Title: Managing Conflict in the Workplace
1Managing Conflict in the Workplace
- Christine Marchioro
- IML Legislative Associate
2What is Workplace Conflict? Conflict is like
water too much causes damage to people and
property too little creates a dry, barren
landscape devoid of life and color. (1)
- Conflict is defined as incompatible attitudes,
motives, values, expectations or activities. - Workplace conflict is defined as an expression
of dissatisfaction or disagreement with an
interaction, process, product, or service. (2) - Loosely translated conflict is inevitable!
3Not All Conflict Is BadProperly Managed
Conflict Can Bring About Great Results!!
- Stimulate innovation, creativity, and growth
- Provide for better organizational decision making
- Individual and group performance can be enhanced
- Relationships can be improved (3)
4Unmanaged Conflict Can
- Cause job stress, burnout, and dissatisfaction
- Reduce communication
- Damage relationships
- Create atmosphere of distrust and suspicion (4)
5Unmanaged Conflict Can Also
- Cost you in terms of time, money and
productivity. - Time wasted spent involved in conflict
- Conflict related absenteeism
- Conflict affects decision-making ability
- Potential restructuring around the conflict
6How Do We Manage It?Is this a private fight or
can anyone join? -Old Irish Saying
- You as The Third Side
- Bring parties to the table
- Facilitate communication
- Listen and acknowledge
- Help employees search for a solution (5)
7Examples of Workplace Conflict
- Individual
- The expectations of the employee and the employer
differ - Two or more employees
- Personality or work ethic differences
- Groups
- Disagreements between labor and management
8Scenario 1 Youve asked an employee to perform
a task that they perceive is not within their job
- If they dont comply with your request, how do
you respond? - If they do comply, but question their
responsibility to follow through, what do you do?
9Addressing the Problem
- Technique of Role Analysis
- Purpose of Role
- Expectations of employee
- Expectations of employer
- Role profile (6)
10Scenario 2 Two or More Employees Simply Cannot
Get Along
- Separate people from the problem
- Focus on interests, not positions
- Invent options for mutual gain
- Use objective criteria (7)
11Tips for Prevention
- Why Conflict Starts
- Frustrated needs
- Poor skills
- Weak relationships
- How to Prevent Conflict
- Provide
- Teach
- Build (8)
- (1) Cathy A. Constantino and Christina Sickles
Merchant, Designing Conflict Management Systems
(San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1996) xiii - (2) M. Afzalur Rahim, Managing Conflict in
Organizations (Westport, CT Quorum Books, 2001) - (3) Rahim 7
- (4) Rahim 7
- (5) William Ury, The Third Side (New York, NY
Penguin Group, 2000) 140-168 - (6) Rahim 104-114
- (7) Roger Fisher and William Ury, Getting to Yes
Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (New
York, NY Penguin Group, 1991) 15-93 - (8) Ury 114-139