Title: Professional Development Seminar
1Professional Development Seminar
2- IMechE is a professional engineering body
registered with the Engineering Council - 80,000 members in 120 countries
- Founded in 1847 by George Stephenson
- Located in Birdcage Walk in Central London
3 IMechE is
- A learned society
- A guardian of standards
- A body authorised to give peer
- recognition of professional status
- A voice for the profession
- A force for change
4- Our Vision Improving the world through
engineering - Our Purpose
- To lead and promote professional engineering
- Four key themes
- Education, Energy, Environment and Transport
5Professional Registration 1
- UK economy relies on the competence of its
- engineers and technicians
- Engineering Council has defined how we
- develop and evaluate engineering competence
- via UK-SPEC, leading to professional
- registration of engineers
- Meeting IMechE corporate membership
- requirements is a recognised route to
- professional registration (CEng, IEng,
6Professional Registration 2
Benefit to Member
- Recognition of professional competence
- beyond educational base
- A medium for life long personal development
- Access to learned society activities and services
- A network of technical and social contacts
- Involvement in the development of the
- profession
7Professional Registration 3
Benefit to Employer
- Increased company credibility with customers
- and suppliers
- A culture of creativity, innovation and
- continuous improvement leading to
- Enhanced business opportunities
- Increased competitiveness
- A network of technical and social contacts
8Professional Registration
CEng/IEng/EngTech FIMechE
MPD schemes and this seminar apply to CEng and
IEng only
9Profile of a Chartered Engineer
- Develops appropriate solutions to engineering
- problems, using new and existing technologies
- Promotes innovation, creativity, improved design,
- and production technologies
- Engages in technical and commercial leadership,
- promotes improved business processes
- Has effective interpersonal skills and
- demonstrates professional and personal
10Profile of an Incorporated Engineer
- Develops solutions to engineering
- problems by the creative application
- of existing technology
- Undertakes engineering design,
- development and manufacture
- Engages in technical and commercial
- management of engineering projects
- and processes
- Has effective interpersonal skills and
- demonstrates professional and
- personal integrity
- UK
- Standard for
- Professional
- Engineering
- Competence
- UK-SPEC sets competence standards
- for CEng, IEng and EngTech
- The 5 competences for CEng, IEng
- and EngTech are common to all EngC
- engineering institutions
- Engineers become competent via
- education and professional development
13Benchmark Routes
Professional Development
B(Hons) Further Learning
Professional Development
14Benchmark Routes
Professional Development
HNC/HND/FD Further Learning
Professional Development
15Benchmark Routes
Technical Certificate as a part of an
approved apprenticeship scheme or NVQ3/SVQ3 or CG
HPD or Nat Cert/Nat Diploma or Approved
work-based learning programme or Relevant
qualifications assessed by a licensed
engineering institution
Competence Development
16Acceptable Degrees
- In December 2006 IMechE decided to accept,
- without assessment, degrees accredited
- under SARTOR and UK-SPEC
- by other Engineering Institutions
17UK-SPEC Further Learning
- Three key elements
- - Engineering and science deepening
- - Technical broadening
- Wider knowledge of the application of
- engineering practice and related
- analytical methods
- - Non-technical broadening
- eg project management,
- ethical/legal issues, HR issues, IT systems,
- cost and quality management etc
18UK-SPEC Further Learning
- Depends on content of existing qualification
- May be
- Masters degrees/modules/courses
- Bachelors degrees/modules/courses
- Learning in the workplace
- Engineering science deepening must be at
- Masters level
19UK-SPEC Further Learning
- Approved FL schemes
- Individual FL plans
- Sample FL plans available
- Guidance available
- www.imeche.org/membership/academic/further
20The CEng competences
