Abbasids Caliphate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Abbasids Caliphate


Islamic civilization reach new cultural heights and Islam expanded widely in the ... Latten sails: Large triangular sails that are attached to the masts by long ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Abbasids Caliphate

Abbasids Caliphate
  • Chapter Summery
  • 9th c. Abbasids losing control Empire to vast
    to move armies
  • Shia dissenters troublesome, slaves uprising
  • Mongol invasions in the 13th century
  • Islamic civilization reach new cultural heights
    and Islam expanded widely in the Afro- Asian
    world through conquest and peaceful conversion

  • Middle and Late Abbasid Era
  • Abbasid disintegrated between 9th and 13 century
  • Al-Mahdi third Abbasid caliph failed to
    reconcile Shia moderates to his dynasty and to
    resolve the succession problem
  • Harun al-Rashid Most famous of the Abbasid
    caliphs renowned for sumptuous and costly
    living recounted in The Thousand and One Nights
  • Rulers became dependent on Persians advisors,
    continual civil violence drained the imperial
  • Costly new imperial centers, heavy tax burdens,

  • Declining Position of Women
  • The harem and the veil became the twin emblems of
    womens subjugation to men
  • Seclusion of elite women, wives, and concubines
  • The practice of veiling spread to all

Abbasids Army
  • Women intrigued for advancement of their sons
  • Abbasid wealth generated demand for concubines
    and male slaves in non-Muslim neighboring lands.

Buyids Persian invaders of the 10th c.captured
Baghdad and acted as sultans through Abbasid
figureheads. Sultan Word meaning victorious
came to designate Muslim rulers.
  • Seljuk Turks Nomadic invaders from central Asia
    staunch Sunni ruled from the 11th c. in the name
    of the Abbasids.
  • Crusades invasions of western Christians into
    Muslim lands, especially Palestine captured
    Jerusalem and established Christian kingdoms
    enduring until 1291.
  • Saladin 12th c. Muslim ruler reconquered most
    of the crusader kingdoms

  • Impact of Crusades
  • Christian knights invaded Muslim territory 1096
  • Established small, rival kingdoms
  • The last fell 1291 and reunited under Saladin
  • European borrowed sophisticated technology,
    architecture, medicine, mathematics, science and
    general culture from Muslim
  • European recovered much lost Greek/Roman
  • Italian merchants remained

  • Age of Learning
  • Great ages of human creativity
  • Rapid urban growth
  • Merchants - huge fortunes
  • Artists and artisans created mosques, palaces,
    tapestries, rugs, bronzes and ceramics
  • Persian replaced Arabic as primary written
    language of the Abbasid court
  • Persia became language of high culture
  • Rubaiyat Epic poem of Omar Khayyam seeks to
    find meaning in life and a path to union with the
  • Sadi Great poet of the Abbasid era

  • Al-Razi classified all matter as animal,
    vegetable, and mineral
  • Ulama Islamic religious scholars pressed for a
    more conservative and restrictive theology
    opposed to non-Islamic thinking
  • Sufis Islamic mystics spread Islam to many
    Afro-Asian regions.
  • Mongols Central Asian nomadic peoples captured
    Baghdad in 1258 and killed the last Abbasid caliph
  • Chinggis Khan Born in 1170, elected khagnan of
    all Mongol tribes in 1206 responsible for the
    conquest of northern kingdoms of China
    territories as far west as the Abbasid regions
    died in 1227, prior to the conquest of most of
    the Islamic world

Chinggis Khan
  • Early 13th c. Chinggis Khan destroyed the Turkic
    Persian kingdoms east of Baghdad. His grandson,
    Hulegu continued the assault. The last Abbasid
    ruler was killed when Baghdad fell in 1258. the
    once-great Abbasid capital became an unimportant
    backwater n the Muslin World.

(No Transcript)
Islam Comes to South Asia (India)
  • Hindu religion dominated by castes
  • Islam monotheistic, evangelical and egalitarian
  • Muslims rulers governed Hindu subjects
  • Muhammad ibn Qasim Arab general who conquered
    Sind and made it part of the Umayyad Empire

Muhammad of Ghur Persian ruler, invaded and
conquered Northern India
  • Rajas term used for Hindu Kings
  • Sultans of Delhi Title of the Islamic imperial
    houses of India, which literally means princes of
    the heartland.
  • Sati Hindu ritual for burning windows with
    their deceased husbands
  • Malacca Flourishing trading city in Malaya
    established a trading empire after the fall of

Sultans of Delhi military states ruled
north-central India for the next 300 years
Latten sails Large triangular sails that are
attached to the masts by long booms or yard arms
which extend diagonally high across both the fore
and aft portions of the ship
  • Eunuchs A castrated man in charge of a harem or
    high officer of a court of emperor.

Mamluks Turkic slave-warriors who ruled Egypt
and defeated the Mongols to prevents their entry
into northern Africa
Mamluke Empire
  • Muslim Presence in India The greatest majority
    of he population remained Hindu
  • By the close of he sultanate period there were
    two distinct religious communities.
  • South Asia remained the least converted and
    integrated of all areas receiving the message of
  • Southeast Asia had been a middle ground where the
    Chinese part of the Eurasian trading complex met
    the Indian Ocean zone.
  • By the 8th c. Muslims gained control of Indian
    commerce, Islamic culture reached southeast Asia
  • Peaceful contacts and voluntary conversion were
    more important to the spread of Islam than were
    conquest and force.
  • Trading prepared the way for conversion, with the
    process carried forward by Sufis.

  • Islam spread From Malacca to Malaya, Sumatra and
  • Coastal cities were the most receptive to Islam.
  • Buddhist dynasties were present in many regions,
    but since Buddhist conversions were limited to
    the elite, the mass of population was open to the
    message of the Sufis.
  • The Island of Bali and mainland southeast Asia,
    where Buddhism had gained popular support,
    remained impervious to Islam

  • Great civilizations and world religions have been
    closely associate throughout world history.
  • Religions have a core belief that allow adherents
    to maintain a sense of common identity and
    flexible enough to allow retention of important
    aspects of local culture.

  • Sufi Mystics were tolerant of the indigenous
    peoples Buddhist and Hindu Beliefs.
  • Many pre-Muslim beliefs were incorporated into
    Islamic ceremonies
  • Women held a stronger familial and societal
    position than They had in the Middle East or India

  • Global Connections Islam A Bridge Between
  • Islams central position in global history was
  • Expanding Muslim world linked ancient
    civilizations through conquest and commercial
  • Islam was the civilizer of nomadic peoples in
    Asian and Africa.
  • Its cultural contributions diffused widely from
    great cities and universities.
  • Political divisions caused exploitable weaknesses
    in many regions.
  • The increasing intellectual rigidity of the Ulama
    caused Muslims to become less receptive to
    outside influences at a time when the European
    world was transforming.
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