Title: Nominations
1Gifted/Talented Programs
- Nominations
- Testing
- Screening
- Opportunities for
- all grade levels
Gifted students demonstrate high intellectual
ability, creativity, and task
- NISD is dedicated to meeting the needs and
reinforcing the strengths and interests of gifted
students. - NISD recognizes some children possess
extraordinary talents and abilities that need to
be fostered, guided and developed in adjunct to
the normal classroom setting
3Who can nominatea student for GT?
- Talent Spotters can be
- Parent
- Teacher
- Another student
- Self
- Community member
- In addition, test scores from district wide
administrations are checked to make sure that
students who scored at advanced levels have been
screened for the GT program (we flag high
4To nominate your child for the Gifted Program
- Contact your childs
- Teacher
- Counselor
- GT Specialist on your campus
- Principal
5Windows for Nominationsand Testing
- Students may be nominated for GT anytime during
the school year - There is a nomination
- deadline prior to each
- test taking session
Testing takes place at every school campus and
occurs in the fall spring semesters
6GT Testing Center
- The district provides testing free of charge
- Your childs scores determine eligibility to
enter the GT program - Three tests are administered usually on two
separate days - The achievement test and CogAT tests are returned
to the publishers for grading the Torrance test
is evaluated by the GT testing center trained
7GT Testing Center
- All tests are administered by a trained NISD
staff member. - Tests are available in other languages (i.e.
Spanish, Mandarin, etc.) - GT testing is confidential and will not be used
for any other purpose.
8Achievement Test
- NISD uses the Iowa Test of Educational
Development (ITED) - The test is called the ITBS at elementary level
- The Aprenda is the Spanish Achievement test for
K-12 students
- Only math and reading are administered
- We use the higher of these two scores
- This test, along with the CogAT test, usually
takes about 2 hours including directions and
breaks - Retesting can take place once every 12 months
9Abilities Test
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
- CogAT consists of the following sections
- Quantitative
- Verbal
- Non-Verbal
- We use the two highest sub-scores
- For Spanish CogAT nonverbal, BVAT verbal is
available but there is no quantitative section. - Retesting can take place once every 24 months
Reading Writing
10Torrance Test of Creative Thinking(TCCT)
- This test looks at the creativity of your child
- The test takes about 45 minutes
- Retesting can take place once every 12 months
- Example of test question make as many things as
you can out of circles
11Testing Information
- Your child cannot study for these tests.
- Make sure that they get a good nights sleep and
eat a healthy breakfast that morning. - Have them bring two No. 2 pencils to the testing
room. - Bring something to read in between tests.
- Fall and Spring testing is available for primary,
intermediate and secondary students. - January testing is available for Kindergarten
- A GT specialist examines the scores while
maintaining confidentiality - The test scores are part of a matrix(profile) for
identifying eligibility into the GT program
- All of the tests are norm referenced and the
percentile score yielded shows your childs
performance in reference to their peers. - At each campus there is a campus selection
committee to review all the test scores and
profiles of the students. This committee is made
up of an administrator, a counselor and a GT
teacher(s). - Previous testing data can be used.
14Behavioral Characteristics Scale
- It asks for your opinion on various
characteristics about how your child - learns
- is motivated
- shows leadership
- communicates
- demonstrates creativity
Both a parent and an educator or counselor need
to complete this form for the entry process
15Entry Requirements
- Each campus has a unique cutoff score or minimum
for consideration of entry into the program. - Check with the GT specialist at your childs
school. - Students new to NISD with former GT status are
screened as needed and placed within 30 days of
entering the district.
16Notification of Results
- You will be notified of the results of the
screening process in the mail. - This process usually takes about six weeks.
17Gifted Programs
- NISD administers pull-out programs in which
gifted students of all ages and grade levels can
interact with each other. - Visit the NISD website for more information
- www.nisd.net/giftww/GTweb/
This information is provided by the NISD
Gifted/Talented Advisory Council.