- A. Use a combination of general specialist
- mechanical engineering knowledge and
- understanding to optimise the application of
- existing and emerging technology
- B. Apply appropriate theoretical and practical
- methods to the analysis and solution of
- engineering problems
- C. Provide technical and commercial leadership
21The CEng competences
- D. Demonstrate effective communication and
- interpersonal skills
- E. Demonstrate a personal commitment to live
- by the appropriate codes of professional
- conduct, recognising obligations to society,
- the profession and the environment
22The IEng competences
- Use a combination of general specialist
mechanical - engineering knowledge and understanding to
apply - existing and emerging technology
- B. Apply appropriate theoretical and practical
methods to - design, develop, manufacture, construct,
commission, - operate and maintain products, equipment,
processes, - systems and services
- C. Provide technical and commercial management
23The IEng competences
- D. Demonstrate effective communication and
- interpersonal skills
- E. Demonstrate a personal commitment to live
- by the appropriate codes of professional
- conduct, recognising obligations to society,
- the profession and the environment
- Competences are developed through 4 levels
during - Initial Professional Development (IPD)
- Level 1 Aware
- Level 2 Familiar
- Level 3 Skilled
- Level 4 Expert
- Progress against each competence is evaluated by
the mentor - during IPD and by the Panel at Professional
Review interview. - CEng and IEng require a minimum score of 3
competences at - Level 3 and 2 competences at Level 2, with all
competences - weighted equally
25IMechE Seminar
- comments and any questions
26IMechE Seminar
- Coffee
- morning syndicate groups
- delegates de-briefs
27- Group A
- Induction should set the scene for a
- Developing Engineer but may sometimes
- be weak
- 1. Review your induction what issues are
- covered, how and when?
- (Omit the routine HR, Health Safety, etc)
28- Group A
- Induction should set the scene for a
- Developing Engineer but may sometimes
- be weak
- 2. What other issues do you think should
- be included?
29- Group A
- Induction should set the scene for a
- Developing Engineer but may sometimes
- be weak
- 3. Who should be part of a Developing Engineers
30- Group A
- Induction should set the scene for a
- Developing Engineer but sometimes may
- be weak
- 4. Could your induction be improved and if so,
31- Group B
- The setting of clear objectives for a
- secondment/project is essential for
- Developing Engineers
- 1. How are these set in your company?
32- Group B
- The setting of clear objectives for a
- secondment/project is essential for
- Developing Engineers
- 2. Who is involved and when are they set?
33- Group B
- The setting of clear objectives for a
- secondment/project is essential for
- Developing Engineers
- 3. Do you use assessment of competence
- against achievement of these objectives
- and if so, how is it done?
34- Group C
- Developing Engineers should always be
- asked for their views about their
- professional development
- 1. How and when is this carried out at your
35- Group C
- Developing Engineers should always be
- asked for their views about their
- professional development
- 2. What are the benefits for the company and the
Developing Engineer?
36- Group C
- Developing Engineers should always be
- asked for their views about their
- professional development
- 3. What happens to your Developing
- Engineers recommendations how are
- they reviewed and implemented (if
- appropriate) ?
37IMechE Seminar
- Monitored Professional Development
- Scheme (MPDS)
38Accredited Scheme
- Some companies have a professional development
scheme - with prescribed job placements
- Other companies have Developing Engineers in a
first post - from when they join
- Employer business decision, not IMechE imposed
39Accredited Scheme
- Uses the business as a development vehicle
- Use live projects or placements of increasing
- responsibility
- Opportunities for developing competences
40MPDS history
- In operation since the mid 70s
- Developed with industry
- 270 companies operating the Scheme
41What is the MPD Scheme?
