1DRYVIT OUTSULATION Methods of application
2General hints
- Ambient temperature and temperature of surface
4C - Ambient temperature and temperature of surface
for paints 7C - Protect against rain
- Drying conditions depend on the temperature and
humidity - Do not use on plane surfaces
3Stage 1 evaluation and preparation of substrate
- Acceptable substrate
- Materials minerals
- Brick
- Concrete
- Reinforced concrete
- Mortar, etc.
- Wood Outsulation Plus
- Gypsum board Outsulation Plus
4Stage 1 evaluation and preparation of substrate
- Make sure that the substrate is
- Clean, dry, even within /- 6 mm within a 1,2 m
radius, free of tarnishes, blooming, blistering
paint and other substances that could reduce
adhesion. Maximum sag L/240. Same as in design. - Free of capillary and technical moisture. Mineral
substrates should cure for at least 28 days.
5Stage 1 evaluation and preparation of substrate
6Adhesion test
Conduct a test of adherence of adhesive to
substrate prior to commencing adhesion of EPS
boards to substrate.
7Adhesion test
Glue three pieces of EPS board (100 x 100 mm) to
substrate surface in various places and leave to
dry for three days.
8Adhesion test
If the EPS boards separate, the substrate is
sufficiently strong. If a fragment of the
substrate is pulled away, this means that the
substrate is too weak and other methods of
installation of EPS boards should be considered
(e.g., adhesive-mechanical or mechanical).
9Priming of the support
PrimaxIf the adhesive separates from the
substrate, consideration should be given to
increasing substrate adhesion by using Primax
primer and re-conducting the adhesion test.
10Priming of the support
Strongsil If a thin layer of substrate is
pulled away, the substrate should be primed using
Strongsil and the test conducted again.
11Stage 2 Installation of starter strip
The starter strip should be installed in such a
way that its lower edge cover the previously
drawn horizontal line.
12Stage 2 Installation of starter strip
Use joiners hammered in every 30 cm for
13Stage 2 Installation of starter strip
Surface roughness should be alleviated using PVC
distancing washers.
14Stage 2 Installation of starter strip
Strips should be connected using plastic joiners.
15Stage 3 Mounting of EPS boards
Way of mounting
Mechanique installation
16Stage 3 Mounting of EPS boards
Check if EPS boards meet Dryvit requirements as
defined in data sheet DS. 00.6.06. Do not use
discoloured, warped or unevenly cut
boards. Installation of EPS boards should be
commenced after the bottom edge of the system has
been secured use appropriate starter strips or
Standard mesh rolled-out from underneath the EPS
17Preparation of adhesive Dryhesive Plus
Mix Dryhesive Plus adhesive with water according
to instructions found in data sheet DS. 02.4.01.
Working time of the ready-to-use adhesive is
approximately 1 h depending on atmospheric
18Preparation of adhesive Dryhesive Plus
While mixing add cement very slowly in small
19Application of the adhesive on board
Primus adhesive (Dryhesive PLUS adhesive) should
be applied to boards using the "stripe and point"
("frame and patch") method.
20Application of the adhesive on board
Primus adhesive (Dryhesive PLUS adhesive) should
be applied to boards using the "stripe and point"
("frame and patch") method.
21Installation of EPS boards
Apply the boards immediately to the substrate
after this and press the board next to its
boards, taking care to ensure that no adhesive is
found between the boards.
22Installation of EPS boards
23Boards displacement
Boards should be attached in a brick pattern and
overlap at building corners.
24Installation of EPS boards - window
Thermal insulation boards should be installed
around all aperture frames in a manner preventing
their edges to be continuations of aperture edges.
25Installation of EPS boards - window
26Installation of EPS boards - windowsill
27Installation of EPS boards - windowsill
28Boards grinding
The insulation layer must be even. The surface
should be checked using lat of at least 2.5
m. Remove all unevenness exceeding 1.5 with the
help of a trowel with sandpaper. The entire EPS
board surface should be sanded. NOTE Use
circular sanding motions, never parallel to board
connections. Dust should be carefully removed.
29Surface checking
- Rustification work foreseen in the
- project should be carried out at this
- time.
- Define the rustic line using a string.
- 2. Channels of the shape should be at this time
using a long guide bar and rustic tool.
