Title: Million Dollar Sailor
1Million Dollar Sailor
Saving and Investing
- A personal wealth building program for Sailors
and family members.
What Does it Take to be a Millionaire? Starting
Early Compound Interest Building Sound
Plan Investing for Long Term
3How to Make 1Million by 60
2,623 87.43 472, 140
848 28.27 254,400
507 16.90 182,520
308 10.27 129,360
155 5.16 78,120
Assumes a 10 Rate of Return
4Compound Interest
5Compound Interest and Time
6Should I Spend That Nest Egg?
Spend nest egg ona car
7Building a Solid Financial Plan
8Saving versus Investing
9Building a Solid Financial Plan
10Savings Tools
11Tools of Investing
12Asset Classes
Everything else is a combination of these three!
13Fixed-Income Bonds
14Equity Stocks
15Mutual Funds
16Mutual Funds
- Disadvantages
- Cost Despite Negative Returns
- Lack of Control
- Price Uncertainty
- Not Insured
- Complex Records
- Advantages
- Professional Management
- Diversification
- Liquidity
- Affordability
- Benefits Small Investor
17Choosing a Mutual Fund
- Goals/ Objectives
- Performance/ Risk
- Management
- Cost Loads and Fees
- Services
18Deciding Among Options
- There are no good or bad tools, just good or bad
uses - There is always a trade-off between S-L-Y
- Well-balanced portfolios have a combination of
all asset classes - Higher potential for earnings over the long-term
with stocks - Steady income stream provided by bonds is great
for retirement - Focus on the Long Term
- Investing can be complex, but doesnt have to be!
19Planning for Retirement
20Steps to Retirement Planning
21Consider the Factors
- Pre-Retirement Income (60-70)
- Retirement Date
- Life Expectancy
- Compound Interest
- Time
22Sources of Retirement Income
23Ballpark Estimate
24Committing to Your Goals
25Thrift Savings Plan
- Pre- tax Contribution
- Tax Deferred Growth
- Low Administrative Costs
- Easy to Manage
- Flexible
- Portable
26The TSP Investment Options
Returns are as of end of year 2006. For
up-to-date returns go to www.tsp.gov.
27Personal Retirement Accounts
- Traditional IRA
- Rollover IRA
- Roth IRA
28Focus on the Long Term
- Pay Yourself First
- The Military Saves Campaign
- Maximize Tax-Deferred Opportunities
- Make Disciplined,
- Regular Monthly Investments
- That Fit in Your Budget
29Steps to Retirement Planning
- Reevaluate
- Are the factors still realistic?
- Has there been a change in income needed?
- Is it time to try a different tool ?
30Take Action!
31Sources of Help
- Command Financial Specialist
- Fleet and Family Support Center
- Internet Resources
- Certified Financial Planner
32Saving and Investing Roadblocks and Road Signs