- Operated by the Company/Organisation
- MPDS monitors and assesses Developing
- Engineers through the whole of the Initial
- Professional Development period
- Leads to CEng MIMechE or IEng MIMechE
- (provided academically qualified)
42Benefits of MPDS
- Helps recruit and retain quality Developing
- Engineers
- Enables companies succession planning
- Provides a constant focus for the Developing
- Engineer
- Develops mentors
- Stimulates flexibility and innovative attitudes
- High pass rate for election to Member
43IMechE accreditation
- Formally started in 1989
- In-company assessment by two IMechE PDSC
- representatives
- IMechE panel look for
- Support from senior management
- Scheme organisation implementation
- Commitment of participants
- Quality and timeliness of DE records
- Accreditation requested by Developing Engineers
- Joint accreditation visits
- Documented outcome for PDSC consideration
44Company Application
- Company application (PDS) must
- indicate the purpose and scope of the scheme
- indicate what support and resources are available
- include the procedures for developing and
assessing - competences
45MPDS Mentor registration
- Chartered or Incorporated Engineers
- (of any discipline)
- approves previous experience claims
- assesses competences throughout the scheme
- reviews progress and re-focuses
- can extend or defer at any time
- reviews potential Further Learning requirements
46MPDS Developing Engineer registration
- Become a member of an EngC institution
- Register on an active company plan
- Ensure previous experience claims are agreed
- and registered
- Ensure that both DE and mentor can logon to
- e-MPDS
47MPDS Records
- Developing Engineer takes responsibility for
- his/her record keeping
- The quarterly reports for the last two years and
- the Final Assessment report provide the
- evidence of meeting the competences at the
mandatory - Professional Interview for CEng or IEng
MIMechE - e-MPDS now used
- Website www.imeche.org/profdev
48MPDS quarterly reports
- Pre-agreed company/task objectives
- Competences throughout
- Mentors comments, constructively critical
- Draft for mentor
- Plain English, no jargon and acronyms
49MPDS Assessments
- Mentors
- liaise with line managers
- Mentors
- complete with Developing Engineer
- Normally completed annually
50MPDS Assessments
- Focus on the achievement of competences
- Mentor to assess which competences have
- been achieved and at what level
- Brief plan of what experience will be gained
- and which competences are expected to be
- achieved in the next year
- Final assessment report
51Completion of MPDS
- Nominally four years CEng, three years IEng
- Final Assessment report (Mentor can defer)
- Quarterly reports for last two years
- Final Personal Report
- Development Action Plan
- Application form
- Competence based interview
52Summary of MPDS
- Company application
- Mentor and Developing Engineer registrations
- MPDS quarterly reports
- MPDS assessment reports (normally annual)
- Final assessment report
- Member application, Final Personal Report and
- Development Action Plan
- Mandatory, competence based interview
53IMechE recommendations
- Not appropriate for all companies
- Mentor group
- Line managers
- Buddy system
- Working party/steering
- group
- Roles and responsibilities
54e-MPDS online
- Web served system for recording MPDS activity
- MPDS is the QA route to registration as a
professional - engineer
- e-MPDS Online access 24 hours per day, 7 days per
week - secure log-in via IMechE website, or
www.empds.org.uk - Maps progression of Developing Engineers
- drop down menu for UK-SPEC competence framework
- for IEng and CEng
- Permanent records
- audit trail of plans, evidence and reports
- quarterly reports and assessment reports
- all evidence of achieving competences
- stores 20MB records
55Benefits of e-MPDS
- Benefits for companies
- all Developing Engineers on MPDS can be monitored
on - one system
- companies can simplify their current methods
- can remove the administrative burden of paperwork
- records are more accessible
- no investment in IT software
- free access for company scheme administrator
- free access for mentors to those they are
mentoring - Easier monitoring, less reason to fall behind
- assists performance review by showing progression
on the - scheme
- Create overall consistency leading to better
56Company Records Read only access to every
developing engineers record
57Submit Plans-Evidence-Reports each quarter
Developing Engineer
Submit a Plan (Optional) This sets the date for
the quarterly report period
Submit Evidence (optional)
Submit Quarterly Report (compulsory)
Review and Accept Report
Review and Accept Evidence
Review and Accept Plan
Each Year (normally) Assessment to score UK-SPEC
competences (within 2 months of due date)
58Plans 1.Create an Action Plan add Yr/Qtr 2.Set
quarterly date 3.Set objectives
59Submit Evidence against Plan 1.Use a title you
will recognise easily 2.Give a brief outline only
3.Add UKSPEC from the menu selector 4.Dont
upload sensitive items 5.Include several
activities to reduce the sign off time by the
60Evidence auto-maps to checksheet This gives
at-a-glance gap analysis. Useful if a
new mentor is appointed. Useful for
other managers to view progress If not
scoring evidence, an x appears x competence is
relevant but not scored 0 competence not
relevant to this activity
61Quarterly Report 1. Start Quarterly report 2.
