Title: Perpetual Pavement Design
1Perpetual Pavement Design
Canadian User Producer Group for
Asphalt Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Nov. 16th 2008
John DAngelo Federal Highway Administration Washi
ngton, DC
2Appian way in Italy
Experienced based design Build it thick Build it
with durable materials It will last
3Pavement Design
- In a modern world can we afford to over design?
- Limited resources
- Limited money
- High demand
- How do we design for just the right performance?
4Fatigue Theory
High Strain Short Life Low Strain Long Life
5Fatigue Cracking
6Fatigue Cracking
7Traditional Fatigue Plot
8Fatigue Theory for Thick Pavements
High Strain Short Life Low Strain Unlimited
9(No Transcript)
1070 Micro Strain Test
12Eventual Distress
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14Goal of Perpetual Pavement Design
- Design the structure such that there are no deep
structural distresses - Bottom up fatigue cracking
- Structural rutting
- All distresses can be quickly remedied from
surface - Result in a structure with Perpetual or Long
15Surface Distresses Only
Top Down Cracking
Non-Structural Rutting
16Dynamic Modulus Test
17Soil Modulus Testing
18Dynamic Cone Penetration
19FWD Testing
21Tire has a total load P, spread over a
circular area with a radius of a, resulting in a
contact pressure of p.
Pavement Reactions
Layer 1 HMA E1
Deflection (d)
No horizontal boundary, assume layers extend infi
Tensile Strain (et)
Layer 2 Granular Base E2
Layer 3 Subgrade Soil E3
Compressive Strain (ev)
No bottom boundary, assume soil goes on
Figure 2. Layered Elastic Model Representation of
a Pavement.
22Perpetual Pavement Design
French concept High modulus high binder content
base. California concept- High strain tolerance
polymer asphalt base. New approach- combine both
with stiff agg. base to reduce cost.
23New Jersey I-287Surface Cracking
Solution Mill 4 and Overlay with 5
24Perpetual Pavement
- Structure Lasts 50 years.
- Bottom-Up Design and Construction
- Indefinite Fatigue Life
- Renewable Pavement Surface.
- High Rutting Resistance
- Tailored for Specific Application
- Consistent, Smooth and Safe Driving Surface.
- Environmentally Friendly
- Avoids Costly Reconstruction.