30Mechanical joiners
- The number, placement
- and type of joiners to be
- used should be defined in the project.
- 2. Joiners may be hammered in only after the
adhesive has fully dried, however no sooner than
after 24 hours from the time boards have been
31Stage 4 installation of accessories
32Bossage - carving
Bossage should be made after surface grinding.
Make lines places of montage the bossage
profiles by using string. Put the patch right
to the line and with the mechanical wycinarki
move along the patch and cut down appropriate
33Bossage profiles installation
PVC corner profiles (with or without mesh).
Corner strips made of stainless steel or
aluminium designed for thermal insulation systems
may be used.
34Window profile
35Window profile
36Window profile
Edges near the window and door openings should be
make with appropriate window profiles and
reinforced with mesh. Side edges and window frame
should be protected with window mesh profiles.
Top edge must be protected with hood profile
with mesh. Before installing profile, part of
the wall should be cover with Primus then put the
profile and tight it up, giving him right place.
Then with a trowel profiles mesh and profile
should be embedded in adhesive.
37Window profile
38Corners protection
The last element embedding on the wall (close
the window corners) obliquely arranged belts of
mesh (size about 20 x 30 cm).
39Corners protection
40Corners protection
Mount corner profiles on the corners on window
reveal apply adhesive, put the profil close at
tight it up, embed mesh and remove excess of
adhesive. Embed parts of mesh in adhesive in both
top angles in window cavity.
41Window method 2
42Window method 2
43Window method 2
Pay attention to not to dirty window frame the
best protection is sticking foil to the window
profiles, which will make the dismantling easier.
44Corner profiles
On the both side of corner apply on the EPS
adhesive Primus. After that put corner
profile and tight it up. With trowel we embed it
in adhesive together with mesh. Then remove all
excess of adhesive. Connection between
adjoining profiles we make cut in fine.
ATTENTION Inside corner we make similarly or by
turning out the mesh to the other wall for about
10-20 cm we do similarly the same on the second
45Dilatation profiles V
All the structural dilatations of the external
walls must be mirrored in the form of dilatations
made in thermal system. (ETICS), which is used on
the walls. Dilatations should be made with using
of appropriate dilatation profile. (type E on
the wall, type V in the corner)
46Dilatation profiles E
All the structural dilatations of the external
walls must be mirrored in the form of dilatations
made in thermal system. (ETICS), which is used on
the walls. Dilatations should be made with using
of appropriate dilatation profile. (type E on
the wall, type V in the corner)
47Stage 5 reinforced base coat
OUTSULATIONPRIMUSPPE in pailmix with cement
DRYSULATIONPRIMUS Min bag mix with water
48Stage 5 reinforced base coat Primus
To the clean 25 30-I pail put about 10 kg of
adhesive, and then add portland cement CEM I 32,5
(without additives) in a weight ratio of 11 Mix
using a slow-speed mixer.
49Stage 5 reinforced base coat Primus
During mixing add cement gradually in small
quantities. Do not put too much cement at a time
because it will make mixing much difficult. Put
the mase aside for 5 min for mature. Mix it again
and if it is necessary add a bit of water.
50Stage 5 reinforced base coat Primus
Spread a continuous layer of Primus adhesive
using a stainless trowel on a surface slightly
larger than the width and length of the cut
reinforcement mesh and thickness of approximately
1.5 mm.
51Stage 5 reinforced base coat Primus
The reinforcement mesh should be immediately
embedded in the freshly laid adhesive using the
same trowel with the help of movements along
fibres from the inside to the outside edges. The
mesh should be completely embedded and its colour
not visible on any surface. Places, where the
mesh colour can be seen, should be covered with a
thin layer of Primus. The base layer under fine
finishes should be carefully evened out
(reinforcement mesh may not be visible above the
adhesive layer).
52Stage 5 reinforced base coat Primus
Mesh should be laid with overlaps of at least
60 mm. Only such laying of mesh will ensure
proper carrying of loads by the base
surface. Mesh should overlap 200 mm on each wall
on external and internal building corners.
53Stage 5 reinforced base coat Primus
54Panzer mesh
On the ground floor and everywhere where the
pedestrian traffic appears (galeries) or where is
a hiting in elevation (bicycles, cars) we
recommend at first embed mesh Panzer in adhesive
and then ambed Standard mesh. ATTENTION put the
Panzer mesh cut in fine.