Objectives from the Plan and UK-SPEC competences
from evidence are auto mapped to the ¼ report 3.
Auto sent to mentor for approval
62(No Transcript)
63Quarterly Reports These are compulsory and must
be signed off by the mentor within 8 weeks of
the due date
64Assessment Report 1.Compulsory and must be signed
off by mentor with 8 weeks of due date 2.Evidence
auto generates from all Quarterly reports 3.Auto
sent to the mentor to complete the assessment
65Practical Tips for e-MPDS
- Update your contact details with IMechE
- Advise IMechE of changes to mentors or transfers
from your workplace - Use a common sense approach
- read the user guide and FAQs before commencing
- develop an understanding of UK-SPEC
- create items in order (eg a plan before creating
evidence) - dont upload commercially sensitive evidence
- dont overload the mentor with lots of items of
evidence - scoring evidence is optional
- use the help pages within the online system
66Review of morning sessions
- Comments and any questions
67IMechE Seminar
68Mentoring 1
Wise counselling of a developing engineer in a
protected relationship which focuses on a
developing engineers personal development from
dependence and inexperience to maturity and
independent professionalism
69Mentoring 2
- Quality assurance and monitoring for the Company
and the Institution - A powerful tool for personal development
- Effective performance for the company
- A mechanism for coping with rapid change and
increasing complexity
70Mentoring 3
- The Mentors responsibilities
- Manager of the relationship
- Interpreter
- Coach
- Assessor
- Counsellor
71Mentoring 4
- Manager of the relationship
- defines how the relationship will operate
- has frequent contact with line managers and
delegate mentors - advises on training and job placements
- advises on the politics and sensitivities of
the workplace
72Mentoring 5
- Interpreter
- explains the company and IMechE requirements
- reviews any previous experience claim
- reviews potential Further Learning requirement
- helps translate the company generic plan into an
individual programme - explains the MPD scheme
73Mentoring 6
- Coaching is assignment specific
- discusses assignment objectives and their
achievement - develop skills to
- - design
- - practise
- - diagnose
- - evaluate
74Mentoring 7
- Assessor
- There will be formal and informal contact for
discussion and review - Maintain close liaison with line managers
- Focus on the assessment of competence
- Advise remedial action where necessary
75Mentoring 8
- Counsellor
- Counselling helps another person explore and
understand their own potential and assists them
in developing it to the full
76Mentoring 9
- The skills include
- active listening, ask open questions
- drawing out
- reflecting
- summarising
- advising
77Mentoring 10
- Counselling - important characteristics
- Establish a peer to peer relationship
- Avoid manager/subordinate roles
- Establish a confidential and trusting
relationship - The focus should be on the self-development of
the developing engineer - Mutual commitment and expectations
- A two-way street with high potential for mutual
78Mentoring 11
79IMechE Seminar
- Afternoon syndicate work
- Delegates de-briefs
- Comments and questions
80- Group A
- Mentoring sometimes presents problems
- for mentors
- 1. Review these problems and list the likely
81- Group A
- Mentoring sometimes presents problems
- for mentors
- 2. What should a mentor expect from a Developing
82- Group A
- Mentoring sometimes presents problems
- for mentors
- 3. How could mentoring be improved and supported
in your company?
83- Group B
- Mentoring presents benefits and problems
- for a Developing Engineer
- 1. What are the benefits?
84- Group B
- Mentoring presents benefits and problems
- for a Developing Engineer
- 2. Review any problems and list the likely
85- Group B
- Mentoring presents benefits and problems
- for a Developing Engineer
- 3. What should a Developing Engineer expect from
the mentor and the line manager?
