Title: B2B Working Group Workshop
1B2B Working Group Workshop
- 22 September 2016 1000 1600
Presented BY Chris Cormack
- In Attendance
- Update on progress and confirmation of timeline
and IEC sign-off process for start of
consultation. - Review two new supplied transactions
- NMI inquiry
- Pre-installation query
- Documents, document structure and drafting points
- Technical Specification document and any
technical issues - Notified Party transactions
- MSATs changes required to support B2B procedures
- Clarify Customer details notification with
respect to Life Support - Prospective retailer service orders
- Any other feedback
3In attendance
- AEMO Chris Cormack Procedure Lead, Andrew
Suwignjo SME, Paul Le Favi SME, Jackie
Krizmanic- SME, Matt Stuchbury - BA. - Retailer reps, Mark Riley AGL Energy, Mara
Tenis Lumo/Red Energy, Karly Train Energy
Australia, Aakash Sembey Simply - Distributor reps David Woods SA Power
Networks, Brett McLean United Energy, David
Sales TasNetworks, Anna Russo Endeavour Energy - Metering or Third Party reps Paul Greenwood
Vector, Charles Coulson Metropolis Metering,
Helen Vassos Active Stream, Shaun Cuppitt
Acumen - Apologies nil.
- 22 September todays workshop
- 27 September draft procedure review
- 4 October draft procedure Final review
- 7 October endorsement to proceed to IEC for
approval to consult - 10 October Initial Draft procedures sent to IEC
- 17 October IEC Meeting
- 20 October Initial Consultation starts
- 25 November Initial Consultation ends
- 23 December Draft procedures Consultation
starts - 20 January Draft procedures Consultation ends
- 6 March Publish final procedures
5Pre-installation Query and NMI Inquiry transaction
- Review information provided by participants
- NMI Inquiry supplied by Brett McLean.
- The group defined a similar transaction in Adds
and Alts discussion Meter Installation query
are these sufficiently different to warrant a
different transaction? - Pre-Installation query supplied by Shaun Cupitt
- For review.
6Documents and drafting
- Four key Procedures updates
- Service Order Process 3.0 see next page for
full Service Order communications. - Customer Site Details Notification 3.0 Customer
Details Notification including new Life Support
Customer Details Block, Custer Details Request,
Customer Details Reconciliation, Site Details
Notification. - Data Process 3.0 formally Meter Data process
includes PMD, VMD and MDN as well as the
provision of data for transactions
Pre-Installation query, Meter Installation query
and NMI inquiry. - One Way Notification 3.0 Network Tariff
Notification, Meter Fault Notice, Planned
Interruption notification and Notice of Metering
Works - Other documents
- Technical Specification 3.0 incorporates all
technical information in one document - Business Rules Guide a new document that can be
used by participants to guide the use of
procedures (IEC document not B2B procedure) - Glossary update for B2B terminology this is an
update to the Retail Procedures Glossary and
Framework for key terms from B2B procedures - ROLR Procedure Part B once B2B procedures are
close to being finalised this will be updated
7service order LIST Including hierarchy
- Supply Service Works
- Allocate NMI
- Tariff Change
- Supply Connection
- Supply Alteration
- Supply Abolishment
- RE-Energisation
- De-Energisation
- Remote
- Remove Fuse
- Turn off main switch and sticker
- Main switch seal
- Technical disconnect
- Meter Isolation
- Supply Isolation
- Disconnection at pole top, pillar box or pit
- Recipient discretion
- Special Read
- Check Read
- Final Read
- On Demand
- Metering Service Works
- Meter Exchange
- Meter Install
- Move Meter
- Meter Reconfiguration
- Remove Meter
- Install Controlled Load
- Install Hot Water
- Change Time Switch
- Meter Investigation Inspect
- Meter Investigation Test
- Meter Investigation Tamper
- Miscellaneous Service Request
8Drafting Principles for new B2b Procedures
- AEMOs current style guide
- No replication of legal requirements
- Legal and regulatory context consolidated in
Retail Electricity Market Procedures Glossary
and Framework - Common terms defined in Retail Electricity Market
Procedures Glossary and Framework) - Long terms will be abbreviated where the
abbreviations are commonly used
9Drafting Principles for new B2b Procedures
- The content of each procedure will reflect the
subject matter of that procedure and not be
replicated - Redundant or anachronistic material either
redrafted or deleted - Procedures will be consolidated where appropriate
- Other changes based on the drafting principles
are intended to rationalise, not change the
substance of the obligations or rights of the
parties to which the procedures apply
10Technical specification Questions
- Schema change
- Will there be a mandatory schema change 1st
December 2017? - Transactional interactions between participants
and the B2B/SMP hub - Will participants be able to use their
current/preferred method of transacting with the
hub? - Will the hub transform messages into the
preferred transactional method for each
participant? - Will there be instantaneous transactions?
- ITWG Commencement
- When will the ITWG for the SMP commence?
11Agenda items added by the group
- Notified Party transactions
- Brett McLean Email
- MSATs changes required to support B2B procedures
- Anna Russo Email
- Clarify Customer details notification with
respect to Life Support - General Discussion see over
- Prospective retailer service orders
- Mara Tenis Email
- Any other items
12Customer site details notification incorporating
Life support
New Process flow allows participants to use other
means of communication as agreed between
Initiator and Recipient which could be phone or
email. However, there is still an expectation
that a CDN will be sent by an Initiator.
13Life Support Details block
If Life Support Flag is checked Y (Mandatory
Field in in CDN) then the following fields become
Field Format USAGE Definition/Comments
LifeSupportContactName PERSONNAME M Â Should be the name of the person who is the specific contact for the management of Life Support and Life Support Equipment for the connection point. Â
LSPostalAddress ADDRESS Â M Must be the customers postal address for Life Support notifications. An aseXML compliant structured address or unstructured address must be provided. The data provided must be the one considered by the Current FRMP to be the one most suitable for use as a postal address for contacting the customer. The postal address, if provided in an unstructured format, must be complete such as to comply with Australia Post presentation standards. .
LSPhoneNumber1 TELEPHONE Â M R Must be the phone number of the person who is the specific contact for the management of Life Support notification for each connection point. Â
LSPhoneNumber2 TELEPHONE Â M R Must be the phone number of the person who is the specific contact for the management of Life Support notifications for each connection point. Â
LSEmailAddress VARCHAR(40) M/N Email Address should be provided if recorded by Initiator
LifeSupportEvidence VARCHAR(1) M Y or N values only. Â
ConcessionDetails VARCHAR(40) M/N Concession Details should be provided if recorded by Initiator. Must be provided if LifeSupportEvidence Y
SiteAddress ADDRESS Â M/N Must be the site address for the location of the Life Support Equipment. An aseXML compliant structured address or unstructured address must be provided. Must be provided if LifeSupportEvidence Y
Life Support Equipment VARCHAR(40) M/N Must be provided if LifeSupport Evidence Y. List of Equipment (To be added here)
PatientName PERSONNAME M/N Â Should be the name of the person who uses LifeSupport Equipment.. Must be provided if LifeSupportEvidence Y Â
- Next Workshop 27 September