55Panzer mesh
Cut Panzer mesh in belts with required length By
using stainless steel trowel put the even layer
of Pimus (thickness 3 mm) on the whole surface
of isolation board on the area a bit bigger than
the area of cutted belt. Embed mesh into Primus
with trowel moving in form of letter "T, from
the centre to the edges.
56Panzer mesh
57Reinforced base coat Primus M
58Reinforced base coat Primus M
59Stage 6 finitions
60Base coat grinding
Base coat reinforced mesh embedded in
adhesive must bind/dry at least 24h. Before
applying of the finish base coat should be dry,
clean and rough. Final time of bonding depend on
atmospheric conditions, humidity and temperature.
Make sure that on the surface of base coat
there is no, damagaes, unevenness, cracks,
crooked corners. Moreover the color of mesh
cant be visible under the layer of adhesive.
62Finish preparation
Finish ready for use should be thoroughly mixed
with a slow-speed mixer with speed 400 500 /
minute. After mixing finish must have uniform
flat consistency. Do no mix for too long, do not
let the finish take too much air which could
makes problems during the aplication and what
could have influence on the final color. Up to
250 ml of water may be added per pail to make
mixing easier. In such case, the same amount of
water should be added to all pails in order to
ensure no colour differences in finish. .
63Finish preparation
Finish texture should be made by floating with a
plastic trowel on freshly applied finish the
trowel should be cleaned. Floating should be
conducted with the same hand movements and using
the same tools on the entire wall surface in
order to ensure a unified texture. Do not stop
works in order to not let the finish dry.
Otherwise there will appear visible tracks in
places of connecting finish. Maintain appropriate
in accordance with work safety standards -
distances between scaffolding and walls. Do no
apply finish on hot surfaces and those exposed to
strong sunlight. After apllying finish do not
rinse it, it could cause changes of color.
Remember, color and finish texture are strongly
connected. Important The best decorative effect
is possible to gain only if the base layer is
even, without any damages.
64Finish blurring
Finish texture should be made by floating with a
plastic trowel on freshly applied finish . in
order to ensure a unified texture floating should
be conducted with the same hand movements and
using the same tools on the entire wall surface
65Finish blurring
66Ameristone T - application
After opening the pail finish Ameristone T should
be mixed with a slow-speed mixer. ATTENTION For
mixing do not use aluminium mixers. Before
applying of Ameristone T Color Prime S in the
appropriate colour should be used to correct
colour prior to application of the finish. Wait
till it fully dry. Ameristone T should be
applied with metal trowel with thickness 1.6-3.2
67Ameristone T - blurring
Then rub surface with suitable trowel making
circular movements . Clean the trowel during this
actions. It will makes displacement of
bigger parts of mica closer to the surface
and will make them uncover.. Let Ameristone T dry
at least 48h, in average conditions 21 C, 55
68Spraying - Ameristone
Color Prime in the appropriate colour should be
used to correct colour prior to application of
the finish. Wait till it will fully dry.
Ameristone finish should be applied using a
spray method. It should be made by experienced
performer. In two stages - Spraying with
horizontal movements (first layer), - After
drying of external layer (dry in touch )
spraying with vertical movements. Layer thickness
should make 3 5 mm. Attention After drying we
recommend paint surface with Seal Clear, in
order to increase its resistance to dirt.
69Protections removal
70Ultra tex, brick
71Ultra tex priming
Base paint Ultra-Tex PG should be applied with
brush, roller or sprayer. Layer should fully
cover all wall surface. Paint surface twice. Let
the surface dry between both paintings.
72Ultra tex patterns
After base paint drying it is necessary to plan
precisely and stick patterns which makes
definite drawing of brick or stone. Patterns
should be torned off at the end of works after
finish drying. Connections between patterns
should be made very precisely it will be
visible on the elevation.
73Ultra tex, patterns
74Ultra tex, brick
75Ultra tex, patterns
76Ultra tex, finish application
Ultra-Tex finishes should be applied with elastic
trowel (stainless steel). Finish texture should
be made on freshly applied finish.
77Ultra tex, pattern removal
After finish fully dry you can remove patterns.
78- Thank you,
- any questions? ?