86- Group C
- Line managers play a key role in any initial
- professional development scheme
- 1. How are line managers briefed about your
scheme and the role of the mentor?
87- Group C
- Line managers play a key role in any initial
- professional development scheme
- 2. Could this be improved and if so, how?
88- Group C
- Line managers play a key role in any initial
- professional development scheme
- 3. What problems could a line manager have with a
new Developing Engineer in the department?
89- Group C
- Line managers play a key role in any initial
- professional development scheme
- 4. List solutions to these problems
90The Professional Interview 1
- Conducted with an interview panel
- Discussions based on MPDS reports
- Will be assessed against competence statements
- - competences A-E on website citing examples
- Mentor can attend if an MPDS applicant is being
91Membership requirements
- Mandatory interview based on
- - application form
- - MPDS Reports
- - Development Action Plan
92The Professional Interview 2
- Interview panel will be judging
- - levels of responsibility and professional
judgement - - experience gained as a professional engineer
- - approach to problem solving
- - awareness of the engineer in society
- - presentation skills
- - commitment to CPD
93The Professional Interview 3
- Applicants are scored 1 - 4 in each competence
- Marked against competence statements
- Must achieve a minimum score of 3 in 3 areas a 2
in 2 areas
94Interview outcome
- Interview panel recommendation goes to
Professional Review Committee - Outcome advised
- - Election to MIMechE or FIMechE
- - or, if the interview is not successful
- re-apply in one or two year/s
- reject
- How long do you have to wait?
95Alternative routes to membership
- Has the required Academic qualifications
- Has developed competence through having completed
appropriate Initial Professional Development - Can demonstrate required competence as a
Professional Engineer at the Professional Review
96Academic requirements IPD
97Alternatives to IMechEAccredited Degrees
- A degree accredited by another Engineering
Institution under SARTOR/UK-SPEC - A non-accredited engineering degree that meets
our requirements - Engineering Council examinations or alternatives
- Other relevant degree where the holder can
demonstrate equivalent engineering academic
knowledge - Technical Report Route
98Initial Professional Development
- A good grounding in basic engineering principles
that builds on academic knowledge - Likely to be achieved in a position of
professional responsibility - Development should be such that an individual is
capable of demonstrating competence as an
engineer - Normally would be a minimum of
- 4 years - CEng 3 years - IEng
99Professional Registration
- Application requirements for membership
- Completed application form
- Sponsorship of two professional engineers
- Proof of academic qualifications
- Professional review report
- Attendance at interview
100The Professional Review Report 1
- Structure
- Introduction - brief summary of career
- Main text - critique of your experience
- Select projects which demonstrate range/extent of
responsibilities - Include an organisation chart
101Professional Review Report 2
- How problems identified resolved
- Technical content - depth breadth
- Use of new emerging technologies
- Safety, quality environmental issues
- Your level of responsibility autonomy
- Identify size of project ()
- Where and how your role fitted in
- Leadership/management skills - direct or indirect
- Any budgetary and/or planning control
- Technical and commercial restraints
- Evidence of verbal written communications
skills - Learning points
102 103Professional Development IPD and CPD
DEVELOPMENT?CPD is defined as any activity or
process that provides added value to the
capability of the professional through the
increase in knowledge, skills and personal
qualities necessary for the execution of
professional and technical duties often termed
competence. It is sometimes called Life-Long
learning or Continuing Education. - CPD is self-managed process of maintaining
professional competence and whilst it is not
monitored by the IMechE, is obligatory under the
by-laws of the Engineering Council for all
professionally registered Members - IMechE has a new service of Training Resources,
now delivered through CPD. Please see all
information at - www.imeche/profdev/cpd
- or contact cpd_at_imeche.org .
104Go to the New Improved Professional Development
Portal to see IPD and CPD
Read more on the website www.imeche/profdev/cpd
- CPD and Training
105- Final comments or questions
106(No Transcript)