professional development
    in-service module on the Atomic Learning website
    in an effort to buy back some technology time
    for the media specialists at Wheeler High School.
    I hope it has met the goal!
  • View my In-Service Module

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Current Topic Paper
  • This word document was created in MEDT 6463
    Cataloging as a result of my research and
    interviews regarding social networking and the
    media program. The goal of my current topic
    paper was to explorer the educational
    opportunities that might exists through the use
    of social networking toward academic achievement.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 3.3 Articulate the relationship of the
    media program with current educational trends and
  • CoE 3 Continually improve knowledge, disposition,
    and skills.
  • Ive found my voice! The use of social
    networking as a collaborative tool to improve
    critical thinking skills and in turn academic
    achievement is something I feel very strongly
    about. Unfortunately, most district level
    internet filtering policies serve to
    indiscriminately block all social networking
    sites regardless of their potential. I hope to
    change that!
  • View my Current Topic Paper

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Qwik Start Guide
  • This word document was created in MEDT 6468
    Automating School Library Media Centers in an
    effort to create a how to manual for the
    Destiny 9.5 automation system. This guide is a
    section of my policies and procedures handbook
    which was developed throughout my media program
    course work over the past two years.
  • Fulfills the following standards
  • ALA/AASL 4.2 Develop policies and procedures that
    support the mission of the school as well as the
    library media program.
  • CoE 3 Continually improve knowledge, disposition,
    and skills.
  • This guide is designed to serve all patrons of
    the media center including students, teachers,
    administrators, and media center workers. As a
    result, I was required to analyze the automation
    system from the perspective of many different
    users. If one piece of evidence is designed to
    show my growth throughout this program, this is
    it. Although not the most exciting subject
    matter, this guide is essential to a quality
    media program.
  • View my Qwik Start Guide

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Portfolio Matrix
  • The portfolio matrix is the overall organizing
    grid that lists all of the ALA/AASL Standards as
    well as the College of Education Conceptual
    Framework and how they are directly related to my
    portfolio projects.
  • View my Portfolio Matrix

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In Conclusion
  • Thank you for viewing my electronic portfolio for
    my Masters of Education and Certification in
    School Library Media. I hope the projects
    included within my portfolio illustrate my growth
    throughout this program as well as exhibit the
    knowledge I know that I have gained.
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