Title: 2.9 Pythagoras
12.9 Pythagoras Theorem
Teacher training package for preparatory Course
for numeracy specialists
2Pythagoras Theorem
Take a right angled triangle with sides of 5cm,
4cm and 3cm.
Draw squares off each side of the triangle.
3Pythagoras Theorem
is equal to the area of the larger square.
We need to show that the sum of the areas of the
two smaller squares
4Pythagoras Theorem
We can move the smallest square onto the largest
5Pythagoras Theorem
The middle square can be cut up.
6Pythagoras Theorem
will fit here
7Pythagoras Theorem
We can cut out a square from this section
8Pythagoras Theorem
and place the larger section here.
9Pythagoras Theorem
will fit here
The small square
Would this work with any right-angled triangle?
10Pythagoras Theorem
Useful links http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythago
rean_theorem http//www.mathsisfun.com/pythagoras
.html http//www.ies.co.jp/math/java/samples/pyth